199 resultados para socialt innehåll


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The overall aim with this thesis is to describe and analyze women’s and men’s recovery processes. More specifically, the aim is to determine what women and men with experience of mental illness describe as contributing to the personal recovery process. The point of departure for the studies was 30 in-depth interviews conducted with 15 men and 15 women. The selection of interview subjects was limited to individuals who had been treated in 24-hour psychiatric care and diagnosed as having schizophrenia, psychosis, a personality disorder, or a bipolar disorder.   Four studies have been carried.  Study 1 was a baseline article that examined what people in recovery from mental illness outline as facilitating factors to their recovery. The results that emerged from that study indicated areas for further analysis to condense the understanding of the recovery process. In study 2 the similarities and the differences in recovery described by women and men were examined. In Study 3 women’s and men’s meaning-making with reference to severe mental illness facilitate the recovery process were studied. The forth study explored how peer-support contribute to women’s and men’s recovery from mental illness.   The results emphasize recovery from mental illness as a social process in which relationships play a key role in creating new identities beside the mental illness. For a majority of the participants meeting peers facilitated the recovery process. The participants described how peer support meant an end to isolation and became an arena for identification, connection, and being important to others. Throughout these recovery processes the impact of gender has been emphasized. The results from this thesis provide new insight into gender as an important factor in understanding the recovery processes. The results from the four studies emphasize the mental patient, the psychiatric interventions and the individual recovery strategies as being influenced by gender constructions.


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Syftet med den här litteraturstudien är att få kunskap om hur och på vilka sätt NOundervisningenkan stödja andraspråkselever i årskurs 1-6 i deras språkutveckling samt derasutveckling av kunskaper i naturvetenskap. Studiens design är en systematisk litteraturstudie därrelevant forskning har sökts med hjälp av databaserna ERIC, avhandlingar.se och libris samttidskriften NorDiNa. Resultatet visar att det krävs tre beståndsdelar för lära sig ett andraspråk,vilka är ett behov och motivation att lära sig det nya språket, goda förebilder som talar det nyaspråket samt ett socialt sammanhang som för talaren av det nya språket och talaren avmålspråket tillsammans. Vidare krävs det fem faktorer för att tvåspråkiga elever ska utvecklasin naturorienterade läs- och skrivkunnighet, vilka är: de tre stegen för lärande (första steget ärelevens tidigare erfarenheter och kunskaper, andra steget är att eleven kopplar de nyakunskaperna med sina tidigare erfarenheter och slutligen uppnår eleven ett mer avancerat tänkmed hjälp av de nya kunskaperna) lämplig pedagogik, kontextuellt samspel, anpassning tillelevernas språknivå (första- och andraspråket) och en elevcentrerad klassrumsmiljö.Nyckelord:


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Denna systematiska litteraturstudie utfördes för att undersöka vilken typ av resonemang som främjas när undervisning bedrivs i form av undersökande arbetssätt. I resultatet presenteras teorier om undersökande arbetssätt från vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade år 2000 eller senare. Definitioner av imitativa och kreativa resonemang används i resultatavsnittet för att analysera de valda artiklarnas innehåll utifrån tidigare forskning. Resultaten visar att även om intentionerna är att elever ska vara kreativa och undersökande när de arbetar med matematik är det inte alltid tydligt om undervisningen innebär att elever skapar egna lösningsmetoder och förväntas argumentera för lösningar, vilka är faktorer som är betydelsefulla för vilken typ av resonemang som främjas. Även lärares agerande tycks ha betydelse för vilken typ av resonemang som främjas när undervisning bedrivs i form av undersökande arbetssätt.


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A little word may mean so much: Changed meanings of the concept men’s violence against women This article concerns the process of policymaking in the Swedish political system with a focus on the concept of men’s violence against women. The material analyzed is based on interviews with key civil servants and the Minister of Equality responsible for the ”Action Plan for Combating Men’s Violence Against Women” launched by the right wing government in 2007. The article shows how a shift in the concept of men’s violence against women is achieved through complex negotiations involving the administration staff as well as the political representatives.The outcome is a change from an understanding of the issue as a structural gender power relation problem, to explaining it as related to individual deviations. This change has been made by re-wording and editing out earlier understandings of men’s violence against women as a structural gender power concern in policies and guidelines, so that the concept is framed as something pertaining to groups of vulnerable women with specific individual obstacles. The political goals are then expressed along the lines of providing support for each group’s designated problems, but the connection to gendered power structures is made invisible.


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Denna studie har undersökt läroplanernas styrdokuments skrivelser om samhällskunskapsämnetssyfte och innehåll. De läroplaner som ingår i undersökningen är Lgr 62, Lgr 69, Lgr 80samt LPO 94. Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka likheter och skillnader i de olikaläroplanerna samt att jämföra respektive läroplaner med så kallade ämneskonceptioner. Metodensom använts i föreliggande undersökning är Charles Tillys rörande komparativa studier.Ämneskonceptioner betyder något förenklat vad som anses i fråga om att ämnet fyller försyfte samt vad ämnet ska innehålla. I denna studie framgick det att de tidigare läroplanernavisade på ett detaljrikt ämne med ett syfte för orientering i samhället samt yrkesförberedelse.Senare läroplaner visade på ett mindre detaljerat ämne med ett större inslag av problematiseringoch med en uttalad värdegrund. I relation till ämneskonceptioner stämde de tidigare läroplanernaLgr 62 och Lgr 69 bäst överens med de ämneskonceptioner vilka hade en orienterandeansatts med fokus på fakta och begrepp. De senare läroplanerna Lgr 80 och LPO 94vilka var mer målfokuserade och problematiserande stämde bättre överens med de ämneskonceptionervilka hade värdegrundsinriktade och medborgarfärdighetsinriktade ansatser


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Negotiating experience in the court How do judges assess witness credibility, and how do they proceed to reach sustainable conclusions in a criminal court? This article is based on discussions in four focus groups with lay judges in Swedish district courts. In criminal court trials, a version of an event is generally reinforced if it is confirmed by witnesses. However, if their narratives are too similar, none of them is found trustworthy. The focus group participants agreed that if witnesses were suspected of having discussed their individual experiences of an event and accommodated them into a common story, their testimonies were not considered credible. While testimonies should ideally be untainted by other people’s impressions and opinions, other rules govern the truth of the court. The lay judges appreciated their deliberations, including negotiations on impressions and memories of the trial, and they sometimes adjusted their perceptions in the light of information provided by other members of the court. However, if the lay judges are viewed as witnesses of what takes place in the trial, this gives rise to a paradox: While witness negotiations on experiences are regarded as a means to construct a false or biased story, the same kind of interaction between the judges is considered necessary to establish a consensual truth of what actually happened.


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The overall aim of this thesis was to explore surgical nurses’ experiences of being confronted with patients’ existential issues when caring for patients with cancer, and to examine whether an educational intervention may support nurses in addressing existential needs when caring for patients with cancer. Previously recorded discussions from supervision sessions with eight healthcare professionals were analysed (I), written descriptions of critical incidents were collected from 10 nurses, and interviews with open questions were conducted (II). An educational intervention on existential issues was pilot tested and is presented in Studies III and IV. The intervention was the basis of a pilot study with the purpose of testing whether the whole design of the educational intervention, including measurements instruments, is appropriate. In Study III and IV interviews with 11 nurses were conducted and 42 nurses were included in the quantitative measurements of four questionnaires, which were distributed and collected. Data was analysed using qualitative secondary analysis (I), hermeneutical analysis (II), and mixed methods using qualitative content analysis and statistical analyses (III-IV). Results in all studies show that existential issues are part of caring at surgical wards. However, although the nurses were aware of them, they found it difficult to acknowledge these issues owing to for example insecurity (I-III), a strict medical focus (II) and/or lacking strategies (I-III) for communicating on these issues. Modest results from the pilot study are reported and suggest beneficial influences of a support in communication on existential issues (III). The results indicate that the educational intervention may enhance nurses’ understanding for the patient’s situation (IV), help them deal with own insecurity and powerlessness in communication (III), and increase the value of caring for severely ill and dying patients (III) in addition to reducing work-related stress (IV). An outcome of all the studies in this thesis was that surgical nurses consider it crucial to have time and opportunity to reflect on caring situations together with colleagues. In addition, descriptions in Studies III and IV show the value of relating reflection to a theory or philosophy in order for attitudes to be brought to awareness and for new strategies to be developed.


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Undersökningens syfte är att synliggöra lärares uppfattning och erfarenheter av nyanlända elever i den svenska skolan, både ur ett lärandeperspektiv och ur ett socialt perspektiv. Studien syftar även till att se vilka möjligheter respektive hinder läraren upplever i mötet med dessa elever samt hur läraren bemöter de svårigheter som kan uppstå. Skriftliga intervjuer ligger till grund för resul-tatet och de insamlade svaren analyserades senare enligt en hermeneutisk innehållsanalysmodell. Resultatet visade på att i en mångkulturell skola skapas möjligheter att diskutera värdegrunden i "naturliga miljöer" samt ökas förståelsen och toleransen för andra människor. Nyanlända elever upplevs även som ambitiösa och tacksamma och kontakten med dessa vårdnadshavare skiljer sig inte åt jämförelsevis svenskfödda elevers föräldrar. Det största hindret i verksamheten är onekligen bristande språkkunskaper vilket resulterar i ouppnådda mål, utanförskap, misslyckade gruppe-ringar och orättvisa betyg. Det sistnämnda är en följd av de kunskapsmål som finns i läroplanen vilken informanterna upplever som direkt segregerande för nyanlända elever. En förutsättning för att verksamhetens skall fungera är att det finns tillgång till resurspersonal, stödmaterial vilket in-formanterna ser som framförallt nödvändigt men också som bristfälligt. Dessutom upplevs mo-dersmålsundervisning positivt då denna stärker känslan av gemenskap och tillhörighet vilket inte alltid är självklart i den reguljära klassen. Dock har informanterna ingen eller mycket liten kontakt med modersmålsläraren och andraspråk läraren vilket undersökningen tolkat som ett hinder. Informanterna har även en viktig roll gällande socialiseringen av nyanlända elever. Dock menar lärarna att det inte är helt enkelt att styra så pass stora elever (högstadieelever) men i klassrummet finns förutsättningar för att öka gemenskapen genom övningar och styrda grupperingar. Trots språksvårigheter, frustration och inte alltför fördelaktiga kursplanemål försöker lärarna arbeta utefter de resurser som finns vilka man också ser som ovärderliga och något man önskar mer av. Trots att både förutsättningar och möjligheter upptar stor del av intervjusvaren är dock de hinder som uppstår övervägande störst och bildar helheten i resultatet. Jag ville även veta vilken typ av lärandeteori som är gynnsamt för de nyanlända eleverna. Min tolkning av resultatet är att det be-havioristska lärandeperspektivet är fördelaktigt för dessa elever. Denna lärandeteori bygger på att eleven lär i lätta, observerbara och hanterbara miljöer där små delar av kunskap bildar en helhet. Det sociokulturella lärandeperspektivet bygger allt för mycket på reflektion, diskussion och muntligt agerande vilket informanterna menar inte gynnar denna elevgrupp


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The core concepts of CA In the theoretical framework of CA, well-being is constituted by a person’s unique way of functioning and capabilities. This means that a person's well-being is personal and involves freedom of choice which in turn means they have a number of options. Although many people may have the same resources, it is of importance to study how these resources are converted into how they function. Thus, wellbeing is about the person's freedom to achieve in general and the capabilities to function in particular (Sen, 1995). Strength of the capability approach The capability approach is a useful tool for matching objective evaluations with subjective metrics. Furthermore, although one’s individual abilities are in focus, contextual factors, and subjective perceptions and experiences, are taken into consideration. Critiques against the CA The capability approach has been criticized for being too individual-centered and not taking sufficient account to social structures in society. It is difficult to know what a person would choose to do if other options were available. Therefore, to operationalize abilities involves uncertainties.


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Objective: To examine in depth the views and experiences of continence service leads in England on key service and continence management characteristics in order to identify and to improve our understanding of barriers to a good-quality service and potential facilitators to develop and to improve services for older people with urinary incontinence (UI). Design: Qualitative semistructured interviews using a purposive sample recruited across 16 continence services. Setting: 3 acute and 13 primary care National Health Service Trusts in England. Participants: 16 continence service leads in England actively treating and managing older people with UI. Results: In terms of barriers to a good-quality service, participants highlighted a failure on the part of commissioners, managers and other health professionals in recognising the problem of UI and in acknowledging the importance of continence for older people and prevalent negative attitudes towards continence and older people. Patient assessment and continence promotion regardless of age, rather than pad provision, were identified as important steps for a good-quality service for older people with UI. More rapid and appropriate patient referral pathways, investment in service capacity, for example, more trained staff and strengthened interservice collaborations and a higher profile within medical and nurse training were specified as being important facilitators for delivering an equitable and highquality continence service. There is a need, however, to consider the accounts given by our participants as perhaps serving the interests of their professional group within the context of interprofessional work. Conclusions: Our data point to important barriers and facilitators of a good-quality service for older people with UI, from the perspective of continence service leads. Further research should address the views of other stakeholders, and explore options for the empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of identified service facilitators.


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There is a lack of research on the everyday lives of older people in developing countries. This exploratory study used structured observation and content analysis to examine the presence of older people in public fora, and considered the methods’ potential for understanding older people’s social integration and inclusion. Structured observation occurred of public social spaces in six cities each located in a different developing country, and in one city in the United Kingdom, together with content analysis of the presence of people in newspaper pictures and on television in the selected countries. Results indicated that across all fieldwork sites and data sources, there was a low presence of older people, with women considerably less present than men in developing countries. There was variation across fieldwork sites in older people’s presence by place and time of day, and in their accompanied status. The presence of older people in images drawn from newspapers was associated with the news/non-news nature of the source. The utility of the study’s methodological approach is considered, as is the degree to which the presence of older people in public fora might relate to social integration and inclusion in different cultural contexts.


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Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka hur F-3 lärare organiserar och bedriverden tidiga läsundervisningen samt undersöka vilka faktorer som verkar påverkaundervisningen och dess innehåll. Metoden för arbetet är en systematisk litteraturstudie därtidigare empiriska forskningar har analyserats och presenterats. Litteraturen söktes genomsöktjänster och databaser tillgängliga via Högskolan Dalarnas bibliotek i form av LIBRISoch SUMMON. Resultatet visar att lärare ser avkodning och läsförståelse som viktiga delardå eleverna ska utveckla en god läsförmåga. Hur lärarna organiserar den tidigaläsundervisningen ser dock ut på olika sätt. Några olika läsinlärningsteorier speglas ilärarnas sätt att bedriva undervisningen men den främsta metoden verkar dock vara dentraditionella ljudningsmetoden där eleverna i ett tidigt stadium lär sig ords enskildabeståndsdelar. Något som verkar vara generellt i skolorna är att många lärare anordnartidiga läsförberedande aktiviteter för de yngre eleverna där de får möta skriftspråket ilekfulla former. Lärarens kunskaper inom läsinlärningsområdet visas vara en avgörandefaktor för den tidiga läsundervisningen och barnens utveckling av en god läsförmåga.


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Summary To become, to be and to have been: about the  Jehovah’s Witnesses The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, in the following text referred to as the Jehovah’s Witnesses or “the organisation”, is a worldwide Christian organisation with about 6.7 million members. The organisation has many times, without any success so far, proclaimed Armageddon when they expect Jehovah to return to Earth. They interpret the Bible in their own, often very literal way, and require their members to live according to these interpretations. Among the consequences of this, members are forbidden to vote, to do military service or to receive blood transfusions. Apart from attending the three weekly meetings, members are expected to be active in missionary work, known as “publishing”. If a member fails to do a certain number of hours’ publishing, he or she risks being deprived of active membership status Sweden in general is considered to be a society where the population is not very religious. The formerly state-governed Lutheran church has lost its influence and the vast majority of ordinary Swedes do not visit church on other occasions than weddings, funerals or christenings. Expressing one’s own religious values has become somewhat of a private matter where publicity is seldom appreciated, which is contrary to the practice of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is one of the reasons why the Jehovah’s Witnesses are commonly perceived by average Swedes as a “suspicious” religious organisation. The aim and methods of the study This dissertation seeks to describe and investigate the entering and leaving of a highly structured and hierarchical religious community, exemplified in this case by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. What are the thoughts and aspirations of someone who is considering becoming a Jehovah’s Witness? What are the priorities and what experiences seem important when a person is going through such a process? And when this person has finally reached his or her goal of becoming a member, is it the same motivation that makes him or her stay in the organisation for longer periods of time, possibly for the rest of their lives, or does it change during the process of entering, or does this motivation change its character during the transition from entering to being a regular member? Why do some of the members change their attitude to the Jehovah’s Witnesses from rejoicing to bitterness? And how does this process of exit manifest itself? In what way is it different from the process of entry? The respondents in this study were chosen from both active members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sweden and those who have left the organisation for personal reasons. Repeated interviews with ten active members of the organisation have been conducted in the course of the study and compared to equal numbers of former members. The interviews have been semi-structured to deal with questions of how a person has come into contact with the organisation; how they retrospectively experienced the process of entry; the reasons for becoming a member. Questions have also been asked about life in the organisation. The group of “exiters” have also been asked about the experience of leaving, why they wanted to leave, and how this process was started and carried out. In addition to this I have analysed a four-year diary describing the time inside and the process of leaving the organisation. This has given me an extra psychological insight into the inner experience of someone who has gone through the whole process. The analysis has been done by categorising the content of the transcribed interviews. An attempt to outline a model of an entry and exit process has been made, based on ideas and interpretations presented in the interviews. The analysis of the diary has involved thorough reading, resulting in a division of it into four different parts, where each part has been given a certain key-word, signifying the author’s emotional state when writing it. A great deal of the information about the Jehovah’s Witnesses has been collected through discussion boards on the Internet, informal talks with members and ex-members, interviews with representatives of the organisations during visits to its different offices (Bethels), such as St. Petersburg, Russia, and Brooklyn, New York, USA. The context Each organisation evolves in its own context with its own norms, roles and stories that would not survive outside it. With this as a starting point, there is a chapter dedicated to the description of the organisation’s history, structure and activities. It has been stated that the organisation’s treatment of its critical members and the strategies for recruiting new members have evolved over the years of its history. At the beginning there was an openness allowing members to be critical. As the structure of the organisation has become more rigid and formalised, the treatment of internal critics has become much less tolerated and exclusion has become a frequent option. As a rule many new members have been attracted to the organisation when (1) the day of Armageddon has been pronounced to be approaching; (2) the members of the organisation have been persecuted or threatened with persecution; and (3) the organisation has discovered a “new market”. The processes for entering and exiting How the entering processes manifest themselves depends on whether the person has been brought up in the organisation or not. A person converting as an adult has to pass six phases before being considered a Jehovah’s Witness by the organisation. These are:  Contact with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Studying the bible with members of the organisation, Questioning, Accepting, Being active as publisher (spreading the belief), Being baptised.  For a person brought up in the organisation, the process to full membership is much shorter:   Upbringing in the organisation, Taking a stand on the belief, Being baptised. The exit process contains of seven phases:   Different levels of doubts, Testing of doubts, Turning points, Different kinds of decisions, Different steps in executing the decisions, Floating, a period of emotional and cognitive consideration of membership and its experiences, Realtive neutrality.   The process in and the process out are both slow and are accompanied with anguish and doubts. When a person is going through the process in or out of the organisation he or she experiences criticism. This is when people around the adept question the decision to continue in the process. The result of the criticism depends on where in the process the person is. If he or she is at the beginning of the process, the criticism will probably make the person insecure and the process will slow down or stop. If the criticism is pronounced in a later phase, the process will probably speed up. The norms of the organisation affect the behaviour of the members. There are techniques for inclusion that both bind members to the organisation and shield them off from the surrounding society. Examples of techniques for inclusion are the “work situation” and “closed doors”. The work situation signifies that members who do as the organisation recommends – doing simple work – often end up in the same branch of industry as many other Jehovah’s Witnesses. This often means that the person has other witnesses as workmates. If the person is unemployed or moves to another town it is easy to find a new job through connections in the organisation. Doubts and exclusions can lead to problems since they entail a risk of losing one’s job. This can also result in problems getting a new job. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not supposed to talk to excluded members, which of course mean difficulties working together. “Closed doors” means that members who do as the organisation recommends – not pursuing higher education, not engaging in civil society, working with a manual or in other way simple job, putting much time into the organisation – will, after a long life in the organisation, have problems starting a new life outside the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The language used in the organisation shows the community among the members, thus the language is one of the most important symbols. A special way of thinking is created through the language. It binds members to the organisation and sometimes it can work as a way to get back into the normative world of the organisation. Randall Collins’s (1990, 2004) thoughts about “emotional energy” have enabled an understanding of the solidarity and unity in the organisation. This also gives an understanding of the way the members treat doubting and critical members. The members who want to exit have to open up the binding/screening off. A possible way to do that is through language, to become aware of the effect the language might have. Another way is to search for emotional energy in another situation. During the exit process, shame might be of some importance. When members become aware of the shame they feel, because they perceive they are “acting a belief”, the exit process might accelerate.


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It is an everyday experience to realize that things do not turn out the as expected. But what if you realize that everything you have so far experienced as reality is illusion? This article is about former members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses who have had doubts about what they previously believed to be the Truth. The article also treats the exit process, from being a Jehovah’s Witness to becoming an ex-Jehovah’s Witness. The data consists of twenty qualitative interviews with ten Jehovah’s Witnesses and twenty qualitative interviews with ten former Jehovah’s Witnesses. The data also include a diary written during four years preceding an exit from the organization. The analysis was made through thematic concentration. Ontologically the analysis and the article are based on a constructionist view though it is mainly empirical with no further theoretical assessment. However, to be able to understand the results a contextual frame is sketched with two factors affecting members who make an exit. First there are tying factors that bind the person closer to the organization; these are closeness and friendship and confirmation. A secluding factor is something that secludes the member from the outside society; these factors are the work situation and »closed doors«. With high values on these factors the exit process will be more arduous. The results are presented through a process model in which different phases or steps in the exit process are described. The following steps in the process are: (1) different levels of doubts; (2) trying out doubts; (3) turning points; (4) different decisions; (5) different steps in execution; (6) floating; (7) relative neutrality. The process is defined as an altogether ambivalent and emotionally tough experience, but other parts of life may be affected as well, such as employment, social life, family life and career.


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Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur verksamma NO-lärare i årskurs 4-6 arbetar laborativt för att synliggöra och tydliggöra ett teoretiskt innehåll. För att uppfylla detta syfte undersöktes hur sju verksamma NO-lärare beskriver att de planerar och utför laborationer där ett teoretiskt innehåll tydliggörs samt vilka möjligheter och utmaningar lärarna anser följer med att föra teorin och praktiken närmare varandra under laborationen. Denna studie har inspirerats av den fenomenografiska forskningsansatsen som har i syfte att urskilja människors uppfattningar av ett fenomen. Lärarnas uppfattningar urskiljs med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Den kvalitativa intervju valdes som metod då den ger en möjlighet att nå ett djup i förståelsen för deltagarens reflektioner och uppfattningar. Lärarnas uppfattningar kategoriseras sedan och utgör det utfallsrum för vilket denna studies resultat ingår. Resultatet visar att lärare medvetet planerar och utför laborationen för att belysa både ett teoretiskt och praktiskt innehåll. Lärarna beskriver att det finns tillfällen då teori måste belysas inför laborationen, till exempel när det handlar om säkerhet och material. Elevernas förkunskaper har betydelse för hur mycket som behöver belysas inför och under laborationen. Det har även framkommit att de olika naturorienterande ämnena skiljer sig åt och ger olika möjlighet för att belysa teori i det praktiska momentet.