19 resultados para Pellets reuse


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Test method for integrated solar- biomass systems - Long term prediction trough short term measurementsSP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and SERC, Dalarna University have in cooperation developed a test method for integrated solar and biomass systems. The test method is performed under six days including two summer days, two winter days and two spring/autumn days true to real weather conditions and loads for a single family house. The aim of the test method is to get information about a Combisystem’s annual performance and operation throughout a short term test. Seven different solar Combisystems have been tested within the project together with a pellet boiler without solar collectors. In addition to that a comparative testing has been performed at the two laboratories at SP and at SERC on the same Combisystem. The test method developed within the project has been proved to withstand the aim of the project, which is to be able to compare the performance between the systems. The test method is also suitable for identification of possible operation problems so they can be taken care of and consequently improves the system.The project and the system testing reveal that it is in general favorable to combine biomass pellets with solar heating. Pellet boilers has normally a low performance during the summer period but combined with a solar collector the boiler can be switch off during this period. There are however big differences in performance between the tested. The efficiency of the pellet boiler is highly dependent of the operating conditions and elements like heat losses from the system, system configuration and control strategy have great influence of the performance of the system and the emissions. On the other hand, the performance and the size of the solar collectors have a minor effect on the overall system performance. There is obviously a big potential for improvement of the system´s performance and the developed test method is an essential way to implement this perfection.


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Från den första januari 2010 gäller nya byggregler för energianvändning och effektbehov i nya byggnader. Det innebär en skärpning för alla byggnader som använder el för uppvärmning. För att begränsa effektbehovet för elvärmda hus införs krav på maximal installerad eleffekt. Det blir krav på lägre mängd köpt energi i hus som klassas som eluppvärmda än i hus som har annat uppvärmningssätt. Denna rapport undersöker hur byggandet kan komma att påverkas av de nya byggreglerna och vilka system som kan komma att bli dominerande i småhusen framöver. En villa med olika isolerstandard simulerades på fyra olika orter från Malmö i söder till Kiruna i norr och energianvändningen för de olika uppvärmningssystemen beräknades sedan schablonmässigt med hjälp av tillverkarnas data. Två olika isolerstandarder och ett passivhus simulerades med respektive utan från och tilluft med värmeåtervinning.   Resultaten visar att traditionella frånluftvärmepumpar inte klarar kraven, både för energi och för effekt, förutom möjligen i sydligaste Sverige i ett välisolerat hus. En kondenserande frånluftvärmepump som kyler frånluften kraftigare och utvinner kondensationsvärme klarar kraven om den uppfyller vad tillverkaren lovar. En frånluft/jordvärmepump klarar också kraven, men ligger nära gränsen i Mellansverige. De uppvärmningsalternativ som klarar de nya energikraven med god marginal i alla klimatzoner är kondenserande frånluftvärmepump, bergvärmepump, fjärrvärme (FTX krävs i norra Sverige), pelletkamin med FTX samt passivhuset. De el-baserade uppvärmningsalternativ som ger lägst elanvändning är bergvärmepump och passivhus. Dessa ligger på alla orter långt under kravgränserna från BBR. Uppvärmning med enbart pellets eller fjärrvärme klarar inte energikraven med tillräcklig marginal, förutom i Malmö. Det krävs kompletterande åtgärder, som kan vara värmeåtervinning med FTX, frånluftvärmepump solvärme eller tilläggsisolering.   Pelletvärmesystemen får lite svårare att klara energikraven, genom att pelletkaminens verkningsgrad ligger innanför systemgränsen. Det blir alltså i praktiken krav på FTX med ved, pellets och även med fjärrvärme i norra Sverige. En ekonomisk utvärdering har genomförts baserad på första årets energi-, kapital- och underhållskostnader. Kapitalkostnader delas upp på komponentens förväntade livslängd med annuitetsmetoden. Framtida underhållskostnader diskonteras ett nuvärde och delas upp med annuitetsmetoden. Dagens energipriser och en kalkylränta på 4,5 % används som utgångspunkt, men varieras för olika scenarier.   Fjärrvärme tycks ge bland de lägsta kostnaderna av de studerade alternativen. I alla fall i de kommuner som ligger under medelpriset för svensk fjärrvärme. Vedeldning har inte studerats här, men ger säkerligen lägst totalkostnader om man accepterar den tid som krävs för att hantera ved och elda. Det studerade passivhuset hör också till de alternativ som har bland de lägsta kostnaderna då investering och energianvändning vägs samman. Men räntenivån har en stor inverkan på systemens totalkostnad. Låg ränta har en utjämnande effekt på totalkostnaden. Vid högre ränta ökar kostnaden mest för system med lång livslängd (avskrivningstid), vilket gör passivhusen dyrare. Pelleteldning i nybyggda hus kommer nog att utgöra en mindre del av installationerna, då det krävs FTX och investeringskostnaden blir ganska hög. Om lösningar med frånluftvärmepump och luftburen pelletkamin mot förmodan skulle komma att uppfylla kraven för ett icke elvärmt hus kan det bli ett uppsving för sådana lösningar


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The aim of this study was to investigate how electricallyheated houses can be converted to using wood pellet and solarheating. There are a large number of wood pellet stoves on themarket. Many stoves have a water jacket, which gives anopportunity to distribute the heat to domestic hot water and aradiator heating system. Three typical Swedish houses with electric resistanceheating have been studied. Fourteen different system conceptsusing wood pellet stoves and solar heating systems have beenevaluated. The systems and the houses have been simulated indetail using TRNSYS. The houses have been divided in up to 10different zones and heat transfer by air circulation throughdoorways and open doors have been simulated. The pellet stoveswere simulated using a recently developed TRNSYS component,which models the start- and stop phases, emissions and thedynamic behaviour of the stoves. The model also calculates theCO-emissions. Simulations were made with one stove without awater jacket and two stoves with different fractions of thegenerated heat distributed in the water circuit. Simulations show that the electricity savings using a pelletstove are greatly affected by the house plan, the systemchoice, if the internal doors are open or closed and thedesired level of comfort. Installing a stove with awater-jacket connected to a radiator system and a hot waterstorage has the advantage that heat can be transferred todomestic hot water and be distributed to other rooms. Suchsystems lead to greater electricity savings, especially inhouses having a traditional layout. It was found that not allrooms needed radiators and that it was more effective in mostcases t use a stove with a higher fraction of the heatdistributed by the water circuit. The economic investigation shows that installing a woodpellet stove without a water jacket gives the lowest totalenergy- and capital costs in the house with an open plan (fortoday's energy prices and the simulated comfort criteria). Inthe houses with a traditional layout a pellet stove givesslightly higher costs than the reference house having onlyelectrical resistance heating due to the fact that less heatingcan be replaced. The concepts including stoves with a waterjacket all give higher costs than the reference system, but theconcept closest to be economical is a system with a bufferstore, a stove with a high fraction of the heat distributed bythe water circuit, a new water radiator heating system and asolar collector. Losses from stoves can be divided into: flue gas lossesincluding leakage air flow when the stove is not in operation;losses during start and stop phases; and losses due to a highair factor. An increased efficiency of the stoves is importantboth from a private economical point of view, but also from theperspective that there can be a lack of bio fuel in the nearfuture also in Sweden. From this point of view it is alsoimportant to utilize as much solar heat as possible. Theutilization of solar heat is low in the simulated systems,depending on the lack of space for a large buffer store. The simulations have shown that the annual efficiency ismuch lower that the nominal efficiency at full power. Thesimulations have also shown that changing the control principlefor the stove can improve efficiency and reduce theCO-emissions. Today's most common control principle for stovesis the on/off control, which results in many starts and stopsand thereby high CO-emissions. A more advanced control varyingthe heating rate from maximum to minimum to keep a constantroom temperature reduces the number of starts and stops andthereby the emissions. Also the efficiency can be higher withsuch a control, and the room temperature will be kept at a moreconstant temperature providing a higher comfort.


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In this study, gaseous emissions and particles are measured during start-up and stop periods for an over-fed boiler and an under-fed boiler. Both gaseous and particulate matter emissions are continuously measured in the laboratory. The measurement of gaseous emissions includes oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide and (NO). The emissions rates are calculated from measured emissions concentrations and flue gas flow. The behaviours of the boilers during start-up and stop periods are analysed and the emissions are characterised in terms of CO, NO, TOC and particles (PM2.5 mass and number). The duration of the characterised periods vary between two boilers due to the difference in type of ignition and combustion control. The under-fed boiler B produces higher emissions during start-up periods than the over-fed boiler A. More hydrocarbon and particles are emitted by the under-fed boiler during stop periods. Accumulated mass of CO and TOC during start-up and stop periods contribute a major portion of the total mass emitted during whole operation. However, accumulated mass of NO and PM during start-up and stop periods are not significant as the duration of emission peak is relatively short.