406 resultados para Sveriges Allmänna Exportförening


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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About crowding – How the size of our dwellings became a welfare problem Housing policy documents have traditionally been studied by political scientists, resulting in a lack of interest in the private aspects of housing policy. Hence, this paper uses the example of crowding standards to examine how a previously private matter, the size of our dwelling, became a concern of the state. Official governmental documents are analyzed with the help of discourse theory, working on the supposition that the need of the population and the framing of a problem changes over time. The first official standard of crowding, formulated in 1946 argue for larger dwelling size in order to increase the size and quality of the Swedish population. The second standard, formulated in 1965, is based on the assumption that the population, defined as consumers, demands larger sized homes. The final standard, formulated in 1975, claims that larger sized homes is a social right.


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv

Ursprungligen publicerad i Sociologisk Forskning nr. 2 1986


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv

Ursprungligen publicerad i Sociologisk Forskning nr. 1 1966


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Sociology of everyday life aided by participant observation indicates that in the lifeworld, sociologists of today can be classified into a fivefold typology (from the highest to the lowest): 1. Pegasuses (such as Bordieu, Foucault and Habermas) 2. Pegasus-groomers 3. Tree-huggers 4. Stump-sitters 5. Moles. The paper analyses the styles of life, letters, and work of these different types as well as their impact on the progress of sociology.


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I denna uppsats undersöks folkmusikens symbolfunktion för upprätthållandet av 1800-1900-talens kollektiva nationalidentitet. Detta görs genom en analys av den språkliga framställningen av folkmusik inom kulturellt bildade kretsar. Uppsatsen behandlar det skriftliga språket som en reflektion av en skribents värderingar och allmänna världsbild. Genom att analysera den språkliga framställningen av folkmusik med ett teoretiskt underlag att applicera som samhällelig kontext söker uppsatsen att besvara frågeställningar kring värderingen av folkmusik, dess förekomst i vardagen, och dess symboliska funktion inom en avgränsad diskurs. Analysen resulterar i besvarade frågeställningar som stämmer väl in på det teoretiska underlaget som uppsatsen baseras på.


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Under 2000-talet har nya tekniska innovationer både förändrat hur musik spelas in, distribueras och konsumeras. Därmed har nya möjligheter skapats för Sveriges oetablerade artister, samtidigt som utbudet blivit större och svårare att tränga igenom. Uppsatsen undersöker vad oetablerade artister har för åsikter om läget idag och fokuserar kring tre huvudområden; musikutgivning, artistens egen karriär samt musikbranschen i stort. Med djupintervjuer som metod syftar studien till att undersöka vilka problem som står i vägen för en artist som försöker etablera sig och nå ut med sin musik till en större publik. Studien har visat på att artister nuförtiden mycket enkelt kan spela in och ge ut sin musik vilket skapat en direkt länk till allmänheten. Det är dock mycket svårt att få den uppmärksammad, varför branschkontakter fortfarande värderas högt i artisters ögon. Det finns samtidigt en viss misstro mot den etablerade branschens kommersialism men varierar stort beroende på vilken typ av aktör det rör. Genom mer kunskap om fler musikrelaterade uppgifter har artisterna däremot självsäkerheten att själva kunna välja samarbetspartners utifrån var den egna kompetensen brister.


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More than gender equality. Decisions on parental leave and ideals around motherhood, fatherhood and the best interest of the child On the basis of 40 semi-structured interviews, this study discusses decision making processes regarding parental leave among nascent first-time middle-class parents in Sweden. We analyze motives and ideas behind the couples’ plans and decisions and how decisions on parental leave were made. We furthermore show how the decision making processes can be discussed in relation to the institutional context. The results show that ideals and norms of gender equality are accompanied by gendered divisions of work and care and a partially traditional view on motherhood and fatherhood. Contrary to previous studies, we do not find a clear link between gender equal ideals and explicit negotiations. An equal division of parental leave is, in some couples, taken for granted to such an extent that the decision on how to divide the leave is taken implicitly rather than explicitly. Decisions on division of parental leave are not isolated processes. Rather, ideals and norms around motherhood, fatherhood, gender equality and not least what is ‘in the best interest of the child’ constitute part of the context in which these decision making processes take place.


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Fashion, late modernity and identity A common discussion in the late modern era is the role that tradition plays concerning individual identity. This forms a background to our article that focuses on consumer culture and one of its characteristics – fashion. To what extent does consumer culture and fashion contribute to the undermining of traditions, and how does this affect individual identity? We discuss two interpretations of consumption in shaping individual identity: the first interpretation maintains that by consumption individuals obtain an increasing freedom of choicemaking them free from the power of tradition, and thereby responsible for their lifestyle choices. According to the second interpretation, the free choice is illusory. This choiceis strongly influenced by factors such as social class and producers’ manipulative skills. Contrasting classical social theorists with contemporary fashion theory we argue that late modern fashion is characterized by quick changes and pluralism that often stand in contrast to tradition. We further discuss the increased importance of taste and new diffusion patterns as signs of a more individualized fashion, and discuss neo-tribalism as a post-traditional kind of community.


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv