4 resultados para Conrad Anker

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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De neuropsykiatriska funktionshindren ökar. Efter att ha arbetat som resurs i skolan samt varit kontaktfamilj, väcktes mitt intresse för diagnosticeringsprocessen av neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder. Jag ville genom studien undersöka vilken inställning två representanter som finns med i diagnosticeringsprocessen har till denna och deras roll i denna process. Jag ville få en bred bild, som beskriver mina informanters inställning ur så många aspekter som möjligt och använde mig därför ett flertal olika teorier. Mina teoretiska grunder bygger på de generella begreppen; Maktprocesser, Sociala konstruktioner, Medikalisering samt stämpling. De teoretiker jag använder mig av är Foucault, Gillberg, Kärfve, Brante, Bourdieu, Johannisson, Conrad, Lemert, Scheff och Goldberg.Jag använder mig av kvalitativ metod där två nyckelinformanter intervjuades, en psykolog och en specialpedagog. Dessa personer kan inte representera sina yrkesprofessioner och min avsikt var inte att generalisera. Studien som jag gjort är relaterade till just mina informanter.Informanterna är till stor del medvetna om medikaliseringen, de ser både för- och nackdelar med diagnosticeringsprocessen och de ser också riskerna i diagnosticeringen som stämmer väl överens med mina teorier.


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Denna studie är en analys av romanen Heart of Darkness (1902) och novellen An outpost ofprogress (1898) av Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) i syfte att undersöka berättelsernashuvudsakliga tematik ur en postkolonial infallsvinkel samt vad Conrads avsikt tycks ha varitmed porträtteringen av elfenbensagenten Kurtz. För att genomföra denna analys har jag gjorten närläsning av Heart of Darkness samt An outpost of progress och samtidigt tolkathändelseförloppen.Tolkningarna är delvis mina egna samt delvis baserat på tidigare forskning. Efter att hagenomfört dessa närläsningar är min slutsats att Conrads huvudsakliga avsikt var att skildaden mänskliga moralens förfall genom den ondskefulla girigheten. Det är denna girighet somhan definierar som det mörka i en människas hjärta. Genom framställningen av Kurtz visarhan exempel på detta samt hur farlig en skicklig retoriker kan vara.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to explore nurses' perceptions of climate and environmental issues and examine how nurses perceive their role in contributing to the process of sustainable development.  Background: Climate change and its implications for human health represent an increasingly important issue for the healthcare sector. According to the International Council of Nurses Code of Ethics, nurses have a responsibility to be involved and support climate change mitigation and adaptation to protect human health.  Design: This is a descriptive, explorative qualitative study.  Methods: Nurses (n=18) were recruited from hospitals, primary care and emergency medical services; eight participated in semi-structured, in-depth individual interviews and 10 participated in two focus groups. Data were collected from April-October 2013 in Sweden; interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using content analysis.  Results: Two main themes were identified from the interviews: (i) an incongruence between climate and environmental issues and nurses' daily work; and (ii) public health work is regarded as a health co-benefit of climate change mitigation. While being green is not the primary task in a lifesaving, hectic and economically challenging context, nurses' perceived their profession as entailing responsibility, opportunities and a sense of individual commitment to influence the environment in a positive direction.  Conclusions: This study argues there is a need for increased awareness of issues and methods that are crucial for the healthcare sector to respond to climate change. Efforts to develop interventions should explore how nurses should be able to contribute to the healthcare sector's preparedness for and contributions to sustainable development.


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Aim. The aim of this study was to describe, explore and explain the concept of sustainability in nursing. Background. Although researchers in nursing and medicine have emphasised the issue of sustainability and health, the concept of sustainability in nursing is undefined and poorly researched. A need exists for theoretical and empirical studies of sustainability in nursing. Design. Concept analysis as developed by Walker and Avant. Method. Data were derived from dictionaries, international healthcare organisations and literature searches in the CINAHL and MEDLINE databases. Inclusive years for the search ranged from 1990 to 2012. A total of fourteen articles were found that referred to sustainability in nursing. Results. Sustainability in nursing involves six defining attributes: ecology, environment, future, globalism, holism and maintenance. Antecedents of sustainability require climate change, environmental impact and awareness, confidence in the future, responsibility and a willingness to change. Consequences of sustainability in nursing include education in the areas of ecology, environment and sustainable development as well as sustainability as a part of nursing academic programs and in the description of the academic subject of nursing. Sustainability should also be part of national and international healthcare organisations. The concept was clarified herein by giving it a definition. Conclusion. Sustainability in nursing was explored and found to contribute to sustainable development, with the ultimate goal of maintaining an environment that does not harm current and future generations' opportunities for good health. This concept analysis provides recommendations for the healthcare sector to incorporate sustainability and provides recommendations for future research.