3 resultados para Sida -- Prevenció -- Moçambic
em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive
I dagens skola finns det många elever som är i behov av särskilda stödinsatser i form av ett åtgärds-program. I vår strävan efter en skola för alla bör och ska ett åtgärdsprogram fylla en central funktion i elevens och skolans utveckling. Vårt syfte är att undersöka den synliga sidan av åtgärdsprogrammet, hur man arbetar och upprättar åtgärdsprogram på två skolor i Mellansverige. För att få svar på våra ställda frågor har vi valt att använda oss av den kvalitativa metoden, både i analysavsnittet och intervjuavsnittet. Resultatet i vår undersökning visar på att åtgärdsprogrammen i många fall är likriktade och statiska, samma åtgärder och målsättningar upprättas för elever i behov av särskilt stöd. Resultatet av våra intervjuer visar på att åtgärderna inte skiljer sig nämnvärt från tiden innan åtgärdsprogrammen infördes samt att åtgärdsprogrammet inte alltid visar på den verkliga insatsen vilket tyder på att åtgärdsprogrammet endast ses som en dokumentation i många fall.
This report describes the outcome of the first visit to Tanzania, within the project "Mini-grids supplied by renewable energy - improving technical and social feasibility". The trip included visits to three different organizations; Ihushi Development Center (IDC) near Mwanza, TIDESO near Bukoba, and Mavuno Project in Karagwe. At IDC, a brief evaluation of the current power system was done and measuring equipment for long term measurements were installed. At all three locations investigations regarding the current and future electricity demand were conducted and connections to people relevant to the study were established. The report is including as well some technical specifications as some observations regarding organization and management of the technical systems. The trip was including only short visits and therefore only brief introductions to the different organizations, based on observations done by the author. The report is hence describing the author’s understanding of the technical system and social structures after only short visits to each of the organizations, and may differ from observations done at another point in time, over a different time period, or by some other person.This report describes the outcome of the first visit to Tanzania, within the project "Mini-grids supplied by renewable energy - improving technical and social feasibility". The trip included visits to three different organizations; Ihushi Development Center (IDC) near Mwanza, TIDESO near Bukoba, and Mavuno Project in Karagwe. At IDC, a brief evaluation of the current power system was done and measuring equipment for long term measurements were installed. At all three locations investigations regarding the current and future electricity demand were conducted and connections to people relevant to the study were established. The report is including as well some technical specifications as some observations regarding organization and management of the technical systems. The trip was including only short visits and therefore only brief introductions to the different organizations, based on observations done by the author. The report is hence describing the author’s understanding of the technical system and social structures after only short visits to each of the organizations, and may differ from observations done at another point in time, over a different time period, or by some other person.