104 resultados para statistik

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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This essay examines the public debate concerning the unemployment of Sweden just before the general election 2005. Its main purpose is to analyse what lies behind the huge differences in statistics, as presented by the two leading factions in the debate. It concludes that these differences are foremost a problem of semantics, and that although the two factions have statistical proof of their claims, it is their use of terminology that is in fact their main weapon in the debate.The key word here is the swedish word for employment – sysselsättning – which the two facitons use in entirely different ways, creating a lot of possabilities for interpretation. This has caused a type of debate which is actually about the reinterpretation this word, and those who are to be included in the statistics as being “sysselsatt”, therefore, it is semantics that affects the number of unemployed people in the statistics.


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Denna examensrapport på magisternivå genomfördes under våren 2004, hos AB Borlänge Energi.Borlänge Energis servicetekniker behövde ett hjälpmedel för att effektivisera deras arbetsuppgifter. Tidigare sparades driftjournaler för varje servicekund lokalt hos kunden. Serviceteknikern behövde också åka tillbaka till huvudkontoret för att slutföra ett uppdrag. Borlänge Energi hade inte heller någon möjlighet att föra statistik över servicekunderna då alla driftjournaler sparades hos servicekunden.Vi utvecklade en prototyp av ett inrapporteringsverktyg för en handdator. I detta verktyg får serviceteknikern tillgång till all relevant information gällande serviceuppdraget. Efter slutfört uppdrag skickas driftjournalen in till en databas hos Borlänge Energi, samtidigt skickas ett email till servicekunden att serviceuppdraget är utfört.Utöver målet utredde vi nyttan med applicering av mobil enhet i organisationen. Borlänge Energi vill med detta veta om arbetet blev effektivare, samt om arbetsrutinerna förändrades. Resultatet vi kom fram till var att arbetet effektiviseras med användning av prototypen. Viktiga faktorer för att få serviceteknikern att använda prototypen var användarvänlighet samt förändring av arbetsrutiner.


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The purpose of this paper is to make quantitative and qualitative analysis of foreign citizens who may participate on the Swedish labor market (in text refers to as ‘immigrants’). This research covers the period 1973-2005 and gives prediction figures of immigrant population, age and gender structure, and education attainment in 2010. To cope with data regarding immigrants from different countries, the population was divided into six groups. The main chapter is divided into two parts. The first part specifies division of immigrants into groups by country of origin according to geographical, ethnical, economical and historical criteria. Brief characteristics and geographic position, dynamic and structure description were given for each group; historical review explain rapid changes in immigrant population. Statistical models for description and estimation future population were given. The second part specifies education and qualification level of the immigrants according to international and Swedish standards. Models for estimating age and gender structure, level of education and professional orientation of immigrants in different groups are given. Inferences were made regarding ethnic, gender and education structure of immigrants; the distribution of immigrants among Swedish counties is given. Discussion part presents the results of the research, gives perspectives for the future brief evaluation of the role of immigrants on the Swedish labor market.


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Sterners Specialfabrik AB tillverkar bland annat mynt- och biljettautomater. För att underlätta felsökning, underhåll, avläsning av statistik med mera på en automat är det lämpligt att detta utförs på en PC över Internet. Det innebär att automaten inte behöver besökas då dessa uppgifter skall utföras. Examensarbetet går ut på att få en PIC mikrokontroller att kommunicera med en användare vid en PC över internet. För detta krävs att en TCP/IP stack implementeras på PICmikrokontrollern. Arbetet ledde till en fungerande demoapplikation som klarar av att kommunicera över TCP/IP. Demoapplikationen innehåller diverse olika funktioner för att demonstrera hur en automat skulle kunna styras och övervakas.


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I min uppsatts så undersöker jag om det finns någon uppenbar pedagogisk skillnad mellan behöriga och obehöriga lärare. I undersökningen så deltog två outbildade och två utbildade lärare. Jag gör undersökningen genom grundfilosofiskt perspektiv. Jag börjar med att ge lite statistik på hur fördelningen har varit mellan behöriga och obehöriga lärare från 1990-talets början till en början in på 2000-talet. Redovisar sedan fyra grundfilosofier essentialism, perennialism, progressivism och rekonstruktionism. Efter detta redovisar jag mina intervjuer och filminspelningar samt tolkar och redovisar dessa. Jag kommer framtill att jag inte kan se någon uppenbar skillnad i min intolkning av de olika lärarna vare sig de är utbildade eller inte.


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Nested by linear cointegration first provided in Granger (1981), the definition of nonlinear cointegration is presented in this paper. Sequentially, a nonlinear cointegrated economic system is introduced. What we mainly study is testing no nonlinear cointegration against nonlinear cointegration by residual-based test, which is ready for detecting stochastic trend in nonlinear autoregression models. We construct cointegrating regression along with smooth transition components from smooth transition autoregression model. Some properties are analyzed and discussed during the estimation procedure for cointegrating regression, including description of transition variable. Autoregression of order one is considered as the model of estimated residuals for residual-based test, from which the teststatistic is obtained. Critical values and asymptotic distribution of the test statistic that we request for different cointegrating regressions with different sample sizes are derived based on Monte Carlo simulation. The proposed theoretical methods and models are illustrated by an empirical example, comparing the results with linear cointegration application in Hamilton (1994). It is concluded that there exists nonlinear cointegration in our system in the final results.


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In this paper, we study the influence of the National Telecom Business Volume by the data in 2008 that have been published in China Statistical Yearbook of Statistics. We illustrate the procedure of modeling “National Telecom Business Volume” on the following eight variables, GDP, Consumption Levels, Retail Sales of Social Consumer Goods Total Renovation Investment, the Local Telephone Exchange Capacity, Mobile Telephone Exchange Capacity, Mobile Phone End Users, and the Local Telephone End Users. The testing of heteroscedasticity and multicollinearity for model evaluation is included. We also consider AIC and BIC criterion to select independent variables, and conclude the result of the factors which are the optimal regression model for the amount of telecommunications business and the relation between independent variables and dependent variable. Based on the final results, we propose several recommendations about how to improve telecommunication services and promote the economic development.


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Ghana faces a macroeconomic problem of inflation for a long period of time. The problem in somehow slows the economic growth in this country. As we all know, inflation is one of the major economic challenges facing most countries in the world especially those in African including Ghana. Therefore, forecasting inflation rates in Ghana becomes very important for its government to design economic strategies or effective monetary policies to combat any unexpected high inflation in this country. This paper studies seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average model to forecast inflation rates in Ghana. Using monthly inflation data from July 1991 to December 2009, we find that ARIMA (1,1,1)(0,0,1)12 can represent the data behavior of inflation rate in Ghana well. Based on the selected model, we forecast seven (7) months inflation rates of Ghana outside the sample period (i.e. from January 2010 to July 2010). The observed inflation rate from January to April which was published by Ghana Statistical Service Department fall within the 95% confidence interval obtained from the designed model. The forecasted results show a decreasing pattern and a turning point of Ghana inflation in the month of July.


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Detecting both the majors genes that control the phenotypic mean and those controlling phenotypic variance has been raised in quantitative trait loci analysis. In order to mapping both kinds of genes, we applied the idea of the classic Haley-Knott regression to double generalized linear models. We performed both kinds of quantitative trait loci detection for a Red Jungle Fowl x White Leghorn F2 intercross using double generalized linear models. It is shown that double generalized linear model is a proper and efficient approach for localizing variance-controlling genes. We compared two models with or without fixed sex effect and prefer including the sex effect in order to reduce the residual variances. We found that different genes might take effect on the body weight at different time as the chicken grows.


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At the end of 2005, the State Council of China passed ”The Decision on adjusting the Individual Account of Basic Pension System”, which adjusted the individual account in the 1997 basic pension system. In this essay, we will analyze the adjustment above, and use Life Annuity Actuarial Theory to establish the basic pension substitution rate model. Monte Carlo simulation is also used to prove the rationality of the model. Some suggestions are put forward associated with the substitution rate according to the current policy.


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A massive amount has been written about forecasting but few articles are written about the development of time series models of call volumes for emergency services. In this study, we use different techniques for forecasting and make the comparison of the techniques for the call volume of the emergency service Rescue 1122 Lahore, Pakistan. For the purpose of this study data is taken from emergency calls of Rescue 1122 from 1st January 2008 to 31 December 2009 and 731 observations are used. Our goal is to develop a simple model that could be used for forecasting the daily call volume. Two different approaches are used for forecasting the daily call volume Box and Jenkins (ARIMA) methodology and Smoothing methodology. We generate the models for forecasting of call volume and present a comparison of the two different techniques.


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This study aims to investigate the important indicators that contribute to happiness among Beijing residence. The residents of Beijing were taken as the target population for the survey. A questionnaire was used as the main statistical instrument to collect the data from the residents in Beijing. In so doing the investigation employs Factor analyses and chi-square analyses as the main statistical tools used for the analyses in this research. The study found that Beijing residents gained greater happiness in the family, interpersonal relationships, and health status. The analysis also shows that generally, the residence of Beijing feels happier and also in terms of gender basis, females in Beijing feel happier as compare to their male counterpart. It will find that gender, age and education are statistically significant when dealing with happiness.


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Syftet med denna studie; en en-grupps före- och eftertest, var att beskriva förekomstfrekvens av alla PRIM-VIPS sökord i omvårdnadsjournalen på en vårdcentral före och efter en studiecirkel där distriktssköterskor (n = 19) och undersköterskor (n = 7) deltog. Två tidsperioder om vardera tre veckor valdes, en före studiecirkelns start och den andra när studiecirkeln var avslutad. Tidsperioderna var representativa ur både patient- och personalhänseende. Det totala antalet patientkontakter i respektive period bedömdes vara jämförbara. Samtliga distriktssköterskor och undersköterskor inbjöds till studiecirkeln, inbjudan sändes också till vårdcentralsledningen för kännedom. Studiecirkeln innefattade fyra träffar om två timmar vardera då alla sökord gicks igenom och diskuterades. Vid varje cirkelträff gavs hemuppgift som gicks igenom vid kommande studietillfälle. Dokumentationsmallar för de vanligaste typerna av kontakter gicks igenom, diskuterades och reviderades. Statistik från respektive period togs fram av en systemadministratör. Denna statistik har analyserats. Resultatet visade en ökning med 32% av förekomsten av sökord från period ett till period två. Man ser inte bara en ökning av förekomst av sökord utan man ser också vilka vårdfunktioner som är mest frekventa. Resultatet visar även en kraftig ökning när det gäller förekomstfrekvensen av sökordet medverkan, som bland annat beskriver patientens delaktighet i vården.


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The subgradient optimization method is a simple and flexible linear programming iterative algorithm. It is much simpler than Newton's method and can be applied to a wider variety of problems. It also converges when the objective function is non-differentiable. Since an efficient algorithm will not only produce a good solution but also take less computing time, we always prefer a simpler algorithm with high quality. In this study a series of step size parameters in the subgradient equation is studied. The performance is compared for a general piecewise function and a specific p-median problem. We examine how the quality of solution changes by setting five forms of step size parameter.


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This paper studies a special class of vector smooth-transition autoregressive (VSTAR) models that contains common nonlinear features (CNFs), for which we proposed a triangular representation and developed a procedure of testing CNFs in a VSTAR model. We first test a unit root against a stable STAR process for each individual time series and then examine whether CNFs exist in the system by Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test if unit root is rejected in the first step. The LM test has standard Chi-squared asymptotic distribution. The critical values of our unit root tests and small-sample properties of the F form of our LM test are studied by Monte Carlo simulations. We illustrate how to test and model CNFs using the monthly growth of consumption and income data of United States (1985:1 to 2011:11).