32 resultados para MIDWIVES


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During the latest decade Somali-born women with experiences of long-lasting war followed by migration have increasingly encountered Swedish maternity care, where antenatal care midwives are assigned to ask questions about exposure to violence. The overall aim in this thesis was to gain deeper understanding of Somali-born women’s wellbeing and needs during the parallel transitions of migration to Sweden and childbearing, focusing on maternity healthcare encounters and violence. Data were obtained from medical records (paper I), qualitative interviews with Somali-born women (II, III) and Swedish antenatal care midwives (IV). Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used. Compared to pregnancies of Swedish-born women, Somali-born women’s pregnancies demonstrated later booking and less visits to antenatal care, more maternal morbidity but less psychiatric treatment, less medical pain relief during delivery and more emergency caesarean sections and small-for-gestational-age infants (I). Political violence with broken societal structures before migration contributed to up-rootedness, limited healthcare and absent state-based support to women subjected to violence, which reinforced reliance on social networks, own endurance and faith in Somalia (II). After migration, sources of wellbeing were a pragmatic “moving-on” approach including faith and motherhood, combined with social coherence. Lawful rights for women were appreciated but could concurrently risk creating power tensions in partner relationships. Generally, the Somali-born women associated the midwife more with providing medical care than with overall wellbeing or concerns about violence, but new societal resources were parallel incorporated with known resources (III). Midwives strived for woman-centered approaches beyond ethnicity and culture in care encounters, with language, social gaps and divergent views on violence as potential barriers in violence inquiry. Somali-born women’s strength and contentment were highlighted, and ongoing violence seldom encountered according to the midwives experiences (IV). Pragmatism including “moving on” combined with support from family and social networks, indicate capability to cope with violence and migration-related stress. However, this must be balanced against potential unspoken needs at individual level in care encounters.With trustful relationships, optimized interaction and networking with local Somali communities and across professions, the antenatal midwife can have a “bridging-function” in balancing between dual societies and contribute to healthy transitions in the new society.


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Bakgrund: Stöd inom abortvård har en stor betydelse för att upprätthålla en professionell förhållningsätt i mötet med patienten i abortsituationen och ge fullgodvård. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien var att beskriva barnmorskors och sjuksköterskors behov av stöd inom abortverksamheten. Metod: Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sjuksköterskor och barnmorskor på en svensk kvinnoklinik för att uppnå studiens syfte. Resultat: Resultatet visade att behoven av stöd skiftade, beroende på vårdpersonalens olika utbildningar, arbetslivserfarenheter och personliga egenskaper. Behoven av stöd kunde innefatta kunskap, emotionellt stöd och etisk reflektion. Samspel i vårdteamet som består av gynekologer, barnmorskor, sjuksköterskor och kuratorer var viktigt för att kunna skapa bästa möjliga arbetsmiljö. Förutom grundutbildning som sjuksköterska eller barnmorska skulle behövas mer specifik utbildning inom abortvård.


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Bakgrund: Statistik visar på ökat antal elektiva kejsarsnitt internationellt och nationellt. Ett kejsarsnitt kan rädda liv på mor och barn om komplikationer uppstår, elektivt kejsarsnitt är även liksom andra stora operationer förenat med risker för komplikationer. Antalet elektiva kejsarsnitt på humanitär indikation har ökat i Sverige och cirka 17 % av alla förlossningar sker via kejsarsnitt. Att vårda och stödja kvinnor före, under och efter en förlossning med kejsarsnitt hör till barnmorskans arbete. Syftet med studien var att beskriva barnmorskors uppfattning om indikationer och effekter av förlossning med elektiva kejsarsnitt på humanitär indikation belyst utifrån arbetslivserfarenheter. Metod: kvalitativ metod: semistrukturella intervjuer med nio barnmorskor. Materialet analyserades via fenomenografisk analys i sju steg. Resultat: Fyra beskrivningskategorier framkom, Elektivt kejsarsnitt på humanitär indikation är ett etiskt dilemma, Elektivt kejsarsnitt på humanitär indikation är en stor operation, Elektivt kejsarsnitt på humanitär indikation påverkar organisation och barnmorskans arbetsmiljö och Elektivt kejsarsnitt på humanitär indikation påverkar kvinnans förlossningsupplevelse. Vidare framkom nio kategorier som beskriver barnmorskors uppfattningar. Slutsats Barnmorskor uppfattar elektiva kejsarsnitt som något komplext, att de med sina yrkeskunskaper värnar det naturliga vid kejsarsnitt på humanitär indikation och att de har brist på mandat att stödja och stärka kvinnors informerade val om elektivt kejsarsnitt på humanitär indikation. Klinisk tillämpbarhet: Resultatet kan användas vid undervisning kring barnmorskans stödjande och vårdande arbete i samband med förlossning via kejsarsnitt. Vidare kan resultatet vara underlag till diskussioner inom mödrahälsovård och förlossning i syfte att ge barnmorskor stärkt mandat till sina stödjande och informativa uppgifter.


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Fysisk aktivitet är viktigt för att främja hälsa och förebygga ohälsa och bör även rekommenderas till kvinnor under graviditeten. Barnmorskan har en central roll i det hälsofrämjande arbetet då hon ibland är den enda hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal som träffar kvinnan under graviditeten. Det finns rekommendationer för hur mycket den gravida kvinnan bör träna men studier visar att det är få som följer dessa. Barnmorskan upplever det svårt att ge råd och det finns ett behov av att hitta strategier som kan användas i arbetet med att främja fysisk aktivitet. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva barnmorskors strategier för att främja fysisk aktivitet under graviditeten. Studien utfördes enligt kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer användes för insamling av data som sedan analyserades utifrån tematisk analys. I studien framkom ett flertal olika strategier som barnmorskorna använde för att främja fysisk aktivitet under graviditeten; Att ge råd, Att motivera, Att söka stöd i omgivningen, Att individualisera, Att vårda relationen och Att utveckla. Studien visade också att barnmorskorna upplevde arbetet med att främja fysisk aktivitet som viktigt men svårt. Författarna anser att strategierna är användbara, inte bara av barnmorskan utan även av annan personal inom hälso- och sjukvården som arbetar med att främja fysisk aktivitet under graviditeten.


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Bakgrund: Barnmorskans arbetsfält omfattar idag sexuell-, reproduktiv- och perinatal hälsa och det centrala i yrkesutövningen är att främja hälsa. Barnmorskan ska ha kunskaper om, kunna ge information och undervisa om sexualitet och samlevnad utifrån ett genus- och livscykelperspektiv. Uppdraget på ungdomsmottagning är att arbeta med sexualitet och hälsa samt att förebygga oönskade graviditeter och STI. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva barnmorskors erfarenheter av preventivmedelsrådgivning på ungdomsmottagning. Metod: Individuella intervjuer genomfordes med nio barnmorskor på ungdomsmottagningar. Vid intervjutillfället användes en frågeguide och semistrukturerade frågor ställdes. Som analysmetod användes kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fyra kategorier och 15 subkategorier identifierades. Kategorierna var enligt följande: Erfarenheten och kunskapens betydelse, Det kliniska arbetssättet, Modererande faktorer och Utmaningar. Slutsats: Barnmorskor uppgav god kunskap och goda erfarenheter av ungdomar och preventivmedelsrådgivning på ungdomsmottagning men menade att det är ett dynamiskt arbete som bidrar till ständig utveckling. Vid möten med preventivmedelssökande ungdomar på ungdomsmottagning fanns önskan att mötet skulle ske på individnivå. Erfarenheter av modererande faktorer för barnmorskan, utmaningar för preventivmedelsrådgivningen och följsamheten fanns vilket innebar att preventivmedelsrådgivning för ungdomar på ungdomsmottagning är komplext. Klinisk tillämpbarhet: Studiens resultat skulle kunna innebära ökad förståelse för arbetet på ungdomsmottagning och skapa underlag för att möta utmaningarna som barnmorskorna möter i det dagliga arbetet.


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Introduction: Studies have shown that having a preterm infant may cause stress and powerlessness for parents. It is important to support parents around the feeding situation, and that the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has appropriate space and place to help the family to bond to each other. For the healthcare professionals it is important to promote skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding; particularly for preterm infants. There are many studies on parent’s experiences of NICUs and a few studies on parent’s experiences of feeding their infant in the NICU. Objective: The objective of this study was to explore parents experiences of feeding their infant in the NICU. Design: The study was conducted using an ethnographic design. Results: A global theme of ‘The journey in feeding’ was developed from four organising themes: ‘Ways of infant feeding’; ‘Environmental influences’; ‘Relationships’ and ‘Emotional factors’. These themes illustrate the challenges mothers reported with different methods of feeding. The environment had a big impact on parent’s experiences of infant feeding. Some mothers felt that breastfeeding seemed unnatural because their infant was so tiny but breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact helped them to bond to their infant. The mothers thought it was difficult to keep up with the milk production by only pumping. Routines were not inviting parents to find their own rhythm. They also felt stressed about the weighing. Healthcare professionals had positive and negative influences on the parents. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that while all parents expressed the wish to breastfeed, their ‘journey in feeding’ was highly influenced by method of feeding, environmental, relational and emotional factors. The general focus upon routines and assessing milk intake generated anxiety and reduced relationality. Midwives and neonatal nurses need to ensure that they emphasise and support the relational aspects of parenting and avoid over-emphasising milk intake and associated progress of the infant


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Introduction: The White Ribbon Alliance for safe motherhood believes respectful maternity care is the universal right of every childbearing woman. Methods: NHRC in 2012 approved an inquiry of respectful care at facility-based childbirth. Individual-, focus group interviews and content analysis was used for gathering and analysis of data. Findings: The participating women and the SBAs shared similar views, and this was that together the SBAs and relatives ensured the women remained within the comfort and safety zone when giving birth in a tertiary level maternity unit. Conclusion: The SBAs strategy of having relatives provides basic care alongside the provision of medical care by the SBAs is a strategy that Nepal could use to improve the quality of its maternity care without any additional costs. Clinical implication: Prenatal classes might contribute to preparing relatives. Further Research: Further research could evaluate such a strategy in order to determine its effectiveness in reduction of morbidity and mortality.


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Background: Established in 1999, the Swedish Maternal Health Care Register (MHCR) collects data on pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period for most pregnant women in Sweden. Antenatal care (ANC) midwives manually enter data into the Web-application that is designed for MHCR. The aim of this study was to investigate midwives? experiences, opinions and use of the MHCR. Method: A national, cross-sectional, questionnaire survey, addressing all Swedish midwives working in ANC, was conducted January to March 2012. The questionnaire included demographic data, preformed statements with six response options ranging from zero to five (0 = totally disagree and 5 = totally agree), and opportunities to add information or further clarification in the form of free text comments. Parametric and non-parametric methods and logistic regression analyses were applied, and content analysis was used for free text comments. Results: The estimated response rate was 53.1%. Most participants were positive towards the Web-application and the included variables in the MHCR. Midwives exclusively engaged in patient-related work tasks perceived the register as burdensome (70.3%) and 44.2% questioned the benefit of the register. The corresponding figures for midwives also engaged in administrative supervision were 37.8% and 18.5%, respectively. Direct electronic transfer of data from the medical records to the MHCR was emphasised as significant future improvement. In addition, the midwives suggested that new variables of interest should be included in the MHCR ? e.g., infertility, outcomes of previous pregnancy and birth, and complications of the index pregnancy. Conclusions: In general, the MHCR was valued positively, although perceived as burdensome. Direct electronic transfer of data from the medical records to the MHCR is a prioritized issue to facilitate the working situation for midwives. Finally, the data suggest that the MHCR is an underused source for operational planning and quality assessment in local ANC centres.


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Background: The gap between what is known and what is practiced results in health service users not benefitting from advances in healthcare, and in unnecessary costs. A supportive context is considered a key element for successful implementation of evidence-based practices (EBP). There were no tools available for the systematic mapping of aspects of organizational context influencing the implementation of EBPs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Thus, this project aimed to develop and psychometrically validate a tool for this purpose. Methods: The development of the Context Assessment for Community Health (COACH) tool was premised on the context dimension in the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services framework, and is a derivative product of the Alberta Context Tool. Its development was undertaken in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Uganda, South Africa and Nicaragua in six phases: (1) defining dimensions and draft tool development, (2) content validity amongst in-country expert panels, (3) content validity amongst international experts, (4) response process validity, (5) translation and (6) evaluation of psychometric properties amongst 690 health workers in the five countries. Results: The tool was validated for use amongst physicians, nurse/midwives and community health workers. The six phases of development resulted in a good fit between the theoretical dimensions of the COACH tool and its psychometric properties. The tool has 49 items measuring eight aspects of context: Resources, Community engagement, Commitment to work, Informal payment, Leadership, Work culture, Monitoring services for action and Sources of knowledge. Conclusions: Aspects of organizational context that were identified as influencing the implementation of EBPs in high-income settings were also found to be relevant in LMICs. However, there were additional aspects of context of relevance in LMICs specifically Resources, Community engagement, Commitment to work and Informal payment. Use of the COACH tool will allow for systematic description of the local healthcare context prior implementing healthcare interventions to allow for tailoring implementation strategies or as part of the evaluation of implementing healthcare interventions and thus allow for deeper insights into the process of implementing EBPs in LMICs.


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Background: Nepal recently began teaching sexual education in the school system and has established youth friendly services in order to meet the need of increased sexual and reproductive knowledge among the youth. Objective: To examine the sexual and reproductive knowledge and perceptions among young people attending schools in Kathmandu. Method: A written questionnaire was distributed to 160 students, in a classroom environment, in four schools in Kathmandu. Results: Two thirds of the females and nearly 60% of the males knew that it was possible to get sexually transmitted infection (STI) during one sexual encounter and more than half of the students knew when in the menstrual cycle conception was more likely to occur . One third of the participants did not know that it was possible to become pregnant after having intercourse once. The males demonstrated less knowledge than the females regarding every aspect of sex and reproduction, with the exception of pregnancy prevention. Conclusion and clinical implications: For the youths in this study, it was more important to prevent unwanted pregnancies than to protect oneself from STIs. Establishment of a hotline on the internet, where personalized and confidential counselling can be offered may complement the comprehensive sexual education in schools.


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BACKGROUND: Unsafe abortions are estimated to cause eight per-cent of maternal mortality in India. Lack of providers, especially in rural areas, is one reason unsafe abortions take place despite decades of legal abortion. Education and training in reproductive health services has been shown to influence attitudes and increase chances that medical students will provide abortion care services in their future practice. To further explore previous findings about poor attitudes toward abortion among medical students in Maharastra, India, we conducted in-depth interviews with medical students in their final year of education. METHOD: We used a qualitative design conducting in-depth interviews with twenty-three medical students in Maharastra applying a topic guide. Data was organized using thematic analysis with an inductive approach. RESULTS: The participants described a fear to provide abortion in their future practice. They lacked understanding of the law and confused the legal regulation of abortion with the law governing gender biased sex selection, and concluded that abortion is illegal in Maharastra. The interviewed medical students' attitudes were supported by their experiences and perceptions from the clinical setting as well as traditions and norms in society. Medical abortion using mifepristone and misoprostol was believed to be unsafe and prohibited in Maharastra. The students perceived that nurse-midwives were knowledgeable in Sexual and Reproductive Health and many found that they could be trained to perform abortions in the future. CONCLUSIONS: To increase chances that medical students in Maharastra will perform abortion care services in their future practice, it is important to strengthen their confidence and knowledge through improved medical education including value clarification and clinical training.


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BACKGROUND: Pregnancies among young women force girls to compromise education, resulting in low educational attainment with subsequent poverty and vulnerability. A pronounced focus is needed on contraceptive use, pregnancy, and unsafe abortion among young women. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to explore healthcare providers' (HCPs) perceptions and practices regarding contraceptive counselling to young people. DESIGN: We conducted 27 in-depth interviews with doctors and midwives working in seven health facilities in central Uganda. Interviews were open-ended and allowed the participant to speak freely on certain topics. We used a topic guide to cover areas topics of interest focusing on post-abortion care (PAC) but also covering contraceptive counselling. Transcripts were transcribed verbatim and data were analysed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: The main theme, HCPs' ambivalence to providing contraceptive counselling to sexually active young people is based on two sub-themes describing the challenges of contraceptive counselling: A) HCPs echo the societal norms regarding sexual practice among young people, while at the same time our findings B) highlights the opportunities resulting from providers pragmatic approach to contraceptive counselling to young women. Providers expressed a self-identified lack of skill, limited resources, and inadequate support from the health system to successfully provide appropriate services to young people. They felt frustrated with the consultations, especially when meeting young women seeking PAC. CONCLUSIONS: Despite existing policies for young people's sexual and reproductive health in Uganda, HCPs are not sufficiently equipped to provide adequate contraceptive counselling to young people. Instead, HCPs are left in between the negative influence of social norms and their pragmatic approach to address the needs of young people, especially those seeking PAC. We argue that a clear policy supported by a clear strategy with practical guidelines should be implemented alongside in-service training including value clarification and attitude transformation to equip providers to be able to better cater to young people seeking sexual and reproductive health advice.


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BACKGROUND: The recently developed Context Assessment for Community Health (COACH) tool aims to measure aspects of the local healthcare context perceived to influence knowledge translation in low- and middle-income countries. The tool measures eight dimensions (organizational resources, community engagement, monitoring services for action, sources of knowledge, commitment to work, work culture, leadership, and informal payment) through 49 items. OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to explore the understanding and stability of the COACH tool among health providers in Vietnam. DESIGNS: To investigate the response process, think-aloud interviews were undertaken with five community health workers, six nurses and midwives, and five physicians. Identified problems were classified according to Conrad and Blair's taxonomy and grouped according to an estimation of the magnitude of the problem's effect on the response data. Further, the stability of the tool was examined using a test-retest survey among 77 respondents. The reliability was analyzed for items (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and percent agreement) and dimensions (ICC and Bland-Altman plots). RESULTS: In general, the think-aloud interviews revealed that the COACH tool was perceived as clear, well organized, and easy to answer. Most items were understood as intended. However, seven prominent problems in the items were identified and the content of three dimensions was perceived to be of a sensitive nature. In the test-retest survey, two-thirds of the items and seven of eight dimensions were found to have an ICC agreement ranging from moderate to substantial (0.5-0.7), demonstrating that the instrument has an acceptable level of stability. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence that the Vietnamese translation of the COACH tool is generally perceived to be clear and easy to understand and has acceptable stability. There is, however, a need to rephrase and add generic examples to clarify some items and to further review items with low ICC.