6 resultados para Expertise psychosociale

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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This thesis is an investigation on the corporate identity of the firm SSAB from a managerial viewpoint (1), the company communication through press releases (2), and the image of the company as portrayed in news press articles (3). The managerial view of the corporate identity is researched through interviews with a communication manager of SSAB (1), the corporate communication is researched through press releases from the company (2) and the image is researched in news press articles (3). The results have been deducted using content analysis. The three dimensions are compared in order to see if the topics are coherent. This work builds on earlier research in corporate identity and image research, stakeholder theory, corporate communication and media reputation theory. This is interesting to research as the image of the company framed by the media affects, among other things, the possibility for the company to attract new talent and employees. If there are different stories, or topics, told in the three dimensions then the future employees may not share the view of the company with the managers in it. The analysis show that there is a discrepancy between the topics on the three dimensions, both between the corporate identity and the communication through press releases, as well as between the communication through press releases and the image in news press articles.


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The assertion of identity and power via computer-mediated communication in the context of distance or web-based learning presents challenges to both teachers and students. When regular, face-to-face classroom interaction is replaced by online chat or group discussion forums, participants must avail themselves of new techniques and tactics for contributing to and furthering interaction, discussion, and learning. During student-only chat sessions, the absence of teacher-led, face-to-face classroom activities requires the students to assume leadership roles and responsibilities normally associated with the teacher. This situation raises the questions of who teaches and who learns; how students discursively negotiate power roles; and whether power emerges as a function of displayed expertise and knowledge or rather the use of authoritative language. This descriptive study represents an examination of a corpus of task-based discussion logs among Vietnamese students of distance learning courses in English linguistics. The data reveal recurring discourse strategies for 1) negotiating the progression of the discussion sessions, 2) asserting and questioning knowledge, and 3) assuming or delegating responsibility. Power is defined ad hoc as the ability to successfully perform these strategies. The data analysis contributes to a better understanding of how working methods and materials can be tailored to students in distance learning courses, and how such students can be empowered by being afforded opportunities and effectively encouraged to assert their knowledge and authority.


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Syfte: Att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor inom särskilt boende resonerar kring kvalitetsuppföljningar och dess eventuella konsekvenser för omvårdnaden. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer efter öppen intervjuguide med sex sjuksköterskor. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundmans metod. Huvudresultat: I vilken grad kvalitetsregistren och kvalitetsuppföljningarna integreras i omvårdnadsarbetet och dess utveckling är centralt för om dessa uppfattas som stöd eller hinder för god kvalité i omvårdnaden. Dubbel dokumentation bidrar till att sjuksköterskorna omprioriterar arbetstiden och arbetar mer konsultativt och administrativt. Detta minskar tiden för omvårdnadsobservationer och handleding av omvårdnadspersonal samt gör att kvalitetsregistreringar snarast uppfattas som ett hinder. Sjuksköterskorna använde sin professionella kunskap och kliniska erfarenhet i högre grad än registerdata vid omvårdnadsbedömningar. Dessa sågs som alltför komplexa för att kunna fångas i kryssfrågeformulär. Mer kliniska observationer efterfrågas i kvalitetsuppföljningarna för ökad medvetenhet om hög arbetsbelastning och dess eventuella konsekvenser samt för att garantera de boende god omvårdnadskvalité. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskorna upplever att de arbetar under svår tidspress. Tiden anges som essentiell för vilken omvårdnadskvalité som erbjuds. Vid beslut om registreringar av kvalitetsindikatorer bör sjuksköterskornas totala arbetsbörda beaktas. Registreringarna bör integreras i befintliga journalsystem så att sjuksköterskornas omprioriteringar inte får negativa konsekvenser för omvårdnadskvaliten.


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Background: In recent studies a lot of attention is drawn to the connection between networking and entrepreneurship. Many scholars consider successful business and networking inseparable. Taking into consideration the topicality of the two notions discussed above the authors of this thesis decided to conduct the research dedicated to these phenomena in the field that interests them most – in the field of Swedish fashion. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to gain a deeper insight into entrepreneur’s experiences to point out the role of entrepreneurial networking in the process of internationalization of a micro-sized Swedish fashion company and to contribute to the research in this field by telling its unique story. Method: To achieve the purpose of the research a narrative ethnographic research was conducted. This research strategy was chosen because it suits the purpose best by giving an opportunity to get fresh insights into the field of entrepreneurial networking from the point of view of the entrepreneur. The data collected has a narrative nature therefore narrative analysis is used to present it. The methods of gathering the data are face-to-face interview and documents. Conclusion: we can define the most important role of entrepreneurial networking on the internationalization process of Odeur as an effective accelerator and a tool to fulfil the knowledge and expertise gaps in certain areas through other actors in the network.


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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is an increasing neurological disorder in an aging society. The motor and non-motor symptoms of PD advance with the disease progression and occur in varying frequency and duration. In order to affirm the full extent of a patient’s condition, repeated assessments are necessary to adjust medical prescription. In clinical studies, symptoms are assessed using the unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale (UPDRS). On one hand, the subjective rating using UPDRS relies on clinical expertise. On the other hand, it requires the physical presence of patients in clinics which implies high logistical costs. Another limitation of clinical assessment is that the observation in hospital may not accurately represent a patient’s situation at home. For such reasons, the practical frequency of tracking PD symptoms may under-represent the true time scale of PD fluctuations and may result in an overall inaccurate assessment. Current technologies for at-home PD treatment are based on data-driven approaches for which the interpretation and reproduction of results are problematic.  The overall objective of this thesis is to develop and evaluate unobtrusive computer methods for enabling remote monitoring of patients with PD. It investigates first-principle data-driven model based novel signal and image processing techniques for extraction of clinically useful information from audio recordings of speech (in texts read aloud) and video recordings of gait and finger-tapping motor examinations. The aim is to map between PD symptoms severities estimated using novel computer methods and the clinical ratings based on UPDRS part-III (motor examination). A web-based test battery system consisting of self-assessment of symptoms and motor function tests was previously constructed for a touch screen mobile device. A comprehensive speech framework has been developed for this device to analyze text-dependent running speech by: (1) extracting novel signal features that are able to represent PD deficits in each individual component of the speech system, (2) mapping between clinical ratings and feature estimates of speech symptom severity, and (3) classifying between UPDRS part-III severity levels using speech features and statistical machine learning tools. A novel speech processing method called cepstral separation difference showed stronger ability to classify between speech symptom severities as compared to existing features of PD speech. In the case of finger tapping, the recorded videos of rapid finger tapping examination were processed using a novel computer-vision (CV) algorithm that extracts symptom information from video-based tapping signals using motion analysis of the index-finger which incorporates a face detection module for signal calibration. This algorithm was able to discriminate between UPDRS part III severity levels of finger tapping with high classification rates. Further analysis was performed on novel CV based gait features constructed using a standard human model to discriminate between a healthy gait and a Parkinsonian gait. The findings of this study suggest that the symptom severity levels in PD can be discriminated with high accuracies by involving a combination of first-principle (features) and data-driven (classification) approaches. The processing of audio and video recordings on one hand allows remote monitoring of speech, gait and finger-tapping examinations by the clinical staff. On the other hand, the first-principles approach eases the understanding of symptom estimates for clinicians. We have demonstrated that the selected features of speech, gait and finger tapping were able to discriminate between symptom severity levels, as well as, between healthy controls and PD patients with high classification rates. The findings support suitability of these methods to be used as decision support tools in the context of PD assessment.


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Användandet av mobila applikationer har växt radikalt de senaste åren och de samverkar med många system. Därför ställs det högre krav på kvaliteten och att applikationen ska anpassas till många olika enheter, operativsystem samt plattformar. Detta gör att test av mobila applikationer blivit viktigare och större. Detta arbete har bedrivits som en jämförande fallstudie inom området test av mobila applikationer samt testverktyg. Syftet har varit att beskriva hur testning av mobila applikationer sker idag vilket gjorts genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer med IT-företag. Ett annat syfte har varit att utvärdera fyra testverktyg, deras för- och nackdelar samt hur de kan användas vid testning av mobila applikationer och jämföras mot manuell testning utan testverktyg. Detta har gjorts genom att skapa förstahandserfarenheter baserat på användandet av testverktygen. Under arbetet har vi utgått från mobila applikationer som vi fått tillgång till av Triona, som varit vår samarbetspartner.Idag finns många olika testverktyg som kan användas som stöd för testningen men få företag har implementerat något eftersom det kräver både tid och kompetens samt valet av testverktyg kan vara svårt. Testverktygen har olika för- och nackdelar vilket gör att de passar olika bra beroende på typ av projekt och applikation. Fördelar med att använda testverktyg är möjligheten att kunna automatisera, testa på flera enheter samtidigt samt få tillgång till enheter via molnet. Utmaningarna är att det kan vara svårt att installera och lära sig testverktyget samt att licenserna kan vara dyra. Det är därför viktigt att redan innan implementationen veta vilka tester och applikationer testverktygen ska användas till samt vem som ska använda det. Utifrån vår studie kan slutsatsen dras att inget testverktyg är helt komplett men de kan bidra med olika funktioner vilket effektiviserar delar av testningen av mobila applikationer.