6 resultados para ranking

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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Det är många av tredje årets gymnasieelever som står inför ett viktigt och stort beslut gällande vilken utbildning och vilket lärosäte de ska studera vid efter studenten. En del gymnasieelever har redan bestämt sig för var de ska studera, medan andra är väldigt osäkra. För att en gymnasieelev ska kunna fatta ett genomtänkt beslut krävs det kunskap om de olika alternativen som finns eftersom det kan påverka beslutets riktning. En typ av information är rankinglistor av olika högskolor/universitet. Rankinglistor finns till för att förenkla det stora utbudet av utbildningar och högskolor/universitet. Genom att ge den sökande jämförande möjligheter och låta denna agerar utifrån sina egna uppställda kriterier kan rankinglistor fungera som ett stödjande verktyg vid valet av lärosäte. Den här studien syftar till att undersöka gymnasieelevernas förhållande till rankinglistor, vilket gjordes genom en kvantitativ studie i form av en enkätundersökning där gymnasielever från Dalarna medverkade. Enkätundersökningen baserades på teorier samt hypoteser som vi har verifierat eller förkastat för att komma fram till ett resultat. Den slutsats som studien har lett fram till är att rankinglistors påverkan, gällande gymnasieelevers val av lärosäte, är mycket begränsad. Det betyder att rankinglistor får en viss relevans när det sökta alternativet finns bland de lägst placerade lärosätena på en rankinglista. Trots detta finns det andra faktorer som kan påverka gymnasieelevernas val av lärosäte, så som egen uppfattning och rykte.


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Föreliggande studie syftar till att genom en visuell innehållsanalys kartlägga gemensamma drag i 120 universitetslogotypers visuella utformning, samt undersöka samband mellan dessa karaktärsdrag och universitetens internationella rankningsposition.Med utgångspunkt från topprankningslistan Times Higher Education World University Rankings med 400 internationella universitet, indelade i fyra grupper i intervaller om 100 (d.v.s. rankningsposition 1–100, 101–200 etc.), valdes 30 universitet ut per grupp genom ett obundet slumpmässigt urval. Logotyperna för universiteten inhämtades främst från deras grafiska manualer.I studien presenteras förekomsten av generella drag med avseende på färg, typografi, typologi, detaljrikedom samt innehåll och form. Resultatet visade på tydliga gemensamma drag med i regel en till två dominerande karaktärsdrag per kategori. Resultaten tyder dock inte på att universitetens rakningsposition påverkar den visuella utformningen.


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The present study is an interpretation of the two myths copied in the Old Babylonian period in which the Sumerian mother goddess is one of the main actors. The first myth is commonly called “Enki and Ninḫursaĝa”, and the second “Enki and Ninmaḫ”. The theoretical point of departure is that myths have society as their referents, i.e. they are “talking about” society, and that this is done in an ideological way. This study aims at investigating on the one hand which contexts in the Mesopotamian society each section of the myths refers to, and on the other hand which ideological aspects that the myths express in terms of power relations. The myths are contextualized in relation to their historical and social setting. If the myth for example deals with working men, male work in the area during the relevant period is discussed. The same method of contextualization is used regarding marriage, geographical points of reference and so on. Also constellations of mythical ideas are contextualized, through comparison with similar constellations in other Mesopotamian myths. Besides the method of contextualization, the power relations in the myths are investigated. According to this latter method, the categories at issue, their ranking, as well as their changed ranking, are noted. The topics of the myths are issues important for the kingship and the country, such as irrigation, trade, health and healing, birth, collective work, artisanry and rivalry. All these aspects are used in order to express what the power relations between the goddess Ninḫursaĝa/Ninmaḫ and the god Enki look like. The relations are negotiated and recalibrated, which leads to the goddess getting a lowered status. Part of the negotiations and recalibrations is gender behavior, which is related to historical developments in society. The present work points to the function of these myths as tools of recalibrating not only deities, but also men and women in society.


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Introduction Researchers have, for decades, contributed to an increased collective understanding of the physiological demands in cross-country skiing; however, almost all of these studies have used either non-elite subjects and/or performances that emulate cross-country skiing. To establish the physiological demands of cross-country skiing, it is important to relate the investigated physiological variables to the competitive performance of elite skiers. The overall aim of this doctoral thesis was, therefore, to investigate the external validity of physiological test variables to determine the physiological demands in competitive elite cross-country skiing. Methods The subjects in Study I – IV were elite male (I – III) and female (III – IV) cross-country skiers. In all studies, the relationship between test variables (general and ski-specific) and competitive performances (i.e. the results from competitions or the overall ski-ranking points of the International Ski Federation (FIS) for sprint (FISsprint) and distance (FISdist) races) were analysed. Test variables reflecting the subject’s general strength, upper-body and whole-body oxygen uptake, oxygen uptake and work intensity at the lactate threshold, mean upper-body power, lean mass, and maximal double-poling speed were investigated. Results The ability to maintain a high work rate without accumulating lactate is an indicator of distance performance, independent of sex (I, IV). Independent of sex, high oxygen uptake in whole-body and upper-body exercise was important for both sprint (II, IV) and distance (I, IV) performance. The maximal double-poling speed and 60-s double-poling mean power output were indicators of sprint (IV) and distance performance (I), respectively. Lean mass was correlated with distance performance for women (III), whereas correlations were found between lean mass and sprint performance among both male and female skiers (III). Moreover, no correlations between distance performance and test variables were derived from tests of knee-extension peak torque, vertical jumps, or double poling on a ski-ergometer with 20-s and 360-s durations (I), whereas gross efficiency while treadmill roller skiing showed no correlation with either distance or sprint performance in cross-country skiing (IV). Conclusion The results in this thesis show that, depending on discipline and sex, maximal and peak oxygen uptake, work intensity at the lactate threshold, lean mass, double-poling mean power output, and double-poling maximal speed are all externally valid physiological test variables for evaluation of performance capability among elite cross-country skiers; however, to optimally indicate performance capability different test-variable expressions should be used; in general, the absolute expression appears to be a better indicator of competitive sprint performance whereas the influence of body mass should be considered when evaluating competitive distance performance capability of elite cross-country skiers.


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BACKGROUND: A wide range of health problems has been reported in elderly post-stroke patients. AIM: The aim of this study was to analyse the prevalence and timing of health problems identified by patient interviews and scrutiny of primary health care and municipality elderly health care records during the first post-stroke year. METHODS: A total of 390 consecutive patients, ≥65 years, discharged alive from hospital after a stroke event, were followed for 1 year post-admission. Information on the health care situation during the first post-stroke year was obtained from primary health care and municipal elderly health care records and through interviews with the stroke survivors, at 1 week after discharge, and 3 and 12 months after hospital admission. RESULTS: More than 90% had some health problem at some time during the year, while based on patient record data only 4-8% had problems during a given week. The prevalence of interview-based health problems was generally higher than record-based prevalence, and the ranking order was moderately different. The most frequently interview-reported problems were associated with perception, activity, and tiredness, while the most common record-based findings indicated pain, bladder and bowel function, and breathing and circulation problems. There was co-occurrence between some problems, such as those relating to cognition, activity, and tiredness. CONCLUSIONS: Almost all patients had a health problem during the year, but few occurred in a given week. Cognitive and communication problems were more common in interview data than record data. Co-occurrence may be used to identify subtle health problems.


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This paper elaborates the routing of cable cycle through available routes in a building in order to link a set of devices, in a most reasonable way. Despite of the similarities to other NP-hard routing problems, the only goal is not only to minimize the cost (length of the cycle) but also to increase the reliability of the path (in case of a cable cut) which is assessed by a risk factor. Since there is often a trade-off between the risk and length factors, a criterion for ranking candidates and deciding the most reasonable solution is defined. A set of techniques is proposed to perform an efficient and exact search among candidates. A novel graph is introduced to reduce the search-space, and navigate the search toward feasible and desirable solutions. Moreover, admissible heuristic length estimation helps to early detection of partial cycles which lead to unreasonable solutions. The results show that the method provides solutions which are both technically and financially reasonable. Furthermore, it is proved that the proposed techniques are very efficient in reducing the computational time of the search to a reasonable amount.