4 resultados para Automotive vehicles
em CUNY Academic Works
Depiction of closed circuit TV students at the New York Trade School filming a voltage regulator check performed by William C. H. Meyer. Original caption reads, "Closed-circuit TV takes a class at the New York Trade School into the Automotive Shop where William C. H. Meyer, head of the Automotive Department, demonstrates a voltage-regulator check. Students Robert Niefeld (left) and Denis Mahoney serve as cameramen." Black and white photograph part of series of four photographs accompanying a press release of the New York Trade School announcing the demonstration of a new technique in closed-circuit TV developed at the New York Trade School.
A representative from Buick and what is likely a representative from the New York Trade School show a part in front of the Royal Buick Showroom located at 1356 2nd Avenue near 65th Street. Black and white photograph.
A group of students from the New York Trade School Automotive Dept are at work in a classroom Note the coveralls of the student in the foreground embroidered with the school's name. Black and white photograph with some damage from writing near the bottom.
Black and white photograph of an empty classroom of the Automotive Department at the New York Trade School.