2 resultados para CHANNEL WIDTH
em CUNY Academic Works
Vertical stream bed erosion has been studied routinely and its modeling is getting widespread acceptance. The same cannot be said with lateral stream bank erosion since its measurement or numerical modeling is very challenging. Bank erosion, however, can be important to channel morphology. It may contribute significantly to the overall sediment budget of a stream, is a leading cause of channel migration, and is the cause of major channel maintenance. However, combined vertical and lateral channel evolution is seldom addressed. In this study, a new geofluival numerical model is developed to simulate combined vertical and lateral channel evolution. Vertical erosion is predicted with a 2D depth-averaged model SRH-2D, while lateral erosion is simulated with a linear retreat bank erosion model developed in this study. SRH-2D and the bank erosion model are coupled together both spatially and temporally through a common mesh and the same time advancement. The new geofluvial model is first tested and verified using laboratory meander channels; good agreement are obtained between predicted bank retreat and measured data. The model is then applied to a 16-kilometer reach of Chosui River, Taiwan. Vertical and lateral channel evolution during a three-year period (2004 to 2007) is simulated and results are compared with the field data. It is shown that the geofluvial model correctly captures all major erosion and deposition patterns. The new model is shown to be useful for identifying potential erosion sites and providing information for river maintenance planning.
Natural riversare consisting of various networks as junction andstreams. And sediment and erosion are occurred by specific stream condition. When flood season,large discharge flew in the river and river bed changed by high flow velocity. Especially junction area’s flow characteristics are very complex. The purpose of this study is to analyze the flow characteristics in channel junction, which are most influenced by large discharge like flooding and input water from tributary. We investigate the flow characteristics by using hydrodynamics and transport module in MIKE 3 FM. MIKE 3 FM model was helpful tool to analysis 3D hydrodynamics, erosion and sediment effect from channel bed. We analyze flow characteristics at channel junction. Also we consider hydraulic structures like a bridge pier which is influencing flow characteristics like a flow velocity, water level, erosion and scour depth in channel bed. In the model, we controlled discharge condition according to Froude Number and reflect various grain diameter size and flow ratio change in main stream and tributary. In the result, flow velocity, water level, erosion and sediment depth are analyzed. Additionally, we suggest a these result relationship with equations. This study will help the understand flow characteristics and influence of hydraulic structure in channel junction. Acknowledgments This research was supported by a grant (12-TI-C01) from Advanced Water Management Research Program funded by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Korean government.