356 resultados para lust att lära
Elever arbetar ofta med textuppgifter när de arbetar med matematisk problemlösning och förståelsen av textuppgifter kan vara problematisk för många elever. Som lärare är det viktigt att veta vad som är svårt och vad som kan underlätta förståelsen för elever. I denna litteraturstudie undersöks vilka språkliga aspekter som kan försvåra för elever i årskurs 1-3 när de läser matematiska textuppgifter samt vilka undervisningsstrategier som kan underlätta förståelsen. Studier på svenska och engelska från år 2000-2014 togs fram genom en systematisk sökning i databaserna LIBRIS och ERIC. Resultatet visar att begrepp, symboler och siffersymboler kan försvåra förståelsen. En studie visar att textförståelse är den största bristen medan en annan studie visar att det är i valet av räknesätt det brister. I resultatet tas strategin mental modeling upp som handlar om att skapa mentala bilder och åtta andra förslag som kan underlätta förståelsen, till exempel att elever kan skriva egna matematiska problem och att de behöver god tid på sig att förstå texter. I diskussionen tas upp hur dessa undervisningsstrategier kan minska de språkliga aspekter som försvårar. Elever kan få bättre förståelse för språket om de skriver egna textuppgifter eller om lärare vidgar elevers matematiska ordförråd genom att vara ”tvåspråkiga”. Det råder delade meningar om elever verkligen behöver lära sig speciella strategier för att förstå matematiska texter.
The purpose of this study is to examine how two Muslim feminists perceive themselves to betreated by the Swedish majority society and within the secular feminist movement. Thesurvey was conducted using qualitative method with a total of two interviews. For the study'stheoretical perspectives, I have used postcolonialism and postcolonial feminism. The result ofthe survey and the analysis show that the informants say that they face an image of Muslimwomen as considered being under oppression. The informants believe that this stereotypicalimage has its origin from the colonial period. The question that is most important for themwithin feminism is to be treated as a feminist and as a Muslim without being questioned. Theyfeel like it's hard to identify with the Swedish secular feminism, but they also feel that thegroup of Swedish secular feminists have a difficulty identifying themselves with Muslimwomen too. Consider this, one of the informants does not feel welcome among Swedishsecular feminism while the other one never had an interest in becoming a member of itbecause she did not consider them to strive for the same goal as herself. The informantsclaims that there are opportunities for them to speak in the public debate, but as Muslimfeminists they are facing a bigger struggle.
Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv
In this qualitative user evaluation, users from the Krami-programme in Borlänge have been interviewed on what they consider to have been positive changes in their social situation after participating in the programme. The respondents also point out factors in the programme that have supported these changes. The method consisted of interviews with five men who have undergone the Krami programme. The results show that Krami primarily helps the users to get an employment which results in the repeal of criminogenic factors. This plays an important part in the positive change of the users self-esteem, which tends to lead towards ”unlabeling” of the individual as “criminal”. The study also indicates other factors in the program that the users found helpful in their process of change highlighting the interaction between authorities, the approach of the Krami- staff and also the common rules that the participants has to agree upon. The users also poins out the importance of ones own motivation for changes to take place.
Det problemområde som denna kandidatuppsats behandlar är fasens påverkan vid inspelning och post-produktion utav akustiska trummor. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att bidra till kunskapsläget inom det ljudtekniska forskningsområdet med praktisk tillämpbar kunskap om fasen som fenomen och dess påverkan vid inspelning och post-produktion utav akustiska trummor. Vidare så ämnar även uppsatsen att problematisera det till synes invanda tankemönstert hos många ljudproducenter och ljudtekniker att fasens påverkan är minimal. En konkretisering utav syftet ledde till följande forskningsfrågor: 1.Hur påverkar fasen ljudet då en beståndsdel i trumsetet är inspelat med fleramikrofoner på nära avstånd? 2.Hur påverkar fasrelationen mellan rumsmikrofoner/överhäng ochnärmikrofoner ljudet? För att finna svar på dessa forskningsfrågor genomfördes ett experiment. Inför detta experiment samlades empiri i form utav inspelade trumspår in. Sedan manipulerades fasförhållandena i efterhand och de effekter som fasen hade på ljudet dokumenterades. Ur det resultat som framställdes utav det genomförda experimentet kan man urskilja flera mönster gällande fasens påverkan vid inspelning och post-produktion utav trummor. Vad detta resultat innebär rent praktiskt för ljud- och musikproducenter är ett underlag för utveckling utav metoder för att uppnå eftersträvade ljudegenskaper i sina produkioner.
Pedagogues in the borderland of their social task: dealing with family law proceedings, threats and violence Drawing upon an explorative study of family law proceedings from a school perspective, the aim of this paper is to examine the school staff’s strategies for solving or coping with problematic situations in this context. Gendered conflicts between adults and violence are extreme cases for pedagogues in school and preschool. How do the staff cope with their own and the children’s vulnerability? Based upon interviews with 22 informants, the staff’s strategies are outlined and discussed in relation to organizational and professional circumstances and intersecting social relations of power. An analytical construction of six types of proactive and reactive strategies, ranging from distance keeping to normalization of own exposure, is utilized in the analysis. Findings suggest that the staff’s strategies to handle challenging events in this context vary with the parent’s gender, class position and ethnicity. Further, it is argued that creating a sense of safety and promoting learning among the children may be obstructed by lack of support from the school’s organization, demands on staff to perform customer oriented attitudes towards parents and lack of clarity concerning the limits of the social task. Conflicts between the organization and profession on the one hand and the educational and the social task on the other hand, are thus illuminated. In conclusion, a further aim of this article is to contribute to broader discussions on men’s violence against women and children – in families as well as in workplaces and in the intersection between these two areas.
Living and selling a dream: Lifestyle entrepreneurship in the intersection between family, market and political rhetoric The article focuses on lifestyle entrepreneurship, characterised by a balancing work between personal lifestyle motives and economic motives. It builds on a qualitative study of business owners who have realized a life dream of starting a countryside business in the tourism and hospitality industry in Sweden. Through the notion of ”balancing work”, the analysis focuses on the tension between a personal life sphere and a market. In particular, the analysis highlights how the notion of ”the life dream” emerges as a narrative practice of self-realization, simultaneously as it is offered as an experience product. The analysis demonstrates how the entrepreneurs balance between personal stories of togetherness and marketing practices, between images of right and wrong commodification, and between constraining working conditions and a popular image of the successful entrepreneur, reinforced by a political discourse on rural entrepreneurship. It is concluded that balancing work between personal identities and economic practices is a practice of valuation, offering new insights into working conditions and markets situated in the intersection between markets and personal life spheres.
Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv
This essay attempts to examine the discourse of the Sweden democrats in relation to thevalue system of the Swedish national school.To analyse the political texts I use discourse analysis and especially the method and approachconducted by Judith Lee Bacchi. Bacchi focuses on the construction of a problem in variouspolitical discourses. When performing this kind of analysis the main question is (accordingto Bacchi): ”What is the problem represented to be?”I find that the Sweden democrats construct the ”migration politics” and the ”multiculturalpolitics” that is guiding the society as the cause of most problems in our society. To solvethe ”problems” they promote a nationalistic and a cultural racist discourse especiallypinpointing the ”Muslims” as being a problem.Since the Sweden democrats are striving to implement their discourse in the society andschool, and since their discourse already are reproduced by solar students in the classroom,I find it important to examine the essence of their particular discourse and contrast it withthe current value system of the Swedish schools.I don´t find the nationalistic and racist discourse of the Sweden democrats to correspond tothe value system of the Swedish school, mainly due to their strive to create alienation, andby labeling individuals in a reductive manner, instead of using apparent differences as asource for democratic discussions in the classroom
To make oneself employable – instrumental identity positions and gendered marketability. The article takes up the question of the negotiation of expert discourses in career advice and constructing the self in the practice of CV writing. Drawing on data from semi-structured interviews with 19 students (11 women and 8 men) the stories about job search are analyzed. The concept of discursive positioning is used in order to analyze how the students position themselves in relation to career advice and position the self in CV writing. The results show that the female students had difficulties embodying the position as a marketing self as they described it as conflicting with feelings of ‘who they were’. ‘Being you’ in CVs and job interviews is, further, an ideal that is negotiated in relation to what to display as a job-seeking subject. CV writing involves a process of identifying suitable characteristics in an instrumental manner, but it is also combined with an introspective reasoning and identification to find ‘authentic’ strengths and characteristics in ‘who you are’.
Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv
Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv
Not to put the cart before the horse: clarification of Mead’s ”role taking” George Herbert Mead’s “role taking” is subject to many interpretations. Some dominant definitions restrict role taking to reflective people trying to understand each other and taking on each others' roles. Other definitions restrict role taking to the stage of a developed language. Against these two types of definitions I assert that Meads concept is explanatory, not merely descriptive, functionally as well as existentially. It has a value also on elementary levels of human development, where man is socially similar to other primates. Swedish sociologists have contributed fruitfully to straighten the debate. My intention is to clarify it further, and to explicate my own interpretation. Basic role taking is a non-reflective activity going on in any place where living entities influence each other with gestures in similar ways. In human beings it gives rise to conscious discursive reflectivity, and it coincides phylogenetically and ontogenetically with development of language, rather than being created by it. Role taking emanates from breaking automatic responsivity. It introduces distance and reflectivity and results in conscious social behavior, rather than being produced by such. In this way, role taking is a major step in the development of intelligence on earth.