24 resultados para root systems

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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A quantitative model of wheat root systems is developed that links the size and distribution of the root system to the capture of water and nitrogen (which are assumed to be evenly distributed with depth) during grain filling, and allows estimates of the economic consequences of this capture to be assessed. A particular feature of the model is its use of summarizing concepts, and reliance on only the minimum number of parameters (each with a clear biological meaning). The model is then used to provide an economic sensitivity analysis of possible target characteristics for manipulating root systems. These characteristics were: root distribution with depth, proportional dry matter partitioning to roots, resource capture coefficients, shoot dry weight at anthesis, specific root weight and water use efficiency. From the current estimates of parameters it is concluded that a larger investment by the crop in fine roots at depth in the soil, and less proliferation of roots in surface layers, would improve yields by accessing extra resources. The economic return on investment in roots for water capture was twice that of the same amount invested for nitrogen capture. (C) 2003 Annals of Botany Company.


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Genetic and environmental factors interact to determine the growth and activity of crop root systems. This paper examines the effects of agronomic management and genotype on wheat root systems in the UK and Australia, and suggests ways in which root limitations to crop performance might be alleviated. In a field study in the UK which examined late-season growth and activity, fungicide maintained the size of the root system during early grain-filling, and there were significant differences between cultivars in root distribution with depth below 0.3 m. Shamrock had a longer root system below 0.3 m than varieties such as Hereward and Consort. Fungicide significantly increased root growth at 0.1-0.2 m in one season. In Australia, a wheat line selected for high shoot vigour had associated root vigour during early seedling growth but the effect on root growth did not persist. The results provide examples of genotypic differences in wheat root growth under field conditions which interact with agronomic management in ways which can be exploited to benefit growth and yield in diverse environments.


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Root characteristics of seedlings of five different barley genotypes were analysed in 2D using gel chambers, and in 3D using soil sacs that were destructively harvested and pots of soil that were assessed non-invasively using X-ray microtomography. After 5 days, Chime produced the greatest number of root axes (similar to 6) and Mehola significantly less (similar to 4) in all growing methods. Total root length was longest in GSH01915 and shortest in Mehola for all methods, but both total length and average root diameter were significantly larger for plants grown in gel chambers than those grown in soil. The ranking of particular growth traits (root number, root angular spread) of plants grown in gel plates, soil sacs and X-ray pots was similar, but plants grown in the gel chambers had a different order of ranking for root length to the soil-grown plants. Analysis of angles in soil-grown plants showed that Tadmore had the most even spread of individual roots and Chime had a propensity for non-uniform distribution and root clumping. The roots of Mehola were less well spread than the barley cultivars supporting the suggestion that wild and landrace barleys tend to have a narrower angular spread than modern cultivars. The three dimensional analysis of root systems carried out in this study provides insights into the limitations of screening methods for root traits and useful data for modelling root architecture.


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Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. 'DRK') were grown hydroponically in two experiments to determine the effects of nutrient concentration and distribution in the root zone on yield, quality and blossom end rot (BER). The plants were grown in rockwool with their root systems divided into two portions. Each portion was irrigated with nutrient solutions with either the same or different electrical conductivity (EC) in the range 0 to 6 dS m(-1). In both experiments, fruit yields decreased as EC increased from moderate to high when solutions of equal concentration were applied to both portions of the root system. However, higher yields were obtained when a solution with high EC was applied to one portion of the root system and a solution of low EC to the other portion. For example, the fresh weight of mature fruits in the 6/6 treatment was only 20% that of the 3/3 treatment but the 6/0 treatment had a yield that was 40% higher. The reduction in yield in the high EC treatments was due to an increase in the number of fruits with BER and smaller fruit size. BER increased from 12% to 88% of total fruits as EC increased from 6/0 to 6/6 and fruit length decreased from 67 mm to 52 mm. Fruit quality (expressed as titratable acidity and soluble solids) increased as EC increased. In summary, high yields of high quality tomatoes with minimal incidence of BER were obtained when one portion of the root system was supplied with a solution of high EC and the other portion with a solution of moderate or zero EC.


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Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. 'DRK') were grown hydroponically in two experiments to determine the effects of nutrient concentration and distribution in the root zone on yield, quality and blossom end rot (BER). The plants were grown in rockwool with their root systems divided into two portions. Each portion was irrigated with nutrient solutions with either the same or different electrical conductivity (EC) in the range 0 to 6 dS m(-1). In both experiments, fruit yields decreased as EC increased from moderate to high when solutions of equal concentration were applied to both portions of the root system. However, higher yields were obtained when a solution with high EC was applied to one portion of the root system and a solution of low EC to the other portion. For example, the fresh weight of mature fruits in the 6/6 treatment was only 20% that of the 3/3 treatment but the 6/0 treatment had a yield that was 40% higher. The reduction in yield in the high EC treatments was due to an increase in the number of fruits with BER and smaller fruit size. BER increased from 12% to 88% of total fruits as EC increased from 6/0 to 6/6 and fruit length decreased from 67 mm to 52 mm. Fruit quality (expressed as titratable acidity and soluble solids) increased as EC increased. In summary, high yields of high quality tomatoes with minimal incidence of BER were obtained when one portion of the root system was supplied with a solution of high EC and the other portion with a solution of moderate or zero EC.


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Fine roots constitute an interface between plants and soils and thus play a crucial part in forest carbon, nutrient and water cycles. Their continuous growth and dieback, often termed turnover of fine roots, may constitute a major carbon input to soils and significantly contribute to belowground carbon cycle. For this reason, it is of importance to accurately estimate not only the standing biomass of fine roots, but also its rate of turnover. To date, no direct and reliable method of measuring fine root turnover exists. The main reason for this is that the two component processes of root turnover, namely growth and dieback of fine roots, nearly always happen in the same place and at the same time. Further, the estimation of fine root turnover is complicated by the inaccessibility of tree root systems, its labour intensiveness and is often compounded by artefacts created by soil disturbance. Despite the fact that the elucidation of the patterns and controls of forest fine root turnover is of utmost importance for the development of realistic carbon cycle models, our knowledge of the contribution of fine root turnover to carbon and nutrient cycles in forests remains uncertain. This chapter will detail all major methods currently used for estimating fine root turnover and highlight their advantages, as well as drawbacks.


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Models of root system growth emerged in the early 1970s, and were based on mathematical representations of root length distribution in soil. The last decade has seen the development of more complex architectural models and the use of computer-intensive approaches to study developmental and environmental processes in greater detail. There is a pressing need for predictive technologies that can integrate root system knowledge, scaling from molecular to ensembles of plants. This paper makes the case for more widespread use of simpler models of root systems based on continuous descriptions of their structure. A new theoretical framework is presented that describes the dynamics of root density distributions as a function of individual root developmental parameters such as rates of lateral root initiation, elongation, mortality, and gravitropsm. The simulations resulting from such equations can be performed most efficiently in discretized domains that deform as a result of growth, and that can be used to model the growth of many interacting root systems. The modelling principles described help to bridge the gap between continuum and architectural approaches, and enhance our understanding of the spatial development of root systems. Our simulations suggest that root systems develop in travelling wave patterns of meristems, revealing order in otherwise spatially complex and heterogeneous systems. Such knowledge should assist physiologists and geneticists to appreciate how meristem dynamics contribute to the pattern of growth and functioning of root systems in the field.


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Reliable techniques for screening large numbers of plants for root traits are still being developed, but include aeroponic, hydroponic and agar plate systems. Coupled with digital cameras and image analysis software, these systems permit the rapid measurement of root numbers, length and diameter in moderate ( typically <1000) numbers of plants. Usually such systems are employed with relatively small seedlings, and information is recorded in 2D. Recent developments in X-ray microtomography have facilitated 3D non-invasive measurement of small root systems grown in solid media, allowing angular distributions to be obtained in addition to numbers and length. However, because of the time taken to scan samples, only a small number can be screened (typically<10 per day, not including analysis time of the large spatial datasets generated) and, depending on sample size, limited resolution may mean that fine roots remain unresolved. Although agar plates allow differences between lines and genotypes to be discerned in young seedlings, the rank order may not be the same when the same materials are grown in solid media. For example, root length of dwarfing wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) lines grown on agar plates was increased by similar to 40% relative to wild-type and semi-dwarfing lines, but in a sandy loam soil under well watered conditions it was decreased by 24-33%. Such differences in ranking suggest that significant soil environment-genotype interactions are occurring. Developments in instruments and software mean that a combination of high-throughput simple screens and more in-depth examination of root-soil interactions is becoming viable.


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Aims Potatoes have an inadequate rooting system for efficient acquisition of water and minerals and use disproportionate amounts of irrigation and fertilizer. This research determines whether significant variation in rooting characteristics of potato exists, which characters correlate with final yield and whether a simple screen for rooting traits could be developed. Methods Twenty-eight genotypes of Solanum tuberosum groups Tuberosum and Phureja were grown in the field; eight replicate blocks to final harvest, while entire root systems were excavated from four blocks. Root classes were categorised and measured. The same measurements were made on these genotypes in the glasshouse, 2 weeks post emergence. Results In the field, total root length varied from 40 m to 112 m per plant. Final yield was correlated negatively with basal root specific root length and weakly but positively with total root weight. Solanum tuberosum group Phureja genotypes had more numerous roots and proportionally more basal than stolon roots compared with Solanum tuberosum, group Tuberosum genotypes. There were significant correlations between glasshouse and field measurements. Conclusions Our data demonstrate that variability in rooting traits amongst commercially available potato genotypes exists and a robust glasshouse screen has been developed. By measuring potato roots as described in this study, it is now possible to assess rooting traits of large populations of potato genotypes.


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An increasing importance is assigned to the estimation and verification of carbon stocks in forests. Forestry practice has several long-established and reliable methods for the assessment of aboveground biomass; however we still miss accurate predictors of belowground biomass. A major windthrow event exposing the coarse root systems of Norway spruce trees allowed us to assess the effects of contrasting soil stone and water content on belowground allocation. Increasing stone content decreases root/shoot ratio, while soil waterlogging leads to an increase in this ratio. We constructed allometric relationships for belowground biomass prediction and were able to show that only soil waterlogging significantly impacts model parameters. We showed that diameter at breast height is a reliable predictor of belowground biomass and, once site-specific parameters have been developed, it is possible to accurately estimate belowground biomass in Norway spruce.


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A new automatic feedback potometer for physiological studies of water uptake by root systems is described. A dual-optical-fibre amplitude-modulating displacement transducer of improved sensitivity is employed to detect the changes in liquid level. The merits of optimal double-cut fibres, which make full use of the critical angle and improve coupling between the emitter and the receiver, have resulted in a sensor that is 64 times more responsive than the simple emitter - detector probe. Positioning the optical fibre transducer in a narrow capillary and using feedback to control the liquid level allows continuous measurement of volumes in the nanolitre range. The optical sensor used does not need re-calibration for the different salt solutions used in such studies.


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A rain shelter experiment was conducted in a 90-year-old Norway spruce stand, in the Kysucké Beskydy Mts (Slovakia). Three rain shelters were constructed in the stand to prevent the rainfall from reaching the soil and to reduce water availability in the rhizosphere. Fine root biomass and necromass were repeatedly measured throughout a growing season by soil coring. We established the quantities of fine root biomass (live) and necromass (dead) at soil depths of 0-5, 5-15, 15-25, and 25-35 cm. Significant differences in soil moisture contents between control and drought plots were found in the top 15 cm of soil after 20 weeks of rainfall manipulation (lasting from early June to late October). Our observations show that even relatively light drought decreased total fine root biomass from 272.0 to 242.8 g m-2 and increased the amount of necromass from 79.2 to 101.2 g m-2 in the top 35 cm of soil. Very fine roots, i.e. those with diameter up to 1 mm, were more affected than total fine roots defined as 0-2 mm. The effect of reduced water availability was depth-specific, as a result we observed a modification of vertical distribution of fine roots. More roots in drought treatment were produced in the wetter soil horizons at 25-35 cm depth than at the surface. We conclude that fine and very fine root systems of Norway spruce have the capacity to re-allocate resources to roots at different depths in response to environmental signals, resulting in changes in necromass to biomass ratio.


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Soils most obviously contribute to food security in their essential role in crop and fodder production, so affecting the local availability of particular foods. They also have a direct influence on the ability to distribute food, the nutritional value of some foods and, in some societies, the access to certain foods through local processes of allocation and preferences. The inherent fertility of some soils is greater than that of others, so that crop yields vary greatly under semi-natural conditions. Husbandry practices, including the use of manures and fertilisers, have evolved to improve biological, chemical and physical components of soil fertility and thereby increase crop production. The challenge for the future is to sustain soil fertility in ways that increase the yield per unit area while simultaneously avoiding other detrimental environmental consequences. This will require increased effort to develop practices that use inputs such as nutrients, water and energy more efficiently. Opportunities to achieve this include adopting more effective ways to apply water and nutrients, adopting tillage practices that promote water infiltration and increase of organic matter, and breeding to improve the effectiveness of root systems in utilising soil-based resources.


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Sustainable intensification is seen as the main route for meeting the world’s increasing demands for food and fibre. As demands mount for greater efficiency in the use of resources to achieve this goal, so the focus on roots and rootstocks and their role in acquiring water and nutrients, and overcoming pests and pathogens, is increasing. The purpose of this review is to explore some of the ways in which understanding root systems and their interactions with soils could contribute to the development of more sustainable systems of intensive production. Physical interactions with soil particles limit root growth if soils are dense, but root–soil contact is essential for optimal growth and uptake of water and nutrients. X-ray microtomography demonstrated that maize roots elongated more rapidly with increasing root–soil contact, as long as mechanical impedance was not limiting root elongation, while lupin was less sensitive to changes in root–soil contact. In addition to selecting for root architecture and rhizosphere properties, the growth of many plants in cultivated systems is profoundly affected by selection of an appropriate rootstock. Several mechanisms for scion control by rootstocks have been suggested, but the causal signals are still uncertain and may differ between crop species. Linkage map locations for quantitative trait loci for disease resistance and other traits of interest in rootstock breeding are becoming available. Designing root systems and rootstocks for specific environments is becoming a feasible target.


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The root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica (Sebacinacea) forms mutualistic symbioses with a broad range of host plants, increasing their biomass production and resistance to fungal pathogens. We evaluated the effect of P. indica on Fusarium crown rot disease of wheat, under in vitro and glasshouse conditions. Interaction of P. indica and Fusarium isolates under axenic culture conditions indicated no direct antagonistic activity of P. indica against Fusarium isolates. Seedlings of wheat were inoculated with P. indica and pathogenic Fusarium culmorum or F. graminearum and grown in sterilised soil-free medium or in a non-sterilised mix of soil and sand. Fusarium alone reduced emergence and led to visible browning and reduced root growth. Roots of seedlings in pots inoculated with both Fusarium isolates and P. indica were free of visible symptoms; seed emergence and root biomass were equivalent to the uninoculated. DNA was quantified by real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The ratio of Fusarium DNA to wheat DNA rose rapidly in the plants inoculated with Fusarium alone; isolates and species were not significantly different. P. indica inoculation reduced the ratio of Fusarium to host DNA in the root systems. The reduction increased with time. The ratio of P. indica to wheat DNA initially rose but then declined in root systems without Fusarium. With Fusarium, the ratio rose throughout the experiment. The absolute amount of Fusarium DNA in root systems increased in the absence of P. indica but was static in plants co-inoculated with P. indica.