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Several people are shown posing around a cardboard cutout at the Lithographic Technical Forum. To the right others can be seen enjoying refreshments. Black and white photograph.
New York Trade School graduate Robert Cornell is pictured at his desk in his position of Technical Editor, Electronic Technician Magazine. Original caption reads "Robert Cornell - Advanced Television 1954, was appointed Technical Editor of Electronic Technician Magazine in 1956 and has served with distinction since. He is President of CETA (Certified Electronic Technicians Association), which consists of alumni of the New York Trade School who are graduates of the Advanced Television Course. He was recently invited to serve a a member of the Attorney General's Committee seeking to establish safeguards to protect the public in the field of television servicing." Black and white photograph with caption to glued to reverse.
A graduate of the New York Trade School's Electrical program in 1958, Dennis Mahoney is show at work for the Consolidated Edison Company in New York. Caption written on reverse reads "Dennis J. Mahoney is shown closing the Armature Switch of a Rotary Converter in a D.C. substation. The average rotary in our stations has a capacity of 4,200 K.W. and there are 30 such stations in Manhattan with an annual output of 800,000 amperes. Although the D.C. load is gradually being reduced, it can be seen that there is still considerable demand for direct current in Manhattan." Black and white photograph.
John Loonie, a graduate of the Sheet Metal Department of the New York Trade School, is pictured welding at work in the Triangle Sheet Metal Works Inc. Original caption reads, "John Loonie - Sheet Metal 1955, one of the Sheet Metal workers employed at the Triangle Sheet Metal Works, qualified to weld." Black and white photograph with caption adhered to reverse.
Stripping Award is being presented to Joseph Mamarela by Philip Zeiger, member of the Joint Apprenticeship Committee. This took place at the May 13, 1995 commencement ceremony of the New York Trade School. Black and white photograph.
A speaker is pictured along with other important guests on the dais at a New York Trade School social event. Black and white photograph.
A student is shown on stage shaking hands with an administrator at a New York Trade School commencement ceremony. A diploma can be seen in his left hand. Black and white photograph with some damage from folding in upper right hand corner.
This is a group photo mainly comprised of the school's administrators taken at the 1958 commencement ceremony of the New York Trade School. Original caption reads, "Back Row - Left to Right: William F. Vanderbeek, Robert H. Scholl, Gurdon Simmon, Miss Marie Kaye, and Peter H. Vermilye. Front Row - Left to Right: Gilbert G. Weaver, George E. McLaughlin, John Clarke, Enders M. Voorhees, Ralph Cole, Frank Casino and Charles Leidig." Black and white photograph.
A speaker at the 1957 commencement ceremony at the New York Trade School is shown. George E. McLaughlin, superintendent of the school, can be seen amongst other administrators on the stage behind the speaker. Black and white photograph.
This photograph features a table of guests at a New York Trade School social event. Photograph is black and white.
A speaker at a commencement at the New York Trade School. Other administrators can be seen on the dais behind the speaker. Photograph is black and white.
A presentation at the Lithographic Technical Forum is being filmed. Notice the RCA Victor Television camera being used. Black and white photograph.
Bernard Rosenstadt, an administrator at the New York Trade School, hands an award to a student at the school's 1957 commencement ceremony. Black and white photograph.
A number of carpentry students are shown working in the Carpentry Lab at the New York Trade School. Black and white photograph.
A student or teacher at the New York Trade School is shown working on a lathe in the Carpentry Department. Black and white photograph credited to the New York City Works Progress Administration.