195 resultados para kernel estimation
em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK
Radiotelemetry is an important tool used to aid the understanding and conservation of cryptic and rare birds. The two bird species of the family Picathartidae are little-known, secretive, forest-dwelling birds endemic to western and central Africa. In 2005, we conducted a radio-tracking trial of Grey-necked Picathartes Picathartes oreas in the Mbam Minkom Mountain Forest, southern Cameroon, using neck collar (two birds) and tail-mounted (four birds) transmitters to investigate the practicality of radio-tracking Picathartidae. Three birds with tail-mounted transmitters were successfully tracked with the fourth, though not relocated for radio tracking, resighted the following breeding season. Two of these were breeding birds that continued to provision young during radio tracking. One neck-collared bird was found dead three days after transmitter attachment and the other neither relocated nor resighted. As mortality in one bird was potentially caused by the neck collar transmitter we recommend tail-mounted transmitters in future radio-tracking studies of Picathartidae. Home ranges, shown using minimum convex polygon and kernel estimation methods, were generally small (<0.5 km(2)) and centred around breeding sites. A minimum of 60 fixes were found to be sufficient for home range estimation.
Using the classical Parzen window (PW) estimate as the target function, the sparse kernel density estimator is constructed in a forward constrained regression manner. The leave-one-out (LOO) test score is used for kernel selection. The jackknife parameter estimator subject to positivity constraint check is used for the parameter estimation of a single parameter at each forward step. As such the proposed approach is simple to implement and the associated computational cost is very low. An illustrative example is employed to demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective in constructing sparse kernel density estimators with comparable accuracy to that of the classical Parzen window estimate.
Using the classical Parzen window (PW) estimate as the desired response, the kernel density estimation is formulated as a regression problem and the orthogonal forward regression technique is adopted to construct sparse kernel density (SKD) estimates. The proposed algorithm incrementally minimises a leave-one-out test score to select a sparse kernel model, and a local regularisation method is incorporated into the density construction process to further enforce sparsity. The kernel weights of the selected sparse model are finally updated using the multiplicative nonnegative quadratic programming algorithm, which ensures the nonnegative and unity constraints for the kernel weights and has the desired ability to reduce the model size further. Except for the kernel width, the proposed method has no other parameters that need tuning, and the user is not required to specify any additional criterion to terminate the density construction procedure. Several examples demonstrate the ability of this simple regression-based approach to effectively construct a SKID estimate with comparable accuracy to that of the full-sample optimised PW density estimate. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Using the classical Parzen window (PW) estimate as the target function, the sparse kernel density estimator is constructed in a forward-constrained regression (FCR) manner. The proposed algorithm selects significant kernels one at a time, while the leave-one-out (LOO) test score is minimized subject to a simple positivity constraint in each forward stage. The model parameter estimation in each forward stage is simply the solution of jackknife parameter estimator for a single parameter, subject to the same positivity constraint check. For each selected kernels, the associated kernel width is updated via the Gauss-Newton method with the model parameter estimate fixed. The proposed approach is simple to implement and the associated computational cost is very low. Numerical examples are employed to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.
A sparse kernel density estimator is derived based on the zero-norm constraint, in which the zero-norm of the kernel weights is incorporated to enhance model sparsity. The classical Parzen window estimate is adopted as the desired response for density estimation, and an approximate function of the zero-norm is used for achieving mathemtical tractability and algorithmic efficiency. Under the mild condition of the positive definite design matrix, the kernel weights of the proposed density estimator based on the zero-norm approximation can be obtained using the multiplicative nonnegative quadratic programming algorithm. Using the -optimality based selection algorithm as the preprocessing to select a small significant subset design matrix, the proposed zero-norm based approach offers an effective means for constructing very sparse kernel density estimates with excellent generalisation performance.
This paper derives an efficient algorithm for constructing sparse kernel density (SKD) estimates. The algorithm first selects a very small subset of significant kernels using an orthogonal forward regression (OFR) procedure based on the D-optimality experimental design criterion. The weights of the resulting sparse kernel model are then calculated using a modified multiplicative nonnegative quadratic programming algorithm. Unlike most of the SKD estimators, the proposed D-optimality regression approach is an unsupervised construction algorithm and it does not require an empirical desired response for the kernel selection task. The strength of the D-optimality OFR is owing to the fact that the algorithm automatically selects a small subset of the most significant kernels related to the largest eigenvalues of the kernel design matrix, which counts for the most energy of the kernel training data, and this also guarantees the most accurate kernel weight estimate. The proposed method is also computationally attractive, in comparison with many existing SKD construction algorithms. Extensive numerical investigation demonstrates the ability of this regression-based approach to efficiently construct a very sparse kernel density estimate with excellent test accuracy, and our results show that the proposed method compares favourably with other existing sparse methods, in terms of test accuracy, model sparsity and complexity, for constructing kernel density estimates.
A unified approach is proposed for sparse kernel data modelling that includes regression and classification as well as probability density function estimation. The orthogonal-least-squares forward selection method based on the leave-one-out test criteria is presented within this unified data-modelling framework to construct sparse kernel models that generalise well. Examples from regression, classification and density estimation applications are used to illustrate the effectiveness of this generic sparse kernel data modelling approach.
Using the classical Parzen window estimate as the target function, the kernel density estimation is formulated as a regression problem and the orthogonal forward regression technique is adopted to construct sparse kernel density estimates. The proposed algorithm incrementally minimises a leave-one-out test error score to select a sparse kernel model, and a local regularisation method is incorporated into the density construction process to further enforce sparsity. The kernel weights are finally updated using the multiplicative nonnegative quadratic programming algorithm, which has the ability to reduce the model size further. Except for the kernel width, the proposed algorithm has no other parameters that need tuning, and the user is not required to specify any additional criterion to terminate the density construction procedure. Two examples are used to demonstrate the ability of this regression-based approach to effectively construct a sparse kernel density estimate with comparable accuracy to that of the full-sample optimised Parzen window density estimate.
A novel sparse kernel density estimator is derived based on a regression approach, which selects a very small subset of significant kernels by means of the D-optimality experimental design criterion using an orthogonal forward selection procedure. The weights of the resulting sparse kernel model are calculated using the multiplicative nonnegative quadratic programming algorithm. The proposed method is computationally attractive, in comparison with many existing kernel density estimation algorithms. Our numerical results also show that the proposed method compares favourably with other existing methods, in terms of both test accuracy and model sparsity, for constructing kernel density estimates.
This paper presents an efficient construction algorithm for obtaining sparse kernel density estimates based on a regression approach that directly optimizes model generalization capability. Computational efficiency of the density construction is ensured using an orthogonal forward regression, and the algorithm incrementally minimizes the leave-one-out test score. A local regularization method is incorporated naturally into the density construction process to further enforce sparsity. An additional advantage of the proposed algorithm is that it is fully automatic and the user is not required to specify any criterion to terminate the density construction procedure. This is in contrast to an existing state-of-art kernel density estimation method using the support vector machine (SVM), where the user is required to specify some critical algorithm parameter. Several examples are included to demonstrate the ability of the proposed algorithm to effectively construct a very sparse kernel density estimate with comparable accuracy to that of the full sample optimized Parzen window density estimate. Our experimental results also demonstrate that the proposed algorithm compares favorably with the SVM method, in terms of both test accuracy and sparsity, for constructing kernel density estimates.
Many kernel classifier construction algorithms adopt classification accuracy as performance metrics in model evaluation. Moreover, equal weighting is often applied to each data sample in parameter estimation. These modeling practices often become problematic if the data sets are imbalanced. We present a kernel classifier construction algorithm using orthogonal forward selection (OFS) in order to optimize the model generalization for imbalanced two-class data sets. This kernel classifier identification algorithm is based on a new regularized orthogonal weighted least squares (ROWLS) estimator and the model selection criterion of maximal leave-one-out area under curve (LOO-AUC) of the receiver operating characteristics (ROCs). It is shown that, owing to the orthogonalization procedure, the LOO-AUC can be calculated via an analytic formula based on the new regularized orthogonal weighted least squares parameter estimator, without actually splitting the estimation data set. The proposed algorithm can achieve minimal computational expense via a set of forward recursive updating formula in searching model terms with maximal incremental LOO-AUC value. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the algorithm.
A generalized or tunable-kernel model is proposed for probability density function estimation based on an orthogonal forward regression procedure. Each stage of the density estimation process determines a tunable kernel, namely, its center vector and diagonal covariance matrix, by minimizing a leave-one-out test criterion. The kernel mixing weights of the constructed sparse density estimate are finally updated using the multiplicative nonnegative quadratic programming algorithm to ensure the nonnegative and unity constraints, and this weight-updating process additionally has the desired ability to further reduce the model size. The proposed tunable-kernel model has advantages, in terms of model generalization capability and model sparsity, over the standard fixed-kernel model that restricts kernel centers to the training data points and employs a single common kernel variance for every kernel. On the other hand, it does not optimize all the model parameters together and thus avoids the problems of high-dimensional ill-conditioned nonlinear optimization associated with the conventional finite mixture model. Several examples are included to demonstrate the ability of the proposed novel tunable-kernel model to effectively construct a very compact density estimate accurately.
A new sparse kernel probability density function (pdf) estimator based on zero-norm constraint is constructed using the classical Parzen window (PW) estimate as the target function. The so-called zero-norm of the parameters is used in order to achieve enhanced model sparsity, and it is suggested to minimize an approximate function of the zero-norm. It is shown that under certain condition, the kernel weights of the proposed pdf estimator based on the zero-norm approximation can be updated using the multiplicative nonnegative quadratic programming algorithm. Numerical examples are employed to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.
We develop a new sparse kernel density estimator using a forward constrained regression framework, within which the nonnegative and summing-to-unity constraints of the mixing weights can easily be satisfied. Our main contribution is to derive a recursive algorithm to select significant kernels one at time based on the minimum integrated square error (MISE) criterion for both the selection of kernels and the estimation of mixing weights. The proposed approach is simple to implement and the associated computational cost is very low. Specifically, the complexity of our algorithm is in the order of the number of training data N, which is much lower than the order of N2 offered by the best existing sparse kernel density estimators. Numerical examples are employed to demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective in constructing sparse kernel density estimators with comparable accuracy to those of the classical Parzen window estimate and other existing sparse kernel density estimators.
This contribution proposes a novel probability density function (PDF) estimation based over-sampling (PDFOS) approach for two-class imbalanced classification problems. The classical Parzen-window kernel function is adopted to estimate the PDF of the positive class. Then according to the estimated PDF, synthetic instances are generated as the additional training data. The essential concept is to re-balance the class distribution of the original imbalanced data set under the principle that synthetic data sample follows the same statistical properties. Based on the over-sampled training data, the radial basis function (RBF) classifier is constructed by applying the orthogonal forward selection procedure, in which the classifier’s structure and the parameters of RBF kernels are determined using a particle swarm optimisation algorithm based on the criterion of minimising the leave-one-out misclassification rate. The effectiveness of the proposed PDFOS approach is demonstrated by the empirical study on several imbalanced data sets.