3 resultados para Gifted underachievement

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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This paper explores Swedish prospective teachers’ conceptions of what characterise a gifted student in mathematics. This was studied through a qualitative questionnaire focusing on attributions. The results show that a majority of the students attribute intrinsic motivation to gifted students, more often than extrinsic motivation. Other themes were other affective factors (e.g. being industrious), cognitive factors (e.g. easy to learn), and social factors such as good behaviour and background.


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For the Swedish poet, essayist and aphorist Vilhelm Ekelund, ensamhet (solitude) and gemenskap (intellectual and spiritual community) were highly complex notions, with various and often contradictory meanings. In this article, I argue that both concepts have positive as well as negative connotations in Ekelund’s texts. Solitude can be sweet and delightful and the poet/writer may long for it, but it can also appear to him as a sordid and painful state. In the same way, life with other people may be just as difficult and complicated. I show that Ekelund as a young poet both embraced solitude as a positive notion and suffered from depressing isolation. The theme of solitude also appeared in his early prose as a heroic stance fitting for an extraordinary person. According to Ekelund, the fate of the truly gifted artist is loneliness, and he will find great difficulties connecting with people around him. In fact, he will find intellectual and spiritual community only when communicating with the great precursors – in Ekelund’s case that meant the prominent figures of Greek and Roman cultural heritage. “Modern” artists interested him only in so much as they openly venerated this classicist tradition. Ekelund may have despaired at the idea of an intellectual or spiritual community with his contemporaries; he was, nevertheless, optimistic regarding the ability of later generations to understand him. He was convinced that he did not write for people in his own time but, indeed, for posterity.


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Studien syftar till att ge insikt i lärares kunskaper och erfarenheter kring särbegåvade elever, samt lärares möjligheter att identifiera dessa elever. Den tidigare forskningen som ligger till grund för studien visar att det är en tydlig skillnad mellan högpresterande elever och särbegåvade elever. Den tidigare forskningen diskuterar också olika personlighetsdrag hos särbegåvade elever och hur man identifierar dessa, samt lärarens betydelse för dessa elevers utveckling i skolan. Baserat på tre intervjuer av lärare kan man se att erfarenheter och kunskaper inom området särbegåvning skiljer sig åt hos lärarna, något som forskningen också poängterar. Vidare visar också resultaten att de undersökta lärarna har vissa svårigheter med att identifiera särbegåvade elever, samt att skilja dessa från högpresterande elever. Den tidigare forskningen, tillsammans med resultaten från denna studie, visar att individanpassad undervisning tydligt måste förankras i skolan för att skolan skall lyckas med sitt uppdrag med att stimulera alla elever och låta alla elever utvecklas. Utan kunskaper inom området särbegåvning hos lärarna visar studien att den svenska skolan inte kan lyckas med att vara ’ en skola för alla’.