3 resultados para Joint operations

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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Jag har valt att göra en kvalitativ studie om droger bland unga vuxna människor i åldrarna 18-25 år. Syftet med studien var att utifrån livsberättelser, undersöka om och i så fall hur droger har påverkat dem samt hur de upplever sin egen tillvaro i samhället. I min studie har jag valt att använda mig av en narrativ metod vilket innebär att jag ur ett livshistorieperspektiv har undersökt hur mina respondenter själva samtalar om sina liv och droger. Studien grundar sig således på tre respondenters livsberättelser.Tillsammans med teorier såsom symbolisk interaktionism och Goldbergs stämplingsteori och tidigare forskning inom området, tolkar och förklarar jag det respondenterna har delat med sig av sina tankar och känslor för mig, för att sprida en förståelse för deras uppväxt, vägen in i och under ett missbruk samt deras väg mot en drogfrihet.De sociala relationerna har kommit att spela en stor roll i respondenternas berättelser. Det sociala nätverket måste fungera för unga vuxna med missbruksproblem, detta gäller inte bara för att komma till beslut utan även under själva processen ut ur deras missbruk. Studiens resultat påvisar att när dessa tre unga vuxna kommer bort från sitt missbruk kommer de också att uppleva en samhörighet med andra människor. De kommer att uppleva en tillvaro som ger en mening med deras liv, genom nya nyktra sociala relationer.


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Bergkvist insjön AB is a sawmill yard which is capable of producing 350,000 cubic meter of timber every year this requires lot of internal resources. Sawmill operations can be classified as unloading, sorting, storage and production of timber. In the company we have trucks arriving at random they have to be unloaded and sent back at the earliest to avoid queuing up of trucks creating a problem for truck owners. The sawmill yard has to operate with two log stackers that does several tasks including transporting the logs from trucks to measurement station where the logs will be sorted into classes and dropped into pockets from pockets to the sorted timber yard where they are stored and finally from there to sawmill for final processing. The main issue that needs to be answered here is the lining up trucks that are waiting to be unload, creating a problem for both sawmill as well as the truck owners and given huge production volume, it is certain that handling of resources is top priority. A key challenge in handling of resources would be unloading of trucks and finding a way to optimize internal resources.To address this problem i have experimented on different ways of using internal resources, i have designed different cases, in case 1 we have both the log stackers working on sawmill and measurement station. The main objective of having this case is to make sawmill and measurement station to work all the time. Then in case 2, i have divided the work between both the log stackers, one log stacker will be working on sawmill and pocket_control and second log stacker will be working on measurement station and truck. Then in case 3 we have only one log stacker working on all the agents, this case was designed to reduce cost of production, as the experiment cannot be done in real-time due to operational cost, for this purpose simulation is used, preliminary investigation into simulation results suggested that case 2 is the best option has it reduced waiting time of trucks considerably when compared with other cases and it showed 50% increase in optimizing internal resources.


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This paper reports the findings of using multi-agent based simulation model to evaluate the sawmill yard operations within a large privately owned sawmill in Sweden, Bergkvist Insjön AB in the current case. Conventional working routines within sawmill yard threaten the overall efficiency and thereby limit the profit margin of sawmill. Deploying dynamic work routines within the sawmill yard is not readily feasible in real time, so discrete event simulation model has been investigated to be able to report optimal work order depending on the situations. Preliminary investigations indicate that the results achieved by simulation model are promising. It is expected that the results achieved in the current case will support Bergkvist-Insjön AB in making optimal decisions by deploying efficient work order in sawmill yard.