6 resultados para Enseñanza del español

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the most common phonetic and phonological difficulties in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. The study has been based on the following questions: Which difficulties can teachers encounter when teaching phonetics and phonology? Which difficulties can students encounter when learning phonetics and phonology? How is phonetics and phonology taught? In order to be able to investigate the difficulties, a questionnaire has been handed out to five experienced teachers. The results of the questionnaires, together with the theory, has been analysed in the analysis. The outcome of the analysis shows that several difficulties can be detected in both the teaching and in the learning process. The results of the questionnaires also show us that the teachers mostly teach phonetics the same way: through repetition and imitation, the conductive method, and very few think outside of the box to encounter new methods.


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This work presents an investigation done on the book Caminando de nuevo 3 that is adopted in some Swedish schools for the Spanish course they offer. The hypothesis explored whether the content of the book could create wrong stereotypes based on incorrect used of didactic content.Other related worked in line with this investigation were investigated. Furthermore, twenty students that had used this book were surveyed. The data collected was analyzed. This analysis is in line with the hypothesis of this work. A great majority of the students reported not to be motivated, they were not particularly enthusiastic toward the book, and were surprised by the content of the book related to the exercises, the text itself and the pictures used in the book.In conclusion this work suggests that this type of textbooks should be revised and present a better alternative for its text, visual and grammatical content.Finally, some recommendations are given both to teachers and students in order to reach the goals that have been defined by their curriculum.


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This monograph is a comparative study of past time reference in Spanish and Russian.The ambition is to present a functional perspective of how both languages systemically express temporal and aspectual information. The verb, naturally, attracts the main attention of the thesis and the focus is almost exclusively on verbs in the indicative mood.The definition of the parameters of Time and Aspect plays an important part in the present dissertation. A particular emphasis concerns the elaboration and testing of the ‘ABC’ model, which represents a graphic definition of verbal aspect as a grammatical category.Another important issue is the distinction of aspect and Aktionsart; these concepts are closely related but operate on different functional levels. The analysis is essentially based on linguistic material from parallel corpora, constructed for this purpose. At first the material is treated statistically in order to create astarting point for the qualitative part of the analysis. The three main areas of investigation dealt with are:1) The relation between the simple past tenses, pretérito and imperfecto, in Spanish and their imperfective and perfective counterparts in Russian.2) The relation between the compound tenses in Spanish and the Russian verbal system.The analysis of this relation also comprises a critique of the traditional interpretationof the aspectual contents of the compound tenses.3) The usage of alternative strategies in both languages. In this part of the analysis the focus is widened to include verbal periphrasis, infinite verb forms and subordination. The results of the analysis demonstrate that verbal aspect, according to the definition represented by ‘the ABC model’, works as a grammatical category in both Spanish and Russian. It is also shown that there are systemic differences in the manifestation of this functional category in both languages. Another important result is that the neither the compound tenses nor the progressive express verbal aspect, at least not in a narrow sense of the word but represent different verbal functions related to aspect.


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Las normas educativas de la enseñanza de las lenguas modernas en el instituto sueco están cada vez más enfocadas en la competencia comunicativa y en realizar una comunicación funcional y significativa para los discentes. Una revisión hecha por la Inspección de la Escuela Sueca muestra que existe una falta de práctica en la lengua meta en las aulas.  El objetivo de este estudio es investigar una herramienta digital llamado chatbot. El chatbot www.soydiego.com, es un programa diseñado para estudiantes de español en el cual se puede chatear con un robot en línea. Hemos investigado la actitud de los docentes hacia las metas comunicativas y la posible aportación de un chatbot como recurso didáctico. Mediante encuestas y entrevistas recibimos respuestas de parte de 25 docentes de español de nivel de instituto. Los resultados muestran que los profesores tienen una actitud muy positiva hacia el chatbot. Opinan que este puede ser una herramienta útil para desarrollar la competencia comunicativa de los discentes. De todos modos, hemos concluido que todavía hay una necesidad de un desarrollo adicional de la herramienta que sea adaptable a todos los niveles de español.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the reasons why young people in Mexico useabbreviations, how abbreviations are used and what kind of abbreviations they use amongtheir group of friends. The study is conducted among a small sample of persons between 18 to30 years old and from one sociocultural group.We studied a group of 20 informants. In this group we included young people working as acashiers, warehouse workers, employees in stores, etc. These informants answered a writtenquestionnaire and we also analyzed 40 of their Facebook messages.In summary, it was noticed that the abbreviations were used because it is a fast way to writebecause they save time. According to the informants “It is fun and is easy to use them whenwriting their messages”. We could see that a few informants use them because it is a new wayof writing as well as considering it to be entertaining to write their messages. When analyzingtheir messages, we saw that these informants do not seem to have rules when writing theirabbrevations, they shorten the words in all forms and place them in any part of theirmessages. They often adapt their way of writing to the pronunciation of the words, similar tothe spoken language. Some words had influences from the caliche jargot (a variety ofcolloquial language used among young people in Mexico). The informants in this study areusing all kinds of abbreviations such as abbreviated words, acronyms and shortenings


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This thesis analyzes the teaching material Caminando 3 from a neurodidactic perspective. The discipline of neurodidactics is young and controversial and the aim of this investigation is to present an understanding of the use of practical applications of neurodidactics in written material of education in Spanish as a second language. The methods applied are a quantitative and objective analysis of measurable aspects in Caminando 3 and a qualitative, subjective analysis which is interpreting fundamental understandings of language learning which Caminando 3 reflects in its structure and content. The results show that there are several aspects in Caminando 3 which are supported by the evidences and advices of the neurodidactic theories and simultaneously there are details in exercises and parts of the layup containing a level of repetition and prediction which are directly harmful to the process of acquisition, according to neurodidactic theories. The conclusion is that a more dynamic teaching book can be produced with guidelines that can be created using these results. Further investigations will have to measure the knowledge and success of the pupils to decide whether neurodidactics is a successful complement to traditional didactics of second language learning.