5 resultados para Lindahl-Raittila, Iris
em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive
Denna didaktiskt inriktade C-uppsats i etik tar upp elevers skolmisslyckande satt i förhållande till skolans styrdokument, lärares yrkesetik samt vårt samhälles syn på människors värde. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån Iris Marion Youngs teori kring förtryck samt Harald Ofstads teori kring styrka och svaghet, ur ett etiskt/moraliskt perspektiv, söka efter svar på följande frågeställningar: Kan elever i svensk skola anses vara förtryckta enligt Youngs teori om förtryck? Kan man inom svensk skola finna tendenser till ett sådant förakt för svaghet som Ofstad diskuterar? Vilka bakomliggande strukturella förklaringar kan man utifrån dessa teorier finna till varför vissa lärare i svensk skola medvetet eller omedvetet orsakar vissa elevers känsla av att vara kränkta, misslyckade och osynliggjorda såsom uppsatsens källmaterial påvisar? Metoden består av en etisk analys av kvalitativt empiriskt källmaterial. Källmaterialet, som bygger på delar av en doktorsavhandling i filosofi författad av Carina Henriksson, analyseras med hjälp av analysverktyg skapade utifrån Youngs teori kring förtryck samt Ofstads teori kring styrka och svaghet. Slutsatsen man kan dra utifrån analyserna visar att vissa elever i svensk skola kan anses vara förtryckta samt att man inom svensk skola kan finna tendenser till förakt för svaghet. Analyserna visar även att de bakomliggande strukturella förklaringar man kan finna till detta förtryck samt förakt för svaghet handlar om traditioner som genom historiens gång blivit allmänt vedertagna och därmed normativa, trots att de motsäger de etiska principer vårt samhälle sägs bygga på, principer man kan finna i bland annat skolans värdegrund samt lärares yrkesetiska principer.
The aim of this licentiate thesis is to examine how, and in what ways, vocational English is a part of English language teaching in the Building and Construction Programme in Sweden, and what the influences are for such pedagogy. The main research question is how policy documents relate to the views of teachers and their educational practice regarding vocational English. The study consists of two parts: a textual policy analysis of the three latest upper secondary school reforms in Sweden (Lgy 70, Lpf 94, and Gy 2011), and semi-structured interviews with practicing English teachers in the Building and Construction Programme. The interviews are categorised by using Spradley’s (1979) semantic relationships and taxonomies. Balls’ (Ball, 1993) and Ozga’s (1990; 2000) concept of policy enactment is used in the analysis as well as Bernstein’s (1990; 2000) theoretical framework of classification, framing, and horizontal and vertical discourse. The results show that five of the six teachers in the interviews work with vocational English in some way. The study also shows that there is a distinct gap between policy and practice. Several of the teachers have the notion that they are supposed to work with vocational English and that it must be written down in policy somewhere. The greatest influence on the teaching for these teachers are their students, either indirectly or directly. Further, the study shows that different frame factors such as time poverty hinders the teachers from reading policy texts and cooperating with the vocational teachers in the Building and Construction Programme.
The present study has a threefold aim: First, the theoretical aim is to give a contribution to refinement of the theory of dialogue based feminist ethics, concerning the understanding of judgment and narration within such an ethics. The study also has an empirical aim, defined as to clarify what kind of knowledge, relevant to the moral judgment of an engaged outsider actor, can be received from dialogical interpretation and analysis of a limited selection of critically reflecting life stories. Third, a methodological aim is defined as to develop an approach to interpretation and analysis of reflecting life stories, which renders the storyteller visible as a reflecting moral subject, and makes the story accessible as a source of knowledge for the moral judgment of an engaged outsider actor. The thesis combines philosophical reflection and argumentation, with a narrative-hermeneutic method for interpretation of life stories, relating the two to each other in a hermeneutic process. The theoretical reflection draws on Seyla Benhabibs theory of communicative ethics. A dialogue based model for moral justification and a likewise dialogue based model for political legitimacy are at the heart of this universalistic theory, although in combination with a conception of a narratively and hermeneutically constituted context sensitive moral judgment, based on Hannah Arendt’s concept “enlarged thought”. In the reflection, this model is related to other feminist theorizing within the tradition of dialogue based feminist ethics, as found in the works of Iris M. Young, Georgia Warnke and Shari Stone-Mediatore. The empirical study draws on three critically reflecting life stories from Israeli-Palestinian women activists for a just peace. The methodology for interpretation and analysis that is worked out combines dialogical interpretation as presented in Arthur W. Frank’s socio-narratology with a method for structural analysis derived from Shari Stone-Mediatores theory of storytelling as an expression of political resistance struggle. The results show that some stories drawing on marginalized experiences have a potential to stimulate further public debate through their capacity to enable a stereoscopic seeing, elucidating a tension between ideologically structured discourse and non-linguistic experience; implying that narrative-hermeneutic competence should be considered crucial for public debate.
Background Successful implementation of new methods and models of healthcare to achieve better patient outcomes and safe, person-centered care is dependent on the physical environment of the healthcare architecture in which the healthcare is provided. Thus, decisions concerning healthcare architecture are critical because it affects people and work processes for many years and requires a long-term financial commitment from society. In this paper, we describe and suggest several strategies (critical factors) to promote shared-decision making when planning and designing new healthcare environments. Discussion This paper discusses challenges and hindrances observed in the literature and from the authors extensive experiences in the field of planning and designing healthcare environments. An overview is presented of the challenges and new approaches for a process that involves the mutual exchange of knowledge among various stakeholders. Additionally, design approaches that balance the influence of specific and local requirements with general knowledge and evidence that should be encouraged are discussed. Summary We suggest a shared-decision making and collaborative planning and design process between representatives from healthcare, construction sector and architecture based on evidence and end-users’ perspectives. If carefully and systematically applied, this approach will support and develop a framework for creating high quality healthcare environments.