4 resultados para Gérard-Desrivières
em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive
The aim of the present study is to analyze the representation of the mythic timelessness and the religious subversion in the novel Pedro Páramo (1953) by the Mexican writer Juan Rulfo. The novel is analyzed from a narratological perspective based on the concept of focalization proposed by the French theoretician Gérard Genette. According to Genette it is possible to identify different levels of focalization depending on the position of the narrative voices.The key question in this investigation is if any salvation is possible in the universe of Pedro Páramo and how the mythic timelessness and the religious subversion are represented in the textual intentionality through the narrative voices. The main conclusion is that there is no possible salvation in the fictional universe of Pedro Páramo. The collective sin is so vast that the intermediation between God and the inhabitants of Comala does not work anymore. Thus, the only possible ”salvation” consists in the separation of the soul from the body the people of Comala experience after death. In Pedro Páramo the dead body is liberated from remorses, but - contrary to the Catholic concepts - becomes a conscious materia sentenced to remember eternally.Keywords: Juan Rulfo, Pedro Páramo, narratological analysis, Gérard Genette, textual intentionality, focalization, mythic timelessness, religious subversion, narrative voices.
Con esta tesina se pretende poner en relieve la importancia de escribir textos narrativos de modo que el lector pueda concebir lo que está leyendo como real. Por este motivo, el objetivo es ilustrar de qué modo un texto puede faltar a las pautas de credibilidad, haciendo que el lector ponga en cuestión la verosimilitud de lo relatado. Como objeto de estudio se ha elegido la novela Castillos de cartón de Almudena Grandes. Se ha realizado una interpretación hermenéutica del texto centrada en la relación que mantienen los tres protagonistas. Con el apoyo de la teoría aristotélica de la amistad y de la teoría triangular del amor de Stenberg principalmente, se muestra por qué el lector no puede aceptar como creíble que dicha relación sea de amor y amistad como afirma la narradora. Asimismo, se estudia la credibilidad de la narradora a través del análisis del discurso narrativo partiendo de los conceptos de narratología de Gérard Genette. La conclusión a la que se llega es que no se consigue crear una realidad fictiva creíble debido, por una parte, a que los sentimientos que la narradora afirma existen (amor y amistad) no están respaldados por lo que se relata y, por otra, a que el uso lingüístico de la narradora y sus razonamientos contrastan drásticamente con las expectativas del lector.
Sur la base des travaux de Gérard Genette, en particulier Figures III, uneanalyse narratologique du roman L’Élégance du hérisson (2006) de l’auteur MurielBarbery a été effectuée afin de comprendre les liens qu’il y a entre les spécificités dumode narratif et leurs effets sur l’espace du récit, soit « le bocal à poissons », unemétaphore importante du roman. Ultimement nous répondons à la question suivante :En quoi la narration dans le roman L’Élégance du hérisson permet-elle de bien rendrela métaphore du « bocal à poissons »?
The purpose of the study is, based on a narratological perspective, to analyze and interpret the novel written by Astrid Lindgren: Mio, min Mio. It is based on the legacy of the folktale tradition, which is also the basis for carnival concept according to Bachtin. The study is based on a narrative model of Gérard Genette. Mio, min Mio is told as a first person narrator and can be interpreted as Bo tells it to himself. It is a frame story in which the outer story is the reality, while the inner story is the structure of the folktale where Mio embarks on a predetermined mission to fight against evil. Carnival concept involves a timed up-and-down-turn that is sanctioned and controlled, this fits well with this story seen from this interpretation. In the fantasy world everything has an idealized counterpart and Bo is, via Mio, in this world for a limited time. Children in our society are powerless, but are allowed to be mighty in children's literature. The story gets a subversive effect as it shows that adult standards are not absolute. Even if Bo turns back to his foster parents, he goes through this inner battle processing his thoughts and feelings. The love Bo will experience in imagination gives him the power to manage his real situation.