4 resultados para stadsfiskalen i Östersund

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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Uppsatsens syfte är att utifrån lösdrivarprotokoll från stadsfiskalen i Östersund att kartlägga och utforska lösdriveriet i Östersund under åren 1885-1899. Dessa protokoll har sammanställts för att kunna besvara frågor om lösdriveriets omfattning i staden, lösdrivarnas demografi, omständigheterna kring deras fasttagande och mantalsskrivningsort. Uppsatsens resultat har också, i en komparativ del, satts i relation till studier över lösdrivarsituationen i andra städer under den aktuella tiden, för att på så sätt jämföra Östersunds lösdriveri i förhållande till andra delar av Sverige.Resultatet visar att totalt 304 fall av lösdriveri finns dokumenterat i Östersund under den aktuella tiden, och den största andelen anhölls mellan åren 1889-1893. En stor majoritet av lösdrivarna var män, kvinnorna utgör endast 9 procent av Östersunds lösdrivare. Medelåldern var strax under 36 år och det vanligaste yrket var arbetare. Studien visar att den geografiska spridningen av lösdrivarna mantalsskrivningsort var stor och nästintill alla Sveriges län finns representerade.


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Risky water How the individual makes sense of unexpected parasites in the drinking water This quick response study was carried out with the aim to study how individuals made sense of the outbreak of the parasite Cryptosporidium in the drinking water in Ostersund. In total 24 interviews were made with people in Ostersund. The result shows that the interviewees related to social as well as spatial dimensions when they made sense of this risky situation, which can be understood in relation to the concept of sensemaking of risk. Six groups among the interviewees emerged in the analysis, illustrating how different aspects of the risk where focused in the process of sensemaking. Further, the study shows that the process of sensemaking was built upon direct as well as indirect social relations, where the interviewees made sense of the risk by relating to people who were close to them as well as to people to whom they had no personal relation. These indirect social relations were defined as: elderly, children and people in other countries, which also points at the fact that the interviewees made sense of the risk in a global context. Finally, the results suggest that social relations could be further explored in future studies in sensemaking of risk.


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Enacting the apocalypse: zombie metaphors in contemporary disaster preparedness Since the turn of the millennium, enactment of possible emergencies and catastrophes has become a most common way of producing knowledge about events yet to occur. Preparedness exercises are frequently performed by public authorities at local and regional levels. Collaborative approaches among relevant actors are enhanced and evaluated through simulated accidents and acts of terror as well as school shootings and epidemic outbreaks. Due to the incalculability of many modern threats, enactment is employed as a method for rendering potential future events available as empirical phenomena. However, sometimes these potential futures are represented in ways that correspond only to imagined and fictional worlds. The aim of this article is to explore the enactment of unreal possibilities in contemporary preparedness exercises. The empirical material employed for this purpose consists of crisis plans and exercise guides used in public and official institutions in the United States as well as qualitative interviews with municipal safety coordinators in Sweden.