20 resultados para Clinical care pathway


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Syftet var att studera hur den palliativa vården upplevs av sjuksköterskor vid användandet av Liverpool Care Pathway. Studien baserades på data från sex informanter på särskild boende/korttidsboende i en kommun i Dalarna. Studien har en kvalitativ design med innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman. Analys av insamlad data resulterade i de tre kategorierna: Tydliga kriterier ger trygghet i vården, Omvårdnadsarbetet har utvecklats och tydligare information. Resultatet visade att tydliga kriterier vid användningen av Liverpool Care Pathway i den kommunala vården gav den palliativa patienten trygghet i omvårdnaden vid livets slut samt klara kriterier som gjorde att personalen tillämpade lika arbetsätt i den palliativa vården. Att stanna kvar i hemmet vid livet slut var en självklarhet för den palliativa patienten när Liverpool Care Pathway var infört i kommunen. Information till anhöriga och patienten i livets slut hade underlättats då Liverpool Care Pathway tillhandahöll tydlig information om den palliativa patientens status. Studiens resultat visade att den palliativa vårdens dokumentation kvalitetssäkrats och utvecklats genom att Liverpool Care Pathway införts i den kommunala vården. 


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Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede enligt en vårdplan utformad som en journal med riktlinjer för vård i livets slutskede, den så kallade Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP). Metod: Studien är utförd som en litteraturöversikt. Artiklarna söktes via databaserna CINAHL, PubMed, MedLine, SAGE Journals och Scopus. Tolv artiklar valdes ut för kvalitétsgranskning enligt en förutbestämd granskningsmall. Elva artiklar godkändes och utgjorde grunden för resultatet. Resultat: En tydlig effekt av införandet av LCP var att sjuksköterskorna upplevde ett ökat självförtroende och en ökad kunskap i vårdandet. Detta bidrog till förbättringar gällande symtomkontroll samt ifrågasättande av fortsatt rutinmässig behandling. LCP anågs vara en bra utgångspunkt för samtal och undervisning i möten med patienter och anhöriga. LCP upplevdes ge ramar och gemensamma utgångspunkter i teamarbetet runt patienten vilket bidrog till en bättre planering och tydligare mål i vårdandet. Trots alla positiva upplevelser kände en del sjuksköterskor att de kunde uppstå svårigheter i vårdandet enligt LCP. Brister i vårdmiljön ansågs av sjuksköterskorna göra att målen med vården inte kunde tillgodoses. Tidsbrist och underbemanning ledde ofta till att patienter i livets slutskede fick en lägre prioritet. Vidare ansågs kriterierna vara för hårda enligt vissa sjuksköterskor gällande införande av LCP.


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Syfte: Att redogöra för sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede enligt Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP). Metod: Litteraturstudien baseras på tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. De vetenskapliga artiklarna söktes i databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och World of Science. Inklusionskriterier var att artiklarna skulle vara primärkällor, vara skrivna på svenska eller engelska samt publicerade mellan år 2003-2013. Ytterligare inklusionskriterier var att sjuksköterskorna skulle ha erfarenhet av LCP, samt att de vetenskapliga artiklarna erhöll medel eller hög poäng vid granskningen och var godkänd av en etisk kommitté. Studier från hela världen inkluderades. Huvudresultat: Ett flertal studier visade att LCP bidrog till ett ökat självförtroende och tydligare riktlinjer för den palliativa vården. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde en förbättrad symtomkontroll och förbättrad vård efter införandet av LCP. Sjuksköterskorna var positiva till dokumentationen i LCP och det framgick också att LCP hade förbättrat och underlättat kommunikationen med närstående. LCP erbjöd stöd och vägledning i vården men det framgick också att det fanns oklarheter vad beträffar diagnostiserande av en patient som döende. Slutsats: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede enligt Liverpool Care Pathway. Det framgick att det fanns bristande kunskaper om palliativ vård, men att införandet av LCP gett sjuksköterskor stöd och vägledning samt förbättrat kunskapen om palliativ vård. En vårdplan som LCP kan vara ett stöd för sjuksköterskan i omvårdnaden av patienter inom palliativ vård, men en sådan vårdplan kan aldrig ersätta sjuksköterskans kliniska kompetens. Det är därför viktigt att sjuksköterskor erbjuds fortlöpande utbildning inom palliativ vård, samt att en vårdplan som LCP används utifrån ett kritiskt förhållningssätt.  


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Syftet med denna studie var att se om en strukturerad vårdform vid livets slut såsom Liverpool Care Pathway for the dying, LCP, har någon inverkan på omvårdnaden av de palliativa patienterna jämfört med ordinarie palliativ vård samt att beskriva vårdpersonalens upplevelser av LCP. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie där underlag inhämtades genom sökning av veteskapliga artiklar i databaser samt att artiklar söktes manuellt på Högskolan Dalarnas bibliotek. Artiklar har även sökts från referenser på andra artiklar direkt på titeln och vid sökningarna användes sökorden både enskilt och i kombination varvid 10 artiklar valdes ut till resultatet. Resultatet visade att efter införandet av LCP förbättrades dokumentationen, patienterna hade inte onödiga livsförlängande behandlingar. Symtomen i form av smärta, oro/ångest och slemproduktion var mindre, samt att kommunikationen mellan vårdpersonal, närstående och patient förbättrades. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde att tiden för dokumentation förkortades och mer tid kunde läggas på patienterna, sjuksköterskor ansåg också att den gamla rutinmässiga behandlingen och omvårdnaden förbättrades. LCP dokumenten gjorde även att anhöriga kunde följa omvårdnaden vilket gjorde dem tryggare i vad som skedde med deras närstående och vad som hände i vården runt denne.


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Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva hur standardvårdplaner, kan vara ett instrument som förbättrar omvårdnadskvalitén för patienter och närstående i sen palliativ fas.Artiklarna söktes via Högskolan Dalarnas bibliotek och Falu lasaretts bibliotek. Artiklar från andra referenser ingår också i studien. Totalt har 17 artiklar använts i resultatredovisningen. Resultatet visar att efter införandet av standardvårdplan förbättrades följande områden; symtomkontrollen, anhörigstöd efter dödsfallet, kommunikation, omvårdnadens standard och evidens. Fokus lades på att prioritera viktiga omvårdnadsåtgärder och det visar sig att standardvårdplanen Integrated Care Pathway (ICP) är ett användbart pedagogiskt instrument vid kvalitetsförbättringar i palliativvård. Negativa synpunkter som framkom var att standardvårdplaner är ett oflexibelt, pappersorienterat, generaliserande instrument och outvecklat för andra diagnoser än cancer.


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Syftet med föreliggande studie var att ta reda på vårdpersonal och närståendes upplevelser vad gäller vanlig palliativ vård och strukturerade vårdplaner så som LCP/ICP. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie där underlaget inhämtades genom att med specifika sökord söka i Högskolan Dalarnas databas ELIN@ efter vetenskapliga artiklar. En artikel har även sökts från en annan referenslista där artikelnamnet använts som sökord. Vid sökningarna har sökorden använts var för sig och i kombination med varandra varvid 13 stycken artiklar valdes ut till resultatet. Resultatet visade att det fanns brister i den ordinarie palliativa vården vad det gäller kommunikation, symtomlindring och anhörigvård. Tidsbrist och stress var också utmärkande i den ordinarie palliativa vården. Vad gäller patienter som vårdats under LCP/ICP så upplevde närstående och vårdpersonal att både kommunikation och symtomkontroll var avsevärt bättre än i den ordinarie palliativa vården. Tiden för det goda samtalet fanns i betydligt större utsträckning vid vård under LCP/ICP. En orsak var att sjuksköterskan istället för att lägga ner tid på dokumentationen hade möjlighet att vara där för patienten och dess närstående. De närstående hade också möjlighet att vara delaktiga i vården på grund av att de hade tillgång till dokumentationen kring patienten.


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Background: Obstetric ultrasound has come to play a significant role in obstetrics since its introduction in clinical care. Today, most pregnant women in the developed world are exposed to obstetric ultrasound examinations, and there is no doubt that the advantages of obstetric ultrasound technique have led to improvements in pregnancy outcomes. However, at the same time, the increasing use has also raised many ethical challenges. This study aimed to explore obstetricians' experiences of the significance of obstetric ultrasound for clinical management of complicated pregnancy and their perceptions of expectant parents' experiences. Methods: A qualitative study was undertaken in November 2012 as part of the CROss-Country Ultrasound Study (CROCUS). Semi-structured individual interviews were held with 14 obstetricians working at two large hospitals in Victoria, Australia. Transcribed data underwent qualitative content analysis. Results: An overall theme emerged during the analyses, 'Obstetric ultrasound - a third eye', reflecting the significance and meaning of ultrasound in pregnancy, and the importance of the additional information that ultrasound offers clinicians managing the surveillance of a pregnant woman and her fetus. This theme was built on four categories: I:'Everyday-tool' for pregnancy surveillance, II: Significance for managing complicated pregnancy, III: Differing perspectives on obstetric ultrasound, and IV: Counselling as a balancing act. In summary, the obstetricians viewed obstetric ultrasound as an invaluable tool in their everyday practice. More importantly however, the findings emphasise some of the clinical dilemmas that occur due to its use: the obstetricians' and expectant parents' differing perspectives and expectations of obstetric ultrasound examinations, the challenges of uncertain ultrasound findings, and how this information was conveyed and balanced by obstetricians in counselling expectant parents. Conclusions: This study highlights a range of previously rarely acknowledged clinical dilemmas that obstetricians face in relation to the use of obstetric ultrasound. Despite being a tool of considerable significance in the surveillance of pregnancy, there are limitations and uncertainties that arise with its use that make counselling expectant parents challenging. Research is needed which further investigates the effects and experiences of the continuing worldwide rapid technical advances in surveillance of pregnancies.


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Kangaroo mother care (KMC) was first introduced in Mozambique in 1984. The aim of this study was to describe Mozambican mothers’ experiences of going through admission, passing from an intensive care ward to a nursery ward with their premature baby, undergoing KMC training before early discharge. A clinical case study was conducted, involving naturalistic observations and a face-to-face interview with 41 mothers participating to complete a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and manifest content analysis were used in this study. The results show that the mothers were of low socio-economic standing and felt that they did not have enough information on KMC. The hierarchical organization within the hospital setting as well as communalistic behaviours influenced the mothers’ support of KMC, including information, communication, relationships and actions. The conclusion is that there is an important challenge for trained neonatal nurses to improve the guidelines for KMC and to empower mothers and their families to adopt KMC.


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Background. High quality maternal health care is an important tool to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality. Services offered should be evidence based and adapted to the local setting. This qualitative descriptive study explored the perspectives and experiences of midwives, assistant physicians and medical doctors on the content and quality of maternal health care in rural Vietnam. Method. The study was performed in a rural district in northern Vietnam. Four focus group discussions with health care professionals at primary health care level were conducted. The data was analysed using qualitative manifest and latent content analysis. Result. Two main themes emerged: "Contextual conditions for maternal health care" and "Balancing between possibilities and constraints". Contextual conditions influenced both pregnant women's use of maternal health care and health care professionals' performance. The study participants stated that women's uses of maternal health care were influenced by economical constraints and cultural norms that impeded their autonomy in relation to childbearing. Structural constraints within the health care system included inadequate financing of the primary health care, resulting in lack of human resources, professional re-training and adequate equipment. Conclusion. Contextual conditions strongly influenced the performance and interaction between pregnant women and health care professionals within antenatal care and delivery care in a rural district of Vietnam. Although Vietnam is performing comparatively well in terms of low maternal and child mortality figures, this study revealed midwives' and other health care professionals' perceived difficulties in their daily work. It seemed maternal health care was under-resourced in terms of staff, equipment and continuing education activities. The cultural setting in Vietnam constituting a strong patriarchal society and prevailing Confucian norms limits women's autonomy and reduce their possibility to make independent decisions about their own reproductive health. This issue should be further addressed by policy-makers. Strategies to reduce inequities in maternal health care for pregnant women are needed. The quality of client-provider interaction and management of pregnancy may be strengthened by education, human resources, re-training and provision of essential equipment.


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Background: Smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have high nicotine dependence making it difficult to quit smoking. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a method that is used in stimulating motivation and behavioral changes. Objective: To describe smoking cessation communication between patients and registered nurses trained in MI in COPD nurse-led clinics in Swedish primary health care. Methods: A prospective observational study with structured quantitative content analyses of the communication between six nurses with basic education in MI and 13 patients in non-smoking consultations. Results: Only to a small extent did nurses’ evoke patients’ reasons for change, stimulate collaboration, and support patients’ autonomy. Nurses provided information, asked closed questions, and made simple reflections. Patients’ communicationwasmainly neutral and focusing on reasons for and against smoking. It was uncommon for patients to be committed and take steps toward smoking cessation. Conclusion: The nurses did not adhere to the principles of MI in smoking cessation, and the patients focused to a limited extent on how to quit smoking. Practice implications: To make patients more active, the nurses need more education and continuous training in motivational communication.


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BACKGROUND: Nurses and allied health care professionals (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, dietitians) form more than half of the clinical health care workforce and play a central role in health service delivery. There is a potential to improve the quality of health care if these professionals routinely use research evidence to guide their clinical practice. However, the use of research evidence remains unpredictable and inconsistent. Leadership is consistently described in implementation research as critical to enhancing research use by health care professionals. However, this important literature has not yet been synthesized and there is a lack of clarity on what constitutes effective leadership for research use, or what kinds of intervention effectively develop leadership for the purpose of enabling and enhancing research use in clinical practice. We propose to synthesize the evidence on leadership behaviours amongst front line and senior managers that are associated with research evidence by nurses and allied health care professionals, and then determine the effectiveness of interventions that promote these behaviours.Methods/design: Using an integrated knowledge translation approach that supports a partnership between researchers and knowledge users throughout the research process, we will follow principles of knowledge synthesis using a systematic method to synthesize different types of evidence involving: searching the literature, study selection, data extraction and quality assessment, and analysis. A narrative synthesis will be conducted to explore relationships within and across studies and meta-analysis will be performed if sufficient homogeneity exists across studies employing experimental randomized control trial designs. DISCUSSION: With the engagement of knowledge users in leadership and practice, we will synthesize the research from a broad range of disciplines to understand the key elements of leadership that supports and enables research use by health care practitioners, and how to develop leadership for the purpose of enhancing research use in clinical practice.


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Introduction: The White Ribbon Alliance for safe motherhood believes respectful maternity care is the universal right of every childbearing woman. Methods: NHRC in 2012 approved an inquiry of respectful care at facility-based childbirth. Individual-, focus group interviews and content analysis was used for gathering and analysis of data. Findings: The participating women and the SBAs shared similar views, and this was that together the SBAs and relatives ensured the women remained within the comfort and safety zone when giving birth in a tertiary level maternity unit. Conclusion: The SBAs strategy of having relatives provides basic care alongside the provision of medical care by the SBAs is a strategy that Nepal could use to improve the quality of its maternity care without any additional costs. Clinical implication: Prenatal classes might contribute to preparing relatives. Further Research: Further research could evaluate such a strategy in order to determine its effectiveness in reduction of morbidity and mortality.


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BACKGROUND: Shared decision-making (SDM) is an emergent research topic in the field of mental health care and is considered to be a central component of a recovery-oriented system. Despite the evidence suggesting the benefits of this change in the power relationship between users and practitioners, the method has not been widely implemented in clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate decisional and information needs among users with mental illness as a prerequisite for the development of a decision support tool aimed at supporting SDM in community-based mental health services in Sweden. METHODS: Three semi-structured focus group interviews were conducted with 22 adult users with mental illness. The transcribed interviews were analyzed using a directed content analysis. This method was used to develop an in-depth understanding of the decisional process as well as to validate and conceptually extend Elwyn et al.'s model of SDM. RESULTS: The model Elwyn et al. have created for SDM in somatic care fits well for mental health services, both in terms of process and content. However, the results also suggest an extension of the model because decisions related to mental illness are often complex and involve a number of life domains. Issues related to social context and individual recovery point to the need for a preparation phase focused on establishing cooperation and mutual understanding as well as a clear follow-up phase that allows for feedback and adjustments to the decision-making process. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: The current study contributes to a deeper understanding of decisional and information needs among users of community-based mental health services that may reduce barriers to participation in decision-making. The results also shed light on attitudinal, relationship-based, and cognitive factors that are important to consider in adapting SDM in the mental health system.


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BACKGROUND: Even though Swedish national guidelines for stroke care (SNGSC) have been accessible for nearly a decade access to stroke rehabilitation in out-patient health care vary considerably. In order to aid future interventions studies for implementation of SNGSC, this study assessed the feasibility and acceptability of study procedures including analysis of the context in out-patient health care settings. METHODS: The feasibility and acceptability of recruitment, observations and interviews with managers, staff and patients were assessed, as well as the feasibility of surveying health care records. RESULTS: To identify patients from the the hospitals was feasible but not from out-patient care where a need to relieve clinical staff of the recruitment process was identified. Assessing adherence to guidelines and standardized evaluations of patient outcomes through health care records was found to be feasible and suitable assessment tools to evaluate patient outcome were identified. Interviews were found to be a feasible and acceptable tool to survey the context of the health care setting. CONCLUSION: In this feasibility study a variety of qualitative and quantitative data collection procedures and measures were tested. The results indicate what can be used as a set of feasible and acceptable data collection procedures and suitable measures for studying implementation of stroke guidelines in an out-patient health care context.


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Background: Violence against women is associated with serious health problems, including adverse maternal and child health. Antenatal care (ANC) midwives are increasingly expected to implement the routine of identifying exposure to violence. An increase of Somali born refugee women in Sweden, their reported adverse childbearing health and possible links to violence pose a challenge to the Swedish maternity health care system. Thus, the aim was to explore ways ANC midwives in Sweden work with Somali born women and the questions of exposure to violence. Methods: Qualitative individual interviews with 17 midwives working with Somali-born women in nine ANC clinics in Sweden were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: The midwives strived to focus on the individual woman beyond ethnicity and cultural differences. In relation to the Somali born women, they navigated between different definitions of violence, ways of handling adversities in life and social contexts, guided by experience based knowledge and collegial support. Seldom was ongoing violence encountered. The Somali-born women’s’ strengths and contentment were highlighted, however, language skills were considered central for a Somali-born woman’s access to rights and support in the Swedish society. Shared language, trustful relationships, patience, and networking were important aspects in the work with violence among Somali-born women. Conclusion: Focus on the individual woman and skills in inter-cultural communication increases possibilities of overcoming social distances. This enhances midwives’ ability to identify Somali born woman’s resources and needs regarding violence disclosure and support. Although routine use of professional interpretation is implemented, it might not fully provide nuances and social safety needed for violence disclosure. Thus, patience and trusting relationships are fundamental in work with violence among Somali born women. In collaboration with social networks and other health care and social work professions, the midwife can be a bridge and contribute to increased awareness of rights and support for Somali-born women in a new society.