16 resultados para negative dimensional integration

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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The behaviour of the lattice parameters of HTCuCN (high-temperature form), AgCN and AuCN have been investigated as a function of temperature over the temperature range 90–490 K. All materials show one-dimensional negative thermal expansion (NTE) along the ––(M––CN)–– chain direction c (ac(HT-CuCN) ¼32.1 10–6 K1, ac(AgCN)¼23.910–6 K1 and ac(AuCN) ¼9.3106 K1 over the temperature range 90–490 K). The origin of this behaviour has been studied using RMC modelling of Bragg and total neutron diffraction data from AgCN and AuCN at 10 and 300 K. These analyses yield details of the local motions within the chains responsible for NTE. The low-temperature form of CuCN, LT-CuCN, has been studied using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. In this form of CuCN, wavelike distortions of the ––(Cu––CN)–– chains occur in the static structure, which are reminiscent of the motions seen in the RMC modelling of AgCN and AuCN, which are responsible for the NTE behaviour.


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In recent years, the Standards for Qualified Teacher Status in England have placed new emphasis on student-teachers' ability to become integrated into the 'corporate life of the school' and to work with other professionals. Little research, however, has been carried out into how student-teachers perceive the social processes and interactions that are central to such integration during their initial teacher education school placements. This study aims to shed light on these perceptions. The data, gathered from 23 student-teachers through interviews and reflective writing, illustrate the extent to which the participants perceived such social processes as supporting or obstructing their development as teachers. Signals of inclusion, the degree of match or mismatch in students' and school colleagues' role expectations, and the social awareness of both school and student-teacher emerged as crucial factors in this respect. The student-teachers' accounts show their social interactions with school staff to be meaningful in developing their 'teacher self' and to be profoundly emotionally charged. The implications for mentor and student-teacher role preparation are discussed in this article.


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In this review we evaluate the cognitive and neural effects of positive and negative mood on executive function. Mild manipulations of negative mood appear to have little effect on cognitive control processes, whereas positive mood impairs aspects of updating, planning and switching. These cognitive effects may be linked to neurochemistry: with positive mood effects mediated by dopamine while negative mood effects may be mediated by serotonin levels. Current evidence on the effects of mood on regional brain activity during executive functions, indicates that the prefrontal cortex is a recurrent site of integration between mood and cognition. We conclude that there is a disparity between the importance of this topic and awareness of how mood affects, executive functions in the brain. Most behavioural and neuroimaging studies of executive function in normal samples do not explore the potential role of variations in mood, yet the evidence we outline indicates that even mild fluctuations in mood can have a significant influence on neural activation and cognition. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigated whether it is possible to control the temporal window of attention used to rapidly integrate visual information. To study the underlying neural mechanisms, we recorded ERPs in an attentional blink task, known to elicit Lag-1 sparing. Lag-1 sparing fosters joint integration of the two targets, evidenced by increased order errors. Short versus long integration windows were induced by showing participants mostly fast or slow stimuli. Participants expecting slow speed used a longer integration window, increasing joint integration. Difference waves showed an early (200 ms post-T2) negative and a late positive modulation (390 ms) in the fast group, but not in the slow group. The modulations suggest the creation of a separate event for T2, which is not needed in the slow group, where targets were often jointly integrated. This suggests that attention can be guided by global expectations of presentation speed within tens of milliseconds.


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Exact error estimates for evaluating multi-dimensional integrals are considered. An estimate is called exact if the rates of convergence for the low- and upper-bound estimate coincide. The algorithm with such an exact rate is called optimal. Such an algorithm has an unimprovable rate of convergence. The problem of existing exact estimates and optimal algorithms is discussed for some functional spaces that define the regularity of the integrand. Important for practical computations data classes are considered: classes of functions with bounded derivatives and Holder type conditions. The aim of the paper is to analyze the performance of two optimal classes of algorithms: deterministic and randomized for computing multidimensional integrals. It is also shown how the smoothness of the integrand can be exploited to construct better randomized algorithms.


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This paper is addressed to the numerical solving of the rendering equation in realistic image creation. The rendering equation is integral equation describing the light propagation in a scene accordingly to a given illumination model. The used illumination model determines the kernel of the equation under consideration. Nowadays, widely used are the Monte Carlo methods for solving the rendering equation in order to create photorealistic images. In this work we consider the Monte Carlo solving of the rendering equation in the context of the parallel sampling scheme for hemisphere. Our aim is to apply this sampling scheme to stratified Monte Carlo integration method for parallel solving of the rendering equation. The domain for integration of the rendering equation is a hemisphere. We divide the hemispherical domain into a number of equal sub-domains of orthogonal spherical triangles. This domain partitioning allows to solve the rendering equation in parallel. It is known that the Neumann series represent the solution of the integral equation as a infinity sum of integrals. We approximate this sum with a desired truncation error (systematic error) receiving the fixed number of iteration. Then the rendering equation is solved iteratively using Monte Carlo approach. At each iteration we solve multi-dimensional integrals using uniform hemisphere partitioning scheme. An estimate of the rate of convergence is obtained using the stratified Monte Carlo method. This domain partitioning allows easy parallel realization and leads to convergence improvement of the Monte Carlo method. The high performance and Grid computing of the corresponding Monte Carlo scheme are discussed.


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A two-dimensional X-ray scattering system developed around a CCD-based area detector is presented, both in terms of hardware employed and software designed and developed. An essential feature is the integration of hardware and software, detection and sample environment control which enables time-resolving in-situ wide-angle X-ray scattering measurements of global structural and orientational parameters of polymeric systems subjected to a variety of controlled external fields. The development and operation of a number of rheometers purpose-built for the application of such fields are described. Examples of the use of this system in monitoring degrees of shear-induced orientation in liquid-crystalline systems and crystallization of linear polymers subsequent to shear flow are presented.


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An integration by parts formula is derived for the first order differential operator corresponding to the action of translations on the space of locally finite simple configurations of infinitely many points on Rd. As reference measures, tempered grand canonical Gibbs measures are considered corresponding to a non-constant non-smooth intensity (one-body potential) and translation invariant potentials fulfilling the usual conditions. It is proven that such Gibbs measures fulfill the intuitive integration by parts formula if and only if the action of the translation is not broken for this particular measure. The latter is automatically fulfilled in the high temperature and low intensity regime.


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The currently available model-based global data sets of atmospheric circulation are a by-product of the daily requirement of producing initial conditions for numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. These data sets have been quite useful for studying fundamental dynamical and physical processes, and for describing the nature of the general circulation of the atmosphere. However, due to limitations in the early data assimilation systems and inconsistencies caused by numerous model changes, the available model-based global data sets may not be suitable for studying global climate change. A comprehensive analysis of global observations based on a four-dimensional data assimilation system with a realistic physical model should be undertaken to integrate space and in situ observations to produce internally consistent, homogeneous, multivariate data sets for the earth's climate system. The concept is equally applicable for producing data sets for the atmosphere, the oceans, and the biosphere, and such data sets will be quite useful for studying global climate change.


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This paper generalises and applies recently developed blocking diagnostics in a two- dimensional latitude-longitude context, which takes into consideration both mid- and high-latitude blocking. These diagnostics identify characteristics of the associated wave-breaking as seen in the potential temperature (θ) on the dynamical tropopause, in particular the cyclonic or anticyclonic Direction of wave-Breaking (DB index), and the Relative Intensity (RI index) of the air masses that contribute to blocking formation. The methodology is extended to a 2-D domain and a cluster technique is deployed to classify mid- and high-latitude blocking according to the wave-breaking characteristics. Mid-latitude blocking is observed over Europe and Asia, where the meridional gradient of θ is generally weak, whereas high-latitude blocking is mainly present over the oceans, to the north of the jet-stream, where the meridional gradient of θ is much stronger. They occur respectively on the equatorward and poleward flank of the jet- stream, where the horizontal shear ∂u/∂y is positive in the first case and negative in the second case. A regional analysis is also conducted. It is found that cold-anticyclonic and cyclonic blocking divert the storm-track respectively to the south and to the north over the East Atlantic and western Europe. Furthermore, warm-cyclonic blocking over the Pacific and cold-anticyclonic blocking over Europe are identified as the most persistent types and are associated with large amplitude anomalies in temperature and precipitation. Finally, the high-latitude, cyclonic events seem to correlate well with low- frequency modes of variability over the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.


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New representations and efficient calculation methods are derived for the problem of propagation from an infinite regularly spaced array of coherent line sources above a homogeneous impedance plane, and for the Green's function for sound propagation in the canyon formed by two infinitely high, parallel rigid or sound soft walls and an impedance ground surface. The infinite sum of source contributions is replaced by a finite sum and the remainder is expressed as a Laplace-type integral. A pole subtraction technique is used to remove poles in the integrand which lie near the path of integration, obtaining a smooth integrand, more suitable for numerical integration, and a specific numerical integration method is proposed. Numerical experiments show highly accurate results across the frequency spectrum for a range of ground surface types. It is expected that the methods proposed will prove useful in boundary element modeling of noise propagation in canyon streets and in ducts, and for problems of scattering by periodic surfaces.


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Modern neuroimaging techniques rely on neurovascular coupling to show regions of increased brain activation. However, little is known of the neurovascular coupling relationships that exist for inhibitory signals. To address this issue directly we developed a preparation to investigate the signal sources of one of these proposed inhibitory neurovascular signals, the negative blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) response (NBR), in rat somatosensory cortex. We found a reliable NBR measured in rat somatosensory cortex in response to unilateral electrical whisker stimulation, which was located in deeper cortical layers relative to the positive BOLD response. Separate optical measurements (two-dimensional optical imaging spectroscopy and laser Doppler flowmetry) revealed that the NBR was a result of decreased blood volume and flow and increased levels of deoxyhemoglobin. Neural activity in the NBR region, measured by multichannel electrodes, varied considerably as a function of cortical depth. There was a decrease in neuronal activity in deep cortical laminae. After cessation of whisker stimulation there was a large increase in neural activity above baseline. Both the decrease in neuronal activity and increase above baseline after stimulation cessation correlated well with the simultaneous measurement of blood flow suggesting that the NBR is related to decreases in neural activity in deep cortical layers. Interestingly, the magnitude of the neural decrease was largest in regions showing stimulus-evoked positive BOLD responses. Since a similar type of neural suppression in surround regions was associated with a negative BOLD signal, the increased levels of suppression in positive BOLD regions could importantly moderate the size of the observed BOLD response.


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As the integration of vertical axis wind turbines in the built environment is a promising alternative to horizontal axis wind turbines, a 2D computational investigation of an augmented wind turbine is proposed and analysed. In the initial CFD analysis, three parameters are carefully investigated: mesh resolution; turbulence model; and time step size. It appears that the mesh resolution and the turbulence model affect result accuracy; while the time step size examined, for the unsteady nature of the flow, has small impact on the numerical results. In the CFD validation of the open rotor with secondary data, the numerical results are in good agreement in terms of shape. It is, however, observed a discrepancy factor of 2 between numerical and experimental data. Successively, the introduction of an omnidirectional stator around the wind turbine increases the power and torque coefficients by around 30–35% when compared to the open case; but attention needs to be given to the orientation of the stator blades for optimum performance. It is found that the power and torque coefficients of the augmented wind turbine are independent of the incident wind speed considered.


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Studiesthat use prolonged periods of sensory stimulation report associations between regional reductions in neural activity and negative blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signaling. However, the neural generators of the negative BOLD response remain to be characterized. Here, we use single-impulse electrical stimulation of the whisker pad in the anesthetized rat to identify components of the neural response that are related to “negative” hemodynamic changes in the brain. Laminar multiunit activity and local field potential recordings of neural activity were performed concurrently withtwo-dimensional optical imaging spectroscopy measuring hemodynamic changes. Repeated measurements over multiple stimulation trials revealed significant variations in neural responses across session and animal datasets. Within this variation, we found robust long-latency decreases (300 and 2000 ms after stimulus presentation) in gammaband power (30 – 80 Hz) in the middle-superficial cortical layers in regions surrounding the activated whisker barrel cortex. This reduction in gamma frequency activity was associated with corresponding decreases in the hemodynamic responses that drive the negative BOLD signal. These findings suggest a close relationship between BOLD responses and neural events that operate over time scales that outlast the initiating sensory stimulus, and provide important insights into the neurophysiological basis of negative neuroimaging signals.


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Estrogen is a ligand for the estrogen receptor (ER), which on binding 17beta-estradiol, functions as a ligand-activated transcription factor and regulates the transcription of target genes. This is the slow genomic mode of action. However, rapid non-genomic actions of estrogen also exist at the cell membrane. Using a novel two-pulse paradigm in which the first pulse rapidly initiates non-genomic actions using a membrane-limited estrogen conjugate (E-BSA), while the second pulse promotes genomic transcription from a consensus estrogen response element (ERE), we have demonstrated that rapid actions of estrogen potentiate the slower transcriptional response from an ERE-reporter in neuroblastoma cells. Since rapid actions of estrogen activate kinases, we used selective inhibitors in the two-pulse paradigm to determine the intracellular signaling cascades important in such potentiation. Inhibition of protein kinase A (PKA), PKC, mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) or phosphatidylinositol 3-OH kinase (PI-3K) in the first pulse decreases potentiation of transcription. Also, our data with both dominant negative and constitutive mutants of Galpha subunits show that Galpha(q) initiates the rapid signaling cascade at the membrane in SK-N-BE(2)C neuroblastoma cells. We discuss two models of multiple kinase activation at the membrane Pulses of estrogen induce lordosis behavior in female rats. Infusion of E-BSA into the ventromedial hypothalamus followed by 17beta-estradiol in the second pulse could induce lordosis behavior, demonstrating the applicability of this paradigm in vivo. A model where non-genomic actions of estrogen couple to genomic actions unites both aspects of hormone action.