717 resultados para betyg och bedömning


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Det problemområde som denna kandidatuppsats behandlar är fasens påverkan vid inspelning och post-produktion utav akustiska trummor. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att bidra till kunskapsläget inom det ljudtekniska forskningsområdet med praktisk tillämpbar kunskap om fasen som fenomen och dess påverkan vid inspelning och post-produktion utav akustiska trummor. Vidare så ämnar även uppsatsen att problematisera det till synes invanda tankemönstert hos många ljudproducenter och ljudtekniker att fasens påverkan är minimal. En konkretisering utav syftet ledde till följande forskningsfrågor: 1.Hur påverkar fasen ljudet då en beståndsdel i trumsetet är inspelat med fleramikrofoner på nära avstånd? 2.Hur påverkar fasrelationen mellan rumsmikrofoner/överhäng ochnärmikrofoner ljudet? För att finna svar på dessa forskningsfrågor genomfördes ett experiment. Inför detta experiment samlades empiri i form utav inspelade trumspår in. Sedan manipulerades fasförhållandena i efterhand och de effekter som fasen hade på ljudet dokumenterades. Ur det resultat som framställdes utav det genomförda experimentet kan man urskilja flera mönster gällande fasens påverkan vid inspelning och post-produktion utav trummor. Vad detta resultat innebär rent praktiskt för ljud- och musikproducenter är ett underlag för utveckling utav metoder för att uppnå eftersträvade ljudegenskaper i sina produkioner.


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Den här studien undersöker teoretiska definitioner av kreativitet, förhållandet mellan kreativitet och kunskap, och låtskrivares strategier för att uppnå kreativitet. Låtskrivande är den skapandeprocess som ska resultera i en färdig musikprodukt. Kreativitet innebär brytande av gamla regler och konventioner för att skapa någonting nytt. Varje musikgenre har specifika regler och konventioner för hur den ska låta och uppfattas, vilket då innebär att man måste ha kunskap om dem för att kunna skriva musik inom den valda genren. Detta kan få låtskrivarprocessen att förefalla som ickekreativ, trots att låtskrivande är känt som en konstnärlig och kreativ uttrycksform. I den här studien användes kvalitativa intervjuer för att ge svar på forskningsfrågorna. Tre erfarna och tre mindre erfarna låtskrivare intervjuades, vilka berättade om sina musikkunskaper, definitioner av kreativitet och skapandeprocesser. Resultaten visade att låtskrivarna inte uppfattade att deras musikkunskap var hämmande för deras kreativitet. Studien visade att låtskrivarna hade utvecklat specifika strategier för hur de skulle kunna skapa på rutin och få tillgång till sin kreativitet. Slutligen definierade låtskrivarna specifika faktorer som påverkade kreativiteten, som till exempel psykiska och fysiska distraktioner.  


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Detta är en uppsats som grundar sig på en kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning om hur musik kan påverka uppfattningen om en rollfigurs sinnesstämning och karaktärsdrag i film. Syftet med uppsatsen är att försöka bidra med en ökad förståelse för vilken kraft musiken har i berättande sammanhang. En djupdykning i hur vi kan påverkas och tolka en berättelse olika beroende på vilket emotionellt uttryck som musiken förmedlar. Testdeltagare har fått se tre versioner av ett och samma filmklipp. En version utan musik och de andra två med två olika musikstycken. Det visade sig att man påverkades olika beroende på vilken musikversion som spelades. Resultaten gav tydliga tendenser att peka åt olika håll i de adjektivskalor som deltagarna fått svara på i enkäten. Det var tydligt att musiken i hög grad påverkade bedömningarna av rollfigurens sinnesstämning och karaktärsdrag.  


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I denna uppsats undersöks skillnaden mellan EQ:s som analog hårdvara och dess digitala motsvarigheter, dvs. emuleringar i pluginformat. I uppsatsen undersöks enheterna genom tekniska mätningar samt lyssningstest. I mätningarna gick det att se tydliga skillnader i övertonsdistortionen även om resterande parametrar var bra emulerade. I lyssningstesten uppfattade lyssningspanelen relativt stora skillnader mellan enheterna. Detta visar på att emuleringarna inte är så bra och exakta som utvecklarna påstår.


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Detta är en kvalitativ undersökning om hörselskador hos musikproducenter. Syftet är att beskriva hur individer som är beroende av sin hörsel, och är medvetna om sin nedsättning, utför sitt arbete. Fem yrkesverksamma musikproducenter med hörselskador har intervjuats om hur de upplever sin hörselskada och hur de hanterar den under arbete. Studiens resultat visar att olika frekvensrelaterade problem är de största hindren, men att upplevelsen är väldigt individuell. Stress och buller var också två viktiga faktorer. Strategier för att hantera hörselskadan under arbete presenteras även. De vanligaste hjälpmedlen är olika visuella verktyg, vilket pekar på att synintryck spelar en allt större roll inom musikproduktion.


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Syfte och utgångspunkt:    Att utifrån fyra organisationer undersöka faktorer som är viktiga för arbete med expatriering och att använda Mendenhall, Dunbar och Oddous modell som inspiration för att skapa en egen modell med faktorer värdefulla för en expatrieringsprocess.   Forskningsresan:                 Utifrån referensram samt ett empiriskt resultat av intervjuer identifieras fyra kategorier, betydelse av att ta med familjen, mentorskap och stöd, anpassning till kultur och karriärplanering. Det empiriska resultatet samt referensramen är sedan grunden till analys och slutsats.   Slutsats:                              I slutsatsen presenteras betydelsefulla faktorer för utgången av studiens syfte.   Dessa faktorer används sedan i den modell författarna skapat. Modellen visar hur behovet av de fyra kategorierna är beroende av den planerade utlandsstationeringens längd.   Metod:                                Författarna av studien utgår från en kvalitativ ansats med djupintervjuer som metod. Det empiriska resultatet baseras på det material som framkommit genom djupintervjuer med  respondenterna från de fyra organisationerna.


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More than gender equality. Decisions on parental leave and ideals around motherhood, fatherhood and the best interest of the child On the basis of 40 semi-structured interviews, this study discusses decision making processes regarding parental leave among nascent first-time middle-class parents in Sweden. We analyze motives and ideas behind the couples’ plans and decisions and how decisions on parental leave were made. We furthermore show how the decision making processes can be discussed in relation to the institutional context. The results show that ideals and norms of gender equality are accompanied by gendered divisions of work and care and a partially traditional view on motherhood and fatherhood. Contrary to previous studies, we do not find a clear link between gender equal ideals and explicit negotiations. An equal division of parental leave is, in some couples, taken for granted to such an extent that the decision on how to divide the leave is taken implicitly rather than explicitly. Decisions on division of parental leave are not isolated processes. Rather, ideals and norms around motherhood, fatherhood, gender equality and not least what is ‘in the best interest of the child’ constitute part of the context in which these decision making processes take place.


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Who is the economic criminal? A comparison between countries and types of crime In white collar crime research two particularly competing definitions (Sutherland versus the Revisionists) have dominated the field during the last two decades. Sutherland’s definition states that the sociodemographic profile is homogeneous (entrepreneur with high education and high or regular income), despite type of white collar crime or context. The definition given by the Revisionists states that white collar criminals’ demographic profile is heterogeneous (everyone can be convicted for white collar crime). As a consequence of this divided definitional approach we have a contradictive outcome of who the white collar criminal is. Our purpose is to investigate the qualification of the two definitions by analyzing heterogeneity/ homogeneity based on crime type and national context. The investigation is based on seven countries from the EES 2004 (European Social Survey). We use four types of crime. The results show a rather homogeneous demographic profile but there is also a certain substantial heterogeneity depending on kinds of crime and context. The results altogether indicate that the Revisionists’ definition is more correct in its description of the white collar criminal than Sutherland’s definition. The demographic profile of the white collar criminal seems to be more complex than a profile confined to just one social category would be and the contextual factor has an impact on the variety of the demographic profile. An important task for future research is to hold the door open for further demographic investigations depending on the type of crime and country that the study is based on. 


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Sociology in Greece from 1907 to the Metaxas dictatorship (1936–40) and the Second World War This paper focuses on pre-conditions for sociology to develop and the subject matters of emerging sociology in Greece. Pre-conditions were at hand but without continuity, and the opportunity for sociology to develop was lost. Sociology is said to have started in 1907 with the book The Social Question by Georgos Skliros. He presented sociology and Marxism as identical and deals with Greek society and (among other things) the language issue, all of which triggered off a vibrant debate. Sociological associations and journals were started. However, the initially reformist perspective of social science was gradually replaced by an approach that was more socio-philosophical, influenced by classical sociology, German sociology in particular. This turn was associated with the institutionalization of sociology at the universities during the 1920’s. The Metaxas dictatorship in 1936 put a stop to any further development of sociology for a long time.


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Genre stratification and the mass media’s neutralization of the critique of ADHD: A sociology of knowledge perspective This study examines how the Swedish mass media has dealt with the opposition against the neuropsychiatric diagnosis ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Drawing on empirical data from eight of the largest newspapers in Sweden (n=778 articles) the study focuses on the scientific controversy of DAMP, 2000–2006. DAMP (Dysfunction in Attention, Motor Control and Perception) is a diagnostic term denoting difficulties similar to ADHD, and which was used in Sweden at the time of the controversy. The study uncovers the ideological role played by the mass media during the DAMP-controversy, and demonstrates the significance of genre. While the spokespersons for DAMP/ADHD were given exclusive and systematic access to the news genre, the forum of fact-production in the mass media, the critics of DAMP/ADHD were confined to arguing and expressing their opinions in the debate genre. Based on the various effects of genre differences a comprehensive analytical tool for the sociology of knowledge, called genre stratification, is developed in the study 


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Pedagogues in the borderland of their social task: dealing with family law proceedings, threats and violence Drawing upon an explorative study of family law proceedings from a school perspective, the aim of this paper is to examine the school staff’s strategies for solving or coping with problematic situations in this context. Gendered conflicts between adults and violence are extreme cases for pedagogues in school and preschool. How do the staff cope with their own and the children’s vulnerability? Based upon interviews with 22 informants, the staff’s strategies are outlined and discussed in relation to organizational and professional circumstances and intersecting social relations of power. An analytical construction of six types of proactive and reactive strategies, ranging from distance keeping to normalization of own exposure, is utilized in the analysis. Findings suggest that the staff’s strategies to handle challenging events in this context vary with the parent’s gender, class position and ethnicity. Further, it is argued that creating a sense of safety and promoting learning among the children may be obstructed by lack of support from the school’s organization, demands on staff to perform customer oriented attitudes towards parents and lack of clarity concerning the limits of the social task. Conflicts between the organization and profession on the one hand and the educational and the social task on the other hand, are thus illuminated. In conclusion, a further aim of this article is to contribute to broader discussions on men’s violence against women and children – in families as well as in workplaces and in the intersection between these two areas. 


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Economic hardship and children’s strategies – scarce resources as a starting point for negotiating family positions The aim of this article is to discuss how children and adolescents experience everyday life in economic hardship and how a negotiation of the family positions can be linked to these experiences. The article takes its theoretical starting point in childhood sociology, and is based on an interview study involving 17 children between the ages of 6–18 in families living on or below the limit for receiving welfare benefits. The purpose of these interviews is to explore how these children experience economic hardship at home and among friends, focusing their own strategies and agency. I argue that the financial situation in these families do indeed challenge the way that the child position is traditionally understood, which also has implications for the children’s identity work. Including children as participants in research therefore becomes crucial in order to fully understand the ramifications of child poverty. 


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Burnout as occupational injury and narrative of resistance During the last years of the 1990s and the first years of the 2000s, burnout was a common diagnosis for sick listing in Sweden. That burnout is directly related to working life was acknowledged by medical experts as well as in the public debate. The number of applications for occupational compensation due to social and organizational factors in work rose from a very modest degree to nearly a forth of the claims among occupational diseases. In this article 48 individual claims for compensation in cases of burnout as occupational disease are analyzed as narratives of resistance. In this respect they are seen as alternative accounts of risk in working life, but also as narratives about resistance. The concept, narratives of resistance, is used to understand the claimants’ argumentation for rights to compensation, as well as how the claimants draw upon public narratives of societal transformation to understand how they themselves have become ill from occupations that normally are not thought to be hazardous. One conclusion from the analysis is that the claimants regard their illness as the resistance of the body against changes in society and working life. 


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Media representations of ethnicity- and migration-related issues within the elderly care in Sweden and Finland Research on welfare regimes and migration regimes has shown that Sweden and Finland have similar elderly care regimes but different migration regimes. It is against this backdrop that we set out to study what Swedish and Finnish daily press focusing on elderly care has written about ethnic minorities, migrants and migration. The study uses quantitative content analysis to analyze 241 daily newspaper articles published between 1995 and 2008. This article presents the themes that have been discussed, the elderly care actors that have been in focus (i.e. whether the focus has been on elderly care recipients, elderly care providers or informal caregivers), the ethnic backgrounds that these actors have had (i.e. whether the focus has been on the ethnic majority or on ethnic minorities) and the type of explanatory frameworks that the newspaper articles in focus have used. On the basis of this, we problematize the representations of ethnic minorities, migrants and migration that the newspaper articles in question put forth and the fact that the Swedish and Finnish daily press treats the issues at hand as if migration is mostly an issue that can be relegated to the periphery of the elderly care sectors’ agenda.