6 resultados para Band-stop filters (BSF)

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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Denna uppsats handlar om förekomsten av Antisemitism i den svenska s.k. Vit makt-musiken. Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga förekomsten av antisemitism i tre vit makt- band: Pluton Svea, Storm och Dirlewanger. Analysen sker genom att texterna till två album av varje band studeras. Metoden är både kvalitativ som kvantitativ och bland annat så undersöks olika typer av antisemitiska uttalanden som därefter nivåsätts enligt en, av författaren, modifierad skala konstruerad av forskaren John C.G. Röhl. Resultatet av denna undersökning visar att antisemitism är ständigt närvarande i denna musikstil. Dock tar den sig olika uttryck beroende på vilket band det gäller. I de album som är producerade under 2000-talet tycks även en viss nedtoning av den våldsammaste formen av antisemitism kunna ses.


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At the age of multi-media, portable electronic devices such as mobile phones, personal digital assistant and handheld gaming systems have increased the demand for high performance displays with low cost production. Inkjet printing color optical filters (COF) for LCD applications seem to be an interesting alternative to decrease the production costs. The advantage of inkjet printing technology is to be fast, accurate, easy to run and cheaper than other technologies. In this master thesis work, we used various disciplines such as optical microscopy, rheology, inkjet printing, profilometering and colorimetry. The specific aim of the thesis was to investigate the feasibility of using company-A pigment formulation in inkjet production of COF for active matrix LCD applications. Ideal viscosity parameters were determined from 10 to 20mPa·s for easy inkjet printing at room temperature. The red pigments used are fully dispersed into the solvent and present an excellent homogenous repartition after printing. Thickness investigations revealed that the printed COF were equal or slightly thicker than typically manufactured ones. The colorimetry investigations demonstrated color coordinates very close to the NTSC red standard. LED backlighting seems to be a valuable solution to combine with the printed COF regarding to the spectrum and color analysis. The results on this thesis will increase the understanding of inkjet printing company-A pigments to produce COF for LCD applications.


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I denna uppsats så ställs frågan om det går att effektivisera dagens PA-teknik. Detta på ett sätt som gynnar tekniker, musiker och mindre band. Undersökningen som genomfördes innefattade en litteraturundersökning och flertalet intervjuer med personer som på olika sätt arbetar med ljud och musik i livesammanhang.Resultaten visar att det går att effektivisera PA-tekniken mer än vad som görs idag. I och medden digitala teknikens introducerande så underlättas både teknikers och musikers jobb. Den traditionella multikabeln kan ersättas med varianter baserade på Ethernet. Olika varianter av teknik kan användas för att underlätta arbetet med monitorer, exempelvis In-ear monitoring. Uppsatsen presenterar olika knep för hur man kan förhindra feedback och genomföra en effektivare soundcheck. Slutligen diskuteras hur mindre band kan dra fördel av den digitala tekniken.


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Recent developments in biological research, has shown that the initial maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits for protection of workers from risks associated with artificial optical radiations were more stringent than needed. Using the most recent MPE limits for artificial optical radiation this piece of work was focused on the investigation of the level of visible light attenuation needed by automatic welding filters in case of switching failure. Results from the comparison of different exposure standards were employed in investigating the need of Vis/IR and blue light transmittance requirement for automatic welding filters. Real and arbitrary spectra were taken into consideration for the worst and best case scenarios of artificial optical radiations. An excel worksheet developed during the execution of this project took into consideration the exposure from different light sources and the precision of the spectrometer used in measuring the transmittances of a welding filter. The worksheet was developed and tested with known product properties to investigate the validity of its formulation. The conclusion drawn from this project was that attenuation in the light state will be needed for products with the darkest state shade 11 or higher. Also shown is that current welding filter protects the eye well enough even in the case of switching failure.


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In this study, gaseous emissions and particles are measured during start-up and stop periods for an over-fed boiler and an under-fed boiler. Both gaseous and particulate matter emissions are continuously measured in the laboratory. The measurement of gaseous emissions includes oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide and (NO). The emissions rates are calculated from measured emissions concentrations and flue gas flow. The behaviours of the boilers during start-up and stop periods are analysed and the emissions are characterised in terms of CO, NO, TOC and particles (PM2.5 mass and number). The duration of the characterised periods vary between two boilers due to the difference in type of ignition and combustion control. The under-fed boiler B produces higher emissions during start-up periods than the over-fed boiler A. More hydrocarbon and particles are emitted by the under-fed boiler during stop periods. Accumulated mass of CO and TOC during start-up and stop periods contribute a major portion of the total mass emitted during whole operation. However, accumulated mass of NO and PM during start-up and stop periods are not significant as the duration of emission peak is relatively short.


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During the Syrian conflict the number of European Foreign Fighters has increased exponentially and has become an ever-growing concern for European policymakers. This phenomenon presents host of major security challenges for European policymakers and governments. Among European countries, France provides the highest number of citizens who have gone to Syria to fight against Assad´s regime. The French authorities have estimated that by mid-2014, over 700 French citizens have left France and travelled to Syria to fight. Historically France has had a relationship with Syria which started with its role as a border-drawing colonial power. Grounded in a framework of realism, that emphasizes nation-states as the primary actor within the international system, the analysis concentrates on the role of France´s foreign policy on the Syria as push factor for terrorism and radicalization. This paper attempts to determinate a specific correlation between the policy that France has been conducting towards Syria between 2000 and 2015, and the phenomenon of French Foreign Fighters. Findings suggest that France´s foreign policy towards Syria is the main root cause of the French Foreign Fighters phenomenon.