27 resultados para France and Sweden


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This Bachelor’s thesis elucidates the subject of Swedish migration to New Zealand in 1871. Drawing on the work of Anthony Grigg, who has assessed the public opinions regarding the arrival of Scandinavians in 1871-1876, this study aims to highlight the image of Sweden and Swedes conveyed in New Zealand at this time. Through a hermeneutic engagement with newspapers of the day, it is concluded that Swedes in general were being portrayed as industrious, thrifty and well suited for the forestry labour expected of them. It is also shown, however, that Swedes and Sweden to a limited extent were being associated with notorious drinking habits and inferior intellectual abilities. Furthermore, the study highlights what appears to have been a medial difficulty to differentiate between Swedes and Norwegians.


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Resumen En este estudio se analizan las actitudes lingüísticas de un grupo de mujeres argentinas, venezolanas y mexicanas residentes en Qatar, Argentina y Suecia en relación con el voseo argentino. Metodológicamente se utilizan tres técnicas: la primera consiste en grabar dos versiones de un texto leído por una persona de Argentina; en la segunda un grupo de informantes escucha el texto grabado y contestan simultáneamente una encuesta que evalúa su postura con respecto al uso del pronombre vos, así como de sus usuarios; la tercera está dedicada a la entrevista, en la cual se pregunta a las informantes argentinas cuál es su opinión acerca del voseo como sinónimo de identidad lingüística. El análisis de los resultados indica que existe una diferencia significativa entre cómo se juzgan las dimensiones de estatus y solidaridad, ya que las entrevistadas dieron un menor valor a los atributos relacionados con la dimensión de estatus que a los de solidaridad. Resumiendo los resultados, se advierte que las argentinas evalúan más positivamente el uso del vos que el tú, confirmando que tienen una posición positiva sobre su identidad lingüística.


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This special issue of Nordic Journal of English Studies is devoted to the research in Irish Studies being carried out in Scandinavia by a group of scholars based in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, as well as scholars associated—in one way or another—with Scandinavia. Denmark is represented by the University of Aalborg; Norway, by scholars affiliated to the Universities of Agder, the Artic University of Norway, Bergen, and Stavanger; and Sweden is represented by scholars from the universities of Dalarna, Göteborg, Stockholm, Södertörn and Umeå. Included also in this special issue is the work of two former students, who completed their Masters’ degree in Irish literature at DUCIS (Dalarna University Centre for Irish Studies), Sweden—from Norway and China respectively. The collection also contains an article by Dara Waldron, Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland, whof recently presented his research at the Higher Seminar in Dalarna. Contributions by the Irish poet, Mary O’Donnell, who participated in the Nordic Irish Studies Network (NISN) conference, hosted by DUCIS in December 2012, are also included.


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This special issue of Nordic Journal of English Studies is devoted to the research in Irish Studies being carried out in Scandinavia by a group of scholars based in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, as well as scholars associated—in one way or another—with Scandinavia. Denmark is represented by the University of Aalborg; Norway, by scholars affiliated to the Universities of Agder, the Artic University of Norway, Bergen, and Stavanger; and Sweden is represented by scholars from the universities of Dalarna, Göteborg, Stockholm, Södertörn and Umeå. Included also in this special issue is the work of two former students, who completed their Masters’ degree in Irish literature at DUCIS (Dalarna University Centre for Irish Studies), Sweden—from Norway and China respectively. The collection also contains an article by Dara Waldron, Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland, whof recently presented his research at the Higher Seminar in Dalarna. Contributions by the Irish poet, Mary O’Donnell, who participated in the Nordic Irish Studies Network (NISN) conference, hosted by DUCIS in December 2012, are also included.


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L’objectif de la présente étude est d’explorer la « géographie imaginaire » du roman Le Ventre de l’Atlantique, écrit par Fatou Diome. Le concept de la « géographie imaginaire » décrit les rapports de domination spatiale et la construction d’un « Autre », entièrement différent de « nous » (Saïd, 1980). Les deux pays du roman, la France et le Sénégal, sont analysés comme deux sphères inconciliables, associées aux oppositions comme nous – l’Autre, individualisme – collectivisme, rationalité - superstition. Deux images spatiales sont discutées dans ce mémoire: l’île Niodior au Sénégal et l‘océan Atlantique. L’isolation de l’île Niodior renforce la séparation en deux espaces opposés, alors que l’Atlantique constitue un élément parfois chargé de forces magiques, lié à la vie et à la mort. Evoquant l’idée d’hybridité, le roman montre également des espaces et des identités alternatifs, qui transgressent la structure coloniale.


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Nell'articolo è illustrata la conoscenza della lingua italiana in Svezia nella prima età moderna, con particolare riguardo al Seicento. Gli studi pregressi su questo argomento mostrano che l'Italiano era in questo periodo una delle lingue di cultura più importanti in Svezia. Per verificare questi studi si sono utilizzate le notizie di prima mano contenute in alcuni testi odeporici (lettere, diari, relazioni ecc.) redatti da viaggiatori italiani recatisi in Svezia in questo secolo. Nei primi paragrafi del lavoro il lettore è introdotto alla comprensione dell'argomento grazie ad una esposizione contestualizzata sia della storia della Svezia sia di quella della lingua italiana tra Cinquecento e Seicento. Inoltre si offre anche una veloce introduzione ai contatti culturali tra l'Italia e la Svezia fino al Seicento. L'analisi dei testi odeporici seicenteschi conferma gli studi precedenti, basati su ricerche bibliografiche e d'archivio, dimostrando come l'Italiano, sebbene materia di studio accademico e di apprendimento privato, fosse in realtà conosciuto in Svezia solo da una piccola parte dei nobili, preferendosi ad esso il Francese, mentre il latino era conosciuto bene da tutti i rappresentanti del clero.


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Between ethnology and sociology: K. Rob. V. Wikman as a mediator in Finland and Sweden K. Rob. V. Wikman, professor in sociology at the Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland, played a central role both within Finnish and Swedish sociology in the 1940s and 1950s. He was a student of Westermarck and thus his own research represented an ethnosociological tradition, which at that time was challenged by modern, American-influenced sociological ideas. The aim of this article is to discuss the adaptation of “modern sociology” and the drawing of boundaries in Nordic sociology after the Second World War by focusing on Wikman’s work in Finnish as well as Swedish sociology, especially the assessor assignments he was given, and by giving emphasis to some of those that served as border poles or border markers in this process. The comparative starting point gives us reason to discuss some nationally characterized similarities and differences that can be observed in the establishment process of modern sociology in Finland and Sweden.


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På den svenska marknaden står bag-in-box-vin för över 50 procent av allt vin som säljs och Sverige är det land där bag-in-boxen fått starkast fäste i världen (Fremin, 2012). Det gör att bag-in-box-förpackningen är en stor och betydelsefull produkt för vintillverkare och att ha kunskap om säljande design är viktigt för grafiska formgivare samt övriga involverade företag. Den föreliggande studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka designfaktorer på bagin- box-förpackningar som påverkar konsumenternas val av vin i Sverige. Studien innefattade en visuell kartläggning som ämnade ge en överblick av utbudet på ett Systembolag. Detta genomfördes för att skapa en grund till den webbaserade enkätundersökningen som genomfördes under våren 2015. Resultaten visade att majoriteten av respondenterna valde vin baserat på förpackningens utseende och ansåg att de påverkades främst av färg, typsnitt, illustrationer och varumärken. Resultaten visade också att ju högre vinkunskap konsumenterna hade desto mindre påverkade designen deras val. Kvinnor och män hade generellt olika åsikter angående hur stor påverkan de olika designfaktorerna hade vid valet av bag-in-box-vin. Denna studie är endast ett avstamp till ett ämne som innefattar många påverkande faktorer. Det betyder att mer forskning krävs inom ämnet innan helt sanningsenliga resultat kan fastställas.


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This thesis is a comparative sociolinguistic study which describes and compares language choice among people with Hungarian background in Sweden and Finland and studies their views on the importance of the Hungarian language and Hungarian cultural heritage for identity. The future prospects of language maintenance and language shift and differences between the Swedish-Hungarians and the Finnish-Hungarians are discussed. A survey was completed among 50 Swedish-Hungarian informants and 38 Finnish-Hungarian informants during 2006. The survey was supplemented by in-depth interviews with 15 informants during 2007. The majority language, either Swedish or Finnish, is much more active in the second-generation Hungarians’ lives than Hungarian is. Hungarian is mostly used in the domain of family relations. The language choices made today are dependent on the informant’s situation during childhood, particularly the parents’ usage of the language and the ability to learn and use Hungarian, chiefly gained through contact with the parents’ mother country and other Hungarian speakers. For some informants, having Hungarian roots forms the sole foundation for belonging, while for others it is this heritage combined with the culture, the ability to use the language or specific character traits. The Hungarian background is most often seen as a treasure offering diversity in life. Finnish-Hungarians are generally more positive about their Hungarian background, have better competence in the language and a greater awareness of the culture than Swedish-Hungarians. The Hungarian language plays a central though often symbolic role. The most important conditions for minority language preservation are language competence together with the desire and opportunity to use it; whereof the largest deficit among second-generation Hungarians is knowledge of the Hungarian language. Only one-fourth of the informants have all of the conditions necessary to be able to maintain the language, which means that Hungarian is an endangered minority language in Sweden and Finland.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the strategic choice of mainstream parties in relation to the competition of voters posed by a niche party and their most important issue, in this case radicalist rightwing populists and the migration issue. The study uses a comparative approach to examine the mainstream parties Social Democrats and Moderates reaction to the niche parties New Democracy 1991-1994 and Sweden Democrats 2010-2015. Using Meguid´s PSO-theory and by performing an qualitative analyse of the parties rhetoric and political suggestions in the parliamentary debates as well as in government bills and reservations in committee reports, the study aims to describe mainstream parties position on the issue and if and how they change position and strategy. The results of the study shows that both mainstream parties over all applies an adversarial strategy, aiming to maintain distance to the niche party and its position but with time and due to changes in the political environment, changes in position and strategy takes place and the mainstream parties applies a slightly more accommodative strategy.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the strategic choice of mainstream parties in relation to the competition of voters posed by a niche party and their most important issue, in this case radicalist rightwing populists and the migration issue. The study uses a comparative approach to examine the mainstream parties Social Democrats and Moderates reaction to the niche parties New Democracy 1991-1994 and Sweden Democrats 2010-2015. Using Meguid´s PSO-theory and by performing an qualitative analyse of the parties rhetoric and political suggestions in the parliamentary debates as well as in government bills and reservations in committee reports, the study aims to describe mainstream parties position on the issue and if and how they change position and strategy. The results of the study shows that both mainstream parties over all applies an adversarial strategy, aiming to maintain distance to the niche party and its position but with time and due to changes in the political environment, changes in position and strategy takes place and the mainstream parties applies a slightly more accommodative strategy.


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In the keynote, major reforestation challenges in Scandinavia will be highlighted. The following countries make up Scandinavia: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. For Iceland, with only a forest cover of 2%, a major reforestation challenge is the deforestation and overgrazing in combination with land degradation and extensive soil erosion. The challenges include the conflicts with livestock farmers. For centuries the commons were used for sheep and horse grazing. However, more and more of farmer grazing land have been fenced up, allowing the regeneration of birch and plantations of other species to increase. With a forest cover of 37% and 69% respectively, for decades a major reforestation challenge in Norway and Sweden has been the risk of seedling damages from the pine weevil. Unprotected seedlings can have a survival rate of less than 25% after being planted. Pine weevils feed on the bark of planted young seedlings at regeneration sites. If the seedling is girdled, it will not survive. In Sweden, and soon in Norway, pesticides have been forbidden. In the keynote, new methods and technology will be presented based on non-chemical protection. In Finland, with a forest cover of 75%, a major reforestation challenge is linked to the forest structure. The structure of Finnish forestry includes many private forests in combination with small regeneration sites. This implies a situation where logistics and methods for lifting and field storage provide a major challenge in order to preserve seedling quality until the planting date. Due to this situation, new logistic systems and technologies are being developed in Finland, including new seedling cultivation programs (including cultivation under Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)) to match the access of fresh planting stock to different planting dates. In Denmark, with a forest cover of 13%, a major reforestation challenge is the possibility of future plantations based on a wide range of relevant species. For this to become a realistic option, new methods and technology have to be developed in reforestation activities that support this possibility. These methods and technology should make it possible to not be limited to certain species due to problems and restrictions during field establishment. This due to the prospect of establishing stable, healthy, and productive stands of various forest species that can be adapted to future climate change.