7 resultados para non-pharmacological intervention
em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive
Background. ‘Music Therapeutic Caregiving’, defined as when caregivers’ sing for or together with persons with dementia care situations, has been shown to facilitate the caring situation, and enhance positive and decrease negative expressions in persons with dementia. No studies about singing during mealtimes have been conducted, and this project was designed to elucidate this. However, since previous studies have shown that there is a risk that persons with dementia will start to sing along with the caregiver, the caregiver in this study hummed such that the person with dementia did not sing instead of eat. Aim. To describe professional caregivers’ experiences of humming during meal time while feeding persons with dementia. Method. An intervention with caregivers humming was implemented during lunch time. Focus group interviews were conducted to fetch the caregivers experiences. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the interviews. Results. The caregivers described that humming disseminated relaxation and joy, and awakened memories about the songs hummed which encouraged the persons with the dementia to join in the songs. They also described that humming seemed to make the persons with dementia associate with mealtime and could make them eat more. However it also revealed suspiciousness and agitation from the persons with dementia. Conclusion. Humming during mealtime revealed mainly positive as well as some negative influences. More and larger studies are needed to be able to draw general conclusions.
The number of persons with dementia (PWD) is increasing rapidly worldwide. Cognitive impairments and communication difficulties are common among PWD. Therefore, gaining mutual togetherness in caring relation between PWD and their caregivers is important. This study was to investigate the effects of music therapeutic care (MTC) during morning care situations on improving verbal and nonverbal communication behaviors in people with dementia. An observation study with 10 PWD participating. Videotaped interactions (VIO) between PWD and their caregivers were conducted during eight weekly sessions, four recordings consisted of usual morning care and four recordings were of morning care with MTC intervention. The Verbal and Nonverbal Interaction Scale was used to analyze the recorded interactions at a later time. The unsociable verbal variable Cursing decreased significantly (P=.037) during MTC when compared with the baseline measurement. A significant (P=.000) reduction was observed for the unsociable nonverbal variable Does not respond to question. MTC significantly (P=.01) increased the mean score for the sociable nonverbal variable – Calm – relaxed. For sociable verbal communication, significant differences were observed for the variables Use coherent communication (P=.012), Use relevant communication (P=.009), Responds to questions (P=.000), Humming (P=.004), Singing (P=.000). MTC during morning care situations can be an effective non-pharmacological treatment, as well as nursing intervention in order to improve sociable communication behaviors, as well as reduce unsociable communication behaviors of PWDs
Bakgrund: Alzheimers sjukdom (AD) är den vanligaste formen av demenssjukdomar och antalet människor som insjuknar i AD förväntas öka kraftigt med tiden. Dessutom kännetecknas personer med AD ofta av beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom (BPSD) som kan innefatta agitation, depression, vanföreställningar, oro, ångest, hallucinationer, sömnrubbningar, rastlöshet och apati. Dessa symtom kan orsaka lidande hos patienten och är svåra att hantera för både vårdgivaren och anhöriga, samt försvårar omvårdnadsarbetet. Syftet var att beskriva icke-farmakologiska metoder och effekter av dessa metoder vid omvårdnad av personer med Alzheimers sjukdom som har beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom. Metod: En litteraturöversikt bestående av 16 utvalda kvantitativa forskningsartiklar har genomförts. Artiklarna publicerades mellan år 2006-2016. Resultat. De studerade icke-farmakologiska metoderna var musikterapi, vissa typer av massage, reminiscence-terapi, vårdhundterapi och ljusterapi. Resultaten visade att icke-farmakologiska metoder kan ha en varierande effekt på BPSD. Litteraturöversikten visade att musikintervention var mest effektiv för att minska agitationsbeteende. Individualiserad musik i samband med speciella minnen minskade stress, fobier hos personer med svår demens. Intervention av handmassage, aromaterapi, taktil massage och terapeutisk beröring minskade aggression och agitationsbeteende. Vissa studier visade dock att fotmassageintervention och vårdhundterapi kunde öka verbal aggressivitet hos personer med demens, medan en annan studie visade att djurassisterade aktiviteter kunde minska nedstämdhet medan glädje och generell uppmärksamhet ökade. Effekten av ljusbehandling var förbättrad sömn, minskad depression, agitation och ätstörningar. Slutsats. Icke-farmakologiska metoder kan minska beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom hos personer med Alzheimers sjukdom, dock med varierande effekt. De varierande resultaten kan tolkas som att icke-farmakologiska metoder bör individanpassas och att det behövs vidare forskning inom området.
Syftet var att beskriva vilka icke farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärder en sjuksköterska kan användaför att lindra agitation hos äldre personer med demens. Metod Designen som har använts, är enlitteraturöversikt. Artiklar söktes via Cinahl och PubMed, med sökorden dementia, nonpharmacological,nursing och agitation. Sammanställning av sökord, antal träffar, urval,inklusionskriterier och exklusionskriterier återgavs genom text och tabeller. Till resultatsdelenvaldes 11 artiklar ut efter att granskats med granskningsmallar för kvalitetsbedömning. Bådekvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklar valdes ut i resultatet.Resultatet visade att de icke farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärderna, har en positiv verkan påpersoner med demens agitation. Litteraturöversiktns slutsats är att speciellt musik och beröringfungerar bra som icke farmakologisk omvårdnadsåtgärd. Den positiva effekten är dock kortvarig.Slutsats Det behövs lite nytänkande kring de icke farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärderna.Metoderna är bra. Det som behövs, är att komma på hur man får en långvarig effekt av dessa.
The World Health Organisation suggests that simplification of the medical abortion regime will contribute to an increased acceptability of medical abortion, among women as well as providers. It is expected that a home-based follow-up after a medical abortion will increase the willingness to opt for medical abortion as well as decrease the workload and service costs in the clinic. Trial design The study is a randomised, controlled, non-superiority trial . Methods Women screened to participate in the study are those with unwanted pregnancies and gestational ages equal to or less than nine weeks. Eligible women randomised to the home-based assessment group will use a low-sensitivity pregnancy test and a pictorial instruction sheet at home, while the women in the clinic follow-up group will return to the clinic for routine follow-up carried out by a doctor. The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of home-based assessment using a low-sensitivity pregnancy test and a pictorial instruction sheet 10-14 days after an early medical abortion. Providers or research assistants will not be blinded during outcome assessment. To ensure feasibility of the self-assessment intervention an adaption phase took place at the selected study sites before study initiation. This was to optimise and tailor-make the intervention and the study procedures and resulted in the development of the pictorial instruction sheet for how to use the low-sensitivity pregnancy test and the danger signs after a medical abortion. Discussion In this paper, we will describe the study protocol for a randomised control trial investigating the efficacy of simplified follow-up in terms of home-based assessment, 10-14 days after a medical abortion. Moreover, a description of the adaptation phase is included for a better understanding of the implementation of the intervention in a setting where literacy is low and the road-connections are poor. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT01827995. Registered 04 May 2013
Background In the Neonatal health – Knowledge into Practice (NeoKIP) trial in Vietnam, local stakeholder groups, supported by trained laywomen acting as facilitators, promoted knowledge translation (KT) resulting in decreased neonatal mortality. In general, as well as in the community-based NeoKIP trial, there is a need to further understand how context influences KT interventions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Thus, the objective of this study was to explore the influence of context on the facilitation process in the NeoKIP intervention. Methods A secondary content analysis was performed on 16 Focus Group Discussions with facilitators and participants of the stakeholder groups, applying an inductive approach to the content on context through naïve understanding and structured analysis. Results The three main-categories of context found to influence the facilitation process in the NeoKIP intervention were: (1) Support and collaboration of local authorities and other communal stakeholders; (2) Incentives to, and motivation of, participants; and (3) Low health care coverage and utilization. In particular, the role of local authorities in a KT intervention was recognized as important. Also, while project participants expected financial incentives, non-financial benefits such as individual learning were considered to balance the lack of reimbursement in the NeoKIP intervention. Further, project participants recognized the need to acknowledge the needs of disadvantaged groups. Conclusions This study provides insight for further understanding of the influence of contextual aspects to improve effects of a KT intervention in Vietnam. We suggest that future KT interventions should apply strategies to improve local authorities’ engagement, to identify and communicate non-financial incentives, and to make disadvantaged groups a priority. Further studies to evaluate the contextual aspects in KT interventions in LMICs are also needed.
Background: The need for multiple clinical visits remains a barrier to women accessing safe legal medical abortion services. Alternatives to routine clinic follow-up visits have not been assessed in rural low-resource settings. We compared the effectiveness of standard clinic follow-up versus home assessment of outcome of medical abortion in a low-resource setting. Methods: This randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial was done in six health centres (three rural, three urban) in Rajasthan, India. Women seeking early medical abortion up to 9 weeks of gestation were randomly assigned (1:1) to either routine clinic follow-up or self-assessment at home. Randomisation was done with a computer-generated randomisation sequence, with a block size of six. The study was not blinded. Women in the home-assessment group were advised to use a pictorial instruction sheet and take a low-sensitivity urine pregnancy test at home, 10-14 days after intake of mifepristone, and were contacted by a home visit or telephone call to record the outcome of the abortion. The primary (non-inferiority) outcome was complete abortion without continuing pregnancy or need for surgical evacuation or additional mifepristone and misoprostol. The non-inferiority margin for the risk difference was 5%. All participants with a reported primary outcome and who followed the clinical protocol were included in the analysis. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01827995. Findings: Between April 23, 2013, and May 15, 2014, 731 women were recruited and assigned to clinic follow-up (n=366) or home assessment (n=365), of whom 700 were analysed for the main outcomes (n=336 and n=364, respectively). Complete abortion without continuing pregnancy, surgical intervention, or additional mifepristone and misoprostol was reported in 313 (93%) of 336 women in the clinic follow-up group and 347 (95%) of 364 women in the home-assessment group (difference -2.2%, 95% CI -5.9 to 1.6). One case of haemorrhage occurred in each group (rate of adverse events 0.3% in each group); no other adverse events were noted. Interpretation Home assessment of medical abortion outcome with a low-sensitivity urine pregnancy test is non-inferior to clinic follow-up, and could be introduced instead of a clinic follow-up visit in a low-resource setting.