7 resultados para Surveys and Questionnaires

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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The current paper presents a study conducted at At-Bristol Science Centre, UK. It is a front-end evaluation for the “Live Science Zone” at At-Bristol, which will be built during the autumn of 2004. It will provide a facility for programmed events and shows, non-programmed investigative activities and the choice of passive or active exploration of current scientific topics. The main aim of the study is to determine characteristics of what kind of techniques to use in the Live Science Zone. The objectives are to explore what has already been done at At-Bristol, and what has been done at other science centres, and to identify successful devices. The secondary aim is mapping what sorts of topics that visitors are actually interested in debating. The methods used in the study are deep qualitative interviews with professionals working within the field of science communication in Europe and North America, and questionnaires answered by visitors to At-Bristol. The results show that there are some gaps between the intentions of the professionals and the opinions of the visitors, in terms of opportunities and willingness for dialogue in science centre activities. The most popular issue was Future and the most popular device was Film.


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Detta examensarbete har genomförts av två studenter vid Högskolan Dalarna i samarbete medIT-konsultbolaget Istone Concrevi. Edsbyverken, som är en möbeltillverkare baserad i Edsbyn,är kund hos Istone och har ett behov att öka sin leveranssäkerhet. Företaget upplever också attdet finns en bristande sammanhållning mellan de som arbetar administrativt och de som arbetarmed tillverkning i verksamheten. Edsbyverken hoppas att en ökad sammanhållning ska varabidragande till en bättre leveranssäkerhet. Sammanhållning är ett begrepp som är vanligtförekommande inom idrott och lagsporter och förknippas ofta med framgång inom idrotten.Forskningsstrategin som används i studien är design and creation som fokuserar på att skapa nyaIT-produkter, artefakter. Denna studie har resulterat i en artefakt av typen instansiering i form aven applikation som utvecklats med hjälp av ett användarcentrerat och agilt arbetssätt. Syftet medstudien är att undersöka och testa hur teorier inom idrottspsykologi kan användas inom ettsystemutvecklingsprojekt med ändamål att få artefakten och utvecklingsprocessen att främjasammanhållning hos verksamheten. Datainsamlingsmetoder som använts i studien är intervjueroch enkäter. Intervjuerna har använts för att insamla bakgrundsinfo från verksamheten ochönskemål kring appen och enkäterna för feedback på appen samt för att utvärderasystemutvecklingens och appens påverkan på sammanhållningen.Resultaten från datainsamlingen är i många fall spretande med allt från positiva omdömen sommenar att sammanhållningen förbättrats, till negativa som menar att ingen inverkan skett. Vid ensammanvägning kan man dock se att majoriteten menar att detta forskningsprojekt inte lyckatsmed att förbättra sammanhållningen. En viss andel anställda vid Edsbyverken tror dock attsammanhållningen kan öka på längre sikt. Slutsatsen kring idrottspsykologi är att den vid enkoppling till systemutveckling har ett begränsat användningsområde och att många av de teoriersom förekommer om sammanhållning inte är användbara eller passande vidsystemutvecklingsarbete.


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Background Timely assessment of the burden of HIV/AIDS is essential for policy setting and programme evaluation. In this report from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 (GBD 2015), we provide national estimates of levels and trends of HIV/AIDS incidence, prevalence, coverage of antiretroviral therapy (ART), and mortality for 195 countries and territories from 1980 to 2015. Methods For countries without high-quality vital registration data, we estimated prevalence and incidence with data from antenatal care clinics and population-based seroprevalence surveys, and with assumptions by age and sex on initial CD4 distribution at infection, CD4 progression rates (probability of progression from higher to lower CD4 cell-count category), on and off antiretroviral therapy (ART) mortality, and mortality from all other causes. Our estimation strategy links the GBD 2015 assessment of all-cause mortality and estimation of incidence and prevalence so that for each draw from the uncertainty distribution all assumptions used in each step are internally consistent. We estimated incidence, prevalence, and death with GBD versions of the Estimation and Projection Package (EPP) and Spectrum software originally developed by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). We used an open-source version of EPP and recoded Spectrum for speed, and used updated assumptions from systematic reviews of the literature and GBD demographic data. For countries with high-quality vital registration data, we developed the cohort incidence bias adjustment model to estimate HIV incidence and prevalence largely from the number of deaths caused by HIV recorded in cause-of-death statistics. We corrected these statistics for garbage coding and HIV misclassifi cation. Findings Global HIV incidence reached its peak in 1997, at 3·3 million new infections (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 3·1–3·4 million). Annual incidence has stayed relatively constant at about 2·6 million per year (range 2·5–2·8 million) since 2005, after a period of fast decline between 1997 and 2005. The number of people living with HIV/AIDS has been steadily increasing and reached 38·8 million (95% UI 37·6–40·4 million) in 2015. At the same time, HIV/AIDS mortality has been declining at a steady pace, from a peak of 1·8 million deaths (95% UI 1·7–1·9 million) in 2005, to 1·2 million deaths (1·1–1·3 million) in 2015. We recorded substantial heterogeneity in the levels and trends of HIV/AIDS across countries. Although many countries have experienced decreases in HIV/AIDS mortality and in annual new infections, other countries have had slowdowns or increases in rates of change in annual new infections. Interpretation Scale-up of ART and prevention of mother-to-child transmission has been one of the great successes of global health in the past two decades. However, in the past decade, progress in reducing new infections has been slow, development assistance for health devoted to HIV has stagnated, and resources for health in low-income countries have grown slowly. Achievement of the new ambitious goals for HIV enshrined in Sustainable Development Goal 3 and the 90-90-90 UNAIDS targets will be challenging, and will need continued eff orts from governments and international agencies in the next 15 years to end AIDS by 2030.


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Software deployment, eller mjukvarudistribution översatt till svenska kan ses som processen där alla aktiviteter ingår för att göra en mjukvara tillgänglig för användare utan en manuell installation på användarens dator eller annan maskin. Det finns ett flertal software deployment-verktyg, som hanterar automatiska installationer, tillgängliga för företag på marknaden idag.  Avdelningen HVDC på ABB i Ludvika har behov att börja använda ett verktyg för automatiserade installationer av mjukvaror då installationer idag utförs manuellt och är tidsödande. Som Microsoftpartners vill ABB se hur Microsofts verktyg för mjukvarudistribution skulle kunna hjälpa för detta behov.  Vår studie syftade till att undersöka hur arbetet med installationer av mjukvara ser ut idag, samt hitta förbättringsmöjligheter för installationer som inte kan automatiseras i nuläget. I studien ingick även att ta fram ett generellt ramverk för hur verksamheter kan gå tillväga när de vill börja använda sig utav software deployment-verktyg. I ramverket ingår en utformad kravspecifikation som ska utvärderas mot Microsofts verktyg.  För att skapa en uppfattning om hur arbetet i verksamheten ser ut idag har vi utfört enkätundersökning och intervjuer med personal på HVDC. För att utveckla ett ramverk har vi använt oss av insamlade data från de intervjuer, enkätundersökning och gruppintervju som utförts, detta för att identifiera krav och önskemål från personalen hos ett software deployment-verktyg. Litteraturstudier utfördes för att skapa en teoretisk referensram att utgå ifrån vid utvecklande av ramverket och kravspecifikationen.  Studien har resulterat i en beskrivning av software deployment, förbättringsmöjligheter i arbetet med installationer av mjukvara samt ett generellt ramverk som beskriver hur verksamheter kan gå tillväga när de ska börja använda ett software deployment-verktyg. Ramverket innehåller också en kravspecifikation som använts för att utvärdera Microsofts verktyg för mjukvarudistribution. I vår studie har vi inte sett att någon tidigare har tagit fram ett generellt ramverk och kravspecifikation som verksamheter kan använda sig av som underlag när de ska börja använda ett software deployment-verktyg. Vårt resultat av studien kan täcka upp detta kunskapsgap.    


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The objective of this thesis has been to investigate the approval process for an image. This investigation has been carriedout at four catalog-producing companies and three companies working with repro or printing. The information wasgathered through interviews and surveys and later used for evaluation. The result of the evaluation has shown that allbusinesses are very good at technical aspects but also that the biggest problem they have is with the communication. Theconclusion is that businesses need a clear construction for the image process. This will minimize the communicationproblems and make the process effective.


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Lindex has a strong fashion position and is one of northern Europe's leading fashion retailers. Unfortunately their logotype no longer measures up to the fashion level that is required. Surveys and interviews have been conducted with employees at Lindex, disscusing their logotype. I have come to the conclusion that what is needed from Lindex side is strict guidlines for the employees to follow so that all information from Lindex to their customers is made with a great touch of fashion to it and in a coherent way.


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This study focuses on teachers’ opportunities and obstacles to perform skillful reading and writing instruction. It’s about the ability to accurately identify where students are in their reading and writing process and to help them develop good reading skills. It is also about the ability to recognize signs of difficulties that students may have in their written language development and to know what efforts are needed to help them advance their reading and writing skills. The research is based on teachers’ own statements and survey responses on the external conditions for teaching and on their approach, attitudes and knowledge in reading and writing. The empirical material consists of interviews, surveys and test data. The interview study was conducted with eight teachers. The questionnaire was answered by 249 teachers, while the knowledge test was conducted of 269 teachers and 31 special education teachers. Many of the teachers in this study have lack knowledge in the structure of language and common Swedish spelling rules. Furthermore, it appears that a large part of them are unaccustomed to explaining, in detail, students’ reading development and find it difficult to systematically describe the aspects of daily literacy instruction. The overall picture is that many teachers teach without having tools to reflect on how their education really affects students’ reading and writing. These shortcomings make it difficult to conduct effective literacy instruction. Once students have learned to decode or if they have reading difficulties, many teachers seem to one-sidedly focus on getting students to read more. The consequence could be that those who would need to practice more on the technical basic of reading or comprehension strategies are left without support. Lack of variety and individuality in fluency and comprehension training can challenge the students’ reading and writing development. The teachers in the study, who have the old junior school teacher and elementary teacher education, have the highest amount of knowledge of reading and writing (the test). Good education can provide student teachers with professional skills that they may develop further in their careers. Knowledge of the meaning of phonological and phonemic awareness as well as knowledge of how to count phonemes seem to be important for knowledge of reading and writing (the test). Knowledge of basic reading processes can be obtained by systematic and structured work with students’ linguistic development, and through continuous dialogues with experienced colleagues on how and why questions. This is one important way to work also in teacher training. When essential professional skills are established in the teacher education, in practice students will obtain the school’s learning goals.