7 resultados para Stein, Katrin

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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En presentation av Kungliga Svenska Baletten. Denna ska distribueras till operahus världen över innan ny turné påbörjas. Shanghais operahus var det första som fick den färdiga produkten.Fördjupningen rör olika operahus design och arkitektur ut- och invändigt. Även en del av husens relevanta historia tas upp.


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This report emphasizes the importance of seeing a university as a company that offers a service. It isimportant to see the different quality dimensions that distinguish a service. The customer-focused planninghas also set the structure of this degree project.The marketing investigation is based on recruit questionnaires and interviews with secondary schoolstudents. The questionnaires show that the catalogue still reaches out with most information despiteconstant increase of information search at the Internet. The students seem to prefer University ofKristianstad´s catalogue front.The competition analysis is based on telephone interviews and information material sent from theother universities. Structure, usage of the graphic profile amongst more is reviewed for every university.The answers have varied a lot but there are few that have a good structure. University of Dalarna´sinformation material has neither structure nor a homogenous look.The employees at University of Dalarna are not using the universities graphic profile. They are alsodissatisfied regarding the absence of pre-produced, general overhead film series. The internal analysisalso shows that the employees don’t know which material is accessible or where to find it.


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Syfte: Syftet var att utifrån patienters och närståendes nerskrivna berättelser ta del av deras upplevelser och erfarenheter av lungcancervården samt att utifrån dessa berättelser identifiera förbättringsidéer.Metod: Studien hade en empirisk design med kvalitativ ansats. Datainsamlingen skedde via idéböcker. Materialet analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Två teman framkom i resultat. Det första temat var: Känslor av otrygghet och lidande kopplat till vården, livet och den egna sjukdomen. De tillhörande kategorierna var vårdlidande, livslidande och sjukdomslidande. Det andra temat var: Känslor av trygghet kopplat till goda mellanmänskliga relationer. Tillhörande kategori var goda mellanmänskliga relationer. Utökat psykosocialt stöd och utbildning i kommunikation till personal fanns bland de idéer för utveckling av lungcancervården som framkom.Konklusion: Denna studie visade att patienter med lungcancer kände otrygghet och lidande, till stor del orsakat av vården. Där goda möten ägde rum skapades trygghet och goda mellanmänskliga relationer. Utökat psykosocialt stöd och utbildning i kommunikation till personal fanns bland de idéer för utveckling av lungcancervården som framkom.


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The aim of this qualitative study was to get a deeper understanding of social workers experience that children who participate in the Trappan-insatsen get a sense of coherence. To achieve an empirical material social workers who perform Trappan-samtal have been interviewed. The study shows that it is important that children get help and support to talk about the trauma they experienced. The support of the narrative, however, differ depending on the child's age, it is important to have a flexible approach as a Trappan-user. It appears that it is essential that parents give their consent to the children so they can talk about the violence. It also emerges that information to the children is an important part of understanding the process. The study shows that social workers feel that the children participating in the staircase mission get a sense of coherence.


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The aim of this thematic study is to examine how the water motif is used in Marguerite Duras’s literary work. The study shows that water has multiple functions in these texts: it is linked to major themes and creates an enigmatic atmosphere by its association with the unknown, the inexplicable and the unconscious. The strong presence of water in Duras’s texts is striking. References to the water element can be found in several titles throughout her career, from early works such as Un barrage contre le Pacifique (1950) to La mer écrite (1996), published just after her death. Almost all of her fiction take place near water – and the rain or the sound of waves serve as leitmotifs in specific novels. The water motif can play a metonymic as well as a metaphoric role in the texts and it sometimes takes on human or animalistic characteristics (Chapter 4). Several emblematic Durassian characters (e.g. the beggar-woman, Anne-Marie Stretter and Lol V. Stein) have a close relationship to water (Chapter 5). The water motif is linked to many major Durassian themes, and illustrates themes with positive connotations, for example, creation, fecundity, maternity, liberty and desire, as well as themes with negative connotations such as destruction and death (Chapter 6). A close reading of three novels, La vie tranquille (1944), L’après-midi de Monsieur Andesmas (1962) and La maladie de la mort (1982), shows that the realism of the first novel is replaced by intriguing evocations of the sea and the pond in the second text, motifs which resist straightforward interpretation. The enigmatic feeling persists in the last novel, in which the sea illustrates the overall sombre mood of the story (Chapter 7). Finally, the role of the water element in psychoanalytic theory is discussed (Chapter 8), and a parallel is drawn between the Jungian concept of the mother archetype and the water motif in Duras’s texts. The suggestion is made in this last chapter that water is used to illustrate an oriental influence (Taoist or Buddhist) of some of the female characters in Duras’s work.