9 resultados para Tikka, Pia
em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive
Syftet med denna studie var att belysa kompetenser hos handledare samt att beskriva hur handledare kan stödja sjuksköterskestudenten för att nå målen i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning. Studien utfördes som en litteraturstudie. Litteraturen söktes i databasen Cinahl samt via sökmotorn Pubmed. Resultatet visar att de kompetenser som en handledare för sjuksköterskestudenter bör ha innefattar kunskaper inom medicinsk vetenskap, teoretiska, kliniska och etiska färdigheter, ha en helhetssyn i omvårdnadsarbetet samt ha god självkännedom dels i sjuksköterskeyrket samt i handledarrollen. Det ansågs också viktigt att handledaren hade pedagogisk kompetens och kunskap om hur studenters prestationer skulle utvärderas och bedömas. Forskning och utveckling, integrering av teori och praktik samt kunskap om reflektion samt vägledning var viktigt. Social kompetens behövdes i all kommunikation och för att främja samarbetet mellan universitet och vårdenheten. Olika sätt som handledare kunde använda för att stödja studenten att nå sina mål var med hjälp av handledarmodeller vilket visade på att det fanns organisatoriskt stöd från ledningen. Med PBL blev studenterna mer aktiva att söka kunskap vilket ledde till att de bättre kunde hantera omvårdnadssituationer. Att ha diskussionsträffar, planera arbetsuppgifter och upplägg gemensamt med studenten bidrog till en öppen inlärningsmiljö. Att stödja handledares utveckling kan innefatta kunskapsutbyte för att följa utvecklingen i sjuksköterskeutbildningen samt fortlöpande ha insikt i studentens läroplan.
Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka vilka kunskaper vårdpersonal upplever sig ha om äldre personer med diabetes typ 2. Resultatet av undersökningen ska ligga till grund för utvecklandet av ett instrument för kunskapskontroll inför delegering.Metod: Denna studie genomfördes med kvalitativ ansats med hjälp av fokusgruppsintervjuer.Den kvalitativa intervjumetoden användes för att ta reda på vilka kunskaper om diabetes som vårdpersonal i kommunal vård upplever sig ha. Studien innefattade intervjuer vid tre tillfällen. Sammanlagt deltog 22 personer i intervjuerna.Resultat: Studien visar att vårdpersonalen upplever sin kunskap om diabetes som bristfällig. Detta gäller framför allt symtom, behandling samt vilka åtgärder som ska vidtas vid förändring i hälsotillståndet hos den äldre personen med diabetes typ 2. Den största osäkerheten gäller kunskapen om blodsockervärden, vad som är normalvärde, höga respektive låga värden. De upplever sig också ha dålig kunskap när det gäller individuella målvärden. Detta tyder på att det är svårt för vårdpersonalen att arbeta enligt de nationella riktlinjerna som fokuserar på symtomfrihet och livskvalitet. Studien visar däremot att vårdpersonalen upplever sig ha goda kunskaper när det gäller omvårdnadsåtgärder som leder till ett gott förebyggande arbete, framför allt när det gäller fotkomplikationer. Sammantaget visar studien att vårdpersonalen behöver regelbunden strukturerad undervisning om diabetes för att de ska kunna ge en god och säker omvårdnad.
Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva upplevelser av gruppbaserad patientutbildning bland patienter med nydebuterad typ 2-diabetes.Metod: Studien genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Data bearbetades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Tre huvudteman kunde urskiljas; (1) ett sammanhang med andra skapar möjlighet till utveckling av egenvård, (2) hinder som komplicerar framsteg i egenvård och (3) svårigheter med gruppbaserad patientutbildning. Många vittnade om att förändringsprocessen startade redan vid diagnostillfället, men att den gruppbaserade patientutbildningen gav ytterligare möjlighet till kunskapsinhämtning och tillämpning av kunskap. Gruppdeltagarna delgav varandra värdefull kunskap och stärkte och gav stöd åt varandra, vilket ledde till personliga vinster. Det fanns hinder som försvårade framsteg i egenvård exempelvis bristande insikt och personliga egenskaper. Deltagarna uttryckte negativa synpunkter såsom att inte uppskatta deltagande i grupp och om svårigheter i delar av undervisningen. Slutsats: Deltagarna upplevde den gruppbaserade patientutbildningen positiv och berikande och som en betydelsefull del av förändringsprocessen. Kunskapsutbytet och gemenskapen i gruppen ansågs vara de viktigaste beståndsdelarna. Samtliga deltagare hade gjort positiva förändringar i levnadsvanor och framsteg i egenvård tack vare den gruppbaserade patientutbildningen. Det fanns dock hinder som försvårade förändringsprocessen.
The controversy of growth: a debate between economists and sociologists about the Swedish public sector Has the ‘Swedish model’ forced Sweden into stagnating economic growth? And has this caused Sweden to lag behind other comparable OECD-countries from the 1970s and onwards, i.e. since Sweden chose a welfare path different from many other countries? This has been the subject of a more than twenty year long controversy between Walter Korpi, professor of sociology and social policy, and leading Swedish mainstream economists. In a series of articles, especially during the years of economic crisis in the 1990s, Walter Korpi claimed that other reasons than the Swedish model has to be taken into account when comparing welfare states and their impact on economic growth, while the economists have persistently maintained the opposite view. These disputes over statistics and methodology have developed into what is here referred to as a science based controversy. This article analyzes the controversy between sociology and economy in accordance with controversy theory. In this way we can consider both the underlying social as well as political aspects of the debate, which leads to the conclusion that not every aspect of a science-based controversy is a byproduct of science itself.
Background: Political violence and war are push factors for migration and social determinants of health among migrants. Somali migration to Sweden has increased threefold since 2004, and now comprises refugees with more than 20 years of war experiences. Health is influenced by earlier life experiences with adverse sexual and reproductive health, violence, and mental distress being linked. Adverse pregnancy outcomes are reported among Somali born refugees in high-income countries. The aim of this study was to explore experiences and perceptions on war, violence, and reproductive health before migration among Somali born women in Sweden. Method: Qualitative semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with 17 Somali born refugee women of fertile age living in Sweden. Thematic analysis was applied. Results: Before migration, widespread war-related violence in the community had created fear, separation, and interruption in daily life in Somalia, and power based restrictions limited access to reproductive health services. The lack of justice and support for women exposed to non-partner sexual violence or intimate partner violence reinforced the risk of shame, stigmatization, and silence. Social networks, stoicism, and faith constituted survival strategies in the context of war. Conclusions: Several factors reinforced non-disclosure of violence exposure among the Somali born women before migration. Therefore, violence-related illness might be overlooked in the health care system. Survival strategies shaped by war contain resources for resilience and enhancement of well-being and sexual and reproductive health and rights in receiving countries after migration.
Background Somali-born women constitute one of the largest groups of childbearing refugee women in Sweden after more than two decades of political violence in Somalia. In Sweden, these women encounter antenatal care that includes routine questions about violence being asked. The aim of the study was to explore how Somali-born women understand and relate to violence and wellbeing during their migration transition and their views on being approached with questions about violence in Swedish antenatal care. Method Qualitative interviews (22) with Somali-born women (17) living in Sweden were conducted and analysed using thematic analysis. Findings A balancing actbetween keeping private life private and the new welfare system was identified, where the midwife's questions about violence were met with hesitance. The midwife was, however, considered a resource for access to support services in the new society. A focus on pragmatic strategies to move on in life, rather than dwelling on potential experiences of violence and related traumas, was prominent. Social networks, spiritual faith and motherhood were crucial for regaining coherence in the aftermath of war. Dialogue and mutual adjustments were identified as strategies used to overcome power tensions in intimate relationships undergoing transition. Conclusions If confidentiality and links between violence and health are explained and clarified during the care encounter, screening for violence can be more beneficial in relation to Somali-born women. The focus on “moving on” and rationality indicates strength and access to alternative resources, but needs to be balanced against risks for hidden needs in care encounters. A care environment with continuity of care and trustful relationships enhances possibilities for the midwife to balance these dual perspectives and identify potential needs. Collaborations between Somali communities, maternity care and social service providers can contribute with support to families in transition and bridge gaps to formal social and care services.
Background: Violence against women is associated with serious health problems, including adverse maternal and child health. Antenatal care (ANC) midwives are increasingly expected to implement the routine of identifying exposure to violence. An increase of Somali born refugee women in Sweden, their reported adverse childbearing health and possible links to violence pose a challenge to the Swedish maternity health care system. Thus, the aim was to explore ways ANC midwives in Sweden work with Somali born women and the questions of exposure to violence. Methods: Qualitative individual interviews with 17 midwives working with Somali-born women in nine ANC clinics in Sweden were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: The midwives strived to focus on the individual woman beyond ethnicity and cultural differences. In relation to the Somali born women, they navigated between different definitions of violence, ways of handling adversities in life and social contexts, guided by experience based knowledge and collegial support. Seldom was ongoing violence encountered. The Somali-born women’s’ strengths and contentment were highlighted, however, language skills were considered central for a Somali-born woman’s access to rights and support in the Swedish society. Shared language, trustful relationships, patience, and networking were important aspects in the work with violence among Somali-born women. Conclusion: Focus on the individual woman and skills in inter-cultural communication increases possibilities of overcoming social distances. This enhances midwives’ ability to identify Somali born woman’s resources and needs regarding violence disclosure and support. Although routine use of professional interpretation is implemented, it might not fully provide nuances and social safety needed for violence disclosure. Thus, patience and trusting relationships are fundamental in work with violence among Somali born women. In collaboration with social networks and other health care and social work professions, the midwife can be a bridge and contribute to increased awareness of rights and support for Somali-born women in a new society.
Background: Political violence and war are push factors for migration and social determinants of health among migrants. Somali migration to Sweden has increased threefold since 2004, and now comprises refugees with more than 20 years of war experiences. Health is influenced by earlier life experiences with adverse sexual and reproductive health, violence, and mental distress being linked. Adverse pregnancy outcomes are reported among Somali born refugees in high-income countries. The aim of this study was to explore experiences and perceptions on war, violence, and reproductive health before migration among Somali born women in Sweden. Method: Qualitative semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with 17 Somali born refugee women of fertile age living in Sweden. Thematic analysis was applied. Results: Before migration, widespread war-related violence in the community had created fear, separation, and interruption in daily life in Somalia, and power based restrictions limited access to reproductive health services. The lack of justice and support for women exposed to non-partner sexual violence or intimate partner violence reinforced the risk of shame, stigmatization, and silence. Social networks, stoicism, and faith constituted survival strategies in the context of war. Conclusions: Several factors reinforced non-disclosure of violence exposure among the Somali born women before migration. Therefore, violence-related illness might be overlooked in the health care system. Survival strategies shaped by war contain resources for resilience and