97 resultados para allmän förskola
This paper analyzes Japanese language classes at Dalarna University in Sweden that are held through a web conferencing system. It discusses how students’ learning and language acquisition can be supported by making better use of the available features of using a web conferencing system for language lessons. Of particular interest is the existence of an “information gap” among students, created because of the limits posed by distance communication. Students who take Japanese courses at Dalarna University usually access classes from their home, which are located all over Sweden or even abroad. This fact can be utilized in language classes because the “information gap” can lead to interactions that are essential for language learning. In order to make use of this natural “information gap” and turn it into an opportunity for communication, our classes used a teaching method called “personalization” [Kawaguchi, 2004]. “Personalization” aims to persuade students to express their own ideas, opinions, feelings and preferences. The present analysis suggests that “personalization” in web-based language classes is a surprisingly effective teaching method. By making students explain about things at home (why they have them, what they use them for, or why they are important), students become motivated to express themselves in Japanese. This makes communication meaningful and enhances students’ interest in improving their vocabulary. Furthermore, by knowing each other, it becomes easier to create a ”supportive classroom environment” [Nuibe, 2001] in which students feel able to express themselves. The analysis suggests that that web-based education can be seen not simply as a supplement to traditional face-to face classroom education, but as a unique and effective educational platform in itself.
Syftet med den här undersökningen är att undersöka några pedagogers uppfattning om vilka olikafaktorer som kan påverka barns benägenhet att samarbeta och på vilket sätt dessa faktorer påverkar. Sommetod för att samla in data till studien har fyra pedagoger intervjuats. De berättar om i vilka situationerde sett barn samarbeta. Undersökningen redogör för olika faktorer som påverkar barns förmåga attsamarbeta. Dessa är miljön, gruppidentitet, kommunikation, tillit, gemensamt mål samt de vuxnasförhållningssätt. De olika påverkansfaktorerna samverkar med varandra men den övergripande faktornför barn är de vuxnas förhållningssätt då det är detta förhållningssätt som skapar förutsättningarna för deandra faktorerna. Undersökningen tar också upp skillnader mellan pedagoginitierat samarbete ochbarninitierat samarbete samt jämför pedagogernas erfarenhetsbaserade kunskap med denforskningsbaserade kunskapen.
Dans notre travail nous avons décidé d’analyser et de discuter le «gender» et l’égalité des sexes comme ce sont des thèmes actuels en Suède avec le débat sur la répartition inégale des sexes dans des différents domaines, par exemple sur le marché de l’emploi, au sujet des salaires et dans l’enseignement et parce que ce sont des questions qui nous intéressent personnellement beaucoup comme mère, femme et future professeur. Le champ de notre travail s’est restreint à l’analyse des manuels du français comme langue étrangère pour le collège suédois.
This paper analyzes some forms of linguistic manipulation in Japanese in newspapers when reporting on North Korea and its nuclear tests. The focus lies on lexical ambiguity in headlines and journalist’s voices in the body of the articles, that results in manipulation of the minds of the readers. The study is based on a corpus of nine articles from two of Japan’s largest newspapers Yomiuri Online and Asahi Shimbun Digital. The linguistic phenomenon that contribute to create manipulation are divided into Short Term Memory impact or Long Term Memory impact and examples will be discussed under each of the categories.The main results of the study are that headlines in Japanese newspapers do not make use of an ambiguous, double grounded structure. However, the articles are filled with explicit and implied attitudes as well as attributed material from people of a high social status, which suggests that manipulation of the long term memory is a tool used in Japanese media.
Syftet med denna studie är att få kunskap om hur pedagoger i förskolan beskriver att de arbetar med naturvetenskap och barn i åldern 1-3 år samt hur de beskriver sina erfarenheter av hur barn lär sig naturvetenskap. För att söka denna kunskap användes följande frågeställningar: ”Hur beskriver pedagoger sina erfarenheter av hur små barn lär sig naturvetenskap?”, ”Vad beskriver pedagoger att små barn i förskolan behöver lära sig i naturvetenskap?”, ”På vilket sätt uttrycker pedagoger att de skapar förutsättningar för små barns naturvetenskapliga lärande?”, samt ”Hur beskriver pedagoger att de arbetar med naturvetenskap med små barn?”. Studien har genomförts genom intervjuer med fem pedagoger i en kommun i Mellansverige. Respondenterna anser att barns naturvetenskapliga lärande handlar om att barn får undersöka, utforska och uppleva naturvetenskap med sin kropp. Intervjusvaren påvisar att barns spontana naturvetenskapliga verksamhet är en stor del av respondenternas arbete med naturvetenskap i förskolan. Respondenterna ser även sig själva och sitt engagemang och intresse som en viktig förutsättning för barns naturvetenskapliga lärande. Sitt arbete med naturvetenskap i förskolan beskriver respondenterna som att det mest handlar om ämnet biologi. Då respondenterna exemplifierade olika aktiviteter eller händelser som de menar speglar deras naturvetenskapliga verksamhet i förskolan så anger de bland annat arbete med växtprocesser, vattenlek, bygglek, årstider, väder, internet och naturkännedom. Genom dessa exempel påvisar respondenterna även aktiviteter inom kemi, fysik och teknik och inte bara inom biologi.
The overall purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about dialogues in the setting of the preschool. The more in-depth purpose is to highlight what happens in dialogues between a teacher and a child when more children join the situation of interaction in which the dialogue is taking place. A further purpose is to attempt to understand what it is that influences change in the dialogue and what significance the actions of the teacher can have for this change. The study is based on several questions that concern interaction in preschools, who it is that initiates an increase in the number of participants in those situations that involve dialogue, and what happens with the dialogue when more children join and what causes the change in the dialogue. The study is based on video observations from a preschool; approximately 10 teachers and 50 children between the ages of one and six took part in the study. The situations that were observed and documented in video format were everyday activities (both indoor and outdoor) that were led at a nominal level by teachers. In total, 40 films were recorded. Film length was between one and 60 minutes. In 32 of the films, there was interaction between a teacher and several children, and 18 of these included dialogues between a teacher and several children. Dialogue is here given a specific significance and refers to the interaction that can be described in terms of presence, listening, reciprocity, and extending. This definition of dialogue derives from a combination of Martin Buber’s philosophy of dialogue and aspects of interaction that earlier research found to be significant for children’s learning. In two of the 18 films that showed dialogue, no other children became part of the situation of interaction; the remaining 16 films were transcribed; and both verbal and non-verbal events were made apparent in the transcriptions. Analyses of the recorded material and of the transcriptions were conducted using analytical terms borrowed from conversation analysis as well as the central term for this study dialogue. The results demonstrate a complex practice and also demonstrate that dialogues in the sense given in this study take place between children and teachers. Situations of interaction also occur where dialogues take place in which a number of children join. It can be the child joining the situation of interaction who takes the initiative to an increased number of participants; however, it can also be the teacher or the child in the dialogue. The initial address can take place during a moment of transition in the interaction or at the same time as another participant is talking. The dialogue often changes when more children join the situation where the dialogue is taking place. The dialogue can end completely or be interrupted and resume. The results further demonstrate that the dialogue can continue without seemingly being affected by the fact that more children join. This happens when the child joining and the teacher in the dialogue interact in a non-verbal manner at the same time as the teacher is talking with the child in the dialogue. The dialogue can also be continued with more participants. Who takes the initiative, how the initial address occurs, and which content is given focus by the different participants are all factors that seem to affect what happens to the dialogue. How the teacher acts when more children join also appears to be significant in terms of what happens with the dialogue when more children join. In those situations where the teacher begins talking with a number of children about different subjects, the interaction ceases to be dialogic. When the teacher asks the joining child to wait, the dialogue is both interrupted and resumed, and on those occasions when the dialogue continues with more participants, the teacher listens to the joining child and the participants take turns speaking.
Increased immigration in Europe and worldwide has led to more pre- and primary school students being educated through the medium of a second language, and there is considerable research, much of it coming from Australia, to suggest that in order to cope with this situation, children will need to begin to acquire, from their earliest years in pre-school, a variety of knowledge-based language skills that will be sufficient to carry them through the subject-based education they will encounter in their subsequent schooling. This is particularly important for L2-students who are less likely to meet academic language outside the school. In this paper, based on transcripts of oral interactions in the classroom, it is argued that conversational and story-telling skills, oral and written, provide a rich environment for the development of academic school language, while at the same time promoting and making good use of the cultural diversity that is increasingly a feature of pre-primary and primary classrooms.
This paper aims to show how letters, as a genre of literacy, are used in Karagwe in Tanzania, in relation to authority and secrecy. It is shown that literacy, in the form of letters, plays an important role in the negotiation of authority. Authorities as well as ordinary people use letters according to official norms to claim or manifest authority, while grassroots forms of literacy, dominated forms, are used to resist authorities. Through secret messages and letters people find opportunities to resist that are less dangerous than open rebellion, although the effects may be limited because of the secrecy. It is also shown how children are socialized into this pattern of secrecies through literacy as they are used as messengers. When delivering secret letters and messages, they may be said to exercise a passive voice through literacy.
Murciano is a non-standard variety that is spoken in Murcia, a region in the southeast of Spain.This study aims to investigate which are the attitudes toward the variety from the dimensions ofsolidarity and status.We will use two groups of informants. One integrated by 20 natives from Murcia who use thevariety, and the other by 16 non-spanish-natives that have never been in contact with murciano.The intention with the study is to investigate which attitudes both groups show towardmurciano and analyse the differences and similarities between them. We expect the natives toshow positive attitudes in the dimension of solidarity, and negatives in the dimension of status.We expect the non-natives to show the same kind of attidudes toward both varieties (thestandard-spanish and murciano) while they have never been in contact with the non-standardand therefore should not have the sociocultural background that help people to create negativeattitudes toward non-standard varieties.The chosen method is an indirect one, and the used technique is the matched-guise. Theinformants listen to two different voices talking two times each: one in standard-spanish andone in murciano. After they have listened to one voice in one variety they answer 10 differentquestions to measure their attitudes in the both dimensions we aim to investigate. The resultsare analysed from the gender and the education variables.The results show that the natives attitudes toward murciano are positives from the solidaritydimension but negatives from the status one, results that confirm the first hypothesis. However,the study shows that the non-natives also have negative attitudes toward the variety in the statusdimension but positive toward the standard-spanish, which means that the second hypothesiswas wrong, something that could have been caused by the fact that all non-natives had a higheducational-level. Other studies show that education is a factor that can have a bearing onhaving negative attitudes toward non-standard varieties.
Bakgrunden till denna uppsats är ett eget intresse för vilka normer och outtalade regler som styr och ligger till grund för vår identitetsutveckling och våra relationer. I mitt blivande yrke som förskollärare kommer jag att möta och bemöta ett stort antal barn och min förhoppning är att jag kommer göra det utan att reproducera normerande och stereotypiserande kategorier på barnen. Syftet med arbetet är att, genom en bildsemiotisk analys, belysa kulturella normer och värderingar som bilder i barnböcker frammanar. Samt undersöka om det går att utläsa någon skillnad mellan litteratur vald av en förskola som uttalat arbetar utifrån en normkritisk pedagogik och mellan barnlitteratur som används av förskolor utan uttalad normkritisk ambition. För att genomföra detta har jag valt ut fyra stycken böcker, två som representerar den normkritiska litteraturen och två som representerar litteratur vald av förskolor utan normkritisk ambition. Resultatet pekar mot att det finns normerande bilder och stereotypa skildringar baserade framförallt på kön men att det även finns karaktärer som bryter mot normer baserade på både kön och ålder. Slutsatsen blir att ett medvetet förhållningssätt hos pedagoger gällande normer och reproducerande bilder bidrar till att öka handlingsutrymmet och identifikationsmöjligheterna för barn i förskolan.
Foreign accent can be everything from hardly detectable to rendering the second language speech unintelligible. It is assumed that certain aspects of a specific target language contribute more to making the foreign accented speech intelligible and listener friendly, than others. The present thesis examines a teaching strategy for Swedish pronunciation in second language education. The teaching strategy “Basic prosody” or BP, gives priority to temporal aspects of Swedish prosody, which means the temporal phonological contrasts word stress and quantity, as well as the durational realizations of these contrasts. BP does not prescribe any specific tonal realizations. This standpoint is based on the great regional variety in realization and distribution of Swedish word accents. The teaching strategy consists virtually of three directives: · Stress the proper word in the sentence. · Stress proper syllables in stressed words and make them longer. · Lengthen the proper segment – vowel or subsequent consonant – in the stressed syllable. These directives reflect the view that all phonological length is stress-induced, and that vowel length and consonant length are equally important as learning goals. BP is examined in the light of existing findings in the field of second language pronunciation and with respect to the phonetic correlates of Swedish stress and quantity. Five studies examine the relation between segment durations and the categorization made by native Swedish listeners. The results indicate that the postvocalic consonant duration contributes to quantity categorization as well as giving the proper duration to stressed syllables. Furthermore, native Swedish speakers are shown to apply the complementary /V: C/ - /VC:/ pattern also when speaking English and German, by lengthening postvocalic consonants. The correctness of the priority is not directly addressed but important aspects of BP are supported by earlier findings as well as the results from the present studies.
Syftet med artikeln är att belysa olika föreställningar kring specialpedagogers och speciallärares roller och uppdrag samt att förstå varför denna olikhet finns. Syftet är också att problematisera dessa föreställningar och synliggöra dilemman som kommer till uttryck i talet om de båda yrkesgruppernas roller och uppdrag. Bakgrunden till studien är de skilda och ofta disparata uppfattningar som råder om vad yrkesgrupperna ska arbeta med, hur de ska genomföra sina uppdrag och varför. Konsekvenserna av detta kan leda till att uppdrag genomförs på ett sätt som inte står i överensstämmelse med styrdokumentens föreskrivna demokrati-, samhälls- och kunskapsuppdrag. Samtal har genomförts med specialpedagoger, speciallärare utbildade efter 2008 och rektorer. Den metodologiska ansatsen har varit kunskapande samtal. Kunskapande samtal utgår från ett kommunikationsteoretiskt perspektiv och bygger på Jürgen Habermas teori om det kommunikativa handlandet. Karen Barads teori om agentisk realism har använts för att förstå hur olika föreställningar kring roller och uppdrag uppstår, skapas och förändras i samspel med andras uppfattningar men även i samspel med exempelvis rum, texter och metoder. Olika föreställningar om roller och uppdrag belyses liksom dilemman som dessa föreställningar kan ge upphov till då yrkesrollerna möts i, och möter, en pedagogisk praktik. Resultatet visar att specialpedagoger och speciallärare behöver finnas med i det kontinuerliga arbetet ute på skolor och förskolor men att det kan betyda olika slags organisatoriska lösningar för yrkesgrupperna. En fråga som uppstår är om de specialpedagogiska yrkesgrupperna alltid och i alla sammanhang bör finns så nära barnen/eleverna som möjligt eller om det finns grund för ett mer distanserat sätt att arbeta? Författaren föreslår att svensk förskola och skola bör utnyttja det faktum att det finns två olika specialpedagogiska yrkesgrupper och särskilja deras roller och uppdrag på ett tydligt sätt. Om specialpedagogik dessutom tar avstamp i ett kommunikationsteoretiskt perspektiv skapas förutsättningar och möjligheter för barns/elevers lärande utifrån ett inkluderande synsätt.