6 resultados para self-image

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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In schools today, we expect student performances and achievements to be exceptional. Having good reading and writing skills are essential if students want to excel at their school assignments. Students with reading and writing difficulties have to work much harder than their other classmates. Their having to work harder coupled with being teenagers and facing all the uncertainties which are present at that age, these students face the difficult task of trying to find out who they are and who they want to be. In other words, they try to create their own individual identities. This study investigates the experiences of students with reading and writing difficulties in their interactions with other students and school personnel, in different situations. The collection of data has been done through group interviews. Thirteen, 15 year old students participated in these interviews. Some of the factors which characterise a hermeneutic approach have helped to form the basis on which the study lies. A hermeneutic approach suggests that the data collected is sorted and analysed to enable the identification of differences and patterns. These patterns are arranged to give results that are subjective and which also show an interpretation of the data collected. The results show that students are more comfortable with their identities, when they are diagnosed or made aware that their performances in school are directly affected by their reading and writing difficulties. The study also shows that having reading and writing difficulties tells the students who they are but, at the same time, plays an important role in their interactions with other classmates and adults. The outcomes of these interactions greatly affect the formation of their identities. The way in which school personnel treat students is also shown to be of great importance.


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The purpose of this essay is using theories about labeling and social bonds to study whether a measure of rehabilitation for the psychically disabled contributes to a return to a normal status as not-labeled. Partly we examine whether the activities organized by the regulation-ruled authorities during the work of rehabilitation lead to shame or pride, and partly how these activities are organized regarding the processes that lead to the emotions pride or shame among the participants. Method: qualitative semi-structured face-to-face interviews with professional rehabilitation-actors at the Public Employment Office (PEO), the Social Insurance Office (SIO), the Social Service (SOS), the Psychiatry and the Division of Labour Market (AME).Conclusions: the Psychiatry clients are treated with respect, may participate, and communication is characterized by attunement, therefore strong social bonds can be built. On the contrary, among the other examined activities, we found many elements that arouse shame. Since these are more ruled by regulations, the result is engulfment and demands on conformity, because the compromise-possibilities are almost non-existent. Psychically disabled persons are met by prejudice, ignorance, disrespect and a non-solidarity-language. To get help, the individual has to accept a label in form of a diagnosis, and this labeling leads to a negative self-image. Furthermore the psychically disabled persons are falling between two chairs because of a weak cooperation between the rehabilitation-actors. Bimodal alienation and triangulation contributes to the difficulties in cooperation.Result: the social bonds are not strong enough to achieve a rehabilitation-effect. Even if the treatment from each administrator is important, we find the explanation-level primarily in laws, rules and government, because the structure rules the rehabilitation-measures, with shame as a consequence. Since we found elements of shame institutionalized in the way of working at PEO, SIO, SOS and AME, it means that social bonds can never reach a level good enough for achieving pride and normalization from a deviance or labeled identity.


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Leadership is about synchronizing people into doing actions together to reach a common goal. To be able to do such thing you have to be a good leader. A mutual feature between good leaders is a good self awareness in order to be able to lead others. By letting others evaluate the features of a leader it can give a good self image of the leaders’ leadership. This is for seeing if there is a gap between the leaders own and the co-workers opinions about the leaders’ leadership. The purpose is to analyze if there could be a gap between a leader and its co-workers opinions about the leaders’ leadership and also to analyze why such a gap could exist.The method that has been used for analyzing the leadership is a 360 degree evaluation. The 360 degree evaluation is used in such way that the chosen leader, beyond its self assessment, is getting evaluated by its co-workers closest to him or her. This was implemented by questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaires are made after Adizes leadership roles and Hersey and Blanchards’ situational leadership.A leader often has different features, these does not accentuate because of the organizational structure and the position of the leaders in the organization emphasizes different features.


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Through semi-structured interviews with 8 school photographers and 10 parents,this study attempted to clarify what photographers and parents of children(aged 1–5) in preschool think of photography business in the current situationprovides retouching children’s school photographs and what they considers tobe acceptable. The result shows that companies do not offer photo retouchingfrequent, but performs this service at the direct request of the customer. Themajority of parents agreed that dirt and food was accepted to be removed fromthe photograph, and that this does not affect the child's self image. The photographersbelieve that one should be very careful when it comes to children andretouching, and that the debate is important.


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Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen bland kvinnor i Sverige. Att drabbas av bröstcancer beskrivs som en utmaning för kvinnans självkänsla, självbild, kvinnlighet och existens. Kvinnorna vill bli bemötta som en enskild individ och inte som en diagnos samt uppleva känslomässigt stöd från sjuksköterskorna. Syfte: Syftet är att genom en vetenskaplig litteraturöversikt beskriva vad kvinnor med bröstcancer har för erfarenheter av sjuksköterskors bemötande. Metod: Underlaget till denna litteraturöversikt består av 15 kvalitativa artiklar varav två delvis kvantitativa. Litteraturen har sökts via databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Resultatet har sammanställts med hjälp av en analysmetod för kvalitativ forskning. Resultat: Majoriteten av kvinnorna var nöjda och tillfreds med sjuksköterskornas bemötande. Få kvinnor uttryckte missnöje. Kvinnorna uttryckte att sjuksköterskorna hade en viktig roll under deras sjukdomstid och kunde tillmötesgå deras behov. Sjuksköterskornas bemötande uppfattades empatiskt, hänsynsfullt och omtänksamt. De negativa erfarenheter vissa kvinnor beskrev var dålig uppföljning, obesvarade frågor om psykiska besvär, brist på emotionellt stöd och en rädsla av att vara till besvär. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna spelar en central roll i mötet med- och i tillfrisknandet hos kvinnor med bröstcancer.