12 resultados para inaccuracy

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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There is much evidence that El Niño and La Niña lead to significant atmospheric seasonal predictability across much of the globe. However, despite successful predictions of tropical Pacific SSTs, atmospheric seasonal forecasts have had limited success. This study investigates model errors in the Hadley Centre Atmospheric Model version 3 (HadAM3) by analyzing composites of similar El Niño and La Niña events at their peak in December–January–February (DJF) and through their decay in March–April–May (MAM). The large-scale, tropical ENSO teleconnections are modeled accurately by HadAM3 during DJF but the strongest extratropical teleconnection, that in the North Pacific during winter, is modeled inaccurately. The Aleutian low is frequently observed to shift eastward during El Niño but the modeled response always consists of a deepening of the low without a shift. This is traced to small errors in the sensitivity of precipitation to SST in the tropical Pacific, which does not display enough variability so that the precipitation is always too high over the warmest SSTs. This error is reduced when vertical resolution is increased from 19 to 30 levels but enhanced horizontal resolution does not improve the simulation further. In MAM, following the peak of an El Niño or La Niña, atmospheric anomalies are observed to decay rapidly. The modeled ENSO response in DJF persists into MAM, making the extratropical anomalies in MAM too strong. This inaccuracy is again likely to be due to the high modeled sensitivity of tropical Pacific precipitation to SST, which is not significantly improved with enhanced vertical or horizontal resolution in MAM.


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The purpose of this study was to improve the prediction of the quantity and type of Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) produced from fermented substrate in the rumen of lactating cows. A model was formulated that describes the conversion of substrate (soluble carbohydrates, starch, hemi-cellulose, cellulose, and protein) into VFA (acetate, propionate, butyrate, and other VFA). Inputs to the model were observed rates of true rumen digestion of substrates, whereas outputs were observed molar proportions of VFA in rumen fluid. A literature survey generated data of 182 diets (96 roughage and 86 concentrate diets). Coefficient values that define the conversion of a specific substrate into VFA were estimated meta-analytically by regression of the model against observed VFA molar proportions using non-linear regression techniques. Coefficient estimates significantly differed for acetate and propionate production in particular, between different types of substrate and between roughage and concentrate diets. Deviations of fitted from observed VFA molar proportions could be attributed to random error for 100%. In addition to regression against observed data, simulation studies were performed to investigate the potential of the estimation method. Fitted coefficient estimates from simulated data sets appeared accurate, as well as fitted rates of VFA production, although the model accounted for only a small fraction (maximally 45%) of the variation in VFA molar proportions. The simulation results showed that the latter result was merely a consequence of the statistical analysis chosen and should not be interpreted as an indication of inaccuracy of coefficient estimates. Deviations between fitted and observed values corresponded to those obtained in simulations. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study a minimum variance neuro self-tuning proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller is designed for complex multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) dynamic systems. An approximation model is constructed, which consists of two functional blocks. The first block uses a linear submodel to approximate dominant system dynamics around a selected number of operating points. The second block is used as an error agent, implemented by a neural network, to accommodate the inaccuracy possibly introduced by the linear submodel approximation, various complexities/uncertainties, and complicated coupling effects frequently exhibited in non-linear MIMO dynamic systems. With the proposed model structure, controller design of an MIMO plant with n inputs and n outputs could be, for example, decomposed into n independent single input-single output (SISO) subsystem designs. The effectiveness of the controller design procedure is initially verified through simulations of industrial examples.


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Ten projects constructed in Ghana between 2003 and 2010 are examined and analysed to ascertain the reliability of estimated costs provided for the projects. Cost estimates for five of the projects were calculated by consultants and cost estimates for the five remaining projects were calculated by contractors. Cost estimates prepared by contractors seemed to be closer to actual costs than estimates calculated by consultants. Projects estimated by consultants experienced an average cost overrun of 40% and time overrun of 62% whereas projects priced by contractors experienced an average cost overrun of 6% and time overrun of 41%. It seemed that contractors had a better understanding of the actual construction processes and a clearer expectation of the needs of the client hence an ability to calculate estimates that were closer to reality. Construction clients in Ghana should rely on contractors for more realistic cost estimates as estimates by consultants may be inaccurate. Where consultants are employed, an allowance of up 40% should be added to the estimated costs as a margin for inaccuracy.


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A neural network enhanced proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller is presented that combines the attributes of neural network learning with a generalized minimum-variance self-tuning control (STC) strategy. The neuro PID controller is structured with plant model identification and PID parameter tuning. The plants to be controlled are approximated by an equivalent model composed of a simple linear submodel to approximate plant dynamics around operating points, plus an error agent to accommodate the errors induced by linear submodel inaccuracy due to non-linearities and other complexities. A generalized recursive least-squares algorithm is used to identify the linear submodel, and a layered neural network is used to detect the error agent in which the weights are updated on the basis of the error between the plant output and the output from the linear submodel. The procedure for controller design is based on the equivalent model, and therefore the error agent is naturally functioned within the control law. In this way the controller can deal not only with a wide range of linear dynamic plants but also with those complex plants characterized by severe non-linearity, uncertainties and non-minimum phase behaviours. Two simulation studies are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the controller design procedure.


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The use of data reconciliation techniques can considerably reduce the inaccuracy of process data due to measurement errors. This in turn results in improved control system performance and process knowledge. Dynamic data reconciliation techniques are applied to a model-based predictive control scheme. It is shown through simulations on a chemical reactor system that the overall performance of the model-based predictive controller is enhanced considerably when data reconciliation is applied. The dynamic data reconciliation techniques used include a combined strategy for the simultaneous identification of outliers and systematic bias.


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The growth (melt) rate of frazil ice is governed by heat transfer away from (towards) the ice crystal, which can be represented by the Nusselt number. We discuss choices for the Nusselt number and turbulent length scale appropriate for frazil ice and note an inaccuracy in the study ”Frazil evolution in channels“ by Lars Hammar and Hung-Tao Shen, which has also led to potentially significant errors in several other papers. We correct this error and suggest an appropriate strategy for determining the Nusselt number applicable to frazil ice growth and melting.


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A global river routing scheme coupled to the ECMWF land surface model is implemented and tested within the framework of the Global Soil Wetness Project II, to evaluate the feasibility of modelling global river runoff at a daily time scale. The exercise is designed to provide benchmark river runoff predictions needed to verify the land surface model. Ten years of daily runoff produced by the HTESSEL land surface scheme is input into the TRIP2 river routing scheme in order to generate daily river runoff. These are then compared to river runoff observations from the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) in order to evaluate the potential and the limitations. A notable source of inaccuracy is bias between observed and modelled discharges which is not primarily due to the modelling system but instead of to the forcing and quality of observations and seems uncorrelated to the river catchment size. A global sensitivity analysis and Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) uncertainty analysis are applied to the global routing model. The ground water delay parameter is identified as being the most sensitive calibration parameter. Significant uncertainties are found in results, and those due to parameterisation of the routing model are quantified. The difficulty involved in parameterising global river discharge models is discussed. Detailed river runoff simulations are shown for the river Danube, which match well observed river runoff in upstream river transects. Results show that although there are errors in runoff predictions, model results are encouraging and certainly indicative of useful runoff predictions, particularly for the purpose of verifying the land surface scheme hydrologicly. Potential of this modelling system on future applications such as river runoff forecasting and climate impact studies is highlighted. Copyright © 2009 Royal Meteorological Society.


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This paper demonstrates that the use of GARCH-type models for the calculation of minimum capital risk requirements (MCRRs) may lead to the production of inaccurate and therefore inefficient capital requirements. We show that this inaccuracy stems from the fact that GARCH models typically overstate the degree of persistence in return volatility. A simple modification to the model is found to improve the accuracy of MCRR estimates in both back- and out-of-sample tests. Given that internal risk management models are currently in widespread usage in some parts of the world (most notably the USA), and will soon be permitted for EC banks and investment firms, we believe that our paper should serve as a valuable caution to risk management practitioners who are using, or intend to use this popular class of models.


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Existing empirical evidence has frequently observed that professional forecasters are conservative and display herding behaviour. Whilst a large number of papers have considered equities as well as macroeconomic series, few have considered the accuracy of forecasts in alternative asset classes such as real estate. We consider the accuracy of forecasts for the UK commercial real estate market over the period 1999-2011. The results illustrate that forecasters display a tendency to under-estimate growth rates during strong market conditions and over-estimate when the market is performing poorly. This conservatism not only results in smoothed estimates but also implies that forecasters display herding behaviour. There is also a marked difference in the relative accuracy of capital and total returns versus rental figures. Whilst rental growth forecasts are relatively accurate, considerable inaccuracy is observed with respect to capital value and total returns.


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Cool materials are characterized by high solar reflectance and high thermal emittance; when applied to the external surface of a roof, they make it possible to limit the amount of solar irradiance absorbed by the roof, and to increase the rate of heat flux emitted by irradiation to the environment, especially during nighttime. However, a roof also releases heat by convection on its external surface; this mechanism is not negligible, and an incorrect evaluation of its entity might introduce significant inaccuracy in the assessment of the thermal performance of a cool roof, in terms of surface temperature and rate of heat flux transferred to the indoors. This issue is particularly relevant in numerical simulations, which are essential in the design stage, therefore it deserves adequate attention. In the present paper, a review of the most common algorithms used for the calculation of the convective heat transfer coefficient due to wind on horizontal building surfaces is presented. Then, with reference to a case study in Italy, the simulated results are compared to the outcomes of a measurement campaign. Hence, the most appropriate algorithms for the convective coefficient are identified, and the errors deriving by an incorrect selection of this coefficient are discussed.


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This paper integrates research on child simultaneous bilingual (2L1) acquisition more directly into the heritage language (HL) acquisition literature. The 2L1 literature mostly focuses on development in childhood, whereas heritage speakers (HSs) are often tested at an endstate in adulthood. However, insights from child 2L1 acquisition must be considered in HL acquisition theorizing precisely because many HSs are the adult outcomes of child 2L1 acquisition. Data from 2L1 acquisition raises serious questions for the construct of incomplete acquisition, a term broadly used in HL acquisition studies to describe almost any difference HSs display from baseline controls (usually monolinguals). We offer an epistemological discussion related to incomplete acquisition, highlighting the descriptive and theoretical inaccuracy of the term. We focus our discussion on two of several possible causal factors that contribute to variable competence outcomes in adult HSs, input (e.g., Sorace, 2004; Rothman, 2007; Pascual y Cabo & Rothman, 2012) and formal instruction (e.g., Kupisch, 2013; Kupisch et al., 2014) in the HL. We conclude by offering alternative terminology for HS outcomes.