43 resultados para 16S RIBOSOMAL-RNA


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In the present study, samples of rhizosphere and root nodules were collected from different areas of Pakistan to isolate plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Identification of bacterial isolates was made by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and taxonomical confirmation on EzTaxon Server. The identified bacterial strains were belonged to 5 genera i.e. Ensifer, Bacillus, Pseudomona, Leclercia and Rhizobium. Phylogenetic analysis inferred from 16S rRNA gene sequences showed the evolutionary relationship of bacterial strains with the respective genera. Based on phylogenetic analysis, some candidate novel species were also identified. The bacterial strains were also characterized for morphological, physiological, biochemical tests and glucose dehydrogenase (gdh) gene that involved in the phosphate solublization using cofactor pyrroloquinolone quinone (PQQ). Seven rhizoshperic and 3 root nodulating stains are positive for gdh gene. Furthermore, this study confirms a novel association between microbes and their hosts like field grown crops, leguminous and non-leguminous plants. It was concluded that a diverse group of bacterial population exist in the rhizosphere and root nodules that might be useful in evaluating the mechanisms behind plant microbial interactions and strains QAU-63 and QAU-68 have sequence similarity of 97 and 95% which might be declared as novel after further taxonomic characterization.


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We have reexamined the role of yeast RNase III (Rnt1p) in ribosome synthesis. Analysis of pre-rRNA processing in a strain carrying a complete deletion of the RNT1 gene demonstrated that the absence of Rnt1p does not block cleavage at site A0 in the 5' external transcribed spacers (ETS), although the early pre-rRNA cleavages at sites A0, A1, and A2 are kinetically delayed. In contrast, cleavage in the 3' ETS is completely inhibited in the absence of Rnt1p, leading to the synthesis of a reduced level of a 3' extended form of the 25S rRNA. The 3' extended forms of the pre-rRNAs are consistent with the major termination at site T2 (+210). We conclude that Rnt1p is required for cleavage in the 3' ETS but not for cleavage at site A0. The sites of in vivo cleavage in the 3' ETS were mapped by primer extension. Two sites of Rnt1p-dependent cleavage were identified that lie on opposite sides of a predicted stem loop structure, at +14 and +49. These are in good agreement with the consensus Rnt1p cleavage site. Processing of the 3' end of the mature 25S rRNA sequence in wild-type cells was found to occur concomitantly with processing of the 5' end of the 5.8S rRNA, supporting previous proposals that processing in ITS1 and the 3' ETS is coupled.


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Bacteria from the genus Mycoplasma are common inhabitants of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genital tracts of mammals. The understanding of the pathological significance of mycoplasmas in seals is poor, as few studies have utilized the specific culture techniques required to isolate these bacteria. The current study surveyed for the Mycoplasma species present in Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) and investigated the association between infection and pathology. Mycoplasmas were found in the nasal cavities of 55/80 (69%) of apparently healthy individuals. Isolates from 18 individuals were investigated through 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing, and 3 species were identified: M. zalophi, M. phocae, and Mycoplasma sp. (GenBank no. EU714238.1), all of which had previously been isolated from Northern Hemisphere pinnipeds. In addition, mycoplasmas were isolated from the lungs of 4 out of 16 juveniles and 1 out of 5 adults sampled at necropsy. Isolates obtained were M. zalophi, Mycoplasma sp. EU714238.1, and M. phocicerebrale, but infection was not associated with lung pathology in these age classes. Inflammatory disease processes of the heart and/or lungs were present in 12 out of 32 (38%) aborted fetuses on microscopic examination. Predominant findings were interstitial pneumonia, pericarditis, and myocarditis. Mycoplasma phocicerebrale was isolated from the thymus of an aborted fetus, and 3 out of 11 (27%) fetuses with inflammatory heart or lung lesions were PCR-positive for Mycoplasma. In conclusion, several species of Mycoplasma are part of the normal flora of the nasal cavity of Australian fur seals, and some mycoplasmas may be associated with abortion in this species of seal.


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Approximately 440 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal ribose nucleic acid (rRNA) coding region were sequenced from 13 marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith), samples from six locations and samples of two additional Cherax species from Western Australia. The results indicated that, with the exception of the Margaret River, no variation was found within or between marron populations. In contrast, marron from the Margaret River were found to be polymorphic for two divergent haplotypes (2.76% divergence). These findings were consistent with allozyme data that highlight the general lack of genetic variability within and between populations of this species apart from the Margaret River stocks. The genetic polymorphisms in the Margaret River stocks contrasted with earlier studies and indicated the recent translocation and mixing of genetically differentiated stocks within this river system. The implications of these findings for the conservation and management of genetic diversity within marron are discussed.


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The complete mitochondrial DNA of the blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra (Gastropoda: Mollusca) was cloned and 16,907 base pairs were sequenced. The sequence represents an estimated 99.85% of the mitochondrial genome, and contains 2 ribosomal RNA, 22 transfer RNA, and 13 protein-coding genes found in other metazoan mtDNA. An AT tandem repeat and a possible C-rich domain within the putative control region could not be fully sequenced. The H. rubra mtDNA gene order is novel for mollusks, separated from the black chiton Katharina tunicata by the individual translocations of 3 tRNAs. Compared with other mtDNA regions, sequences from the ATP8, NAD2, NAD4L, NAD6, and 12S rRNA genes, as well as the control region, are the most variable among representatives from Mollusca, Arthropoda, and Rhynchonelliformea, with similar mtDNA arrangements to H. rubra. These sequences are being evaluated as genetic markers within commercially important Haliotis species, and some applications and considerations for their use are discussed.


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This review describes the nature and applications of ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) from Momordica charantia (bitter melon). RIPs from the plant kingdom have received much attention in biomedical research because they target conserved host protein synthesis machinery and show specificity towards human and animal cell targets. Recent studies aimed at unravelling the enzymatic activities of the M charantia RIPs provide a structural basis for their activities. It has been reported that RIPs are member of the single chain ribosome inactivating protein (SCRIP) family which act irreversibly on ribosome by removing adenine residue from eukaryotic ribosomal RNA. Various activities of RIPs include anti-tumor, broad anti-viral, ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease. MAP30 (Momordica Anti-HIV Protein), alpha- and beta-momorcharins inhibit HIV replication in acutely and chronically infected cells and thus are considered potential therapeutic agent in HIV infection and AIDS. Further, MAP30 improved the efficacy of anti-HIV therapy when used in combination with other anti-viral drugs. MAP30 holds therapeutic promise over other RIPs because not only it is active against infection and replication of both HSV and HIV but is non toxic to normal cells. Here we review the nature, action, structure function relationship and applications of RIPs from Momordica charantia and evaluate their potential for anti-cancer and anti-viral therapy.


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Recent phylogenetic analyses of Albugo candida using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (cox2) gene, the nuclear ribosomal RNA large subunit (LSU) gene and the nuclear ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) gene region have revealed significant genetic variation and led to the description of new species in the A. candida complex. This study examined the genetic diversity within Australian collections of A. candida from various Brassicaceae species in a range of geographic locations. Phylogenetic analysis of 31 Australian A. candida collections from 11 hosts using the rDNA ITS region, rDNA LSU region and cox2 mtDNA showed that the majority of Australian A. candida collections were the common form of A. candida. One collection from a common weed host, hairy bitter cress (Cardamine hirsuta), was found to belong to a previously reported but undescribed species, while three collections, also from C. hirsuta, were found to belong to a new undescribed species.


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Many plants contain ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) with N-glycosidase activity, which depurinate large ribosomal RNA and arrest protein synthesis. RIPs so far tested inhibit replication of mRNA as well as DNA viruses and these proteins, isolated from plants, are found to be effective against a broad range of viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV). Most of the research work related to RIPs has been focused on antiviral activity against HIV; however, the exact mechanism of antiviral activity is still not clear. The mechanism of antiviral activity was thought to follow inactivation of the host cell ribosome, leading to inhibition of viral protein translation and host cell death. Enzymatic activity of RIPs is not limited to depurination of the large rRNA, in addition they can depurinate viral DNA as well as RNA. Recently, Phase I/II clinical trials have demonstrated the potential use of RIPs for treating patients with HIV disease. The aim of this review is to focus on various RIPs from plants associated with anti-HIV activity.


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Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are mainly present in plants and function to inhibit protein synthesis through the removal of adenine residues from eukaryotic ribosomal RNA (rRNA). They are broadly classified into two groups: type I and type II. Type I RIPs are a diverse family of proteins comprising a single polypeptide chain, whereas type II RIPs are heterodimeric glycoproteins comprising an A-chain (functionally equivalent to a type I RIP) linked via a disulphide bond to a B chain, mediating cell entry. In this review, we describe common type I and type II RIPs, their diverse biological functions, mechanism of cell entry, stability in plasma and antigenicity. We end with a discussion of promising applications for RIPs in biomedicine.


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The emergence of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza has caused a heavy socio-economic burden through culling of poultry to minimise human and livestock infection. Although human infections with H5N1 have to date been limited, concerns for the pandemic potential of this zoonotic virus have been greatly intensified following experimental evidence of aerosol transmission of H5N1 viruses in a mammalian infection model. In this review, we discuss the dominance of the haemagglutinin cleavage site motif as a pathogenicity determinant, the host-pathogen molecular interactions driving cleavage activation, reverse genetics manipulations and identification of residues key to haemagglutinin cleavage site functionality and the mechanisms of cell and tissue damage during H5N1 infection. We specifically focus on the disease in chickens, as it is in this species that high pathogenicity frequently evolves and from which transmission to the human population occurs. With >75% of emerging infectious diseases being of zoonotic origin, it is necessary to understand pathogenesis in the primary host to explain spillover events into the human population.


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Production of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag-Pol precursor protein results from a −1 ribosomal frameshifting event. In infected cells, this generates Gag and Gag-Pol in a ratio that is estimated to be 20:1, a ratio that is conserved among retroviruses. To examine the impact of this ratio on HIV-1 replication and viral assembly, we altered the Gag/Gag-Pol ratio in virus-producing cells by cotransfecting HIV-1 proviral DNA with an HIV-1 Gag-Pol expression vector. Two versions of the Gag-Pol expression vector were used; one contains an active protease [PR(+)], and the other contains an inactive protease [PR(−)]. In an attempt to produce viral particles with Gag/Gag-Pol ratios ranging from 20:21 to 20:1 (wild type), 293T cells were cotransfected with various ratios of wild-type proviral DNA and proviral DNA from either Gag-Pol expression vector. Viral particles derived from cells with altered Gag/Gag-Pol ratios via overexpression of PR(−) Gag-Pol showed a ratio-dependent defect in their virion protein profiles. However, the defects in virion infectivity were independent of the nature of the Gag-Pol expression vector, i.e., PR(+) or PR(−). Based on equivalent input of reverse transcriptase activity, we estimated that HIV-1 infectivity was reduced 250- to 1,000-fold when the Gag/Gag-Pol ratio in the virion-producing cells was altered from 20:1 to 20:21. Although virion RNA packaging was not affected by altering Gag/Gag-Pol ratios, changing the ratio from 20:1 to 20:21 progressively reduced virion RNA dimer stability. The impact of the Gag/Gag-Pol ratio on virion RNA dimerization was amplified when the Gag-Pol PR(−) expression vector was expressed in virion-producing cells. Virions produced from cells expressing Gag and Gag-Pol PR(−) in a 20:21 ratio contained mainly monomeric RNA. Our observations provide the first direct evidence that, in addition to proteolytic processing, the ratio of Gag/Gag-Pol proteins is also important for RNA dimerization and that stable RNA dimers are not required for encapsidation of genomic RNA in HIV-1.


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The full-length human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) mRNA encodes two precursor polyproteins, Gag and GagProPol. An infrequent ribosomal frameshifting event allows these proteins to be synthesized from the same mRNA in a predetermined ratio of 20 Gag proteins for each GagProPol. The RNA frameshift signal consists of a slippery sequence and a hairpin stem-loop whose thermodynamic stability has been shown in in vitro translation systems to be critical to frameshifting efficiency. In this study we examined the frameshift region of HIV-1, investigating the effects of altering stem-loop stability in the context of the complete viral genome and assessing the role of the Gag spacer peptide p1 and the GagProPol transframe (TF) protein that are encoded in this region. By creating a series of frameshift region mutants that systematically altered the stability of the frameshift stem-loop and the protein sequences of the p1 spacer peptide and TF protein, we have demonstrated the importance of stem-loop thermodynamic stability in frameshifting efficiency and viral infectivity. Multiple changes to the amino acid sequence of p1 resulted in altered protein processing, reduced genomic RNA dimer stability, and abolished viral infectivity. The role of the two highly conserved proline residues in p1 (position 7 and 13) was also investigated. Replacement of the two proline residues by leucines resulted in mutants with altered protein processing and reduced genomic RNA dimer stability that were also noninfectious. The unique ability of proline to confer conformational constraints on a peptide suggests that the correct folding of p1 may be important for viral function.


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The systematic relationships among Australian palaemonid shrimps have been the subject of speculation for some time. A preliminary phylogenetic study was undertaken to clarify the relationships of five species, Macrobrachium intermedium (Stimpson), M. australiense (Holthuis), M. atactum (Riek), M. rosenbergii (de Man) and Palaemon serenus (Heller), using 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene sequences. Phylogenetic analyses indicated inconsistencies with the current classification in two respects. First, M. intermedium formed a very well-supported clade with P. serenus distinct from M. australiense, M. atactum and M. rosenbergii. Second, the two species from inland Australia, M. australiense and M. atactum, showed a high level of genetic similarity over a substantial geographic range, suggesting that they may represent conspecific populations. The taxonomic and biogeographic implications of these findings for Macrobrachium in Australia are discussed.


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One of the most important requirements for systematic and phylogenetic studies is the identification of gene regions with the appropriate level of variation for the question of interest. Molecular phylogenetic and systematic studies of freshwater crayfish have made use of DNA sequences mainly from ribosomal genes, especially the 16S rRNA gene region. Thus, little information is available on other potentially useful mitochondrial gene regions for systematic studies in these animals. In this study, we look at nucleotide variation and phylogenetic relations within and between four species of freshwater crayfish of the genus Cherax from the southwest of Western Australia using four fragments amplified from the 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI), and Cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene regions. Samples of Engaeus strictifrons, Euastacus bispinosus, and Geocharax falcata were also sequenced for comparative purposes. The size of the fragments varied from 358 bp to 600 bp. Across all samples, the four fragments showed significant phylogenetic signal and showed similar proportions of variable sites (28.81–37.33%). Average divergence within species for the mitochondrial gene regions varied from 1.18% to 4.91%, with the 16S rRNA being the least variable and Cyt b the most variable. Average divergence between species ranged 7.63–15.53%, with 16S rRNA being the least variable and COI the most variable. At the generic level, average divergence ranged 17.21–23.82%. Phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, and COI regions generated four clades consistent with the presence of four species previously identified on the basis of allozyme and morphological studies. The relationships among samples were largely congruent across the data set, although some relationships remained unresolved. Not all samples could be amplified using the Cyt b primers, and some of those that were showed quite anomalous relationships, suggesting that one or more Cyt b pseudogenes were being amplified.


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This study uses nucleotide sequences from the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene to investigate the taxonomy and phylogeny of freshwater crayfish belonging to the 'Cherax destructor' complex. The sequencing of an approximately 440-bp fragment of this gene region from freshwater crayfish sampled from 14 locations identified significant haplotype diversity. Phylogenetic analysis found three distinct clades that correspond to the species C. rotundus, C. setosus and C. destructor. C. rotundus is largely confined to Victoria, and C. setosus is restricted to coastal areas north of Newcastle in New South Wales. C. destructor is widely distributed in eastern Australia and shows significant phylogeographic structure, with three well supported clades. None of these clades, however, correspond to species previously recognised as C. esculus, C. davisi or C. albidus. The failure to genetically distinguish these morphologically defined species is consistent with reproductive information and morphological plasticity relating to habitat similar to that documented for other Cherax species.