44 resultados para Graphic humour

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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The degree project has been implemented abroad in Brisbane, Australia. A literature study has beenperformed parallel to the practical work within the subject »Corporate identity through graphicaldesign«. In this study deeper research has been made concerning the establishment and manifestationof a corporate identity and its program. The knowledge given from this study has been put into practicethrough two larger projects.The first project was carried out at De Pasquale, advertising agency in Brisbane, where a corporateidentity program was designed for a new company. The company is a fitness centre, called KnockoutFitness, which specializes in different types of boxing training sessions such as Boxing, Thai Bow andBoxercise but also Aqua aerobics. They needed a full corporate identity program including a logotype,business card, letter paper-paper and address labels.The second project was carried out at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. A promotioncampaign was designed for the Department of Visual Arts, which included two information folders andone advertisement. The purpose of the campaign was to promote both the undergraduate and postgraduatecourses offered within the department.


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Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur digitala nomader utövar sitt yrke som grafiska designers, varför de valde att bli digitala nomader samt vilka fördelar och nackdelar som finns. Totalt intervjuades 10 före detta och nuvarande digitala nomader via email och svaren sammanställdes och analyserades för att finna teman och sammanhang. Resultatet visar att deltagarna valde en digital nomadisk livsstil främst på grund av den frihet det innebär. De är även helt beroende av internet, då det är den grundläggande teknologin som möjliggör distansarbete. Att vara digital nomad verkar inte ha en negativ inverkan på den grafiska designprocessen och alla verktyg som behövs anser de finns tillgängliga digitalt. Den del av det traditionella designyrket på en byrå som deltagarna i studien saknade mest var kreativa diskussioner med kollegor.


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This degree project consists of “A photographic journey through Vietnam”. One month was spent in Vietnam where the different aspects of the Vietnamese life were documented in images. The journey began in Hanoi and descended down the country to Ho Chi Minh City.The report describes the compositional elements of photography and makes an attempt to describe what a “good” image is. Furthermore it explains what equipment that is necessary for such a journey and how you can interact with the local population.When the journey came to an end, a photographic book consisting of 200 images was created. The report details the used workflow step by step. Finally the author has commented 20 of the selected images regarding their photographic composition.


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A new visual identity for the ski store Alpingaraget in Stockholm has been proposed as the result of this thesis. Theproposal includes a new logotype, various printed matters, design planning of the store, interior design, signs and otherapplications.The theory section is within the field of graphic profiling and with some focus on profiling in stores.A clear visual identity is important for a company because what the company communicates internally and externallyshould be kept as consistent as possible. This is especially important nowadays when more and more similar products andstores are available. This means that the visual identity becomes part of the competition with other products and stores.The base elements in a visual identity are logotype, colors and typograpy. Using these elements according to rules andtemplates makes a consistent visual profile.


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Tidningskompaniet, a publishing agency in Göteborg, has during the spring of 2003 developed a customermagazine for Göteborgsvarvet, a Half Marathon Race in Göteborg. If realized the magazine shallbe distributed to former participants of the race twice a year and will be financed by adverts.As part of the editorial concept, development of a graphic profile will be made for the magazine. Thisdegree project will result in the production of a »dummy« magazine to be presented to the client and tobe used by the advertisement sales people in their work.The magazine, named »Varvet«, will convey the message that anyone can run Göteborgsvarvet. Theintention is to give the magazine a »youthful and sporty« image.The work in this degree project has comprised designing the magazine in co-operation with an editorialconcept developer and a project leader at Tidningskompaniet, and also the production of 18 magazinepages including prepress work. The magazine has been made into a strictly sectionized product,with a mix of short and long articles with lighter material and strict how-to-do-it guides. The designhas been made to complement the editorial concept, with typography and colours that feel modern and»active«.The dummy magazine has been digitally printed using a Xeikon digital press and has been distributedto the client and the advertisement sales bureau.


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The report describes the production of graphic correspondence and marketing material for DUCIS(Dalarna University Centre for Irish Studies).A logotype symbol is created on the basis of an element from the Celtic art, and a graphic material thatharmonies with this ideal of style is built around the symbol. A unique visiting card, correspondence cardand letterhead is produced to strengthen the identity of DUCIS outwards.The work proceeds with an international education folder which is an important element in the marketingwork for the MA-education which starts in the autumn of 2003. Two posters, one for the opening ofDUCIS in may 2003 and one for a conference in 2004, are produced. Finally, a redesign of the book coverfor NIS, Nordic Irish Studies, is carried out.The report describes the working process consisting of meetings, practical work and other elementswithin the process. The conclusion is that the work has been quite successful and that this, to a largeextent, depended on an engaged and supporting commissioner. The commissioner also is very satisfi edwith the results.The in-depth studies of the project is about the art and design of the Celtic culture throughout history.The text gives an account for the history and expressions of Celtic art from its birth, 2800 years ago, untilits death in 13th century Ireland and Scotland. Special attention is payed to the golden age of ChristianCeltic art on the british islands, the era from which the pattern of the DUCIS logotype originates.


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Consumers don´t buy products, they buy brands. To create a succesful brand, you need a clear identity,and it will be strengthened by for instance a graphic profile. This project includes a theoretical partabout corporate identity and graphic profiling, and a description of the work with the graphic profile ofEM-loppet. The aim with this project is to strengthen the identity of EM-loppet, by making a clear andunified profile. The project has been accomplished by studying literature, searching information on theInternet and via personal contacts. The graphic manual of EM-loppet and examples of its applicationsare enclosed.


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This Degree Project is a cooperativ work with the advertising agency PAX in Falun and the industrial companyRemote Control, who constructs and sells actuators for the global market.The assignment concerns bringing out a graphic profile, or with another expression a Design Management, forRemote Control AB graphic materials. Remote Control AB has a quality certification ISO 9000 and is workingwith, when this report was wrote, an environment certification ISO 14001.The Company has been paid attention to Internet and other media.The supervisors are familiar to that Design Management is a soon coming competition element, like quality andenvironment management.This Degree project contains research, analysis and the construction of graphic material. The research has beencommitted most of the time to trace the customer, the market and the competitor, because its the most importantphase. It’s also important looking at competitor’s way of working with marketing management, so you can separatethem from the own company.


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AssiDomän Frövi board mill has in cooperation with students from Graphic Technologyat the University of Dalarna a degree project that involves developing package solutionsin carton material from AssiDomän Frövi. This year the basic condition was to use theweights 270g/m2, 300g/m2 and 330g/m2 and choose between Frövi Bright, Frövi Lightand Frövi Carry.The packages were supposed to be in the segments industrial products,chocolate/sweets and beauty products/cosmetics. Two packages were produced in thesegments industrial products and beauty products/cosmetics.The first package, produced in the industrial segment, contains textile color and templatesand the second package is a gift package and contains nail polish.The investigation part of the project deals with how the packages today are fit forrheumatics in opening purpose.


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This degree project includes both a theoretic component and a practical component within the graphicprofiling domain. Literature on graphic design has been studied for the theoretical part and the achievedknowledge has been used for the practical part. The project has been to produce graphic materialfor “Rookiefestivalen” in Hultsfred.In modern society it is important for a corporation to distinguish itself from others by using a graphicprofile. Through using a graphic profile the company can have an affect on how it is perceived byothers. This is true not only for corporations as both organisations, societies and other events will benefitfrom the use of a graphic profile.The material that’s been produced is not within the traditional boundaries of graphic profiling. It israther marketing material for the festival. The graphic profile was applied to a variety of things suchas posters, flyers, ad’s and the festival’s website. The result is to be seen in the appendix of this degreeproject and on the Internet: http://www.rookierockparty.se


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Adjustment to a neutral colour balance when printing was the starting point in this degree project. Onthis base ICC-profiles were evaluated and assessed. The survey was concentrated on the similarity betweenreproductions on different papers with various ICC-profiles. The colour balancing introduced aconsistent variable between four graphic papers. With raised uniformity the probability increased toreceive similarities between the various combinations of ICC-profiles and papers.Numerous of measurements and calculations have been carried out, mainly to confirm whether or notadjustment to a neutral colour balance is possible and repeatable. Further more this gained in comparablevalues corresponding to similarities and divergences between combinations of ICC-profiles andpaper.The research concluded in the fact that it was possible to reach a neutral colour balance. One ICCprofileused together with various papers and also one paper with several ICC-profiles resulted in similaritiesand formed groups of samples. Since equivalent results could be reached on different samples,it implicated that variations within one paper shouldn’t affect the ICC-profiles. This was valid when thevariations were less than the divergence between the papers.Certain predictions on the question of from which paper the ICC-profiles should be generated to createhighest quality in print hasn’t been able to assemble. It’s likely that equivalent results could begenerated on G-Print, Multi Art Matt and Multi Art Silk.


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SummaryA complete graphic profile program along with marketing material has been produced for seven photographers.The material has been produced in consideration to sell their pictures outside of Scandinaviaand Brazil as first priority. The criterion for the profile is to give a message of quality and ofScandinavia. Through research and interviews facts about typical scandinavian design have beenfound. Since the pictures will be exported abroad, a selling packaging solution has been developed. Theparts that are included in the marketing material are: a brochure, display solution, a website and printingexamples. One of the purposes with the project is that the company from the given price offer canevaluate the posibility to produce pictures.


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The Lugnetgymnasium in Falun has a graphic education that supplies a color printer, which is availablefor the students in their hall. The printer is a Ricoh AFC 6513 and it is a model that can handlevariable data. It was bought in the autumn of 2002. The teachers of the graphic education want to makeuse of the variable data function and procure a variable data software. The purpose of this project is toevaluate variable data software’s, so that the most suitable choice of software can be made for the graphiceducation. To be able to make this choice, criterions has been made what the variable data softwarewill fulfil. Different software’s of variable data has been examined and a summary was made whichtells what software that fulfils all the criterions. The software’s that seemed appropriate for the graphiceducation were PrintShop Mail and Personalizer-X. Adecision which one of these software’s thatwill be purchase was made by the teachers on the graphic education. Tests and a more detailed studyon the software’s have been done. The information has later been presented for the teachers. They madea decision, which were Personalizer-X. After this decision, an easier manual for Personalizer-X wasmade. The purpose with the manual is that the students on the graphic education, quickly and easy canget started with the use of variable data.


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Color management has become more common now than ever in the graphic trade. Calibration andcharcterization are words that are mentioned very often when it comes to controlling colors andwhen you want a printed picture to look the same as an original photograph. The problem is thatthere are not so many people that has the knowlegde about this subject. Even if a printer supportscolor management it is not sure that the result is going to be satisfied and that a printed picture isgoing to look the same as the original.The printers which were used were Hp DeskJet 970 Cxi, Xerox Docu Color 12 and AgfaChromapress 50i. The theory of color, colour management and the equipment which were usedare described in the first stage. The second stage describes calibration and characterization ofmonitors, scanners and printers. Finally the result of created ICC-profiles is set by visual comparisionof a photographs original colours and a scanned and printed photograph.The results of calibration and characterization were varying a lot. Agfa Chromapress 50i was theonly printer which could produce a succesful calibration. Agfa Chromapress 50i and XeroxDocuColor 12 gave the best results when comparing original photographs with printed pictures ifthey were separated with ICC-profiles. ICC-profiles created for Hp DeskJet 970 Cxi achievedundesirable effects. This was the only printer that gave a bad result both with and without ICCprofiles.The reason for this miserable result can depend on the printers unability to fully supportcolor management.