4 resultados para REDUNDANT

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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In recent years, it has been observed that software clones and plagiarism are becoming an increased threat for one?s creativity. Clones are the results of copying and using other?s work. According to the Merriam – Webster dictionary, “A clone is one that appears to be a copy of an original form”. It is synonym to duplicate. Clones lead to redundancy of codes, but not all redundant code is a clone.On basis of this background knowledge ,in order to safeguard one?s idea and to avoid intentional code duplication for pretending other?s work as if their owns, software clone detection should be emphasized more. The objective of this paper is to review the methods for clone detection and to apply those methods for finding the extent of plagiarism occurrence among the Swedish Universities in Master level computer science department and to analyze the results.The rest part of the paper, discuss about software plagiarism detection which employs data analysis technique and then statistical analysis of the results.Plagiarism is an act of stealing and passing off the idea?s and words of another person?s as one?s own. Using data analysis technique, samples(Master level computer Science thesis report) were taken from various Swedish universities and processed in Ephorus anti plagiarism software detection. Ephorus gives the percentage of plagiarism for each thesis document, from this results statistical analysis were carried out using Minitab Software.The results gives a very low percentage of Plagiarism extent among the Swedish universities, which concludes that Plagiarism is not a threat to Sweden?s standard of education in computer science.This paper is based on data analysis, intelligence techniques, EPHORUS software plagiarism detection tool and MINITAB statistical software analysis.


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2015 kommer Skid-VM att hållas i Falun. TV-bolagen kräver redundant kraft som standard för denna typ av arrangemang. Detta sköts normalt med dieselgeneratorer och eventuellt UPS:er. För att utreda detaljerna kring, och möjligheterna med, att ersätta några eller alla dieselgeneratorer med elkraft från elfordon, har en förstudie gjorts. Förstudien skall besvara en rad frågeställningar som togs upp vid ett förmöte i maj 2011. Slutsatsen är att det finns tre olika sätt att lösa behovet av avbrottsfri kraft med elfordon. Dessa möjligheter är personbilar med låg effekt ut, personbilar med hög effekt ut och tunga fordon med hög effekt ut. Det finns för- och nackdelar med samtliga, men alla kostar betydligt mer än en konventionell lösning. Därför måste, om detta ska bli verklighet, samarbete sökas med parter som ser ett stort PR-värde i en realisering av ett smart elnät med elfordon vid Lugnet.


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2015 kommer Skid-VM att hållas i Falun. TV-bolagen kräver redundant kraft som standard för denna typ av arrangemang. Detta sköts normalt med dieselgeneratorer och eventuellt UPS:er. För att utreda detaljerna kring, och möjligheterna med, att ersätta några eller alla dieselgeneratorer med elkraft från elfordon, har en förstudie gjorts under 2011. Denna studie tittat djupare på några sätt att göra detta. Slutsatsen är att tekniken finns och är mogen nog att klara uppgiften, men intresset hos fordonstillverkarna är svagt.


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This is a note about proxy variables and instruments for identification of structural parameters in regression models. We have experienced that in the econometric textbooks these two issues are treated separately, although in practice these two concepts are very often combined. Usually, proxy variables are inserted in instrument variable regressions with the motivation they are exogenous. Implicitly meaning they are exogenous in a reduced form model and not in a structural model. Actually if these variables are exogenous they should be redundant in the structural model, e.g. IQ as a proxy for ability. Valid proxies reduce unexplained variation and increases the efficiency of the estimator of the structural parameter of interest. This is especially important in situations when the instrument is weak. With a simple example we demonstrate what is required of a proxy and an instrument when they are combined. It turns out that when a researcher has a valid instrument the requirements on the proxy variable is weaker than if no such instrument exists