765 resultados para AV


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Beyond school performance An analysis of PISA 2006 from an intersectional perspective One of the central questions in recent discussions about Swedish schools is which factors that influence school performance. Socio-economic background, gender, ethnicity, country of birth are some aspects that are mentioned in many international and national studies. Sweden is one of the participants in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the results of PISA since 2000 show deteriorated results for Sweden in reading performance, mathematics and science among 15-year-old students. In order to set school performance in a broader context we analyzed data for the Swedish part of PISA 2006, in which 57 countries participated (of which 30 OECD-countries), with multivariate methods from an intersectional perspective. Our analysis of PISA 2006 shows a complexity of different social, economic and cultural factors behind students’ school performance. This intersectional result is also strengthened by the results from PISA 2009, not analysed here. Further, our results show that students’ school performance vary with immigration status but that this variation increases by the factor of social inequality in the Swedish society.


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Risky water How the individual makes sense of unexpected parasites in the drinking water This quick response study was carried out with the aim to study how individuals made sense of the outbreak of the parasite Cryptosporidium in the drinking water in Ostersund. In total 24 interviews were made with people in Ostersund. The result shows that the interviewees related to social as well as spatial dimensions when they made sense of this risky situation, which can be understood in relation to the concept of sensemaking of risk. Six groups among the interviewees emerged in the analysis, illustrating how different aspects of the risk where focused in the process of sensemaking. Further, the study shows that the process of sensemaking was built upon direct as well as indirect social relations, where the interviewees made sense of the risk by relating to people who were close to them as well as to people to whom they had no personal relation. These indirect social relations were defined as: elderly, children and people in other countries, which also points at the fact that the interviewees made sense of the risk in a global context. Finally, the results suggest that social relations could be further explored in future studies in sensemaking of risk.


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Old bastard – rebellion against or a repetition of negative age codes? In contemporary media and scientific contexts, it has become increasingly popular to launch today’s elderly as different from previous generations of older people, especially emphasized is that today’s elderly will have more attitude and set higher demands on society. The TV-series Pensionärsjävlar is based on this idea of today’s and tomorrow’s elderly as different and more rebellious than previous generations. The purpose of this article is to analyze and discuss how age and age codes are used as a prerequisite for, but also are challenged in the series. The result shows that chronological age is almost absent in the series, instead age coding is performed by physical attributes and verbal acts. Most common attributes are those connected to decreased functionality, such as walker, wheelchair, walking stick etcetera. The most common taboo joked about is sexuality, and other common themes are decreased functionality,child/youth- like behavior and traffic. In the article I discuss how these themes and attributes are negotiated in relation to age.  


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Genre stratification and the mass media’s neutralization of the critique of ADHD: A sociology of knowledge perspective This study examines how the Swedish mass media has dealt with the opposition against the neuropsychiatric diagnosis ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Drawing on empirical data from eight of the largest newspapers in Sweden (n=778 articles) the study focuses on the scientific controversy of DAMP, 2000–2006. DAMP (Dysfunction in Attention, Motor Control and Perception) is a diagnostic term denoting difficulties similar to ADHD, and which was used in Sweden at the time of the controversy. The study uncovers the ideological role played by the mass media during the DAMP-controversy, and demonstrates the significance of genre. While the spokespersons for DAMP/ADHD were given exclusive and systematic access to the news genre, the forum of fact-production in the mass media, the critics of DAMP/ADHD were confined to arguing and expressing their opinions in the debate genre. Based on the various effects of genre differences a comprehensive analytical tool for the sociology of knowledge, called genre stratification, is developed in the study 


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Economic hardship and children’s strategies – scarce resources as a starting point for negotiating family positions The aim of this article is to discuss how children and adolescents experience everyday life in economic hardship and how a negotiation of the family positions can be linked to these experiences. The article takes its theoretical starting point in childhood sociology, and is based on an interview study involving 17 children between the ages of 6–18 in families living on or below the limit for receiving welfare benefits. The purpose of these interviews is to explore how these children experience economic hardship at home and among friends, focusing their own strategies and agency. I argue that the financial situation in these families do indeed challenge the way that the child position is traditionally understood, which also has implications for the children’s identity work. Including children as participants in research therefore becomes crucial in order to fully understand the ramifications of child poverty. 


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Media representations of ethnicity- and migration-related issues within the elderly care in Sweden and Finland Research on welfare regimes and migration regimes has shown that Sweden and Finland have similar elderly care regimes but different migration regimes. It is against this backdrop that we set out to study what Swedish and Finnish daily press focusing on elderly care has written about ethnic minorities, migrants and migration. The study uses quantitative content analysis to analyze 241 daily newspaper articles published between 1995 and 2008. This article presents the themes that have been discussed, the elderly care actors that have been in focus (i.e. whether the focus has been on elderly care recipients, elderly care providers or informal caregivers), the ethnic backgrounds that these actors have had (i.e. whether the focus has been on the ethnic majority or on ethnic minorities) and the type of explanatory frameworks that the newspaper articles in focus have used. On the basis of this, we problematize the representations of ethnic minorities, migrants and migration that the newspaper articles in question put forth and the fact that the Swedish and Finnish daily press treats the issues at hand as if migration is mostly an issue that can be relegated to the periphery of the elderly care sectors’ agenda. 


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Organizations, Inequality, Migration – Changes of the Ethnic Division of Labour in the Swedish Construction Sector During the 1990s the number of migrants from Eastern Europe increased in the Swedish construction sector. This article examines how this change was initiated by changes in the organizational population in the construction sector. The gradual enlargement of the European Union changed the institutional framework for organizations in Sweden. This created increased opportunities for new organizational forms in the construction sector. The specific niche of the new organizations was to recruit and hire out workers from Eastern Europe that were paid lower wages than Swedish workers. The diffusion of this organizational form contributed to a change of norms and beliefs about what was legitimate and illegitimate when employing migrants. This implies that the inequalities that this organizational form introduces have gained increased legitimacy in Sweden. Or in other words, it has become increasingly socially acceptable to pay migrants lower wages than Swedish workers


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Taking Sweden into the future – Bio-objectification of new medical technology In this article, we analyze how contemporary discursive silences around new biotechnologies such as cybrids and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), have been enabled by earlier policy processes in the area, e.g. boundary work around what is human and non-human, living and non-living, subject and object. The analysis of policy processes around xenotransplantations and the use of human embryonic stem cells, shows that the stem cells’ and xenografts’ “bio-identities” become stabilized through high expectations for the future, a lack of therapeutic possibilities and struggles over definitions of life. The policy processes around human embryonic stem cells and organs from other animals, are characterized by a normalization of certain understandings of ”life”, trust in scientific progress and it’s national financial potentials and a categorization of criticism as irrational. Through these “bio-objectification processes”, debate and decision making has been moved from a political and public context into ethical committees and research funding bodies. The article concludes by discussing consequences of this political non-handling of biomedical technologies and how these bioobjects could be re-politicized.


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”A stock market for all”. Integrity and concern for the market in the (self-)regulation of the Swedish securities market This article deals with the transformation process that led to the substantial growth of the securities markets, and also led to a situation where Sweden became one of the leading countries when it comes to ordinary people investing in shares and mutual funds. The article discusses how social control and regulation of the market changed as a result of this process. A sudden and strong unanimity for knowledge tests in order for a stockbroker to be allowed to conduct brokerage, advisory services and asset management was the significant change in this transformation process. Knowledge tests were first introduced on a voluntary basis by the industry itself, but is now a mandatory requirement by the State. This article argues that the unanimity for knowledge tests best can be understood by studying the broadening of the financial markets. The broadening meant that more groups in society – with very varying capabilities – had started to place their assets in the security markets. They were encouraged to do so since this was considered to be the solution to the growing number of socioeconomic problems. This article is mainly based on market statistics and document analysis supplemented by interviews.


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Baby boomers and elderly care: expectations in print media about a new kind of care users The Swedish baby boomer generation – known as the forties generation – has been characterized as youthful and powerful. At present, members of this generation are entering the category of old age and in about ten years they will start reaching ages where the likelihood of encountering elderly care increases significantly. The present study reports on how this expected meeting has been discussed in Swedish newspapers. Data consisted of 481 articles during the period 1995–2012 and was analyzed through qualitative content analysis. Results show that the generation was predicted to become a new type of demanding and self-conscious care users. Claims were backed by descriptions of formative events and typical characteristics that were projected onto a future as care user. Such projections tended to portray care users of present time as passive and submissive, and partly responsible for problems associated with elderly care 


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The social constructions of old age and ability – the example of intellectual disability The aim of this article is to analyse and discuss constructions of old age as they are reflected in disability research with the focus on ageing and what it means to be elderly. The results of this study show three tendencies. First, the consequences of the impairment tend to be at forefront in studies of experiences of ageing among persons with intellectual disabilities. This obscures the fact that people with intellectual disabilities partake in a common idealisation of youthfulness that often contains ambivalence towards old age. Second, the concept of old age in disability research embraces significantly wider chronological age groups than those considered in ageing studies. Third, both disability and ageing research tend to use a late modern perspective of individualization as a way to illustrate new options and strategies, including resistance against stigmatisation. This article illustrates that social constructions of disability and old age are tightly interwoven, and constitute negations of normatively defined ideals of normality in a society where ability are highly regarded.


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Forgiveness and reconciliation in a sociological context Are forgiveness and reconciliation left to the theologians to define or can these concepts also be genuine concepts in sociology? In spite of the fact that sociology and social psychology have a lot of research about relationship, interaction and groups, there is not much research about forgiveness and reconciliation. This article presents the understanding of how relations can be revived, if once broken, if using these conceptions. The discussion also includes the concepts of shame and guilt and even confidence, particularly in relations where you find victim and perpetrator. The discussion is developed in a perspective of symbolic interactionism with examples from sociological research about men´s violence against women and adults, especially fathers, abuse to their daughters. In this article the perpetrator feels guilt and the victim shame and the feeling of guilt makes the perpetrator to ask for forgiveness. When hate and hard feelings have come to an end, the reconciliation can occur as a consequence of the forgiveness.


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”I believe in something”: Constructions of Beliefs in Sweden Research results are dependent on how social phenomena are conceptualized. In the present article, consequences are discussed of the standardized conceptualization of religiosity as ”church-oriented”. In its place, a multifaceted approach to the phenomenon of religious belief is suggested. This approach was used for an analysis on how eleven Swedish women and men with different religious and spiritual as well as non-religious and atheist affiliation talk about beliefs. The results suggest that beliefs were meaningful because they related to specific perceptions of a Zeitgeist. It was hereafter underlined that belief in ”something” or other brief descriptions of the sacred placed the sacred outside of the individual. Finally, while subjective authority is valued for choosing to believe, this subjectivity seems in part to be dependent on collective dimensions of recognition. The value of choosing beliefs can be conceptualized as a meaningful yet analytically distinct aspect of belief co-existing with descriptions of the sacred. Thus, it is concluded that a multifaceted approach to religious belief may develop our understanding of religion and religiosity in contemporary society


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Rapporten ingår i ett FoU- projekt för Högskolan Dalarna, där målet är att ta fram en konstruktion utan ångspärr som ska klara dagens mått på lufttäthet och fuktkrav. Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda hur fukt påverkar en byggnad medmassivträstomme och olika isoleringsmaterial utan ångspärr. Mineralull och träfiberisolering jämförs mot varandra för att se hur dessa påverkarfuktbelastningen i en väggkonstruktion. Testobjektet är lokaliserat i Dalarna, inget fukttillskott har funnits inomhus i byggnaden. För att genomföra detta arbete har tre stycken olika metoder används. Ensimulering, verkliga uppmätta värden och en provtagning. Fuktsimuleringen genomfördes med hjälp av programmet WUFI, uppmätta värden i form av relativ fuktighet och temperatur har samlats in kontinuerligt under två års tid från väggkonstruktionen via mätsensorer. Provtagningen utfördes med ett fysiskt ingrepp på samma nivå i konstruktionen som mätsensorer var placerade. Resultat presenteras i form av diagram och tabeller där det går att avläsa konstruktionens nulägesstatus i form av relativ fuktighet, temperatur, fuktkvot och mikrobiologisk påväxt. Isoleringsmaterialen påvisar en hög relativ fuktighet under vinterhalvåret längst ut i konstruktionen mot utomhusklimatet. Utomhusklimatet har visats spela stor roll i detta. Ingen direkt mikrobiologisk påväxt har påträffats trots en hög halt av fukt. Resultaten visar att träfiberisoleringen har bättre förmåga att hantera fukt i jämförelse med mineralullen. En vidarestudie med fuktbelastning och 21 °C inomhus bör utföras. Men för att denna studie ska fungera rekommenderas en tvåstegstätad fasadlösning för att klara fuktbelastningen i väggkonstruktionen.


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Behovet av att analysera volatilt minne från Macintosh-datorer med OS X har blivit allt mer betydelsefull på grund av att deras datorer blivit allt populärare och att volatil minnesanalysering blivit en allt viktigare del i en IT-forensikers arbete. Anledningen till att volatil minnesanalysering blivit allt viktigare är för att det går att finna viktig information som inte finns lagrad permanent på datorns interna hårddisk. Problemet som låg till grunden för det här examensarbetet var att det uppenbart fanns brist på undersökningsmetoder av det volatila minnet för Mac-datorer med OS X.Syftet med detta arbete var därför att undersöka möjligheten att utvinna information från ett volatilt minne från en Mac-dator med OS X genom att kartlägga och bedöma olika undersökningsmetoder. För att göra denna undersökning har litteraturstudier, informella intervjuer, egna kunskaper och praktiska försök genomförts.Slutsatsen blev att möjligheten att utvinna information från det volatila minnet från en Mac-dator med OS X är relativt begränsad. Det största problemet är själva dumpningen av minnet. Många av dumpningsmetoderna som finns att tillgå kräver administrativa rättigheter. Vid analysering av en minnesdump bör man aldrig förlita sig på en analysmetod då olika analysmetoder ger olika resultat som kan vara till nytta för en vidare undersökning av en Mac-dator.