35 resultados para Children’s humour


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Pedagogues in the borderland of their social task: dealing with family law proceedings, threats and violence Drawing upon an explorative study of family law proceedings from a school perspective, the aim of this paper is to examine the school staff’s strategies for solving or coping with problematic situations in this context. Gendered conflicts between adults and violence are extreme cases for pedagogues in school and preschool. How do the staff cope with their own and the children’s vulnerability? Based upon interviews with 22 informants, the staff’s strategies are outlined and discussed in relation to organizational and professional circumstances and intersecting social relations of power. An analytical construction of six types of proactive and reactive strategies, ranging from distance keeping to normalization of own exposure, is utilized in the analysis. Findings suggest that the staff’s strategies to handle challenging events in this context vary with the parent’s gender, class position and ethnicity. Further, it is argued that creating a sense of safety and promoting learning among the children may be obstructed by lack of support from the school’s organization, demands on staff to perform customer oriented attitudes towards parents and lack of clarity concerning the limits of the social task. Conflicts between the organization and profession on the one hand and the educational and the social task on the other hand, are thus illuminated. In conclusion, a further aim of this article is to contribute to broader discussions on men’s violence against women and children – in families as well as in workplaces and in the intersection between these two areas. 


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Economic hardship and children’s strategies – scarce resources as a starting point for negotiating family positions The aim of this article is to discuss how children and adolescents experience everyday life in economic hardship and how a negotiation of the family positions can be linked to these experiences. The article takes its theoretical starting point in childhood sociology, and is based on an interview study involving 17 children between the ages of 6–18 in families living on or below the limit for receiving welfare benefits. The purpose of these interviews is to explore how these children experience economic hardship at home and among friends, focusing their own strategies and agency. I argue that the financial situation in these families do indeed challenge the way that the child position is traditionally understood, which also has implications for the children’s identity work. Including children as participants in research therefore becomes crucial in order to fully understand the ramifications of child poverty. 


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Children and urban space – relations between competence, age and participation In this paper we focus on how children and adults discuss children’s competence in urban space, and how this relates to the age of the child. Spatial competence is linked to the possibility to experience and participate in urban space. Gaining spatial competence thus requires children to be allowed to make experiences in public space. However, our research suggests that age is the organizing norm regarding who is viewed as competent enough to gain access to and participate in urban space. Firstly, spatial competence is related to age-based categories, where children and adults are viewed as homogeneous categories. Adults are viewed as spatially competent while children are viewed as non-competent. Secondly, spatial competence is related to chronological age and defined from an adult perspective which means that increased chronological age is equated with increased competence. It is shown that chronological age is the organizing norm also for how children order other children within the category of children in terms of how spatially competent they are


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Patriarchal values: girls are more apt to change How has the family value system changed between generations, especially when taking into account the gender dimension? This article presents some results from a study carried outin 2007 in one village of the Gourani tribe where the people are followers of Ahle Hagh in Islamabad Gharb (west of Iran). The differences between generations (those born and raised before and after the Islamic Revolution) in patriarchal values in the family are statistically significant. The older generation opts for the man of the family to make most of the decisions; on children’s education, marriage, naming, the families expenditure, the place for residence, the social network of the family and even the number of children. The younger generation has a different value system and it has moved towards a more egalitarian type of family. With the gender variable included in the findings we see that although the values of the younger male population have evolved toward a less patriarchal decision making structure inthe family, the degree of changes among the young women is much higher. Looking into the preferences for male sex for the first child as well as a larger number of boys in the family, the difference between generations is significant. However data on the differences analyzed with the gender variable proves that the changes concerning the equality of sexes are mainly due to drastic changes in the young women’s value system. That is, the male population, young or old, still prefer to have a boy as their first born and to have more sons in the family. But the young female generation in the rural area sees less difference in having boys or girls in the family. It is concluded that reforms in the old value system is an evolving process of everyday life and that the girls are the main social force for change.


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Background: Although breast milk has numerous benefits for infants' development, with greater effects in those born preterm (at < 37 gestational weeks), mothers of preterm infants have shorter breastfeeding duration than mothers of term infants. One of the explanations proposed is the difficulties in the transition from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to the home environment. A person-centred proactive telephone support intervention after discharge from NICU is expected to promote mothers' sense of trust in their own capacity and thereby facilitate breastfeeding. Methods/design: A multicentre randomized controlled trial has been designed to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of person-centred proactive telephone support on breastfeeding outcomes for mothers of preterm infants. Participating mothers will be randomized to either an intervention group or control group. In the intervention group person-centred proactive telephone support will be provided, in which the support team phones the mother daily for up to 14 days after hospital discharge. In the control group, mothers are offered a person-centred reactive support where mothers can phone the breastfeeding support team up to day 14 after hospital discharge. The intervention group will also be offered the same reactive telephone support as the control group. A stratified block randomization will be used; group allocation will be by high or low socioeconomic status and by NICU. Recruitment will be performed continuously until 1116 mothers (I: 558 C: 558) have been included. Primary outcome: proportion of mothers exclusively breastfeeding at eight weeks after discharge. Secondary outcomes: proportion of breastfeeding (exclusive, partial, none and method of feeding), mothers satisfaction with breastfeeding, attachment, stress and quality of life in mothers/partners at eight weeks after hospital discharge and at six months postnatal age. Data will be collected by researchers blind to group allocation for the primary outcome. A qualitative evaluation of experiences of receiving/providing the intervention will also be undertaken with mothers and staff. Discussion: This paper presents the rationale, study design and protocol for a RCT providing person-centred proactive telephone support to mothers of preterm infants. Furthermore, with a health economic evaluation, the cost-effectiveness of the intervention will be assessed. Trial registration: NCT01806480


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El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de analizar los rasgos humorísticos y figuras retóricas en La Colmena de Camilo José Cela. La tesina se basa en las teorías de la superioridad, de la descarga, de la incongruencia y las teorías sociológicas y antropológicas según el estudio de José Antonio Llera. Nuestra investigación ha examinado particularmente el humor negro, grotesco y la ironía presente en la obra de Cela. Hemos podido concluir y afirmar que Cela usa el humor y la ironía a través de descripciones grotescas las cuales forman parte de su critica social y como mecanismo de defensa. Hemos establecido que el autor usa el humor para reflejar su propia elección subjetiva de la realidad de la posguerra. Finalmente hemos constatado que el humor es algo añadido lo cual se muestra a través de sus comentarios omniscientes.


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Background: Acupuncture is commonly used to reduce pain during labour despite contradictory results. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture with manual stimulation and acupuncture with combined manual and electrical stimulation (electro-acupuncture) compared with standard care in reducing labour pain. Our hypothesis was that both acupuncture stimulation techniques were more effective than standard care, and that electro-acupuncture was most effective.  Methods: A longitudinal randomised controlled trial. The recruitment of participants took place at the admission to the labour ward between November 2008 and October 2011 at two Swedish hospitals. 303 nulliparous women with normal pregnancies were randomised to: 40 minutes of manual acupuncture (MA), electro-acupuncture (EA), or standard care without acupuncture (SC). Primary outcome: labour pain, assessed by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Secondary outcomes: relaxation, use of obstetric pain relief during labour and post-partum assessments of labour pain. The sample size calculation was based on the primary outcome and a difference of 15 mm on VAS was regarded as clinically relevant, this gave 101 in each group, including a total of 303 women.  Results: Mean estimated pain scores on VAS (SC: 69.0, MA: 66.4 and EA: 68.5), adjusted for: treatment, age, education, and time from baseline, with no interactions did not differ between the groups (SC vs MA: mean difference 2.6, 95% confidence interval [CI] -1.7-6.9 and SC vs EA: mean difference 0.6 [95% CI] -3.6-4.8). Fewer number of women in the EA group used epidural analgesia (46%) than women in the MA group (61%) and SC group (70%) (EA vs SC: odds ratio [OR] 0.35; [95% CI] 0.19-0.67).  Conclusions: Acupuncture does not reduce women's experience of labour pain, neither with manual stimulation nor with combined manual and electrical stimulation. However, fewer women in the EA group used epidural analgesia thus indicating that the effect of acupuncture with electrical stimulation may be underestimated. These findings were obtained in a context with free access to other forms of pain relief.


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Syftet med artikeln är att belysa olika föreställningar kring specialpedagogers och speciallärares roller och uppdrag samt att förstå varför denna olikhet finns. Syftet är också att problematisera  dessa föreställningar  och synliggöra dilemman som kommer till uttryck i talet om de båda yrkesgruppernas roller och uppdrag.  Bakgrunden till studien är de skilda och ofta disparata uppfattningar som råder om vad yrkesgrupperna ska arbeta med, hur de ska genomföra sina uppdrag och varför. Konsekvenserna av detta kan leda till att uppdrag genomförs på ett sätt som inte står i överensstämmelse med styrdokumentens föreskrivna demokrati-, samhälls- och kunskapsuppdrag. Samtal har genomförts med specialpedagoger, speciallärare utbildade efter 2008 och rektorer. Den metodologiska ansatsen har varit kunskapande samtal. Kunskapande samtal utgår från ett kommunikationsteoretiskt perspektiv och bygger på Jürgen Habermas teori om det kommunikativa handlandet. Karen Barads teori om agentisk realism har använts för att förstå hur olika föreställningar kring roller och uppdrag uppstår, skapas och förändras i samspel med andras uppfattningar men även i samspel med exempelvis rum, texter och metoder. Olika föreställningar om roller och uppdrag belyses liksom dilemman som dessa föreställningar kan ge upphov till då yrkesrollerna möts i, och möter, en pedagogisk praktik. Resultatet visar att specialpedagoger och speciallärare behöver finnas med i det kontinuerliga arbetet ute på skolor och förskolor men att det kan betyda olika slags organisatoriska lösningar för yrkesgrupperna. En fråga som uppstår är om de specialpedagogiska yrkesgrupperna alltid och i alla sammanhang bör finns så nära barnen/eleverna som möjligt eller om det finns grund för ett mer distanserat sätt att arbeta? Författaren föreslår att svensk förskola och skola bör utnyttja det faktum att det finns två olika specialpedagogiska yrkesgrupper och särskilja deras roller och uppdrag på ett tydligt sätt. Om specialpedagogik dessutom tar avstamp i ett kommunikationsteoretiskt perspektiv skapas förutsättningar och möjligheter för barns/elevers lärande utifrån ett inkluderande synsätt.


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Dissonant Voices has a twofold aspiration. First, it is a philosophical treatment of everyday pedagogical interactions between children and their elders, between teachers and pupils. More specifically it is an exploration of the possibilities to go on with dissonant voices that interrupt established practices – our attunement – in behaviour, practice and thinking. Voices that are incomprehensible or expressions that are unacceptable, morally or otherwise. The text works on a tension between two inclinations: an inclination to wave off, discourage, or change an expression that is unacceptable or unintelligible; and an inclination to be tolerant and accept the dissonant expression as doing something worthwhile, but different. The second aspiration is a philosophical engagement with children’s literature. Reading children’s literature becomes a form of philosophising, a way to explore the complexity of a range of philosophical issues. This turn to literature marks a dissatisfaction with what philosophy can accomplish through argumentation and what philosophy can do with a particular and limited set of concepts for a subject, such as ethics. It is a way to go beyond philosophising as the founding of theories that justify particular responses. The philosophy of dissonance and children’s literature becomes a way to destabilise justifications of our established practices and ways of interacting. The philosophical investigations of dissonance are meant to make manifest the possibilities and risks of engaging in interactions beyond established agreement or attunements. Thinking of the dissonant voice as an expression beyond established practices calls for improvisation. Such improvisations become a perfectionist education where both the child and the elder, the teacher and the student, search for as yet unattained forms of interaction and take responsibility for every word and action of the interaction. The investigation goes through a number of picture books and novels for children such as Harry Potter, Garmann’s Summer, and books by Shaun Tan, Astrid Lindgren and Dr. Seuss as well narratives by J.R.R. Tolkien, Henrik Ibsen, Jane Austen and Henry David Thoreau. These works of fiction are read in conversation with philosophical works of, and inspired by, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Stanley Cavell, their moral perfectionism and ordinary language philosophy.


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Syftet med litteraturstudien är att undersöka hur arbete med sång, rim och ramsor kan främja yngre elevers språkutveckling i engelska som främmande språk. Detta görs genom att fokusera på främjandet av barns språkinlärning, hur lärare bör arbeta med sång, rim och ramsor inom engelska som främmande språk, samt lärares attityder till ett sådant arbetssätt. Arbetet genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie innehållande en bakgrund med relevant teori, samt analys av fem vetenskapliga studier rörande ämnet. Dessa gav möjlighet till en bred bild av området, då länder och perspektiv varierade. Studierna valdes ut genom sökning i databaser efter relevans och tillförlitlighet. I studiernas resultat framgick att majoriteten av tillfrågade lärare och elever var positivt inställda till arbete med sång och ramsor i engelskundervisning, och den språkutveckling dessa metoder innebar. Genom arbete med läraren som förebild motiverades eleverna. Dock fanns en avsaknad av material och kunskap för att kunna genomföra och bedöma undervisning innehållande sång och ramsor. En avsaknad av rim i de studier som analyserats berörs även i studien, likaså en brist på svenska studier. Sammanfattningsvis verkar sång och ramsor enligt de granskade studierna ha ett värde i engelskundervisning. Dock finns det behov av mer forskning och kunskap för att få starkare underlag för användning av dessa metoder i undervisning.


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The aim of this thesis is to examine the early vocabulary development of a sample of Swedish children in relation to parental input and early communicative skills. Three studies are situated in an overall description of early language development in children. The data analyzed in the thesis was collected within a larger project at Stockholm University (SPRINT- “Effects of enhanced parental input on young children’s vocabulary development and subsequent literacy development” [VR 2008-5094]). Data analysis was based on parental report via SECDI, the Swedish version of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories, and audio recordings. One study examined parental verbal interaction characteristics in three groups of children with varying vocabulary size at 18 months. The stability of vocabulary development at 18 and 24 months was investigated in a larger study, with focus on children’s vocabulary composition and grammatical abilities. The third study examined interrelations among early gestures, receptive and productive vocabulary, and grammar measured with M3L, i.e. three longest utterances, from 12 to 30 months. Overall results of the thesis highlight the importance of early language development. Variability in different characteristics in parental input is associated with variability in child vocabulary size. Children with large early vocabularies exhibit the most stability in vocabulary composition and the earliest grammatical development. Children’s vocabulary composition may reflect individual stylistic variation. Use of early gestures is associated differentially with receptive and productive vocabulary. Results of the thesis have implications for parents, child- and healthcare personnel, as well as researchers and educational practitioners. The results underscore the importance of high quality in adult-child interaction, with rich input fine-tuned to children’s developmental levels and age, together with high awareness of early language development.


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Abstract  Pedagogical documentation is a certain procedure for documenting that, in recent years, has been embraced in several Swedish preschools. Teachers document children’s actions and conversations usually by photos or video recordings. This documentation is to be used for a pedagogical purpose. However, studies and governmental inspections have shown that pedagogical documentation gives rise to many questions among preschool teachers. The purpose of this study is to gain insight into what is being expressed when preschool teachers discuss pedagogical documentation, focusing on themes of content and on the participants’ expressions of their points of view. The data is comprised of transcriptions from audio recordings of discussions conducted in a research circle. The participants are eight preschool teachers that met over the course of one year. Each meeting focused on the documentation provided by a different participant. In that way the contents of the discussions were framed by the teachers own questions and narratives. Theoretically, the study departs from Social Constructionism and Discursive Psychology. The preschool teachers’ utterances have been analyzed using concepts of interpretative repertoires and ideological dilemmas. The results show the main themes to be: Knowledge content in a preschool setting, children’s learning, the teacher’s role and implementation of pedagogical documentation. The participants’ joint position is that the knowledge content at the preschool level is defined by the curriculum for the preschool. Concerning children’s learning and the teacher’s role, two main standpoints are disclosed. Ideologically those standpoints derive from two opposing theories of education. Based on how the standpoints have been expressed I have called them ”predetermined learning” versus ”non-predetermined learning”. One main distinction between the standpoints is that predetermined learning emphasizes the results of learning, while non-predetermined learning emphasizes the processes of learning. The participants’ utterances show that teachers tend to subscribe to the idea that there is only one acceptable way of working with pedagogical documentation. This sometimes creates performance anxiety and feelings of not succeeding and has led to arguments advocating an alternate approach; pedagogical documentation can be done in many ways. The ideological dilemmas within the discourse can be perceived as resources by which the participants argue about knowledge, learning, teaching and about the implementation of pedagogical documentation.


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The present study explores how members of staff at HVB for unaccompanied minors experience their work tasks, their roles as care givers, and what they mean it takes to meet the needs of the children. The data consists of six semi-structured interviews conducted at three different HVB. The interviews were analysed using reports made by the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) and the health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO), and theories about resilience from mental illness. Furthermore, the current paper draws on previous research on the needs of unaccompanied minors and on international professionals’ roles and work tasks. The results show that the staff’s main task is to meet some of the needs of the children as their need of security, support, stability and sense of belonging. Time, knowledge, personal suitability and formal training were emphasized as important characteristics in order for them to adequately respond to the children’s needs.


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I denna kvalitativa studie har vi valt att undersöka hur man på enheten för ekonomiskt bistånd arbetar förebyggande för att motverka att det långvariga biståndstagandet går i socialt arv mellan föräldrar och barn. För att ta reda på detta har vi intervjuat socialsekreterare med erfarenhet och kompetens inom området. Det insamlade materialet har analyserats utifrån den sociala inlärningsteorin som ett försök till att förstå hur det sociala arvet kan föras vidare mellan generationer. Som ett komplement till teorin används även barnperspektivet i analysen då barnen har stor del i studien. Denna studie visar och bekräftar att långvarigt ekonomiskt biståndstagande kan komma att gå i socialt arv mellan föräldrar och barn. Studien visar även på vilket sätt förebyggande arbete för dessa familjer sker på enheten för ekonomiskt bistånd.


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During these last decades there´s been a debate concerning children’s reading and writing skills. The opinion has been that children does not reach the goals in the curriculum. This study is focusing on the positive and negative sides in Phonics and Whole Language. It is also a presentation of the Witting Method and if this method can be a contributed factor when it comes to reaching curriculum goals.