31 resultados para volumetric mass transfer coefficient
em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK
The flow patterns generated by a pulsating jet used to study hydrodynamic modulated voltammetry (HMV) are investigated. It is shown that the pronounced edge effect reported previously is the result of the generation of a vortex ring from the pulsating jet. This vortex behaviour of the pulsating jet system is imaged using a number of visualisation techniques. These include a dye system and an electrochemically generated bubble stream. In each case a toroidal vortex ring was observed. Image analysis revealed that the velocity of this motion was of the order of 250 mm s−1 with a corresponding Reynolds number of the order of 1200. This motion, in conjunction with the electrode structure, is used to explain the strong ‘ring and halo’ features detected by electrochemical mapping of the system reported previously.
Cool materials are characterized by high solar reflectance and high thermal emittance; when applied to the external surface of a roof, they make it possible to limit the amount of solar irradiance absorbed by the roof, and to increase the rate of heat flux emitted by irradiation to the environment, especially during nighttime. However, a roof also releases heat by convection on its external surface; this mechanism is not negligible, and an incorrect evaluation of its entity might introduce significant inaccuracy in the assessment of the thermal performance of a cool roof, in terms of surface temperature and rate of heat flux transferred to the indoors. This issue is particularly relevant in numerical simulations, which are essential in the design stage, therefore it deserves adequate attention. In the present paper, a review of the most common algorithms used for the calculation of the convective heat transfer coefficient due to wind on horizontal building surfaces is presented. Then, with reference to a case study in Italy, the simulated results are compared to the outcomes of a measurement campaign. Hence, the most appropriate algorithms for the convective coefficient are identified, and the errors deriving by an incorrect selection of this coefficient are discussed.
We investigate the question of how many facets are needed to represent the energy balance of an urban area by developing simplified 3-, 2- and 1-facet versions of a 4-facet energy balance model of two-dimensional streets and buildings. The 3-facet model simplifies the 4-facet model by averaging over the canyon orientation, which results in similar net shortwave and longwave balances for both wall facets, but maintains the asymmetry in the heat fluxes within the street canyon. For the 2-facet model, on the assumption that the wall and road temperatures are equal, the road and wall facets can be combined mathematically into a single street-canyon facet with effective values of the heat transfer coefficient, albedo, emissivity and thermodynamic properties, without further approximation. The 1-facet model requires the additional assumption that the roof temperature is also equal to the road and wall temperatures. Idealised simulations show that the geometry and material properties of the walls and road lead to a large heat capacity of the combined street canyon, whereas the roof behaves like a flat surface with low heat capacity. This means that the magnitude of the diurnal temperature variation of the street-canyon facets are broadly similar and much smaller than the diurnal temperature variation of the roof facets. Consequently, the approximation that the street-canyon facets have similar temperatures is sound, and the road and walls can be combined into a single facet. The roof behaves very differently and a separate roof facet is required. Consequently, the 2-facet model performs similarly to the 4-facet model, while the 1-facet model does not. The models are compared with previously published observations collected in Mexico City. Although the 3- and 2-facet models perform better than the 1-facet model, the present models are unable to represent the phase of the sensible heat flux. This result is consistent with previous model comparisons, and we argue that this feature of the data cannot be produced by a single column model. We conclude that a 2-facet model is necessary, and for numerical weather prediction sufficient, to model an urban surface, and that this conclusion is robust and therefore applicable to more general geometries.
A new system for the generation of hydrodynamic modulated voltammetry (HMV) is presented. This system consists of an oscillating jet produced through the mechanical vibration of a large diaphragm. The structure of the cell is such that a relatively small vibration is transferred to a large fluid flow at the jet outlet. Positioning of an electrode (Pt, 0.5 mm or 25 mu m diameter) over the exit of this jet enables the detection of the modulated flow of liquid. While this flow creates modest mass transfer rates (time averaged similar to 0.015 cm s(-1)) it can also be used to create a HMV system where a 'lock-in' approach is adopted to investigate the redox chemistry in question. This is demonstrated for the Fe(CN)(6)(3-/4-) redox system. Here 'lock-in' to the modulated hydrodynamic signal is achieved through the deployment of bespoke software. The apparatus and procedure is shown to produce a simple and efficient way to obtain the desired signal. In addition the spatial variation of the HMV signal, phase correction and time averaged current with respect to the jet orifice is presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Phenolic compounds in wastewaters are difficult to treat using the conventional biological techniques such as activated sludge processes because of their bio-toxic and recalcitrant properties and the high volumes released from various chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries. In the current work, a modified heterogeneous advanced Fenton process (AFP) is presented as a novel methodology for the treatment of phenolic wastewater. The modified AFP, which is a combination of hydrodynamic cavitation generated using a liquid whistle reactor and the AFP is a promising technology for wastewaters containing high organic content. The presence of hydrodynamic cavitation in the treatment scheme intensifies the Fenton process by generation of additional free radicals. Also, the turbulence produced during the hydrodynamic cavitation process increases the mass transfer rates as well as providing better contact between the pseudo-catalyst surfaces and the reactants. A multivariate design of experiments has been used to ascertain the influence of hydrogen peroxide dosage and iron catalyst loadings on the oxidation performance of the modified AFP. High er TOC removal rates were achieved with increased concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. In contrast, the effect of catalyst loadings was less important on the TOC removal rate under conditions used in this work although there is an optimum value of this parameter. The concentration of iron species in the reaction solution was measured at 105 min and its relationship with the catalyst loadings and hydrogen peroxide level is presented.
The high thermal storage capacity of phase change material (PCM) can reduce energy consumption in buildings through energy storage and release when combined with renewable energy sources, night cooling, etc. PCM boards can be used to absorb heat gains during daytime and release heat at night. In this paper, the thermal performance of an environmental chamber fitted with phase change material boards has been investigated. During a full-cycle experiment, i.e. charging–releasing cycle, the PCM boards on a wall can reduce the interior wall surface temperature during the charging process, whereas the PCM wall surface temperature is higher than that of the other walls during the heat releasing process. It is found that the heat flux density of the PCM wall in the melting zone is almost twice as large as that of ordinary wall. Also, the heat-insulation performance of a PCM wall is better than that of an ordinary wall during the charging process, while during the heat discharging process, the PCM wall releases more heat energy. The convective heat transfer coefficient of PCM wall surface calculated using equations for a normal wall material produces an underestimation of this coefficient. The high convective heat transfer coefficient for a PCM wall is due to the increased energy exchange between the wall and indoor air.
The aim of this review paper is to present experimental methodologies and the mathematical approaches used to determine effective diffusivities of solutes in food materials. The paper commences by describing the diffusion phenomena related to solute mass transfer in foods and effective diffusivities. It then focuses on the mathematical formulation for the calculation of effective diffusivities considering different diffusion models based on Fick's second law of diffusion. Finally, experimental considerations for effective diffusivity determination are elucidated primarily based on the acquirement of a series of solute content versus time curves appropriate to the equation model chosen. Different factors contributing to the determination of the effective diffusivities such as the structure of food material, temperature, diffusion solvent, agitation, sampling, concentration and different techniques used are considered. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Whole fresh goat's milk was heat treated at 135 degrees C for 4 s using a miniature UHT plant. The temperature of the milk in the preheating and sterilizer sections, and the milk flow rate were monitored to evaluate the overall heat transfer coefficient (OHTC). The decrease in OHTC was used to estimate the extent of fouling. Goat's milk fouled very quickly and run times of the UHT plant were short. The use of sodium hexametaphosphate, trisodium citrate and cation exchange resins to reduce ionic calcium prior to UHT processing, increased the pH and alcohol stability of the milk and markedly increased the run time of the UHT plant.
The mathematical models that describe the immersion-frying period and the post-frying cooling period of an infinite slab or an infinite cylinder were solved and tested. Results were successfully compared with those found in the literature or obtained experimentally, and were discussed in terms of the hypotheses and simplifications made. The models were used as the basis of a sensitivity analysis. Simulations showed that a decrease in slab thickness and core heat capacity resulted in faster crust development. On the other hand, an increase in oil temperature and boiling heat transfer coefficient between the oil and the surface of the food accelerated crust formation. The model for oil absorption during cooling was analysed using the tested post-frying cooling equation to determine the moment in which a positive pressure driving force, allowing oil suction within the pore, originated. It was found that as crust layer thickness, pore radius and ambient temperature decreased so did the time needed to start the absorption. On the other hand, as the effective convective heat transfer coefficient between the air and the surface of the slab increased the required cooling time decreased. In addition, it was found that the time needed to allow oil absorption during cooling was extremely sensitive to pore radius, indicating the importance of an accurate pore size determination in future studies.
The electrochemistry of Pt nanostructured electrodes is investigated using hydrodynamic modulated voltammetry (HMV). Here a liquid crystal templating process is used to produce platinum-modified electrodes with a range of surface areas (roughness factor 42.4-280.8). The electroreduction of molecular oxygen at these nanostructured platinum surfaces is used to demonstrate the ability of HMV to discriminate between faradaic and nonfaradaic electrode reactions. The HMV approach shows that the reduction of molecular oxygen experiences considerable signal loss within the high pseudocapacitive region of the voltammetry. Evidence for the contribution of the double layer to transient mass transfer events is presented. In addition, a model circuit and appropriate theoretical analysis are used to illustrate the transient responses of a time variant faradaic component. This in conjunction with the experimental evidence shows that, far from being a passive component in this system, the double layer can contribute to HMV faradaic reactions under certain conditions.
The causes of pathological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases are becoming better understood. Proteins that misfold from their native structure to form aggregates of β-sheet fibrils — termed amyloid — are known1,2 to be implicated in these ‘amyloid diseases’. Understanding the early steps of fibril formation is critical, and the conditions, mechanism and kinetics of protein and peptide aggregation are being widely investigated through a variety of in vitro studies. Kinetic aspects of the dispersion of the protein or peptide in solution are thought to influence the fibrillization process by mass-transfer effects. In addition, mixing also leads to shear forces, which can influence fibril growth by perturbing the equilibrium between the isolated and aggregated proteins, causing existing fibrils to fragment and create new nuclei3. Writing in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, David Talaga and co-workers have now highlighted4 an additional factor that can influence the fibrillization of amyloid-forming proteins — the presence of hydrophobic interfaces.
In membrane distillation in a conventional membrane module, the enthalpies of vaporisation and condensation are supplied and removed by changes in the temperatures of the feed and permeate streams, respectively. Less than 5% of the feed can be distilled in a single pass, because the potential changes in the enthalpies of the liquid streams are much smaller than the enthalpy of vaporisation. Furthermore, the driving force for mass transfer reduces as the feed stream temperature and vapour pressure fall during distillation. These restrictions can be avoided if the enthalpy of vaporisation is uncoupled from the heat capacities of the feed and permeate streams. A specified distillation can then be effected continuously in a single module. Calculations are presented which estimate the performance of a flat plate unit in which the enthalpy of distillation is supplied and removed by the condensing and boiling of thermal fluids in separate circuits, and the imposed temperature difference is independent of position. Because the mass flux through the membrane is dependent on vapour pressure, membrane distillation is suited to applications with a high membrane temperature. The maximum mass flux in the proposed module geometry is predicted to be 30 kg/m2 per h at atmospheric pressure when the membrane temperature is 65°C. Operation at higher membrane temperatures is predicted to raise the mass flux, for example to 85 kg/m2 per h at a membrane temperature of 100°C. This would require pressurisation to 20 bar to prevent boiling at the heating plate of the feed channel. Pre-pressurisation of the membrane pores and control of the dissolved gas concentrations in the feed and the recyled permeate should be investigated as a means to achieve high temperature membrane distillation without pore penetration and wetting.
This review looks at the work carried out over the past 15 years on membrane distillation and reports the conditions utilized for research. The process is still used mainly at the laboratory scale, but a few pilot plants have been built across the world, mostly for desalination and the production of potable water. Studies into membrane distillation have been concerned with the effect of mass transfer, heat transfer, and stirring rate, but the most important effect that has to be considered with this process is temperature polarization. A section on temperature polarization and the effect of boundary layers is included in this review.
This review looks at the work carried out over the past 15 years on membrane distillation and reports the conditions utilized for research. The process is still used mainly at the laboratory scale, but a few pilot plants have been built across the world, mostly for desalination and the production of potable water. Studies into membrane distillation have been concerned with the effect of mass transfer, heat transfer, and stirring rate, but the most important effect that has to be considered with this process is temperature polarization. A section on temperature polarization and the effect of boundary layers is included in this review.
Colloidal gas aphrons (CGA) have previously been defined as surfactant stabilized gas microbubbles and characterized for a number of surfactants in terms of stability, gas holdup and bubble size even though there is no conclusive evidence of their structure (that is, orientation of surfactant molecules at the gas–liquid interface, thickness of gas–liquid interface, and/or number of surfactant layers). Knowledge of the structure would enable us to use these dispersions more efficiently for their diverse applications (such as for removal of dyes, recovery of proteins, and enhancement of mass transfer in bioreactors). This study investigates dispersion and structural features of CGA utilizing a range of novel predictive (for prediction of aphron size and drainage rate) and experimental (electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction) methods. Results indicate structural differences between foams and CGA, which may have been caused by a multilayer structure of the latter as suggested by the electron and X-ray diffraction analysis.