25 resultados para Henriksson, Markku

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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Denna didaktiskt inriktade C-uppsats i etik tar upp elevers skolmisslyckande satt i förhållande till skolans styrdokument, lärares yrkesetik samt vårt samhälles syn på människors värde. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån Iris Marion Youngs teori kring förtryck samt Harald Ofstads teori kring styrka och svaghet, ur ett etiskt/moraliskt perspektiv, söka efter svar på följande frågeställningar: Kan elever i svensk skola anses vara förtryckta enligt Youngs teori om förtryck? Kan man inom svensk skola finna tendenser till ett sådant förakt för svaghet som Ofstad diskuterar? Vilka bakomliggande strukturella förklaringar kan man utifrån dessa teorier finna till varför vissa lärare i svensk skola medvetet eller omedvetet orsakar vissa elevers känsla av att vara kränkta, misslyckade och osynliggjorda såsom uppsatsens källmaterial påvisar? Metoden består av en etisk analys av kvalitativt empiriskt källmaterial. Källmaterialet, som bygger på delar av en doktorsavhandling i filosofi författad av Carina Henriksson, analyseras med hjälp av analysverktyg skapade utifrån Youngs teori kring förtryck samt Ofstads teori kring styrka och svaghet. Slutsatsen man kan dra utifrån analyserna visar att vissa elever i svensk skola kan anses vara förtryckta samt att man inom svensk skola kan finna tendenser till förakt för svaghet. Analyserna visar även att de bakomliggande strukturella förklaringar man kan finna till detta förtryck samt förakt för svaghet handlar om traditioner som genom historiens gång blivit allmänt vedertagna och därmed normativa, trots att de motsäger de etiska principer vårt samhälle sägs bygga på, principer man kan finna i bland annat skolans värdegrund samt lärares yrkesetiska principer.


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Currently there is no Swedish boardsport magazine for women. In this degree project a prototype of a new lifestyle magazine for women in boardsports has been created. Through a magazine study and a targetgroup survey we have found a magazine concept and suggestions for the magazine content. A digital 96-page prototype has been created. The feedback from Anders Neuman-Östberg, the experienced editor in chief of the Swedish boardsport magazine Transistion gives the project report the needed credibility.The overall response from all the people involved in the making of this prototype has been positive. We can see a market demand for a magazine like Werv and hope that we can find a way to publish it in the future. In this degree project we haven't looked into the economic sustainability and therefore we can't say if it's feasible. Further investigations are needed before Werv can be published.


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Föreliggande systematiska litteraturstudies syfte är att undersöka sjuksköterskans evidensbaserade hygienåtgärder som kan förebygga vårdrelaterade infektioner. Artiklarna söktes inom Högskolan Dalarnas bibliotek via databasen Electronic Library Information Navigator (ELIN). Använda sökord var Infect* and Prevent* and Nurs* and Hygien*. De artiklar vars titel och abstrakt motsvarade studiens syfte genomgick kvalitetsgranskning utifrån 28 stycken på förhand fastställda kriterier, sedan evidensgraderades artiklarna på basen av kvalitetsbedömningen med hjälp av en modifierad graderingsskala. Sammanlagt 15 artiklar uppnådde 60 % av kriterierna i granskningsmallen och användes i resultatet. Resultatet visade att det erhölls starkt vetenskapligt underlag för hygienåtgärd såsom hygienriktlinjer, handhygien, engångshandskar och desinfektion av händerna direkt efter avtagandet av engångshandskar. Studiens resultat visade att dessa fynd förebyggde vårdrelaterade infektioner, vilket var av betydelse då hygienåtgärder utgör grunden för all vård och främjar patientens hälsa, vilket i sin tur är kostnadseffektivt och gynnar den enskilda patienten. Resultatet i föreliggande studie diskuterades utifrån Nightingales omvårdnadsteori.


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The government appointed in 2004 a special investigator with the objective to investigate the possibility of introducing a new law concerning implementation of obligatory cash registers with certain certification. This resulted in SOU 2005:35 ”Krav på kassaregister - Effektivare utredning av skattebrott” (Proposition 2006/07: 105). Following advice received from the respondents, the government has drafted a bill submitted to parliament in March 2007. Government bill 2006/07: 105 proposals for new law on cash registers, and submitted to parliament 2007th Act (2007:592) on the cash register was adopted by parliament in March that year and came into force on 1 January 2010. Earlier great opportunities for tax cheating has been available by various methods so as to simply not punch in a sale at the checkout, use the training function type, use receipt copies, manipulate register functions on its program level, using alternative programming etc. These opportunities are eliminated in the certified cash registers. Respondent traders believed the most part has not changed the competition or that the change will be relatively small. They also thought it was too early to see any change at this time. A tendency among traders we have asked is that they feel negatively for the costs it imposes, with the new registry and that they are skeptical about the expected impact of the law, among others due to the scarce resources spent on follow-up. The Swedish tax agency is responsible for control and the new systems make it easier for Tax control, but actual physical on-scene control must be performed to detect irregularities.


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In this paper the behavior of matter waves in suddenly terminated potential structures is investigated numerically. It is shown that there is no difference between a fully quantum mechanical treatment and a semiclassical one with regards to energy redistribution. For the quantum case it is demonstrated that there can be substantial reflection at the termination. The neglect of backscattering by the semiclassical method brings about major differences in the case of low kinetic energies. A simple phenomenological model is shown to partially explain the observed backscattering using dynamics of reduced dimensionality.


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We have obtained numerically exact results for the spin-related geometric quantum phases that arise in p-type semiconductor ring structures. The interplay between gate-controllable (Rashba) spin splitting and quantum-confinement-induced mixing between hole-spin states causes a much higher sensitivity of magnetoconductance oscillations to external parameters than previously expected. Our results imply a much-enhanced functionality of hole-ring spin-interference devices and shed new light on recent experimental findings.


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In this work the adiabatic approximation is applied to the propagation of matter waves in confined geometries like those experimentally realized in recent atom optical experiments. Adiabatic propagation along a channel is assumed not to mix the various transverse modes. Nonadiabatic corrections arise from the potential squeezing and bending. Here we investigate the effect of the former. Detailed calculations of two-dimensional propagation are carried out both exactly and in an adiabatic approximation. This offers the possibility to analyze the validity of adiabaticity criteria. A semiclassical (sc) approach, based on the sc Massey parameter is shown to be inadequate, and the diffraction due to wave effects must be included separately. This brings in the Fresnel parameter well known from optical systems. Using these two parameters, we have an adequate understanding of adiabaticity on the system analyzed. Thus quantum adiabaticity must also take cognizance of the intrinsic diffraction of matter waves.


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In this paper we present an analysis of how matter waves, guided as propagating modes in potential structures, are split under adiabatic conditions. The description is formulated in terms of localized states obtained through a unitary transformation acting on the mode functions. The mathematical framework results in coupled propagation equations that are decoupled in the asymptotic regions as well before as after the split. The resulting states have the advantage of describing propagation in situations, for instance matter-wave interferometers, where local perturbations make the transverse modes of the guiding potential unsuitable as a basis. The different regimes of validity of adiabatic propagation schemes based on localized versus delocalized basis states are also outlined. Nontrivial dynamics for superposition states propagating through split potential structures is investigated through numerical simulations. For superposition states the influence of longitudinal wave-packet extension on the localization is investigated and shown to be accurately described in quantitative terms using the adiabatic formulations presented here.


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We study the quantum dynamics of a two-mode Bose-Einstein condensate in a time-dependent symmetric double-well potential using analytical and numerical methods. The effects of internal degrees of freedom on the visibility of interference fringes during a stage of ballistic expansion are investigated varying particle number, nonlinear interaction sign and strength, as well as tunneling coupling. Expressions for the phase resolution are derived and the possible enhancement due to squeezing is discussed. In particular, the role of the superfluid-Mott insulator crossover and its analog for attractive interactions is recognized.


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We propose a coherent beam splitter for polarized heteronuclear molecules based on a stimulated Raman adiabatic passage scheme that uses a tripod linkage of electrotranslational molecular states. We show that for strongly polarized molecules the rotational dynamics imposes significantly larger Rabi frequencies than would otherwise be expected, but within this limitation, a full transfer of the molecules to two counterpropagating ground-state wave packets is possible.


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We study the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in symmetric double-well potentials following a sudden change of the potential from the Mott-insulator to the superfluid regime. We introduce a continuum approximation that maps that problem onto the wave-packet dynamics of a particle in an anharmonic effective potential. For repulsive two-body interactions the visibility of interference fringes that result from the superposition of the two condensates following a stage of ballistic expansion exhibits a collapse of coherent oscillations onto a background value whose magnitude depends on the amount of squeezing of the initial state. Strong attractive interactions are found to stabilize the relative number dynamics. We visualize the dynamics of the system in phase space using a quasiprobability distribution that allows for an intuitive interpretation of the various types of dynamics.


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Detection of weak forces with an accuracy beyond the standard quantum limit holds promise both for fundamental research and for technological applications. Schemes involving ultracold atoms for such measurements are now considered to be prime candidates for increased sensitivity. In this paper we use a combination of analytical and numerical techniques to investigate the possible subshot-noise estimation of applied force fields through detection of coherence dynamics of Bose-condensed atoms in asymmetric double-well traps. Following a semiclassical description of the system dynamics and fringe visibility, we present numerical simulations of the full quantum dynamics that demonstrate the dynamical production of phase squeezing beyond the standard quantum limit. Nonlinear interactions are found to limit the achievable amount to a finite value determined by the external weak force.


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Ultracold gases in ring geometries hold promise for significant improvements of gyroscopic sensitivity. Recent experiments have realized atomic and molecular storage rings with radii in the centimeter range, sizes whose practical use in inertial sensors requires velocities significantly in excess of typical recoil velocities. We use a combination of analytical and numerical techniques to study the coherent acceleration of matter waves in circular waveguides, with particular emphasis on its impact on single-mode propagation. In the simplest case we find that single-mode propagation is best maintained by the application of time-dependent acceleration force with the temporal profile of a Blackmann pulse. We also assess the impact of classical noise on the acceleration process.


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Recent developments in the field of ultracold gases has led to the production of degenerate samples of polar molecules. These have large static electric-dipole moments, which in turn causes the molecules to interact strongly. We investigate the interaction of polar particles in waveguide geometries subject to an applied polarizing field. For circular waveguides, tilting the direction of the polarizing field creates a periodic inhomogeneity of the interparticle interaction. We explore the consequences of geometry and interaction for stability of the ground state within the Thomas-Fermi model. Certain combinations of tilt angles and interaction strengths are found to preclude the existence of a stable Thomas-Fermi ground state. The system is shown to exhibit different behavior for quasi-one-dimensional and three-dimensional trapping geometries.