32 resultados para non-functional concerns

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Cell culture models of antioestrogen resistance often involve applying selective pressures of oestrogen deprivation simultaneously with addition of tamoxifen or fulvestrant (Faslodex, ICI 182,780) which makes it difficult to distinguish events in development of antioestrogen resistance from those in loss of response to oestrogen or other components. We describe here time courses of loss of antioestrogen response using either oestrogen-maintained or oestrogen-deprived MCF7 cells in which the only alteration to the culture medium was addition of 10(-6) M tamoxifen or 10(-7) M fulvestrant. In both oestrogen-maintained and oestrogen-deprived models, loss of growth response to tamoxifen was not associated with loss of response to fulvestrant. However, loss of growth response to fulvestrant was associated in both models with concomitant loss of growth response to tamoxifen. Measurement of oestrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) and oestrogen receptor beta (ER beta) mRNA by real-time RT-PCR together with ER alpha and ER beta protein by Western immunoblotting revealed substantial changes to ER alpha levels but very little alteration to ER beta levels following development of antioestrogen resistance. In oestrogen-maintained cells, tamoxifen resistance was associated with raised levels of ERa mRNA/protein. However by contrast, in oestrogen-deprived MCF7 cells, where oestrogen deprivation alone had already resulted in increased levels of ERa mRNA/protein, long-term tamoxifen exposure now reduced ER alpha levels. Whilst long-term exposure to fulvestrant reduced ERa. mRNA/protein levels in the oestrogen-maintained cells to a level barely detectable by Western immunoblotting and non-functional in inducing gene expression (ERE-LUC reporter or pS2), in oestrogen-deprived cells the reduction was much less substantial and these cells retained an oestrogen-induction of both the ERE-LUC reporter gene and the endogenous pS2 gene which could still be inhibited by antioestrogen. This demonstrates that whilst ER alpha can be abrogated by fulvestrant and increased by tamoxifen in some circumstances, this does not always hold true and mechanisms other than alteration to ER must be involved in the development of antioestrogen resistant growth. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We previously identified the function of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) p7 protein as an ion channel in artificial lipid bilayers and demonstrated that this in vitro activity is inhibited by amantadine. Here we show that the ion channel activity of HCV p7 expressed in mammalian cells can substitute for that of influenza virus M2 in a cell-based assay. This was also the case for the p7 from the related virus, bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV). Moreover, amantadine was shown to abrogate HCV p7 function in this assay at a concentration that specifically inhibits M2. Mutation of a conserved basic loop located between the two predicted trans-membrane alpha helices rendered HCV p7 non-functional as an ion channel. The intracellular localization of p7 was unaffected by this mutation and was found to overlap significantly with membranes associated with mitochondria. Demonstration of p7 ion channel activity in cellular membranes and its inhibition by amantadine affirm the protein as a target for future anti-viral chemotherapy.


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Complement-mediated inflammation exacerbates the tissue injury of ischaemic necrosis in heart attacks and strokes, the most common causes of death in developed countries. Large infarct size increases immediate morbidity and mortality and, in survivors of the acute event, larger non-functional scars adversely affect long-term prognosis. There is thus an important unmet medical need for new cardioprotective and neuroprotective treatments. We have previously shown that human C-reactive protein (CRP), the classical acute-phase protein that binds to ligands exposed in damaged tissue and then activates complement(1), increases myocardial and cerebral infarct size in rats subjected to coronary or cerebral artery ligation, respectively(2,3). Rat CRP does not activate rat complement, whereas human CRP activates both rat and human complement(4). Administration of human CRP to rats is thus an excellent model for the actions of endogenous human CRP2,3. Here we report the design, synthesis and efficacy of 1,6-bis(phosphocholine)-hexane as a specific small-molecule inhibitor of CRP. Five molecules of this palindromic compound are bound by two pentameric CRP molecules, crosslinking and occluding the ligand-binding B-face of CRP and blocking its functions. Administration of 1,6-bis(phosphocholine)-hexane to rats undergoing acute myocardial infarction abrogated the increase in infarct size and cardiac dysfunction produced by injection of human CRP. Therapeutic inhibition of CRP is thus a promising new approach to cardioprotection in acute myocardial infarction, and may also provide neuroprotection in stroke. Potential wider applications include other inflammatory, infective and tissue-damaging conditions characterized by increased CRP production, in which binding of CRP to exposed ligands in damaged cells may lead to complement-mediated exacerbation of tissue injury.


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An enterprise is viewed as a complex system which can be engineered to accomplish organisational objectives. Systems analysis and modelling will enable to the planning and development of the enterprise and IT systems. Many IT systems design methods focus on functional and non-functional requirements of the IT systems. Most methods are normally capable of one but leave out other aspects. Analysing and modelling of both business and IT systems may often have to call on techniques from various suites of methods which may be placed on different philosophic and methodological underpinnings. Coherence and consistency between the analyses are hard to ensure. This paper introduces the Problem Articulation Method (PAM) which facilitates the design of an enterprise system infrastructure on which an IT system is built. Outcomes of this analysis represent requirements which can be further used for planning and designing a technical system. As a case study, a finance system, Agresso, for e-procurement has been used in this paper to illustrate the applicability of PAM in modelling complex systems.


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of robot-mediated therapy on arm dysfunction post stroke. Design: A series of single-case studies using a randomized multiple baseline design with ABC or ACB order. Subjects (n = 20) had a baseline length of 8, 9 or 10 data points. They continued measurement during the B - robot-mediated therapy and C - sling suspension phases. Setting: Physiotherapy department, teaching hospital. Subjects: Twenty subjects with varying degrees of motor and sensory deficit completed the study. Subjects attended three times a week, with each phase lasting three weeks. Interventions: In the robot-mediated therapy phase they practised three functional exercises with haptic and visual feedback from the system. In the sling suspension phase they practised three single-plane exercises. Each treatment phase was three weeks long. Main measures: The range of active shoulder flexion, the Fugl-Meyer motor assessment and the Motor Assessment Scale were measured at each visit. Results: Each subject had a varied response to the measurement and intervention phases. The rate of recovery was greater during the robot-mediated therapy phase than in the baseline phase for the majority of subjects. The rate of recovery during the robot-mediated therapy phase was also greater than that during the sling suspension phase for most subjects. Conclusion: The positive treatment effect for both groups suggests that robot-mediated therapy can have a treatment effect greater than the same duration of non-functional exercises. Further studies investigating the optimal duration of treatment in the form of a randomized controlled trial are warranted.


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In the UK, the recycling of sewage sludge to land is expected to double by 2006 but the security of this route is threatened by environmental concerns and health scares. Strategic investment is needed to ensure sustainable and secure sludge recycling outlets. At present, the security of this landbank for sludge recycling is determined by legislation relating to nutrient rather than potentially toxic elements (PTEs) applications to land - especially the environmental risk linked to soil phosphorus (P) saturation. We believe that not all land has an equal risk of contributing nutrients derived from applications to land to receiving waters. We are currently investigating whether it is possible to minimise nutrient loss by applying sludge to land outside Critical Source Areas (CSAs) regardless of soil P Index status. Research is underway to develop a predictive and spatially-sensitive, semi-distributed model of critical thresholds for sludge application that goes beyond traditional 'end-of-pipe" or "edge-of-field" modelling, to include hydrological flow paths and delivery mechanisms to receiving waters from non-point sources at the catchment scale.


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Understanding how multiple signals are integrated in living cells to produce a balanced response is a major challenge in biology. Two-component signal transduction pathways, such as bacterial chemotaxis, comprise histidine protein kinases (HPKs) and response regulators (RRs). These are used to sense and respond to changes in the environment. Rhodobacter sphaeroides has a complex chemosensory network with two signaling clusters, each containing a HPK, CheA. Here we demonstrate, using a mathematical model, how the outputs of the two signaling clusters may be integrated. We use our mathematical model supported by experimental data to predict that: (1) the main RR controlling flagellar rotation, CheY6, aided by its specific phosphatase, the bifunctional kinase CheA3, acts as a phosphate sink for the other RRs; and (2) a phosphorelay pathway involving CheB2 connects the cytoplasmic cluster kinase CheA3 with the polar localised kinase CheA2, and allows CheA3-P to phosphorylate non-cognate chemotaxis RRs. These two mechanisms enable the bifunctional kinase/phosphatase activity of CheA3 to integrate and tune the sensory output of each signaling cluster to produce a balanced response. The signal integration mechanisms identified here may be widely used by other bacteria, since like R. sphaeroides, over 50% of chemotactic bacteria have multiple cheA homologues and need to integrate signals from different sources.


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The cupin superfamily of proteins is among the most functionally diverse of any described to date. It was named on the basis of the conserved beta-barrel fold ('cupa' is the Latin term for a small barrel), and comprises both enzymatic and non-enzymatic members, which have either one or two cupin domains. Within the conserved tertiary structure, the variety of biochemical function is provided by minor variation of the residues in the active site and the identity of the bound metal ion. This review discusses the advantages of this particular scaffold and provides an evolutionary analysis of 18 different subclasses within the cupin superfamily.


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Retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are important transcriptional nuclear hormone receptors, acting as either homodimers or the binding partner for at least one fourth of all the known human nuclear receptors. Functional nongenomic effects of nuclear receptors are poorly understood; however, recently peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma, PPARbeta, and the glucocorticoid receptor have all been found active in human platelets. Human platelets express RXRalpha and RXRbeta. RXR ligands inhibit platelet aggregation and TXA(2) release to ADP and the TXA(2) receptors, but only weakly to collagen. ADP and TXA(2) both signal via the G protein, Gq. RXR rapidly binds Gq but not Gi/z/o/t/gust in a ligand-dependent manner and inhibits Gq-induced Rac activation and intracellular calcium release. We propose that RXR ligands may have beneficial clinical actions through inhibition of platelet activation. Furthermore, our results demonstrate a novel nongenomic mode for nuclear receptor action and a functional cross-talk between G-protein and nuclear receptor signaling families.


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1. We studied a reintroduced population of the formerly critically endangered Mauritius kestrel Falco punctatus Temmink from its inception in 1987 until 2002, by which time the population had attained carrying capacity for the study area. Post-1994 the population received minimal management other than the provision of nestboxes. 2. We analysed data collected on survival (1987-2002) using program MARK to explore the influence of density-dependent and independent processes on survival over the course of the population's development. 3.We found evidence for non-linear, threshold density dependence in juvenile survival rates. Juvenile survival was also strongly influenced by climate, with the temporal distribution of rainfall during the cyclone season being the most influential climatic variable. Adult survival remained constant throughout. 4. Our most parsimonious capture-mark-recapture statistical model, which was constrained by density and climate, explained 75.4% of the temporal variation exhibited in juvenile survival rates over the course of the population's development. 5. This study is an example of how data collected as part of a threatened species recovery programme can be used to explore the role and functional form of natural population regulatory processes. With the improvements in conservation management techniques and the resulting success stories, formerly threatened species offer unique opportunities to further our understanding of the fundamental principles of population ecology.


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For the past 20 years, the focuses of public health strategies for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) have been aimed at lowering cholesterol levels. However recent findings have highlighted not only cholesterol but also triacylglycerol as a lipid risk factor for CVD. Dietary strategies which are able to reduce these circulating lipid levels, but which are able to offer long-term efficacy comparable with effective drug treatments, are currently being sought. One dietary strategy that has been proposed to benefit the lipid profile involves the supplementation of the diet with probiotics (Part 1), prebiotics and synbiotics (Part 2), which are mechanisms to improve the health of the host by supplementation and/or fortification of certain health promoting gut bacteria. Probiotics in the form of fermented milk products have been shown to have cholesterol-lowering properties, whereas non-digestible fermentable prebiotics have been shown to reduce triacylglycerol levels in animal studies. However in humans studies, there have been inconsistent findings with respect to changes in lipid levels with both prebiotics and probiotics although on the whole there have been favourable outcomes.


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For the past 20 years, the focuses of public health strategies for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) have been aimed at lowering cholesterol levels. However, recent findings have highlighted not only cholesterol but also triacylglycerol as a lipid risk factor for CVD. Dietary strategies which are able to reduce these Circulating lipid levels, but which are able to offer longterm efficacy comparable with effective drug treatments, are currently being sought. One dietary strategy that has been proposed to benefit the lipid profile involves the supplementation of the diet with probiotics (Part 1) prebiotics and synbiotics (Part 2), which are mechanisms to improve the health of the host by supplementation and/or fortification of certain health promoting gut bacteria. Probiotics in the form of fermented milk products have been shown to have cholesterol-lowering properties, whereas non-digestible fermentable prebiotics have been shown to reduce triacylglycerol levels in animal studies, However, in human studies, there have been inconsistent findings with respect to changes in lipid levels with both prebiotics and probiotics although on the whole there have been favourable outcomes.


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In this study a minimum variance neuro self-tuning proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller is designed for complex multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) dynamic systems. An approximation model is constructed, which consists of two functional blocks. The first block uses a linear submodel to approximate dominant system dynamics around a selected number of operating points. The second block is used as an error agent, implemented by a neural network, to accommodate the inaccuracy possibly introduced by the linear submodel approximation, various complexities/uncertainties, and complicated coupling effects frequently exhibited in non-linear MIMO dynamic systems. With the proposed model structure, controller design of an MIMO plant with n inputs and n outputs could be, for example, decomposed into n independent single input-single output (SISO) subsystem designs. The effectiveness of the controller design procedure is initially verified through simulations of industrial examples.


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The self-assembly of a peptide based on a sequence from the amyloid beta peptide but incorporating the non-natural amino acid beta-2-thienylalanine (2-Thi) has been investigated in aqueous and methanol solutions. The peptide AAKLVFF was used as a design motif, replacing the phenylalanine residues (F) with 2-Thi units to yield (2-Thi)(2-Thi)VLKAA. The 2-Thi residues are expected to confer interesting electronic properties due to charge delocalization and pi-stacking. The peptide is shown to form beta-sheet-rich amyloid fibrils with a twisted morphology, in both water and methanol solutions at sufficiently high concentration. The formation of a self-assembling hydrogel is observed at high concentration. Detailed molecular modeling using molecular dynamics methods was performed using NOE constraints provided by 2D-NMR experiments. The conformational and charge properties of 2-Thi were modeled using quantum mechanical methods, and found to be similar to those previously reported for the beta-3-thienylalanine analogue. The molecular dynamics simulations reveal well-defined folded structures (turn-like) in dilute aqueous solution, driven by self-assembly of the hydrophobic aromatic units, with charged lysine groups exposed to water.


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We have employed a combination of experimental surface science techniques and density functional calculations to study the reduction of TiO2(110) surfaces through the doping with submonolayer transition metals. We concentrate on the role of Ti adatoms in self doping of rutile and contrast the behaviour to that of Cr. DFT+U calculations enable identification of probable adsorption structures and their spectroscopic characteristics. Adsorption of both metals leads to a broken symmetry and an asymmetric charge transfer localised around the defect site of a mixed localised/delocalised character. Charge transfer creates defect states with Ti 3d character in the band gap at similar to 1-eV binding energy. Cr adsorption, however, leads to a very large shift in the valence-band edge to higher binding energy and the creation of Cr 3d states at 2.8-eV binding energy. Low-temperature oxidation lifts the Ti-derived band-gap states and modifies the intensity of the Cr features, indicative of a change of oxidation state from Cr3+ to Cr4+. Higher temperature processing leads to a loss of Cr from the surface region, indicative of its substitution into the bulk.