76 resultados para 1403 Econometrics

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Networks and cooperatives have become very common in the woodworking industry during the1990’s. As part of a research project on small enterprise development in the woodworking industry within the Target 6 area (in Sweden) of the European Community, this study follows the development of a dozen cooperative projects during the period 1997-2000. In order to broaden the knowledge base of the study, in 1998 we carried out a survey of cooperative ventures in the woodworking industry in the rest of the country, and collected information about their history, present situation and future strategy. Together with our own material we achieved a body of material consisting of some 30 cases which were subjected to exploratory analysis. We identified the following categories of projects and cooperative ventures; ”Local development projects”, ”Development networks”, ”Producer networks” and ”Development supporting networks”. Most of the producer networks were horizontally integrated but some of them were vertically integrated, along the processing chain from the forest to the customer. Nearly all the local development projects and the networks had been initiated within the last four years. It is, therefore, too early to make any conclusions about their success. Our main finding, so far, is that local development and the establishment of networks requires ”driving forces” in the form of committed individuals, time, money and project organisation. Most of the projects and networks were supported by public funds.


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The objective of this study has been to describe and analyse existing forms of organisation in heating plants using wood fuels, regarding work tasks, organisational structure, skill demands, crew recruitment, working hours and wage conditions. Sixteen plants ranging from 10 to 120 MW have been studied by means of interviews, work place observations and written material. The job of the operator of heating plants is fairly qualified, independent and varied. The most negative factor is shift work. Some of the bigger plants (enterprises) have a relatively hierarchic, segmented and perhaps also an oversized organisation. However, modern concepts of organisation, such as customer orientation, ”flat organisation”, integration of production and maintenance etc, are gaining ground. Blue collar and white collar tasks are increasingly being integrated. Some of the medium sized enterprises have reached very far and may serve as models for bigger enterprises.


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The objective of this study has been to describe and analyse existing forms of organisation in wood fuel plants regarding work tasks, organisational structure, work content, skill demands, crew recruitment, working hours and wage conditions. The study has been introductory, con¬sisting of 2-3 hour visits to 12 plants.The production of refined wood fuels is carried out in rather small plants. The number of employees ranges from 6 to 15 persons in the factories producing between 20 and 100 thousand tons per year. Generally one shift crew consists of only two persons. The operator job requires multiskill capacity, dexterity and autonomous problem-solving.The job can be considered as qualified, responsible, autonomous, meaningful and variable. It was generally considered that it takes about a year to become a good operator. And even after that, one is still learning. Negative factors are shift work, partly poor physical working environment (dust and noise) and, occasionally, mental pressure and overtime.Modern organisation concepts are, to a large extent, applied in the wood fuel plants. The organisation is flat, lean and customer-oriented.


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I ett bestånd med björk, planterad 1990 på nedlagd åkermark i 3x1 m förband har en jämförande studie gjorts. Halva arealen har traditionell skogsproduktion, vilken jämförts med en del med skötsel för kombinerad betesdrift och skogsproduktion. I arbetet redovisas utnyttjad metodik vid anläggning, markbehandling, ogräsbekämpning, stängsling och djurhållning, röjning och gallring, nuvarande och beräknad total produktion, grenrensning samt skador. Tre viktiga regler som har bidragit till den lyckosamma etableringen vid beskogningen av denna betesmark är kontinuerlig ogräsbekämpning, tidig och kraftfull röjning/gallring samt stängsling.In a birch stand established in 1990 on former agricultural land in a 3x1 m spacing a comparative study was made. Half the accerage has ad a traditional silviculture while the other half has been managed aiming at future grace land combined with wood production. In this paper we describe the establishment method used, soil treatment, weed protection, fencing and animal treatment, thinning, productivity and yield, furthermore pruning and occurrence of damages. Three important rules for establishment of silvipastures are continuous weed elimination, early, forceful thinning and good fencing.


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Variation i björkvirkets färg beror på art, läge i träd, ursprung och lagringstid. Vårtbjörk har en mörkare färg än glasbjörk, men livligare struktur och glans. Timmer hugget under tillväxtsäsongen bör sågas färskt eller lagras högst en månad. Vid brädgårdstorkning är god luftcirkulation och skydd för väta och direkt solljus väsentligt. Strövirkets färskhet är av stor betydelse för att undvika fuktfärgning av virket.Variation in birch colours depend on species, position in tree, origin and the storage period. White birch is darker than hairy birch but with a lively structure and shine. During vegetation period timber storage exceeding one month should be avoided. Air circulation, protection from rain and direct sunlight are essential for yard drying. Freshness of stickers used for stacking is important to avoid water marks on wood surface.


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A Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) progeny trial was established in 1990, in the southwestern part of Sweden. The offspring was from 30 plus trees. The trial is located on abandoned agricultural land and has a single tree block design with a variation in spacing. The trial has been damaged by voles. At a tree age of ten years, growth, damages and branch properties were estimated. An analysis of variance on height, diameter and stem volume shows significant difference between spacing and progenies as well as interactions between these factors. As indicated by a better annual height increment and fewer and thinner branches at each whorl the densest spacing has the highest potential to produce quality logs.There were also differences between progenies in growth and quality traits. Some progenies combined good growth and branch characters with low mortality, straight stems and few damages. Other progenies had superior volume production.


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Variation in wood properties for Picea abies trees and logs of different dimensions has been studied at two sites in southern Sweden of different site quality class. Trees have been classified as dominant or sub-dominant, according to their height. Log and board grades were classified and strength grade of boards, basic density and annual ring width measured. A similar study made on four northern sites was used as reference material.Sub-dominant trees were of superior quality in comparison to dominant trees, when classified by log and board grades or strength grading. Differences were accentuated for the second log where the sub-dominant trees had superior strength and low amount of boards with coarse branches. The results correspond well to those from the northern region, Jämtland. The classifica¬tion of boards as well as bending strength indicated superior properties on timber from northern sites even though the basic density was similar.


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Vid trädfällning med motorsåg sparar man en så kallad brytmån som skall fungera som ett gång¬järn när trädet fälls. Om brytmånen går av tidigt finns en risk att trädet faller okontrolle¬rat. De rekommendationer som finns säger att brytmånens bredd skall göras proportionell mot trädets diameter. Genom att teoretiskt och praktiskt undersöka vilka krafter brytmånen utsätts för och vad den håller för har det varit möjligt att dra vissa slutsatser om hur en bra brytmån skall se ut. Ett viktigt resultat är att en bred brytmån (över 30-40 mm) är mycket trög att böja och inte fungerar i det avseendet att den går av redan vid små böjningar. Teoretiska be¬räkningar och praktiska försök visar att en relativt smal brytmån håller för belastningen vid rakt motlut även på stora träd. Som ny rekommendationen föreslås att brytmånens bredd inte bör vara mer än 30 mm. Av försöken kan man också dra slutsatsen att frusen ved är stel och brister tidigt, varför svår¬fällda träd inte bör fällas när veden är fryst.A felling hinge is used when felling trees by help of chain saw. If the hinge breaks early in the fall of the tree there is a great risk that the tree will fall without control. Present recommenda¬tions in Sweden say that the thickness of the felling hinge shall be made in proportion to the stem diameter. By use of theoretical and practical examinations of the forces stressing the felling hinge, and the strength of the wood itself, it has been possible to draw conclusions regarding the correct design of a felling hinge. One important result is that a thick felling hinge (over 30-40 mm) is very hard to bend and does not work well as it looses most of its strength already at a small forward bending angel. Theoretical calculations and practical tests show that a relatively narrow felling hinge will manage very well the forces when felling trees with lean opposite to the felling direction even for large trees. Our new recommendation is that the thickness of the felling hinge in normal Swedish conditions should not exceed 30 mm. Through the studies it can also be seen that frozen, brittle wood breaks at small bending angels. For that reason particularly difficult trees not should be felled when the wood is frozen.


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The objective with this study has been to build general models of the mechanics in tree felling with chain-saw and to compare felling torque for different tools. The theoretical models are completed and validated with a comparative study. The study includes a great number of felling tools of which some are used with different methods. Felling torque was measured using a naturally like measuring arrangement where a tree is cut at about 3.7 m height and then anchored with a dynamometer to a tree opposite to the felling direction. Notch and felling cut was made as ordinary with exception that the hinge was made extra thin to reduce bending resistance. The tree was consequently not felled during the trials and several combinations of felling tools and individuals could be used on the same tree.The results show big differences between tools, methods and persons. The differences were, however, not general, but could vary depending on conditions (first of all tree diameters). Tools and methods that push or pull on the stem are little affected by the size of the tree, while tools that press on the stump are very much dependent of a large stump-diameter. Hand force asserted on a simple pole is consequently a powerful tool on small trees. For trees of medium size there are several alternative methods with different sizes and brands of felling levers and wedges. Larger and more ungainly tools and methods like tree pusher, winch, etc. develop very high felling torque on all tree sizes. On large trees also the felling wedge and especially the use of several wedges together develop very high felling torque.