4 resultados para PEG RESCUE
em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie som inkluderar 18 artiklar, har varit att belysa vilka nutritionsstöd som kan förebygga och behandla malnutrition hos barn med cancer samt vilka omvårdnadsbehov som finns i samband med nutritionsbehandling. Resultatet visade att barn med cancer som behandlas med strålning och/eller cytostatika ofta drabbas av olika biverkningar som påverkar nutritionen. Cirka 46 % av barnen utvecklade malnutrition. Näringsintaget försämrades ofta på grund av biverkningarna vilket fick till följd att behandlingen försämrades samt tillväxt och utveckling påverkades negativt. Olika sätt fanns för att upprätthålla gott nutritionsstatus. Oralt intag förordades för att upprätthålla mag- tarmkanalens struktur och funktion. Alternativ för kostbehandling när barnet inte klarade att inta oral kost var nasogastrisk sond (NS), Perkutan Endoskopisk Gastrostomi (PEG) och Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN). NS visade sig vara relativt biverkningsfritt och ett alternativ att tillgå under kortare nutritionsbehandlingar. PEG var ett gott alternativ med relativt få biverkningar då barnet behöver nutritionsstöd under längre tid. TPN var ett alternativ enbart då barnet inte kunde äta relaterat till bristande upptag i mag- tarmkanalen. Försämrat näringsintag påverkade barnets livskvalitet. Familjen påverkades genom att ätandet var en stark källa till konflikt mellan barnet och föräldrarna. Det var viktigt att barnet och familjen fick stöd i barnets förmåga att kunna äta samt att erbjudas näringsrik kost. Bedömning av nutritionsstatus och dokumentation av oralt intag, parenteralt intag och effekter av nutritionsbehandlingen var av stor vikt för att kunna ge barnet optimal omvårdnad.
A massive amount has been written about forecasting but few articles are written about the development of time series models of call volumes for emergency services. In this study, we use different techniques for forecasting and make the comparison of the techniques for the call volume of the emergency service Rescue 1122 Lahore, Pakistan. For the purpose of this study data is taken from emergency calls of Rescue 1122 from 1st January 2008 to 31 December 2009 and 731 observations are used. Our goal is to develop a simple model that could be used for forecasting the daily call volume. Two different approaches are used for forecasting the daily call volume Box and Jenkins (ARIMA) methodology and Smoothing methodology. We generate the models for forecasting of call volume and present a comparison of the two different techniques.
The potential changes to the territory of the Russian Arctic open up unique possibilities for the development of tourism. More favourable transport opportunities along the Northern Sea Route (NSR) create opportunities for tourism development based on the utilisation of the extensive areas of sea shores and river basins. A major challenge for the Russian Arctic sea and river ports is their strong cargo transport orientation originated by natural resource extraction industries. A careful assessment of the prospects of current and future tourism development is presented here based on the development of regions located along the shores of the Arctic ocean (including Murmansk and Arkhangelsk oblast, Nenets Autonomous okrug (AO), Yamal-Nenets AO, Taymyr AO, Republic of Sakha, Chykotsky AO). An evaluation of the present development of tourism in maritime cities suggests that a considerable qualitative and quantitative increase of tourism activities organised by domestic tourism firms is made virtually impossible. There are several factors contributing to this. The previously established Soviet system of state support for the investments into the port facilities as well as the sea fleet were not effectively replaced by creation of new structures. The necessary investments for reconstruction could be contributed by the federal government but the priorities are not set towards the increased passenger transportation. Having in mind, increased environmental pressures in this highly sensitive area it is especially vital to establish a well-functioning monitoring and rescue system in the situation of ever increasing risks which come not only from the increased transports along the NSR, but also from the exploitation of the offshore oil and gas reserves in the Arctic seas. The capacity and knowledge established in Nordic countries (Norway, Finland) concerning cruise tourism should not be underestimated and the already functioning cooperation in Barents Region should expand towards this particular segment of the tourism industry. The current stage of economic development in Russia makes it clear that tourism development is not able to compete with the well-needed increase in the cargo transportation, which means that Russia’s fleet is going to be utilised by other industries. However, opening up this area to both local and international visitors could contribute to the economic prosperity of these remote areas and if carefully managed could sustain already existing maritime cities along the shores of the Arctic Ocean.
”Forever missed – never forgotten”: Emotion and action in a swedish voluntary search and rescue organisation The article explores the phenomenon of voluntary policing, through a case study of the voluntary search and rescue group Missing People Sweden (MPS). The article focuses on how a collectively upheld emotionology guide members’ views on the problem MPS is engaging, how this problem should be engaged, and why people should join MPS in its activities. The material used was gathered in spring 2014; through eight semi-structured interviews, document studies and four participant observations of the organisation’s activites. The results indicate that MPS members relate their views to an emotionology consisting of two separate themes; one of equality and collectivism, and one of individualism and meritocracy. The article demonstrates that the Tönniesian terms Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft can both be applied to describe the organisation’s social environment. It also demonstrates that the Tönniesian dichotomy is a theoretical concept that is suited to the analysis of voluntary policing groups.