24 resultados para Content Analysis


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The purpose of this thesis is to identify the destination site selection criteria for internationalconferences from the perspectives of the three main players of the conference industry,conference buyers (organizers and delegates) and suppliers. Additionally, the researchidentifies the strengths and weaknesses of the congress cities of Stockholm and Vienna.Through a comparison with Vienna, the top city for hosting international conferences, a roadmap for Stockholm has been designed, to strengthen its congress tourism opportunities, thus,obtaining a higher status as an international congress city. This qualitative research hascombined both primary and secondary data methods, through semi-standardized expertinterviews and secondary studies respectively, to fulfil the study’s aim. The data have beenanalysed by applying the techniques of qualitative content analysis; the secondary dataadopting an inductive approach according to Mayring (2003) while the expert interviewsusing a deductive approach according to Meuser & Nagel (2009). The conclusions of thesecondary data have been further compared and contrasted with the outcomes of the primarydata, to propose fresh discoveries, clarifications, and concepts related to the site selectioncriteria for international conferences, and for the congress tourism industry of Stockholm. Theresearch discusses the discoveries of the site selection criteria, the implications of thestrengths and weaknesses of Stockholm in comparison to Vienna, recommendations forStockholm via a road map, and future research areas in detail. The findings andrecommendation, not only provide specific steps and inceptions that Stockholm as aninternational conference city can apply, but also propose findings, which can aid conferencebuyers and suppliers to cooperate, to strengthen their marketing strategies and developsuccessful international conferences and destinations to help achieve a greater competitiveadvantage.


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Amning, amningskomplikationer, stöd och råd vid amning är en del av den sexuella och reproduktiva hälsan och ingår i barnmorskans kompetensområde.Det finns mycket forskning som beskriver nyblivna föräldrars upplevelse av amningsstöd men inte lika mycket forskning på hur vårdpersonalen upplever amningsstödet som ges till gravida och nyblivna föräldrar. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vårdpersonals upplevelser av amningsstöd till gravida och nyblivna föräldrar.Studien utfördes genom en kvalitativ metod utifrån en induktiv ansats. Data hämtades från intervjuer med semistrukturerade frågor i 11 fokusgrupper. All data bearbetades genom kvalitativ, induktiv innehållsanalys.Resultatet i studien visade att vårdpersonal upplever amningsstödet de ger som en viktig del i deras arbete. Amningsstödet hade brister och en betydande brist uppgavs vara kontinuiteten av amningsstöd genom hela vårdkedjan.Informanterna ansåg att amningsstödet borde förbättras och många förslag nämndes för att främja amningen hos nyblivna föräldrar och barn.Denna studie kan öka medvetenheten av den egna och kollegornas upplevelse av amningsstöd vilket kan leda till ett bättre samarbete mellan enheterna och en bättre kommunikation samt förändringar i organisationen som gynnar och främjar amningen.


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Media representations of ethnicity- and migration-related issues within the elderly care in Sweden and Finland Research on welfare regimes and migration regimes has shown that Sweden and Finland have similar elderly care regimes but different migration regimes. It is against this backdrop that we set out to study what Swedish and Finnish daily press focusing on elderly care has written about ethnic minorities, migrants and migration. The study uses quantitative content analysis to analyze 241 daily newspaper articles published between 1995 and 2008. This article presents the themes that have been discussed, the elderly care actors that have been in focus (i.e. whether the focus has been on elderly care recipients, elderly care providers or informal caregivers), the ethnic backgrounds that these actors have had (i.e. whether the focus has been on the ethnic majority or on ethnic minorities) and the type of explanatory frameworks that the newspaper articles in focus have used. On the basis of this, we problematize the representations of ethnic minorities, migrants and migration that the newspaper articles in question put forth and the fact that the Swedish and Finnish daily press treats the issues at hand as if migration is mostly an issue that can be relegated to the periphery of the elderly care sectors’ agenda. 


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Baby boomers and elderly care: expectations in print media about a new kind of care users The Swedish baby boomer generation – known as the forties generation – has been characterized as youthful and powerful. At present, members of this generation are entering the category of old age and in about ten years they will start reaching ages where the likelihood of encountering elderly care increases significantly. The present study reports on how this expected meeting has been discussed in Swedish newspapers. Data consisted of 481 articles during the period 1995–2012 and was analyzed through qualitative content analysis. Results show that the generation was predicted to become a new type of demanding and self-conscious care users. Claims were backed by descriptions of formative events and typical characteristics that were projected onto a future as care user. Such projections tended to portray care users of present time as passive and submissive, and partly responsible for problems associated with elderly care 


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Notions of Class and Gender in the Employment Service Job Descriptions This article examines whether job descriptions emphasize different characteristics and competences depending on the occupations’ social class and gender relations. The study is partly a replication of a similar analysis conducted by Gesser in the 1970s. The purpose is to examine the prevalence of stereotypes in occupational descriptions provided by the Swedish state, and if the descriptions contribute to class and gender labeling of occupations and, by extension, its practitioners. Previous research has shown that career guiding materials are characterized by notions of the appropriate practitioner’s class and gender. In this study we depart from the concept of doxa and argue that stereotypical images of occupations are based on common sense that remains unquestioned. The study draws on a quantitative content analysis of 420 job descriptions analyzed by various statistical methods. The overall results show that there are systematic differences. In general, social class seems to have greater impact than gender on what kind of competences that are emphasized in the descriptions. Social skills are emphasized in female dominated occupations, while physical abilities are highlighted in male-dominated occupations. To some extent, these results are uncontroversial, as it also portraits abilities necessary to do the work in different kind of occupations


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Background: The number of childbearing adolescents in Vietnam is relatively low but they are more prone to experience adverse outcome than adult women. Reports of increasing rates of abortion and prevalence of STIs including HIV among youth indicate a need to improve services and counselling for these groups. Midwives are key persons in the promotion of young people’s sexual and reproductive health in Vietnam. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to describe the prevalence and outcome of adolescent pregnancies in Vietnam (I), to explore the social context and health care seeking behavior of pregnant adolescents (II), as well as to explore the perspectives of health care providers and midwifery students regarding adolescent sexuality and reproductive health service needs (III, IV). Methods: The studies were conducted from 2002 to 2005, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. A population based prospective survey was used to estimate rates and outcomes of adolescent pregnancies (I). Pregnant and newly delivered adolescents’ experiences of childbearing and their encounters with health care providers were studied using qualitative interviews (II). Health care providers’ perspective on adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) and views on how to improve the quality of abortion care was explored in focus group discussions (FGD). The values and attitudes of midwifery students about ASRH were investigated using questionnaires and interviews (IV). Descriptive statistics was used to analyse quantitative data (I, IV) and content analysis were applied for qualitative data (II, III, and IV). Findings: Adolescent birth rate was similar to previously reported in Vietnam but lower when compared to other Asian countries. The incidence of stillborn among adolescents was higher than for women in higher reproductive ages. The proportion of preterm deliveries was 20 % of all births, higher than previous findings from Vietnam. About 2 % of the deliveries were home deliveries, more common among women with low education, belonging to ethnic minority and/or living in mountainous areas (I). Ambivalence facing motherhood, pride and happiness but also worries and lack of self-confidence emerged as themes from the interviews; and experience of ‘being in the hands of others’ in a positive, caring sense but also in a sense of subordination in relation to husband, family and health care providers (II). Health care providers at abortion clinics and midwifery students generally disapproved of pre-marital sex, but had a pragmatic view on the need for contraceptive services and counselling to reduce the burden of unwanted pregnancies and abortions for young women. Providers and midwifery students expressed a need for training on ASRH issues (III, IV). Conclusion: Cultural norms and gender inequity make pregnant adolescent women in Vietnam vulnerable to sexual and reproductive health risks. Health care providers experience ethical dilemmas while counselling unmarried adolescents who come for abortion and this has a negative impact on the quality of care. Integrated ASRH in education and training programmes for health care providers, including midwives, as well as continued in-service training on these issues are suggested to improve reproductive health care services in Vietnam.


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Detta är en kvalitativ studie med syfte att få en djupare förståelse av klienters delaktighet i samverkansmöten. Fyra klienter från Socialtjänsten har intervjuats i en semistrukturerad intervju. Det har sedan gjorts en innehållsanalys på empirin. Studien visar att ett samverkansmöte är uppbyggt av sociala processer som antingen kan skapa delaktighet för klienten eller försvåra för densamma. Studien påvisar även att det finns maktskillnader i samverkansmöten och att dessa måste synliggöras kontinuerligt för att kunna skapa en mer jämlik diskussion. Det har också framkommit att det finns faktorer på individ- grupp- och strukturellnivå som försvårar eller främjar klientdelaktighet.


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Bakgrund: Anknytningen underlättas mellan barn och föräldrar om de kan vara tillsammans redan från förlossningen. Teamarbete förbättrar kvalitén och bidrar till helhetsperspektiv i vården. En god arbetsmiljö och ett gott samarbete mellan personal är viktigt för effektiviteten av samvård. Att undersöka personalens förväntningar inför ett nytt arbetssätt är betydelsefullt eftersom det kan avspegla sig i den vård som senare ges.Syftet med studien var att belysa personalens förväntningar inför sammanslagning av olika vårdavdelningar och att samtidigt införa samvård.Metoden var en kvalitativ metod med totalt 14 deltagare i tre fokusgruppsintervjuer. Datainsamlingen analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultatet sammanfattades med temat ”Tryggt och välkänt eller nytt och osäkert – förändringsarbetets balansgång” som beskrev personalens känslor inför sammanslagningen. Kategorierna ”Att få en bra miljö för föräldrar och personal”, ”Att samarbeta med familjen i fokus”, ”Att förena två kliniker och kulturer” och ”Att genomgå en arbetsplatsförändring” beskrev de förväntningar och farhågor personalen uttryckte.Slutsatser: Resultatet visade på förväntningar av att vård- och arbetsmiljö skulle förbättras samt att samarbetet mellan klinikerna skulle bli mer effektivt. Det framkom att det var av betydelse att ha fungerande informationsflöden, uppleva delaktighet samt ha en tydlig ledning i en genomgripande organisationsförändring.


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Syftet med studien var att beskriva patientens upplevelser efter en gastric bypass operation. En empirisk studie med kvalitativ ansats genomfördes, där intervjuer skedde med sex personer som genomfört en gastric bypass operation. Data analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Under intervjuerna framkom att informanterna upplevde att operationen inte hade någon negativ inverkan på deras vardagliga liv. De upplevde en ökad livskvalitet och förbättrad hälsa som lett till ett mer fysiskt aktivt liv. Viktnedgången tillsammans med omgivningens positiva reaktioner på den nya kroppen hade stärkt deras självförtroende. Den största förändringen informanterna upplevde i det vardagliga livet var deras förändrade matvanor. De beskrev att maten var i fokus och att de planerade sin vardag efter måltiderna. De följder som framkom upplevdes inte som något stort problem, utan viktminskningen och de positiva hälsoupplevelserna dominerade. Informanterna kände sig välinformerade och hade realistiska förväntningar på operationen, samt var förberedda på de konsekvenser som kunde uppstå. Studien visar att den specialiserade vården på överviktskliniker kan bidra till att underlätta tiden efter operationen för patienten. Det framkom att informanterna upplevde en kunskapsbrist om gastric bypass operationer bland sjukvårdspersonal, inom primärvård och slutenvård. För att patienten ska känna trygghet och förtroende är det därför viktigt att öka kunskapen om överviktsoperationer bland hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal.