3 resultados para Dermatology Life Quality Index ( DLQI)

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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Syftet med freliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva kunskapens betydelse fr personer med fdomnesallergi, samt nr det gller frebyggande av anafylaxi. Den metod som anvndes var en systematisk litteraturstudie, dr totalt tretton kvantitativa och tv kvalitativa artiklar anvndes i resultatet. De databaser som anvndes var Pubmed, Elin@dalarna och CINAHL. Resultatet visade att betrffande kunskapens betydelse var majoriteten av de medicinska frgorna i en studie som besvarades via Internet frgor som berrde fdomnesallergi och allergiska reaktioner. ver hlften av ungdomarna uppgav att deras livskvalitet och hlsa pverkades och ovissheten och okunskapen om allergin pverkade deras livskvalitet negativt. Det visade sig ven att endast en fjrdedel av lkarna gav detaljerad undervisning och information om hur viktigt det var med undvikande av allergen vid fdomnesallergi. Betrffande kunskapens betydelse vid frebyggande av anafylaxi visade flera studier att anafylaxi var vanligt frekommande hos vuxna och ungdomar med fdomnesallergi. Ungdomar hade otillrcklig kunskap om anafylaxi och hlften av ungdomarna uppgav att de tit de fdomnen de var allergiska emot. Anvisningar och information om akuta fdomnesreaktioner var lg hos vuxna och tonringar upplevde ett stort behov av undervisning, d de tog mer risker n vuxna.


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Life quality in families: close relations and the good life The aim of this paper is to explore how aspects and qualities of modern family life influence subjective well-being. Although the patterns of family, work and sexuality have changed dramatically the last four decades, it is here claimed that the family is still an important base of socialization and upbringing. Thus the study of processes within the family can contribute to the understanding of the environment in which many children grow up. In most families, work, partner and family roles are intertwined, and one central hypothesis of this work is that family members influence each other in the individual formation of well-being. The main research question of this study asks: How is life quality affected by the quality of parent-child and the partner relationships and aspects of their shared everyday life? Empirical implications are tested against 2002-data from a representative, Norwegian sample. Analyses conclude that the quality of parent-child and the spousal relationship, and also aspects of families everyday life such as work-life balance and time pressure influence the subjective life quality, but mothers and fathers life quality is affected by differing and partly incompatible conditions.


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When the calling is brought to a head: Retirement from an existential sociology perspective In this article we analyze how the meaning and value of work can emerge, be defined and redefined in relation to the coming of retirement, by focusing individuals with dedicated work approaches interpreted as a calling. By relying on an existential sociology framework we analyze the retirement process as an existential imperative, e.g. life phases or processes where questions on meaning and life quality become prominent. For the interviewees, the day of retirement becomes a sort of a road sign that depending on the distance of time to the point of retirement has intensified existential questions and the meaning of work. The article explores the defining dimensions of a calling as found in the interviewees dedicated work approaches. We address the types of problems and opportunities that arise when the interviewees are soon to retire and their associated strategies: listening to a calling on standby; learning not to listen to ones calling, listening to a calling from a private sphere and project the callings commitment to other activities.