3 resultados para laws, regulations

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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The purpose of this essay is using theories about labeling and social bonds to study whether a measure of rehabilitation for the psychically disabled contributes to a return to a normal status as not-labeled. Partly we examine whether the activities organized by the regulation-ruled authorities during the work of rehabilitation lead to shame or pride, and partly how these activities are organized regarding the processes that lead to the emotions pride or shame among the participants. Method: qualitative semi-structured face-to-face interviews with professional rehabilitation-actors at the Public Employment Office (PEO), the Social Insurance Office (SIO), the Social Service (SOS), the Psychiatry and the Division of Labour Market (AME).Conclusions: the Psychiatry clients are treated with respect, may participate, and communication is characterized by attunement, therefore strong social bonds can be built. On the contrary, among the other examined activities, we found many elements that arouse shame. Since these are more ruled by regulations, the result is engulfment and demands on conformity, because the compromise-possibilities are almost non-existent. Psychically disabled persons are met by prejudice, ignorance, disrespect and a non-solidarity-language. To get help, the individual has to accept a label in form of a diagnosis, and this labeling leads to a negative self-image. Furthermore the psychically disabled persons are falling between two chairs because of a weak cooperation between the rehabilitation-actors. Bimodal alienation and triangulation contributes to the difficulties in cooperation.Result: the social bonds are not strong enough to achieve a rehabilitation-effect. Even if the treatment from each administrator is important, we find the explanation-level primarily in laws, rules and government, because the structure rules the rehabilitation-measures, with shame as a consequence. Since we found elements of shame institutionalized in the way of working at PEO, SIO, SOS and AME, it means that social bonds can never reach a level good enough for achieving pride and normalization from a deviance or labeled identity.


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Uppsatsens syfte var att undersÃka hur ledare hanterar situationer där medarbetares privata problem inverkar negativt pÃ¥ arbetet fÃr bÃ¥de arbetsgivare och Ãvriga medarbetare. FÃr att fÃ¥ svar pÃ¥ det har vi inspirerats av vinjettstudie som utgÃ¥r frÃ¥n diskussioner av fiktiva fall. Vi har genomfÃrt studien med fyra enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer och en fokusgruppsintervju där vi fÃrst introducerade respondenterna med vinjetterna. Deltagarna till undersÃkningen valdes ut genom ett subjektivt urval där vi riktade in oss pÃ¥ ledare, angÃ¥ende vilken organisation de tillhÃrde var av mindre vikt. I teoridelen introducerades teorierna ledarskap, medarbetarskap, individen i gruppen, ekonomi, hälsa, lagar, organisationskultur och fÃreskrifter samt fÃrsäkringskassans roll. Resultatet analyserades sedan mot teorierna och vi kan konstatera att respondenterna generellt menade att det var viktigt att prioritera kommunikation och relationer. Betydelsefullt var att relationerna etablerades innan problemen uppstÃ¥r eftersom det anses vara svÃ¥rt att skapa relationer i konfliktfyllda lägen. Tiden har betydelse vid hantering av problem av den orsaken att gränsen fÃr vad som är acceptabelt fÃrflyttas med tidens gÃ¥ng. Beroende pÃ¥ problem varierade graden av toleransnivÃ¥ hos chefer och Ãvriga medarbetare i vÃ¥r undersÃkning. Resultatet visade att gränsen fÃr privatlivets pÃ¥verkan pÃ¥ arbetslivet gÃ¥r när arbetet blir misskÃtt och när kunder och andra medarbetare pÃ¥verkas. UtifrÃ¥n ett genusperspektiv ansÃ¥g intervjupersonerna att det saknade betydelse om chefen var en man eller kvinna när det handlade om att hantera problem som uppkom, det ansÃ¥gs vara personligt.


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A major problem in e-service development is the prioritization of the requirements of different stakeholders. The main stakeholders are governments and their citizens, all of whom have different and sometimes conflicting requirements. In this paper, the prioritization problem is addressed by combining a value-based approach with an illustration technique. This paper examines the following research question: How can multiple stakeholder requirements be illustrated from a value-based perspective in order to be prioritizable? We used an e-service development case taken from a Swedish municipality to elaborate on our approach. Our contributions are: 1) a model of the relevant domains for requirement prioritization for government, citizens, technology, finances and laws and regulations; and 2) a requirement fulfillment analysis tool (RFA) that consists of a requirement-goal-value matrix (RGV), and a calculation and illustration module (CIM). The model reduces cognitive load, helps developers to focus on value fulfillment in e-service development and supports them in the formulation of requirements. It also offers an input to public policy makers, should they aim to target values in the design of e-services.