58 resultados para Text analysis

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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Many countries recognized the potential of medicaltourism as an alternative source of economic growth. Especially after theeconomic crisis many Asian countries joined medical tourism in hopes to escapethe severe financial difficulty. However, yet only few countries have managedto become a famous medical tourism destination. With growing number ofcompetitors, newly joined countries of medical tourism, face the difficulty inintroducing them self as attractive medical tourism destination. South Koreaas a new medical tourism destination, should consider what to offer to themedical tourists to attract them. The aim of the thesis was to investigate aspects influencing the participationof medical tourists to discover how South Korea could develop anattractive medical tourism destination. After examining the casestudy and results from the text analysis, researcher reached to the conclusionthat quality, cost and accessibility to treatment are the major reasons toparticipate in medical tourism. Also in the fierce competition, it is importantto develop differentiated offers from other destinations. Therefore, Koreashould concentrate on specialized treatments and ICT system to become anattractive medical tourism destination.


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The aim with this study is to analyze how Swedish social services interpret men's and women's needs and whether it is possible to discern any pattern in the social services investigations. The following questions are of importance: how men and women are described in the assistance investigations and if there are any differences between men and women in assistance investigations. The analysis is based on a qualitative text analysis of twenty assistance investigations. The investigations have been studied gradually and interesting patterns emerged which were analyzed by the theory of gender.The results are multifaceted and demonstrate on the one hand that men and women receive the help they apply for and the assessment of their needs is conducted in an equitable way. On the other hand, the study demonstrates that there is a difference in how men and women are described in the investigations.


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Hålningsprocessen är det inledande bearbetningssteget vid varmvalsning av sömlösa rör. Det är en tvärvalsningsprocess i vilken ett cylindriskt ämne valsas mellan två dubbelkoniska val¬sar över en plugg. Valsarna är snedställda med en viss mat¬ningsvinkel, vilken ger upphov till en axiell drivkraft genom ver¬ket. Hela denna pro¬cess är roterande. Detta i kombination med bl.a. de koniska valsarna leder till en förvrid¬ning av röret, dvs. en tänkt rak linje på det ingå¬ende äm¬net övergår till en spiral efter genomförd valsning. Med föreliggande uppgift är målet att studera förvridningen genom teoretisk och experimen¬tell analys. Syftet med detta är dels att få fördjupad kunskap inom området och dels att ut¬veckla en modell för pre¬diktering av förvridningen.Det experimentella arbetet är utfört på ett stål av typ Ovako 280 (SS2142). Denna mjuka stål¬sort valdes i syfte att undvika värmebehandling innan provberedning. För att visuali¬sera för¬vridningen fräs¬tes ett rakt spår längs det ingående äm¬net och hål borrades mot symmetrilinjen. De praktiska undersökningarna utfördes direkt i den löpande produktionen. Genomförda beräkningar uppvisar en längsgående förvridningsvinkel som stämmer väl över¬ens med uppmätt värde. Detta är dock under antagandet att den tangentiella hastighetskoeffi¬cienten varierar linjärt utmed deformationszonen. För en mer utvecklad modell krävs en nog¬grannare analys av kontakten mellan vals/ämne eller en grundligt genomförd uppmätning av ämnets vinkelhastighet.


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The main objective for this degree project was to analyze the Endpoint Security Solutions developed by Cisco, Microsoft and a third minor company solution represented by InfoExpress. The different solutions proposed are Cisco Network Admission Control, Microsoft Network Access Protection and InfoExpress CyberGatekeeper. An explanation of each solution functioning is proposed as well as an analysis of the differences between those solutions. This thesis work also proposes a tutorial for the installation of Cisco Network Admission Control for an easier implementation. The research was done by reading articles on the internet and by experimenting the Cisco Network Admission Control solution. My background knowledge about Cisco routing and ACL was also used. Based on the actual analysis done in this thesis, a conclusion was drawn that all existing solutions are not yet ready for large-scale use in corporate networks. Moreover all solutions are proprietary and incompatible. The future possible standard for Endpoint solution might be driven by Cisco and Microsoft and a rude competition begins between those two giants.


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The purpose of this paper is to make quantitative and qualitative analysis of foreign citizens who may participate on the Swedish labor market (in text refers to as ‘immigrants’). This research covers the period 1973-2005 and gives prediction figures of immigrant population, age and gender structure, and education attainment in 2010. To cope with data regarding immigrants from different countries, the population was divided into six groups. The main chapter is divided into two parts. The first part specifies division of immigrants into groups by country of origin according to geographical, ethnical, economical and historical criteria. Brief characteristics and geographic position, dynamic and structure description were given for each group; historical review explain rapid changes in immigrant population. Statistical models for description and estimation future population were given. The second part specifies education and qualification level of the immigrants according to international and Swedish standards. Models for estimating age and gender structure, level of education and professional orientation of immigrants in different groups are given. Inferences were made regarding ethnic, gender and education structure of immigrants; the distribution of immigrants among Swedish counties is given. Discussion part presents the results of the research, gives perspectives for the future brief evaluation of the role of immigrants on the Swedish labor market.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate pupils’ knowledge about science and what role science center is playing as a medium of communication to increase knowledge among students. This study also tried to find out pupils’ interaction: how they use science center as a source of scientific information, what they learn from their visit to a science center, their pattern of communication with it. This project also measured attraction, holding and learning power of exhibits of the science center at Dalarna University in Borlänge and learning power of planetarium program and slide show of Stella Nova Planetarium at Dalarna University.The subjects of this study consisted of students of class seven and eight and teachers of an urban school in Borlänge, Sweden. To find out students’ learning in a science center a pre and post visit test were conducted through questionnaires. Interview method by questionnaires was also used to explore pupils’ interaction with science center.The results of this study show that students learn by their visit to a science center but learning was not statistically significant (0.05).Girls learnt better than boys. School classes that have better pre-knowledge about science before a visit to a science center learnt worse than other classes having less pre-knowledge. Girls and boys interact with a science center in different ways. Science center is playing important role as a science communicator.


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I takt med att GIS (Grafiska InformationsSystem) blir allt vanligare och mer användarvänligt har WM-data sett att kunder skulle ha intresse i att kunna koppla information från sin verksamhet till en kartbild. Detta för att lättare kunna ta till sig informationen om hur den geografiskt finns utspridd över ett område för att t.ex. ordna effektivare tranporter. WM-data, som det här arbetet är utfört åt, avser att ta fram en prototyp som sedan kan visas upp för att påvisa för kunder och andra intressenter att detta är möjligt att genomföra genom att skapa en integration mellan redan befintliga system. I det här arbetet har prototypen tagits fram med skogsindustrin och dess lager som inriktning. Befintliga program som integrationen ska skapas mellan är båda webbaserade och körs i en webbläsare. Analysprogrammet som ska användas heter Insikt och är utvecklat av företaget Trimma, kartprogrammet heter GIMS som är WM-datas egna program. Det ska vara möjligt att i Insikt analysera data och skapa en rapport. Den ska sedan skickas till GIMS där informationen skrivs ut på kartan på den plats som respektive information hör till. Det ska även gå att välja ut ett eller flera områden i kartan och skicka till Insikt för att analysera information från enbart de utvalda områdena. En prototyp med önskad funktionalitet har under arbetets gång tagits fram, men för att ha en säljbar produkt är en del arbeta kvar. Prototypen har visats för ett antal intresserade som tyckte det var intressant och tror att det är något som skulle kunna användas flitigt inom många områden.


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This essay examines the persuasive side of language in a speech given by Senator Barack Obama on Super Tuesday in February 2008. It studies how Senator Obama utilizes language to convince and persuade his audience. This is done from an Aristotelian point of view, meaning that the study focuses foremost on how the senator’s word choices relate to Aristotle’s three means of persuasion, ethos, pathos and logos. Those basic guiding principles are relevant to use since Aristotle’s work on the subject of rhetoric is still today one of the most relevant works in that field. The analysis is basically performed through personal observations guided by previous studies, within the frame of Aristotelian rhetoric. The results show how Senator Obama enforces the three means of persuasion through language and how it can be considered persuasive. The study might add to rhetoric studies from a linguistic perspective since it reaches a better understanding of language used in the field of politics, where rhetoric is a prominent component.


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Gross domestic product (GDP) is generally considered as the most important index and comprehensive measure of the size of economy. This paper investigates empirically the relationship between transport infrastructure (focus on highways) and GDP growth based on a production function approach. The physical stocks of transport infrastructure were used instead of monetary data to measure public capital together with several other variables (labor and private capital) that were hypothesized to affect economic growth. Then we explore a number of subsequent studies that use panel data covering the period between 1992 and 2004. An investigation was done to compare developed countries and developing countries. Results indicate that physical units are positively and significantly related to economic growth. Furthermore there was an interesting finding that the output elasticity with respect to physical units for developed countries is higher than developing countries.


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This paper investigates what factors affect the destination choice for Jordanian to 8 countries (Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, Lebanon and Bahrain) using panel data analysis. Number of outbound tourists is represented as dependent variable, which is regressed over five explanatory variables using fixed effect model. The finding of this paper is that tourists from Jordan have weak demand for outbound tourism; Jordanian decision of traveling abroad is determined by the cost of traveling to different places and choosing the cheapest alternative.