8 resultados para printer

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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Detta examensarbete beskriver i detalj hur ICC-profiler fo¨r utskriftsmedier, i detta fall fo¨r storformatskrivare, skapas. Examensarbetet omfattade framtagande av ICC-profiler fo¨r substrat till storformatskrivaren Mutoh Toucan PJ-1614NXE (Mutoh Toucan) hos BEMI REKLAM AB (BEMI), Borla¨nge. Fo¨retaget har tidigare anva¨nt en standardlinja¨risering till samtliga substrat fo¨r storformatskrivaren, dock utan att applicera na°gon ICC-profil fo¨r utenheter. Samtliga substrat till Mutoh Toucan a¨r avsedda fo¨r utomhusbruk.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the print performance of some of the new most promising, cost effective absorbent pigments specialised for inkjet coatings on the market in a continuous drive to find an alternative to silica. The target was a lower production cost for ArjoWiggins inkjet products, OMD 01 and OMD 02. Five absorbent pigments are being evaluated through measuring the qualities of the coating mix itself, visual evaluations of print performance and physical testing of the coated paper. Pigments 1,2 and 3, which all are said to be tailored for inkjet coatings, did not reach the print performance needed for an OMD 01 and OMD 02 equal, due to severe bleed and feathering identified especially on the Epson 950 printer. They are therefore currently not seen as viable formulations. A blend of 50% pigment 5 and 50% silica had excellent print performance as OMD 01 and OMD 02 equivalents and is therefore recommended as a potential alternative to 100% silica. It is of the company’s interest to find a more cost effective solution to their inkjet coatings, and a 50/50 blend of Pigment 5 will save the company more than 35 000 euro per year.


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This project has been made in cooperation with Stora Enso Research Centre Falun (Research). Thebackground of the project is that Research has customers who demand a method to measure the quantityof varnish online in offset printing. The aim with the project is to investigate if any test method correlateswith the quantity of varnish and to improve the understanding of the variables in the varnishingunit. The goal with the project is to develop a functional method. Two printing trials have beenperformed. The aim with the first trial was to investigate how different factors in the printer influencedthe quantity of varnish using reduced factoranalysis. The aim of the second trial was to analyse onlya reduced numbers of factors in the varnishing unit. The methods that were used to measure the varnishingquantity are weighing, IR-analysis, gloss, whiteness and brightness. Results from the projectshow that the weighing method does not work in this study due to basis weight variations of the sheets.The results from weighing did not agree with the results from the other methods. On the other handthere is a strong correation between the IR- and the glossmethods.


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The Lugnetgymnasium in Falun has a graphic education that supplies a color printer, which is availablefor the students in their hall. The printer is a Ricoh AFC 6513 and it is a model that can handlevariable data. It was bought in the autumn of 2002. The teachers of the graphic education want to makeuse of the variable data function and procure a variable data software. The purpose of this project is toevaluate variable data software’s, so that the most suitable choice of software can be made for the graphiceducation. To be able to make this choice, criterions has been made what the variable data softwarewill fulfil. Different software’s of variable data has been examined and a summary was made whichtells what software that fulfils all the criterions. The software’s that seemed appropriate for the graphiceducation were PrintShop Mail and Personalizer-X. Adecision which one of these software’s thatwill be purchase was made by the teachers on the graphic education. Tests and a more detailed studyon the software’s have been done. The information has later been presented for the teachers. They madea decision, which were Personalizer-X. After this decision, an easier manual for Personalizer-X wasmade. The purpose with the manual is that the students on the graphic education, quickly and easy canget started with the use of variable data.


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Color management has become more common now than ever in the graphic trade. Calibration andcharcterization are words that are mentioned very often when it comes to controlling colors andwhen you want a printed picture to look the same as an original photograph. The problem is thatthere are not so many people that has the knowlegde about this subject. Even if a printer supportscolor management it is not sure that the result is going to be satisfied and that a printed picture isgoing to look the same as the original.The printers which were used were Hp DeskJet 970 Cxi, Xerox Docu Color 12 and AgfaChromapress 50i. The theory of color, colour management and the equipment which were usedare described in the first stage. The second stage describes calibration and characterization ofmonitors, scanners and printers. Finally the result of created ICC-profiles is set by visual comparisionof a photographs original colours and a scanned and printed photograph.The results of calibration and characterization were varying a lot. Agfa Chromapress 50i was theonly printer which could produce a succesful calibration. Agfa Chromapress 50i and XeroxDocuColor 12 gave the best results when comparing original photographs with printed pictures ifthey were separated with ICC-profiles. ICC-profiles created for Hp DeskJet 970 Cxi achievedundesirable effects. This was the only printer that gave a bad result both with and without ICCprofiles.The reason for this miserable result can depend on the printers unability to fully supportcolor management.


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The connection between fluorescence and color management still is a relatively unexplored area. Thefollowing composition analyses the theory that when printing on fluorescent ink jet paper using ICCprofilesa more yellow print will appear. In theory the ICC-profile compensate for blue light that fluorescefrom the paper with the complementary color, yellow. The human eye apprehands this fluorescentlight as white.When categorizing a number of ink jet qualities some tests to indicate change of color in the final printwere made. Five qualities were chosen for further analyses, each with different white point. TheTC3.5CMYK target was prined on an ink jet printer and measured with different filters for the measurementequipment, GretagMacbeth Spectrolino. U- and UV-filters were used during the testings.From the measurement data ICC-profiles were made to make it possible to watch how the profiles compensatefor the blue change of color that appeared in the data. Although a distinct change of color intoblue were discernible in the measured data there is no evident proof that this cause a final print thatis more yellow. Other conclusions and results are to be read at the end of this composition.


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The digital printing market is changing faster now than before and the ability to adjust to newsituations has become more importat to a printing company. An efficient internal communicationis essential. At Elanders Digitaltryck a decision was made in august 2002 to look over the shiftworking system for the printer operators. In this paper, an investigation of the possibilities tochange the existing system to a better one was made.The project resultet in four different timetabels. The construction was based on theoretical studiesand an analysis of the current situation at the workplace. The analysis showed that a strong resistanseagainst a change of the working hours exists among the workers and that this should beconsidered before a decision is made. An analasys of the printers counters shows that they areused more efficient during shorter shift periods compared to the longer ones. A closeer look at theabcense due to sickness shows that it is relatively high but no connection between abcense andworking hours could be made.Working hours is a sensitive issue and should be treated with care. It is important that the workersare well informed and preferly involved in the development of a new timetable.


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Program SOLVEJ är ett användarvänligt program som visar solens vandring över himlavalvet vid upp till fem valfria datum och vid valfri ort. Programmet är utvecklat av två skäl. För det första, att demonstreras för en intresserad allmänhet som del av vandringsutställning om solenergi, vilken är initierad och utarbetad av SERC. För det andra, att användas av solenerglintressenter för att snabbt få en uppfattning om solinstrålningen på en ort vid olika tidpunkter på året.Indata till programmet ges från tangentbordet. Som svar på frågor skrivs för vilken ort diagrammet skall gälla, max fem datum, ortens latitud och longitud, som anges positiv i västlig riktning, samt tidszonen. Varje uppgift avslutas med tryck på tangenten ENTER. Programmet kommer nu att rita ett koordinatsystem på skärmen. Första axeln visar vädersträcken, norr, öster, söder, väster och norr, varje delstreck utgör 10 grader. För södra halvklotet byter norr och söder plats. Andra axeln visar höjden över horisonten i grader, 0 till 90 grader och 10 grader för varje delstreck. Efter några sekunder ritas diagrammet upp med solhöjden som funktion av väderstrecket och varje hel timme markerad. Se fig. 1-4. Slutligen frågas efter om diagrammet skall ritas ut på printer. SOLVEJ avbrytes med att trycka CTRL+BREAK.SOLVEJ är skrivet i Quick-BASIC (se App. 1) och leveras både som källkod och körklar version. Lämplig dator är IBM-kompatibel AT med EGA- eller VGA-skärmkort (ej Herkules Lämplig printer är IBM Proprinter eller liknande matrisskrivare, kopplad till LPT1 på kommunikationskortet.Till grund för beräkningarna har använts artikeln On Calculating the Position of the Sun, publicerad i nr. 1 1988 av The International Journal of Ambient Energy. Fem empiriska ekvationer beträffande beräkningar av solens position har studerats för att undersöka deras tillförlitlighet. Felaktigheter på fem grader eller mer kan uppträda om man använder sig av de enkla ekvationer som kan hittas solenergi-böcker och som inte kräver tillgång till dator. FORTRAN-rutinen SUNAE2 (se App. 2) beräknar solpositionen med noggrannast kända metod. Program SOLVEJ är en utveckling av SUNAE2.