3 resultados para brand equity

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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Företags samhällsansvar (CSR) har utvecklats från ett fokus på etik till prestation och att således kunna fungera som ett strategiskt verktyg för differentiering och det är idag allmänt vedertaget för företag att använda sig av CSR med antagandet att detta genererar konkurrensfördelar. Samtidigt som CSR påvisats kunna skapa mervärde till ett företags varumärke ställs numera också krav från konsumenter att företag tar ett samhällsansvar. Det har däremot uppmärksammats att konsumenters medvetenhet om företags CSR-initiativ är låg, vilket kan anses problematiskt i och med de investeringar företag lägger på CSR och om detta således tas i beaktande vid konsumenters utvärdering av företag. Uppsatsens syfte är därmed att förklara om och hur CSR påverkar konsumenters attityd till ett företags varumärke samt ifall detta innebär ett mervärde och därmed varumärkesstärkande. För att uppnå syftet genomfördes en kvantitativ undersökning och enkäter skickades ut till studenter vid Högskolan Dalarna där totalt 682 respondenter slutförde enkäten. Resultaten visar en låg grad av medvetenhet, men att konsumenter med en högre grad av medvetenhet uppvisar mer fördelaktiga attityder till företag som tar ett samhällsansvar. Det framkommer också att dessa attityder genererar företag immateriella värden vilket senare teoretiskt förklaras innebära ett mervärde och därmed varumärkesstärkande. Studien landar i att CSR kan användas av företag för att stärka sitt varumärke, men finner dock en begränsning gällande konsumenters låga medvetenhet om företags CSR-initiativ.


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The paper analyses Gender Equality, Gender Equity and policies of combating inequality at workplace to make the society equal as a case study of Sweden. The aim of paper is see the gender equality, gender equity, discrimination against women at workplace and to describe the policies combating inequality in the welfare state of Sweden. This work highlights the gender equality in terms of institutionalizing gender equality, gender equity, gender and pay gap, parental leave, gender and the pension system and sexual behavior directed towards women and policies combating inequality to bring equality in society. For my research I used the secondary data the fact sheets, scientific literature, statistics from eurostate of Sweden and case studies about Swedish society and the theoretical explanation to explain the phenomena. To achieve my aim I used the combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods of research. I showed the empirical evidences of these phenomena from the Swedish society and theoretical analysis about equality and equity of gender in different wakes of life. I found an interesting conclusion that there are good policies and legislation to combat inequality to bring society but there are no policies to change the perception of society about male and female role.


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This research paper has been prepared by Bachelor students from Dalarna University in Borlänge. The project is centered on a case study of ICA – Kvantum and its brand awareness among customers. The purpose of this study is to find out that which measures can help ICA-Kvantum to create brand awareness among its current and potential customers by looking in to the importance of information of its offerings and use of effective communication tools to convey this information. Further, to recommend them what they need to do, to increase brand awareness among their customers with the help of managerial implications. The research question was formulated as what actions could be seen effective for ICA-Kvantum to maintain or improve brand awareness among its current and potential customers.The project was created with the help of theoretical concepts of brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality, consumer decision model, integrated marketing communication approach and strategic planning process. These theories were applied in this thesis in order to find out the most effective communication measures to maintain or improve brand awareness among current and potential customers of ICA-Kvantum.The primary and secondary data was collected. Primary data was gathered through the survey among ICA-Kvantum customers in the front of the store in Borlänge. The personal interview with manager was conducted in the office of ICA-Kvantum store located in Borlänge. Secondary data was gathered from textbooks, academic journals, theses and websites.The empirical findings have been presented in detail and then analyzed with the help of theoretical concepts. The analysis and further results from survey and interview focused on importance of information, marketing communication tools, brand awareness and loyalty, perceived quality and implementation of strategic planning process. Moreover, the main weaknesses and strengths of ICA-Kvantun have been evaluated. The conclusion including short summary of analysis and its results have been provided at the end. Each weakness of issues related to brand awareness i.e. importance of information, effectiveness of marketing communication tools and strengths and weaknesses of ICA-Kvantum discussed in the paper, has been pointed out along with solutions and managerial implications.