47 resultados para invertebrate abundance
em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK
The management of pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) in pens and their subsequent release within woodland for game shoots is widely practised in Britain. With the exception of ground flora and songbirds, the impacts on other taxa have not been well documented. We investigated the effects of pheasants on invertebrate abundance and community composition, using pitfall trapping. We compared release pens with control plots located in the same woods and in woods where no pheasant releasing had occurred for at least 25 years. Conditions for invertebrates within release pens were altered, with more annual plants and disturbance-tolerant perennials and a reduced leaf litter layer. No major differences in invertebrate abundance, or Carabidae or Staphylinidae richness, were found in spring at either the pen scale or the wood scale. However, pheasant release pens resulted in significant changes in the species composition of Carabidae, with shifts towards species typical of arable fields and grassland. Carabid species active in spring and those that are very large (N17.0 mm) declined at pheasant release densities higher than 1000 birds/ha. Both effects are likely to be due to predation by pheasants at the peak of release in July–August, operating separately on larvae and adults respectively. There was an overall increase in the abundance of detritivores, including Diplopoda, Oniscoidea, Gastropoda (snails), at higher release densities. Mean release density in our study was 1489 ± 126 birds/ha (range 174–3409, n = 37 pens) and we suggest that detrimental effects on specialist woodland invertebrates would be minimized if releasing was conducted at the recommended density of 700 birds/ha.
Soil invertebrate communities are likely to be highly vulnerable to low soil moisture, caused by a reduction in summer rainfall which is predicted for some regions under current climate change scenarios. However, the effects of changes in summer rainfall on soil invertebrate assemblages have rarely been tested experimentally. In this study, samples were taken in 2003 and 2004 from a long-running field experiment, to investigate the impact of 10 years of experimental summer drought and increased summer rainfall manipulations on the soil fauna of a calcareous grassland. Summer drought altered the soil invertebrate assemblage in the autumn, immediately following treatment application, but by the following spring treatment effects were no longer apparent. The two most common root herbivore species responded differently to the summer rainfall manipulations. Larvae of the dominant root-chewing species, Agriotes lineatus, were more numerous under enhanced rainfall in both the spring and autumn. In contrast, abundance of the Coccoidea Lecanopsis formicarum was unaffected by the rainfall manipulations. The responses of root herbivores to an increased incidence of summer droughts are therefore likely to vary, depending on their feeding strategy and life history. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The silvicultural management of Scottish birch woodlands for timber production is replacing traditional low intensity management practices, such as domesticated livestock grazing. These new management practices involve thinning of existing woodlands to prescribed densities to maximize biomass and timber quality. Although presently infrequent, the wide scale adoption of this practice could affect invertebrate community diversity. The impact of these changes in management on Staphylinidae and Carabidae (Coleoptera) in 19 woodlands in Aberdeenshire, north-east Scotland was investigated. Grazing and logging practices were important determinants of beetle community structure. Woodland area had no effect on any measure of beetle community structure, although isolation did influence the abundance of one carabid species. Changes towards timber production forestry will influence the structure of invertebrate communities, although the scale at which this occurs will determine its effect.
Reproductive parameters of Mallard Anas platyrhynchos were investigated in relation to vegetative development, physical characteristics and invertebrate food abundance of a complex of flooded gravel quarries in southern Britain. Breeding pair density over the study area was particularly high with 2.2 pairs km(-1) of shoreline. Across all lakes breeding success was limited to an average of 0.9 ducklings fledged pair(-1), yet an associated study showed that very little of the mortality could be attributed to predation. The results of stepwise multiple regressions indicated that the availability of emerging insects was important in determining the breeding density and breeding success of Mallards rather than habitat structure. We suggest that the overall great availability of suitable nest-sites combined with the variable but unmeasured stocking densities of fish may explain the lack of the latter correlations.
On 16 UK livestock holdings within pastoral landscapes, we investigated the provision of plant and invertebrate resources for farmland birds in spring barley and winter wheat cereal-based whole crop silages as alternatives to maize and grass silages. The benefits of low input barley systems were also investigated; barley fields were subjected to two separate herbicide sub-treatments on a split-field design (high input broad-spectrum or low input narrow spectrum herbicides). The abundance of plant resources and invertebrates was assessed for three growing seasons during summer and winter for each crop type. The study clearly demonstrated the value of spring barley for the provision of plant resources when compared to the other silage cropping systems, whilst invertebrate responses were variable. No differences in plant and invertebrate resources were found between the barley treatments. Throughout the year, forage maize afforded the lowest provision of resources for farmland birds, and because it is likely that maize will continue to be grown in pastoral areas, the value of this habitat needs to be improved if farmland birds are to benefit. To provide plant and invertebrate resources for farmland birds in pastoral landscapes we strongly advocate the growing of spring sown barley whole-crop silage followed by over-wintering stubbles. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The soil microflora is very heterogeneous in its spatial distribution. The origins of this heterogeneity and its significance for soil function are not well understood. A problem for understanding spatial variation better is the assumption of statistical stationarity that is made in most of the statistical methods used to assess it. These assumptions are made explicit in geostatistical methods that have been increasingly used by soil biologists in recent years. Geostatistical methods are powerful, particularly for local prediction, but they require the assumption that the variability of a property of interest is spatially uniform, which is not always plausible given what is known about the complexity of the soil microflora and the soil environment. We have used the wavelet transform, a relatively new innovation in mathematical analysis, to investigate the spatial variation of abundance of Azotobacter in the soil of a typical agricultural landscape. The wavelet transform entails no assumptions of stationarity and is well suited to the analysis of variables that show intermittent or transient features at different spatial scales. In this study, we computed cross-variograms of Azotobacter abundance with the pH, water content and loss on ignition of the soil. These revealed scale-dependent covariation in all cases. The wavelet transform also showed that the correlation of Azotobacter abundance with all three soil properties depended on spatial scale, the correlation generally increased with spatial scale and was only significantly different from zero at some scales. However, the wavelet analysis also allowed us to show how the correlation changed across the landscape. For example, at one scale Azotobacter abundance was strongly correlated with pH in part of the transect, and not with soil water content, but this was reversed elsewhere on the transect. The results show how scale-dependent variation of potentially limiting environmental factors can induce a complex spatial pattern of abundance in a soil organism. The geostatistical methods that we used here make assumptions that are not consistent with the spatial changes in the covariation of these properties that our wavelet analysis has shown. This suggests that the wavelet transform is a powerful tool for future investigation of the spatial structure and function of soil biota. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Agricultural management of grassland in lowland Britain has changed fundamentally in the last 50 years, resulting in spatial and structural uniformity within the pastoral landscape. The full extent to which these changes may have reduced the suitability of grassland as foraging habitat for birds is unknown. This study investigated the mechanisms by which these changes have impacted on birds and their food supplies. We quantified field use by birds in summer and winter in two grassland areas of lowland England (Devon and Buckinghamshire) over 3 years, relating bird occurrence to the management, sward structure and seed and invertebrate food resources of individual fields. Management intensity was defined in terms of annual nitrogen input. There was no consistent effect of management intensity on total seed head production, although those of grasses generally increased with inputs while forbs were rare throughout. Relationships between management intensity and abundance of soil and epigeal invertebrates were complex. Soil beetle larvae were consistently lower in abundance, and surface-active beetle larvae counts consistently higher, in intensively managed fields. Foliar invertebrates showed more consistent negatively relationships with management intensity. Most bird species occurred at low densities. There were consistent relationships across regions and years between the occurrence of birds and measures of field management. In winter, there was a tendency towards higher occupancy of intensively managed fields by species feeding on soil invertebrates. In summer, there were few such relationships, although many species avoided fields with tall swards. Use of fields by birds was generally not related to measures of seed or invertebrate food abundance. While granivorous species were perhaps too rare to detect a relationship, in insectivores the strong negative relationships (in summer) with sward height suggested that access to food may be the critical factor. While it appears that intensification of grassland management has been deleterious to the summer food resources of insectivorous birds that use insects living within the grass sward, intensification may have been beneficial to several species in winter through the enhancement of soil invertebrates. Synthesis and applications. We suggest that attempts to restore habitat quality for birds in grassland landscapes need to create a range of management intensities and sward structures at the field and farm scales. A greater understanding of methods to enhance prey accessibility, as well as abundance, for insectivorous birds is required.
In this paper we review the experimental development of agri-environment measures for use on grasslands. Sward structure has been shown to have a strong influence on birds' ability to forage in grasslands, but the effects of food abundance on foraging behaviour are poorly understood and this hinders development of grassland conservation measures. The experiments described have a dual purpose: to investigate the foraging ecology of birds on grasslands and to test candidate management measures. Most of the work featured focuses on increasing invertebrate food resources during the summer by increasing habitat heterogeneity. We also identify important gaps in the habitats provided by existing or experimental measures, where similar dual-purpose experiments are required.
We have shown that there is significant disparity in the expression of uncoupling proteins (UCP) 2 and 3 between modern-commercial and ancient-Meishan porcine genotypes, commercial pigs also have higher plasma triiodothyronine (T(3)) in on the first day of life. T(3) and the sympathetic nervous system are both known to regulate UCPs in rodents and humans; their role in regulating these proteins in the pig is unknown. This study examined whether thyroid hormone manipulation or administration of a selective beta3 adrenoceptor agonist (ZD) influenced plasma hormones, colonic temperature and UCP expression in adipose tissue of two breeds of pig. To mimic the differences observed in thyroid hormone status, piglets from Meishan and commercial litters were randomly assigned to control (1 ml/kg water), T(3) (10 mg/kg) (Meishan only), methimazole (a commonly used antithyroid drug) (50 mg/kg) (commercial only) or ZD (10 mg/kg) oral administration for the first 4 days of postnatal life. Adipose tissue UCP2/3 mRNA abundance was measured on day 4 using PCR. T(3) administration raised plasma T(3) concentrations and increased colonic temperature on day 4. UCP3 mRNA abundance was higher in Meishan, than commercial piglets (p = 0.042) and was downregulated following T(3) administration (p = 0.014). Irrespective of genotype, ZD increased UCP2 mRNA abundance (Meishan p = 0.05, commercial p = 0.03). Expression of neither UCP2 nor 3 was related to colonic temperature, regardless of treatment. In conclusion, we have demonstrated a dissociation between thyroid hormones and the sympathetic nervous system in the regulation of UCPs in porcine adipose tissue. We have also suggested that expression of adipose tissue UCP2 and 3 are not related to body temperature in piglets.
Neonatal mortality is greater in commercial porcine genotypes, compared with the ancient Meishan breed that rapidly lay down adipose tissue; this may be related to hormones, such as triiodothyronine (T3) or leptin. Leptin is present in maternal milk; however, the extent to which this supply provides the neonate with leptin is unknown, but may play a role in growth and development. We investigated whether thyroid hormones and leptin concentrations in maternal milk differed between genotypes; and whether this influenced piglet concentrations or expression of genes involved in adipose tissue regulation. Eight Meishan and six commercial sows were entered into the study and milk samples from the day of parturition to day 4 postpartum was taken daily. The median birth weight piglet in each litter had a daily venous blood sample taken and was euthanised on day 4. Gene expressions of IGF-I, IGF-binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3), peroxisome proliferators activated receptor (PPAR) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) were measured in adipose tissue using real-time PCR. T3 was increased in Meishan milk, but not in piglet plasma. Milk thyroxine was similar between breeds but commercial piglet levels were significantly higher. Leptin was higher in commercial sow milk throughout the study. Milk leptin was strongly correlated to plasma leptin during the first postnatal days and also to organ and body weight in Meishan piglets that also had significantly higher expression of GR, but not IGF-I, IGFBP-3 or PPAR. In conclusion, we have found a significant disparity in the provision of thyroid hormones in Meishan and commercial sow’s milk. These changes are not always translated to plasma concentrations of hormone in the piglet. Leptin appears to have a stronger role in growth and development in the Meishan genotype compared with commercial; along with the increased GR expression, this may also represent a potential mechanism behind the rapid accumulation of adipose tissue in Meishan piglets.
Globally, plant-pollinator communities are subject to a diverse array of perturbations and in many temperate and semi-arid systems fire is a dominant structuring force. We present a novel and highly integrated approach, which quantifies, in parallel, the response to fire of pollinator communities, floral communities and floral reward structure. Mt Carmel, Israel is a recognised bee-flower biodiversity hotspot, and using a chronosequence of habitats with differing post-fire ages, we follow the changes in plant-pollinator community organisation from immediately following a burn until full regeneration of vegetation. Initially, fire has a catastrophic effect on these communities, however, recovery is rapid with a peak in diversity of both flowers and bees in the first 2 years post-fire, followed by a steady decline over the next 50 years. The regeneration of floral communities is closely matched by that of their principal pollinators. At the community level we quantify, per unit area of habitat, key parameters of nectar and pollen forage known to be of importance in structuring pollinator communities. Nectar Volume, nectar water content, nectar concentration and the diversity of nectar foraging niches are all greatest immediately following fire with a steady decrease as regeneration proceeds. Temporal changes in energy availability for nectar, pollen, total energy (nectar + pollen) and relative importance of pollen to nectar energy show a similar general decline with site age, however, the pattern is less clear owing to the highly patchy distribution of floral resources. Changes in floral reward structure reflect the general shift from annuals (generally low-reward open access flowers) to perennials (mostly high-reward and restricted access flowers) as post-fire regeneration ensues. The impact of fire on floral communities and their associated rewards have clear implications for pollinator community structure and we discuss this and the role of other disturbance factors on these systems.
Techniques that increase the biodiversity value of species-poor grassland are required if conservation targets aimed at reversing the decline in species-rich grassland are to be met. This study investigated the diversification of swards dominated by Lolium perenne by testing the efficacies of two treatments applied to reduce competitive exclusion of species introduced as seed. The 'biological' treatment was the addition of the hemiparasitic plant species introduced as seed. The 'biological' treatment was the application of a selective graminicide, fluazifop-P-butyl (Fusilade 250EW). Changes in plant community composition were monitored for a period of 2 years. Values of plant species richness increased significantly between years regardless of treatment, but to a greater extent in plots sown with R. minor. The number of established sown species and their richness and tended to promote unsown species rather than those introduced as seed. Overall, the R. minor treatment was associated with the greatest impact on sward composition, facilitating establishment and development of the introduced species and promoting forb abundance. (c) 2007 Gessellschaft fur Okologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Buffer strips are refuges for a variety of plants providing resources, such as pollen, nectar and seeds, for higher trophic levels, including invertebrates, mammals and birds. Margins can also harbour plant species that are potentially injurious to the adjacent arable crop (undesirable species). Sowing perennial species in non-cropped buffer strips can reduce weed incidence, but limits the abundance of annuals with the potential to support wider biodiversity (desirable species). We investigated the responses of unsown plant species present in buffer strips established with three different seed mixes managed annually with three contrasting management regimes (cutting, sward scarification and selective graminicide). Sward scarification had the strongest influence on the unsown desirable (e.g. Sonchus spp.) and unsown pernicious (e.g. Elytrigia repens) species, and was generally associated with higher cover values of these species. However, abundances of several desirable weed species, in particular Poa annua, were not promoted by scarification. The treatments of cutting and graminicide tended to have negative impacts on the unsown species, except for Cirsium vulgare, which increased with graminicide application. Differences in unsown species cover between seed mixes were minimal, although the grass-only mix was more susceptible to establishment by C. vulgare and Galium aparine than the two grass and forb mixes. Annual scarification can enable desirable annuals and sown perennials to co-exist, however, this practice can also promote pernicious species, and so is unlikely to be widely adopted as a management tool in its current form.
P>1. Management of lowland mesotrophic grasslands in north-west Europe often makes use of inorganic fertilizers, high stocking densities and silage-based forage systems to maximize productivity. The impact of these practices has resulted in a simplification of the plant community combined with wide-scale declines in the species richness of grassland invertebrates. We aim to identify how field margin management can be used to promote invertebrate diversity across a suite of functionally diverse taxa (beetles, planthoppers, true bugs, butterflies, bumblebees and spiders). 2. Using an information theoretic approach we identify the impacts of management (cattle grazing, cutting and inorganic fertilizer) and plant community composition (forb species richness, grass species richness and sward architecture) on invertebrate species richness and body size. As many of these management practices are common to grassland systems throughout the world, understanding invertebrate responses to them is important for the maintenance of biodiversity. 3. Sward architecture was identified as the primary factor promoting increased species richness of both predatory and phytophagous trophic levels, as well as being positively correlated with mean body size. In all cases phytophagous invertebrate species richness was positively correlated with measures of plant species richness. 4. The direct effects of management practices appear to be comparatively weak, suggesting that their impacts are indirect and mediated though the continuous measures of plant community structure, such as sward architecture or plant species richness. 5. Synthesis and applications. By partitioning field margins from the remainder of the field, economically viable intensive grassland management can be combined with extensive management aimed at promoting native biodiversity. The absence of inorganic fertilizer, combined with a reduction in the intensity of both cutting and grazing regimes, promotes floral species richness and sward architectural complexity. By increasing sward architecture the total biomass of invertebrates also increased (by c. 60% across the range of sward architectural measures seen in this study), increasing food available for higher trophic levels, such as birds and mammals.
1. Although the importance of plant community assemblages in structuring invertebrate assemblages is well known, the role that architectural complexity plays is less well understood. In particular, direct empirical data for a range of invertebrate taxa showing how functional groups respond to plant architecture is largely absent from the literature. 2. The significance of sward architectural complexity in determining the species richness of predatory and phytophagous functional groups of spiders, beetles, and true bugs, sampled from 135 field margin plots over 2 years was tested. The present study compares the relative importance of sward architectural complexity to that of plant community assemblage. 3. Sward architectural complexity was found to be a determinant of species richness for all phytophagous and predatory functional groups. When individual species responses were investigated, 62.5% of the spider and beetle species, and 50.0% of the true bugs responded to sward architectural complexity. 4. Interactions between sward architectural complexity and plant community assemblage indicate that the number of invertebrate species supported by the plant community alone could be increased by modification of sward architecture. Management practices could therefore play a key role in diversifying the architectural structure of existing floral assemblages for the benefit of invertebrate assemblages. 5. The contrasting effects of sward architecture on invertebrate functional groups characterised by either direct (phytophagous species) or indirect (predatory species) dependence on plant communities is discussed. It is suggested that for phytophagous taxa, plant community assemblage alone is likely to be insufficient to ensure successful species colonisation or persistence without appropriate development of sward architecture.